Demon King, Don’t Run Away Chapter 870: Even I believe it




After the long registration process, Yang Yu calmly walked out of the VIP room of the Adventurer’s Guild, but he wanted to cover his face with his hands and find a crack in the ground to crawl in.

Screwed up.

Screwed up, no doubt screwed up this time.

Yang Yu never expected that the form was only for reading, and it was not him who actually filled it out, but Glalona.

Originally, Yang Yu just expressed his thoughts and gave a rough name, and then asked his companions to brainstorm to find a name for his adventure group.

As a result, Bai Jin, Ias and Hemeng had no reaction at all to the name he randomly named, and without any objection, Glalona also filled in the name Yang Yu casually mentioned.

The trick is that if you need to modify it after filling it in, it will cost you a chance to change the name.

Looking at his friends who all had expressions of “It’s settled”, Yang Yu felt indescribable embarrassment. Even now, he still can’t say, “I just picked that name casually. My intention was to let you For me, think about what this adventure group should be called.”

Yang Yu struggled for a long time on whether to confess and receive leniency, and finally chose to make the mistake.

Anyway, there are still three months before the name of your adventure group will be exposed. During this period, you can do everything you need to do, and then slowly think about a new name.

The reason for choosing to make mistakes is because Yang Yu is worried that Bai Jin and the others feel that he has not thought deeply about this incident, which will lead to doubts about some strange operations he will do in the future, which will affect the entire plan.

What happens next is when trust is most needed.

It’s rare that your partner trusts you so much, even if you make up, you have to make up a reason to call him that name.

After uncovering the desired task, Yang Yu asked Glalona to complete the procedures and then went to the drug store.

Before leaving, Yang Yu glanced at Glalona for the last time. Glalona waved to Yang Yu and the others with great enthusiasm and said goodbye to them.

Not long after leaving the Adventurer’s Guild, Bai Jin finally couldn’t suppress the curiosity in her heart and used Nianyu to communicate with Yang Yu: “We… the name of the adventure group is too public. ?

It seems that it is very different from the names of today’s S-level adventure groups… very special.

Besides, isn’t it inappropriate to use those two words? ”

Pinching half of his face, stopping the twitching corners of his mouth, and wiping down, Yang Yu responded to Bai Jin’s words seriously:

“Nothing wrong.

After all, we are a new S-level adventure group with no reputation in this world. If we don’t make some noise, we won’t be noticed by most S-level adventure groups.

They will only think that we are unknown people who jumped out from somewhere, are not worth mentioning, and are unwilling to understand us.

Although the name I chose is flamboyant, there is no doubt that it will arouse the interest of other S-class adventurers in us, and then take the initiative to investigate us.

If you want to obtain some high-end equipment, you cannot buy it with money.

You also heard what Glalona said just now. Most S-class adventure groups have rich backgrounds and will definitely have the equipment we need.

Exchanging things for things sometimes means not only exchanging things for things, but also exchanging things for love.

If we can make them take the time to understand us, we will be successful.

As long as we can make them understand our strength, we can get what we need from them without much effort.

Our time is running out.

It’s worth wasting an opportunity to name and gaining more time. ”

Yang Yu’s words were so clear and righteous that even he himself almost believed them.

This improvised explanation successfully convinced Bai Jin, and Bai Jin convinced others by reading her words.

Yang Yu managed to get through it.

Not long after leaving the adventurers to supply goods, they met the drug store owner.

After learning that Yang Yu had been promoted to a quasi-S-level adventure group, the drug store owner changed his previous dislike and told Yang Yu about the situation near the silver crystal grass.

Silver Crystal Grass is an extremely special medicinal herb. The picking method is very different from other methods of collecting medicinal herbs. The whole plant must be uprooted to ensure its effectiveness.

It is impossible for an experienced picker to uproot the silver crystal grass without a safe picking environment.

The task performed by Yang Yu and the others is also extremely simple, that is, before officially starting to collect, clean up all nearby monsters so that the pickers can pick with peace of mind.

The silver crystal grass has been out of stock for a long time.

At this time in previous years, the people in the medicine shop had already made a lot of money, but they did not expect that this year all the capable adventurers would go north, leaving no one to clean up the monsters.

If this continues, let alone accepting additional orders, existing orders will not be completed, and we will definitely lose everything.

Originally, the drugstore owner planned to lower the task requirements if no one else took over the task. Now when he saw Yang Yu, it was like seeing a savior.

In the past, two A-level adventure groups were enough. Yang Yu and the others were quasi-S-level, so they would definitely be enough.

The drugstore owner asked Yang Yu about their situation and heard that they could set off immediately. He immediately organized people to go to the Ghost Cold Forest.

Yang Yu and the others planned to have a light meal while they were preparing.

Just after Yang Yu turned over Lotkar’s bag, a slovenly passerby suddenly walked forward quickly and stretched out his hand towards Yang Yu.

Yang Yu reacted quickly and caught the sloppy man before the sloppy man caught him.

A strong smell of alcohol came from his body.

His face was pale, his eyes were sunken, and his mouth was full of stubble, but there was a light in his eyes, a light of hope.

Even though Yang Yu grabbed his wrist and pressed **** his wrist, there was no pain or shake on the face of the sloppy man.

“Please…please…you, please kill that thing quickly!

Only you can deal with that thing. I…I am a useless man.

I really can’t find anyone else, so I can only come here and beg you.

Please… please, you must avenge them.

What do you want? I will give you everything, including my life.

Please…kill that thing quickly.


The man’s voice was extremely trembling, and tears flowed down from the corners of his eyes. His knees couldn’t help but bend slightly, and he was about to kneel down towards Yang Yu.

Yang Yu grabbed his hand and lifted him up, preventing him from kneeling down. Then he pushed forward and made the man sit on the ground.

The light in the sloppy man’s eyes disappeared instantly, and his eyes looked dead.

Yang Yu let out a long sigh and said, “Uncle, you are not begging for help.

This is not the place to talk. Why don’t you change the place for a while?

Don’t be so confused. If you have anything to say, please tell me completely. ”


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