Demon King, Don’t Run Away Chapter 864: Reversed situation


After spending some time, Tico told Yang Yu the story of a man who was cursed by a strong curse, went through all kinds of hardships, was recognized by the saint, and finally lifted the curse and regained his life.

In that story, the prop used by the saint was the [Holy Light Catalyst Stone] that is said to come from heaven.

After that, Tico also told Yang Yu many stories about people being manipulated, including drug manipulation, mental manipulation, brainwashing control, etc., which were horrifying stories.

Due to the age, the authenticity of many stories cannot be tested, and Tico only allowed Yang Yu to use them as a negligible reference.

In Tico’s story, most people are released from control because they have strong minds or are severely frustrated in their minds, but there are also people who use drugs, rituals, and other methods to release control.

Regarding the succubus, Yang Yu asked Ti Ke to investigate alone, mainly investigating methods to remove the charm and methods to prevent being charmed.

Ti Ke investigated very carefully, and even went to the reporter Ke Keai who had caused trouble for them to confirm it personally.

Charm is also a very special kind of magic that not everyone can use.

What can be confirmed is that those who can use charm are basically women.

An interesting point is that a large proportion of the children born to people who can use charm are girls.

The most terrifying thing about charm magic is that the person being charmed has no idea that he has been charmed. Tico started from this point and taught Yang Yu some prevention methods.

Yang Yu diligently took out a small notebook and wrote down everything Ti Ke said.

The conversation started in the evening and lasted until midnight, before Tico managed to finish roughly half of what he had found.

When it was working time, Tico said hello to Yang Yu and went to help his master organize the bookshelf.

With the remaining half, Ti Ke prepared to wake up in the morning and finish talking to Yang Yu.

While Yang Yu was collecting information from Tico, the war situation was becoming increasingly unfavorable to the Luo Ze Empire.

In the military conference hall of the Luoze Empire, General Vayuan Jason held the battle status table and frowned.

Not only him, but most of the generals present also frowned, worried about the battle on the front line. They had not slept well for several days, for fear that when they closed their eyes, there would be news that the orc army had captured a city.

“The situation is worse than imagined. I didn’t expect the orcs to be able to burst out with such power.”

“They rejected our request to exchange prisoners.

This winter, we lost a lot of well-trained soldiers. If we don’t get those soldiers back, we will have to use untrained recruits.

Without well-trained recruits, it is easy for problems to arise, widening gaps in defense, and causing inestimable casualties.

During the recruitment, we made many promises to the soldiers. If we cannot fulfill them one by one…”

“What about the promises now? Those orc cubs obviously want to kill us. Faced with such danger, we should use everything we can use. I suggest that the country starts compulsory recruitment. , a last-ditch battle.”

“Calm down for a moment. Forced conscription and sending soldiers unfamiliar with combat to the battlefield may only boost the opponent’s morale. The orcs today seem to be very different from those we dealt with in the past.”

“Hmm. Centaurs, chiropterans, swamp frogmen, half-crocodiles, tail spears…

Special demi-human units came out one after another, making full use of their respective advantages and achieving impressive results in combat on various terrains.

The way the orcs command is completely different from before, it’s like a new army…

What is even more frightening is their high morale.

In contrast, the morale on our side has plummeted. The influence of the colorful-haired masked man has not completely disappeared, especially the soldiers who saw those images…

If you go to the battlefield like that, you will probably surrender soon, which is not considered combat power at all. ”

“The hateful colorful-haired masked man, is there no news about him yet? If we catch him, we must cut him into pieces. If it weren’t for him, our goal would have been achieved long ago!”

“Right now… there is no news about him. A group of impostors were caught on the border pretending to be them. He was ready to buy time before the news spread. He was completely I don’t know where he went.”

“That guy is quite dangerous. His performance in the negotiations shows that all this was premeditated. Maybe he is collecting information for the orcs in our country.”

“Since they are demi-humans, they should be easy to find. We can try to lay a dragnet.”

“It’s useless. Judging from last winter’s report, we can see some clues. The man with colorful hair and mask should look like a human. No, maybe he is human himself.

He can always come up with some weird things. It is estimated that he has mastered the ruins somewhere. We don’t know what kind of knowledge and power he got from the ruins.

Maybe he is the only one who knows the location of the ruins.

As smart as he is, he may have left himself a way out, and deliberately exposing the things in the ruins cannot be meaningless. ”

“Do you want to be captured alive?”

The conference hall was buzzing with chatter. They were originally discussing how to solve the current problem of the orc attack, but instead they turned to capturing the man with the colorful hair and the mask. It seemed that if the man with the colorful hair and the mask was not arrested, the battle would be impossible.

Luo Hui, the emperor of the Luo Ze Empire, frowned as he watched all this.

The positions of the Luoze Empire and the Wansheng Kingdom were completely reversed. After the negotiation broke down that day, the Luoze Empire only received some negligible “compensation” from the dragon.

Some compensations are different from others. For example, Wansheng Kingdom is completely prohibited from using attacks that can burn down cities.

Now it’s a passive defense. There are mostly civilians in the city, and the man with colorful hair and mask is nowhere to be seen. No one will attack the city with that kind of attack.

Caifa Mask did not kill anyone when he escaped, but just knocked them to the ground. Even if the Luoze Empire was shameless, it did not gain even a little more benefit from the dragon or Wansheng Kingdom. , let alone want to completely suspend this war.

Luo Hui let out a long sigh, and the debate in the conference room stopped immediately, and everyone looked at the emperor of this country.

Luo Hui looked at the silent minister of the intelligence department and said:

“How is it? Mr. Ryusu, do you know the reason why the other party suddenly launched a war?”

Liu Qi’s beautiful eyes narrowed slightly, as if it was difficult to speak.

Emperor Luo Hui vaguely noticed something and said, “Why…is there anything I can’t say?”

Ryusu said: “No, because… what I am going to say next is really special. Therefore, I hope to have a private chat with His Majesty later.”

“It doesn’t matter, let’s tell everyone here.”

After hearing His Majesty’s order, Liu Qi hesitated, but still followed His Majesty’s orders and told the information he had investigated:

“Back to Your Majesty, the orcs already know our true purpose.”


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