Demon King, Don’t Run Away Chapter 846: Unloading mill and killing donkey


The second negotiation between Luoze Empire and Wansheng Kingdom began.

And this will eventually become the last negotiation.

As soon as the negotiations began, the Luoze Empire implemented its own policy and issued a series of opinions on ceasefire and truce issues.

Yang Yu sat in his original position, quietly watching the Luo Ze Empire show off on the court.

When they had finished talking, Yang Yu spoke, saying that he would continue to stick to his own side.

The Luo Ze Empire did not agree, so Yang Yu took out the note and passed it among the team, asking the negotiators from the Wansheng Kingdom to straighten their chests and stomachs, and sit in their seats motionless and silent.

The scene fell into silence.

Not long after, a general of the Luoze Empire felt anxious and tapped his fingers on the negotiation table impatiently.

This sound seemed to be beating on the hearts of other negotiators in the Luoze Empire, and annoyance gradually spread.

Actually, Yang Yu said he had five trump cards. He was lying. He said he could make the Luoze Empire surrender and Wansheng Kingdom get what he wanted. It was a lie. He said he could force the Luoze Empire to sign a contract instantly. The armistice agreement is also a lie.

All of this is Yang Yu’s bragging.

What Yang Yu said to Ming Dalak was both true and false.

It’s been completed to show off and explode in advance.

All we have to do now is wait.

Even now, Yang Yu can feel the severity of the situation.

There are many things that will not change according to his will. The more people he comes into contact with, the harder it is to confirm everyone’s inner thoughts and the harder it is to predict the specific direction of the story.

The probability of success of this backup plan is only 70%, and compared with the original plan, the side effects of this backup plan are too great.

If the original plan goes ahead, Yang Yu can escape smoothly even if nothing unexpected happens.

If you adopt a backup plan and the expected thing does not happen, the boast will not be fulfilled, and the screen will be full of embarrassment.

However, Yang Yu’s worries disappeared yesterday.

What I expected happened.

The titles of the people negotiating on behalf of Wansheng Kingdom have all changed.


It is no longer the Wansheng Kingdom it used to be.

The braided General Luo Ze hammered his right hand heavily on the negotiating table, broke the silence for more than half an hour, and shouted with great dissatisfaction:

“Hey! Negotiator opposite! Let me tell you, when do you plan to sit down?”

Yang Yu just sneered, raised his chin, put his feet on the table carelessly, and said extremely arrogantly: “You must complete all our requirements, otherwise we will sit as long as you want, and we will sit as long as you want!”

“Potato Thorns, don’t go too far! This is the negotiation table, not a place for you to make unreasonable troubles! Show me some respect.” The braided General Luo Ze was furious.

General Volshi of the Luoze Empire stroked his mustache and looked displeased.

Originally, he was not included in this trip, but in order to gain more benefits, he embarked on the journey.

Sitting for long periods of time is not good for the health of an elderly person like him.

Yang Yu changed his legs on the negotiating table, and his words were full of contempt:

“Who is making unreasonable trouble first? All of us here know it. I want to hear your reasons for starting this war.”

Faced with this situation, several General Luo Ze could not resist the urge to go up and beat Yang Yu, but they still held back.

Ladis frowned. She slightly leaked some chips last time. She originally thought that Wanshengguo’s attitude would be somewhat relaxed, but it seemed that they had been dissatisfied.

Although this result was expected by the Luoze Empire, they did not expect that Wansheng Kingdom would take such a tough stance just three days later.

“The cause of the war has been made very clear.” Ladis looked at the information at hand, and did not show the anxiety in her heart. She said with a smile, “If the opponent’s chief referee agrees, we will The items will be broken down and discussed separately…”

Before Ladis finished speaking, the correspondent of the Luoze Empire ran into the conference hall with a panicked look, walked quickly to General Volshi, and whispered in his ear.

General Volshi suddenly changed his expression and looked in disbelief: “What did you say? Is this news reliable?”

The soldier nodded desperately and couldn’t help but make a sound: “The orc troops crossed our country’s border and launched surprise attacks on our country in three directions: the North Frozen River Basin, the Nokoqi Forest, and the Caucasus Plateau!”

General Luo Ze at the scene was in an uproar and looked at Yang Yu.

Yang Yu had already put down his legs, stood up, and smiled, but there was a bit of helplessness in his smile.

There are many smart people in Wansheng Kingdom, and it is impossible for them not to realize what they themselves are aware of.

Purge the incompetent nobles, reform the system, unite all sub-Asians…

For this reason, we will not hesitate to cooperate with the Curse Sect…

The special demi-human troops who allowed the troops to attack human civilians, deliberately agreed to unequal prisoner exchange requests, and were belatedly arrived for an unknown amount of time…

Many reasonable and absurd things.

They who have been silently being beaten must be pursuing something. A truce alone, especially such an abrupt truce, cannot achieve their goals.

In their hearts, they also long for war.

After a truce, if you start a war again, you will be punished.

But before the armistice agreement is signed, there will be no unpleasant penalties for starting a war again.

It is not uncommon to negotiate and fight at the same time.

The dragons have no rules and cannot launch surprise attacks during the negotiation period.

Of course, this sudden surprise attack is not without cost.

The price is nothing more than the envoys being detained by other countries.

I have long become a stumbling block in their eyes.

The fruits of victory that we strive for together are sweet, and there is no need for a single invincible hero on the battlefield.

I am destined to be sealed by them, and I will kill the donkey with one move.

“Chief Negotiator opposite, can you explain the current situation?” Ladis asked seriously.

“Ah, it’s a little troublesome to explain.

I’m too lazy to explain.

Let you experience the technology you have never seen before! ”

As Yang Yu spoke, he took out the M18 smoke grenade from the system, pulled off the ring, and threw it on the conference table.

Suddenly thick blue smoke spurted out from the green bottle and poured into the entire conference hall.

The Luo Ze Empire negotiating team doesn’t know what Yang Yu used, but judging from the available information, the colorful-haired masked man in front of them must have been in contact with ancient ruins. These smokes must have some special effects, and they must not be used. touch!

While Luo Ze Empire’s negotiators were using their useless skills to defend against the thick smoke, Yang Yu hooked his fingers, and patches of thorns immediately grew out of the ground and swept over them.


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