Demon King, Don’t Run Away Chapter 874: Breaking Dragon NO.001


Countless crimson dragon pupils shot out bursts of red light, which reflected in all directions in the hall made of solid ice, forming dense light that left no one able to dodge.

Several beams of light rushed into the second-level passage where Yang Yu was.

Yang Yu dodged around, avoiding all the energy rays.

Without the slightest chance to breathe, Yang Yu heard footsteps coming from behind as the light splashed everywhere.

Two beautiful-looking transparent ice dolls walked out of their room and raised their hands in the air. The cold air turned into sharp blades in their hands.

The two ice dolls, one on the left and one on the right, coordinated with each other and attacked Yang Yu’s back.

Turn around, Yang Yu’s sword blade flew in the air, instantly removing the arms of the two ice dolls.

The arms of the ice dolls fell to the ground and broke into countless ice shards, but how could they mind if it was just an arm? Countless white cold air surged towards their neat fractures, and a new arm was rapidly forming. form.

Yang Yu naturally would not give them the chance to grow new arms.

With the flash of swords and the shadow of swords, Yang Yu tore the two ice dolls into pieces in the blink of an eye.

Unfortunately, these two ice dolls are just appetizers.

Yang Yu accidentally broke into the “boudoir” of the maids in this ice palace.

Just after the two ice dolls were eliminated, the doors to the second floor room opened one after another, and countless beautiful and graceful ice dolls poured out. They were holding different ice weapons and risking their lives. He rushed towards Yang Yu quickly.

Raising his shield and sword, Yang Yu cut off several ice puppets in succession, trying to use the ice cubes of the ice puppets to build a high defensive wall, but the ice puppets mercilessly killed his “companions” His body was ground into pieces, desperately trying to put Yang Yu to death.

Yang Yu gritted his teeth and resisted with difficulty, really afraid of what would come.

The worst happened, and the mysterious creature took over the ice palace.

Before seeing the true appearance of the mysterious creature, it was exposed.

Binluo said that the thing would set a trap, and even though he was on guard, he still inevitably fell into the monster’s trap.

How does it know my location? How do you control these puppets?

Bai Jin said that this palace is made of magic ice bricks, and the ice doll seems to be able to use the magic power stored in the ice bricks…

Could it be that the mysterious creature controls the magic power of the entire ice palace and can then control the entire ice palace?

It’s scary to think about it.

The entire ice palace itself is a huge trap.

Yang Yu retreated while fighting, and retreated to the stairs of the second floor.

The continuously reflecting light outside has stopped. The decorations that were beautiful just now have long been torn into countless ice shards by the red light and turned into white cold air.

The entire hall was as clean as a white square box, and Yang Yu seemed like a plaything placed in the box.

If you can’t find a way to break through, you will be trapped and die here sooner or later.

When being chased by the ice doll, Yang Yu was also thinking of countermeasures quickly. He grabbed the handrail, propped up his body, put his feet in contact with the smooth ice wall, and used [Climb] to fly over the wall.

The ice puppets followed Yang Yu and ran out of the second floor. However, these ice puppets could not fly over the walls like Yang Yu. They could only move in the direction of Yang Yu’s movement and try to catch up with Yang Yu.

More and more ice dolls poured out endlessly from the second floor, and in a short time, they filled the empty hall.

Standing on the ceiling, Yang Yu took a breath of cold air.

If you fall from the roof at this time, you will definitely be hugged from left to right, tightly pressed by those ice men like idols stacked on top of each other, taking away the heat from your body, and die on the spot.

The Ice Dolls are only level 30 or 40, and their attributes are not as high as expected. However, there are too many of them. In addition, they also have extremely terrifying regeneration abilities, so it is not suitable to fight with them.

What we have to do now is to find that mysterious monster, try to collect information, and then find a way to leave the palace, and think long-term to find a way to defeat it.

While Yang Yu was thinking about how such a huge dragon-shaped creature would hide in this ice palace, Yang Yu heard movement under the ice that made up the floor.

A flash of electricity flashed through Yang Yu’s mind, reminding him of the war in the Boots area last year.

Could it be that that thing used the same method as the Luoze Empire’s elite troops to hide under the ice?

As soon as this idea appeared in Yang Yu’s mind, a hole opened in the smooth ice floor.

Countless ice shards were projected in the direction of Yang Yu.

While moving around on the ceiling, Yang Yu still suffered a lot of damage from ice chips.

The ice blast was fleeting. He wiped the blood from his cheek to prevent it from flowing into his eyes. Yang Yu raised his head and looked above his head.

I saw a huge dark green lizard crawling out of the pit with its teeth and claws. Its red eyes turned, then it let out a deafening roar and crushed all the ice dolls in front of it with one foot. .

This creature is much smaller than the giant dragon Yang Yu saw, probably only about ten meters, and it has begun to take on the shape of a dragon.

It has very few goblin characteristics, but it is not completely absent. For example, the nose is slightly protruding forward, just like the goblin’s funny long nose.

【Breaking Dragon NO.001

Level: LV80

Race: Destroyer Dragon

HP: 145011/145011, MP: 84510/95400

Special: Dragon Power Lv.7 (damage received reduced by 14%, damage caused increased by 14%)

Strength 3155, Defense 2021, Intelligence 3574, Special Defense 2514, Agility 1125

Resistance: All attribute resistance +10%

Opening the panel, Yang Yu can see the attributes of the mysterious creature.

In addition to speed, the Dragon Breaker NO.001 is extremely excellent in all aspects, especially the special item, which also takes into account the power and defense of the legendary dragon.

Destroy Dragon NO.001 has very high attributes, but as He Meng said, it is not an invincible opponent.

Walking quickly on the ice wall, Yang Yu observed every move of Destroyer Dragon NO.001.

I saw the Broken Dragon NO.001 opening its mouth wide and roaring, and powerful wind pressure swept towards Yang Yu.

Yang Yu raised his shield to defend himself, but was bent down by the constant wind pressure.

Seeing that the roar was useless, the Destruction Dragon NO.001 stood up and waved its huge claws towards Yang Yu.

Three red claw strikes came towards him, and a strange light flashed on Yang Yu’s shield. The huge claw strike bounced back and hit the face of the Dragon No. 001.

A burst of smoke dissipated, and Dragon Breaker NO.001 turned a blind eye to the pain. He slapped the ground with his sickle-like hands. The ice puppet that was originally moving in the hall was instantly hit by the shock coming from the ice. Into countless fragments.

“Really or fake?”

In Yang Yu’s eyes, Destroyer Dragon .001 raised his hands, and the ice shards turned into ice dolls floated in the air. These fragments obeyed the instructions of Destroyer Dragon .001 and violently smashed towards Yang Yu.


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