Demon King, Don’t Run Away Chapter 841: You are cold, you are ruthless


Rebuke came one after another, and the situation got out of control for a time. Ladis knocked on the table with a folding fan, glanced at the aggressive negotiator Luo Ze present, and issued an order:

“Everyone, please calm down and don’t insult the name of Luo Ze Empire.”

“Excuse me, Your Highness.”

After receiving Ladis’s timely instruction, negotiator Luo Ze who stood up immediately restrained himself a lot and sat back to his original position with different postures.

After confirming that everyone had “calmed down”, Ladis faced Yang Yu and spoke on behalf of the Luo Ze Empire:

“As you can see.

Chief negotiator opposite, you massacred our soldiers in such an inhumane way. Our country simply cannot tolerate your atrocities.

The dragon sets the rules so that we can decide the outcome openly and honestly.

If you adopt that method, you will win without force.

The braided general echoed:

“I agree with His Highness, this is simply cheating and there is no fairness at all.

Chief Negotiator opposite, do you know how much our army has invested in this war?

Now you are using cheating methods to demand that we pay compensation and withdraw our troops. This is going too far. ”

Some people sing bad words, and naturally some people sing red faces.

A white-haired negotiator from the Luoze Empire with an elegant long beard said:

“General Lockage, please be careful, we are on the negotiating table now. Speaking of investment, Wansheng Kingdom also invested a lot in this war.

The rules must be revised.

But before the revision… I think Wanshengguo’s crimes should be properly liquidated.

Only after you realize your mistake can we continue to talk peacefully. ”

The white-haired negotiator’s tone was calm, but he secretly laid a trap in his words, and his heart was full of viciousness.

What Luo Ze Empire said and did made Yang Yu gradually understand the Luo Ze negotiation team’s negotiating policy.

No matter who it is, they can never leave their mouths about the fire in Liangcheng and the inhumanity and inhumanity of Yang Yu.

He also indirectly told everyone present that without the fire in Benliang City, the war situation would have been completely different from what it is now.

No matter what era it is, it is the same.

Some people know that they are at a disadvantage in negotiations and will start to make trouble unreasonably.

Think of ways to pluck out what others are doing and stab them.

Use this thorn again to cut open other people’s skin and swallow blood and flesh.

The funny thing is that this kind of behavior of children throwing tantrums is often very effective.

Wansheng Kingdom and Luoze Empire are neighboring countries, just like two neighbors.

As long as one party desires peaceful development, it is impossible to completely break up and fight to the death.

In order to achieve “peace”, the dominant party must make appropriate concessions.

As long as the disadvantaged party finds a way to figure out where the other person’s bottom line is and stops in time, they can get more of what they want.

For example, the neighbor’s kid took a fancy to your little train and came up to grab it, but you punched him.

If he cries and tells his parents that he wanted your little train and robbed it from you, his parents may not help him, but will beat him again.

But he cried and told his parents that he just wanted to borrow your little train to play with for a few days. His parents might come to seek justice for his child, saying: “You can’t even fight.” I’ll let him play for a few days.”

If you are really soft-hearted, lend it to him.

Very good, I guess it will be difficult to get your little train back in the future.

The work of testing the bottom line of the Luoze Empire has begun.

If Yang Yu does not expect it, once Wansheng Kingdom makes concessions, Luo Ze Empire will make further progress.

They may say that they have invested so much, but now the people in the country are struggling to make ends meet and cannot make ends meet. As compensation for the inhumane treatment of Wansheng Kingdom, they hope to rent the Serowomen Plain for a period of time.

Then, based on Wanshengguo’s reaction, they will decide whether to stop at the right time or continue to push further.

Maybe they will also use the unfinished city walls and cannons as bargaining chips and leave them to Wansheng Kingdom for maintenance.

Since the other party decided to act unreasonably like a shameless child, Yang Yu couldn’t let them get their wish.

There are only two keys to dealing with naughty children.

Either be more bearish and unreasonable than a naughty child; or be a bigger person than an adult and let a naughty child understand the cruelty of the world.

As the dominant side, and with a giant dragon recording this meeting, naturally it cannot be more arrogant than the naughty child, and there is only one choice left.

In full view of everyone, Yang Yu stood up from his chair.

Suddenly, the eyes of all Luo Ze negotiators were focused on him, intending to look at this man from head to toe, find his few flaws, and become a hero of the Luo Ze Empire.

However, the next scene surprised everyone present and shocked them.

I saw Yang Yu bend down very simply, put his hands on the table, and then knocked his forehead on the huge round table.

The scene was completely silent until Yang Yu’s voice broke the silence:

“I’m so sorry.

I am extremely sorry for using fire to take away the lives of so many Luo Ze soldiers!

I must apologize again to all the soldiers who died in the fire and to their families.

I’m so sorry! ”

Yang Yu’s voice echoed in the hall and was clearly audible. No one failed to hear what Yang Yu just said.

It was precisely because every word Yang Yu said was clearly audible that they were all in disbelief that the man with colorful hair and mask, who was almost invincible, could apologize so simply.

The Luo Ze Empire negotiators looked at each other, unable to accept this result for a while.

After a while, several Luo Ze Empire negotiators showed faint smiles on their faces.

In their opinion, Yang Yu was surprisingly easy to deal with. This is not surprising, as long as he is not really sneering, after seeing that scene, the humanity in his heart will be touched to some extent, and this will become his only weakness.

Discovering that the monster is not invincible, these Luo Ze negotiators suddenly became a little arrogant and said:

“Just apologizing will not end it. We have no way to confirm how sincere you are.”

“I know that just apologizing can’t solve the problem, and I know that you can’t confirm whether my apology is sincere, but…

I have apologized.

I can apologize for what I did, even if you think it doesn’t necessarily come from the sincerity, I do apologize.


Yang Yu raised his head, and a sharp look burst out from under his mask, making the Luo Ze negotiation team shudder.

This time, he only asked his inner question:

“…What about you?

Can the Luoze Empire apologize for what you have done?

Even if you don’t mean it, can you apologize for what you did…

I apologize to all the soldiers of Wansheng Kingdom who died on the battlefield and were killed by you. ”


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