Demon King, Don’t Run Away Chapter 840: Harlequin


Led by human soldiers, Yang Yu led the team to their destination.

After settling his team, he and the negotiating team patiently waited for the first negotiation.

The negotiation will be held at the human consulate in the north of Malchik. The time for the first negotiation is set at three o’clock this afternoon.

Choose this time. When there is no progress in the negotiation, the two parties can use the rhetoric “It’s dinner time. After a full meal, each other will report intelligence to the senior management and prepare for the next negotiation” to escape smoothly and avoid being meaningless. A waste of time.

As the first negotiation approached, two giant dragons, one black and one red, flew out of the crack in the sky and landed in Malzik City.

Their huge bodies did not crush any houses or cause any vibrations.

They are just phantoms of the dragon.

Even if it is not a physical entity, the magic power in the phantom is still enough for the dragon to cope with most situations and support the true body.

Phantoms last a long time.

As long as you keep it still, it can last for up to a month.

Without deliberate delay, this period of time is enough for the two countries to sign an armistice agreement.

Due to the existence of the dragon, the negotiating teams of the two countries did not have to worry about being ambushed by people with evil intentions along the way.

As soon as the time came, the negotiating teams from the two countries headed to the negotiation location.

Before leaving, Yang Yu asked Bai Jin and the others not to get too close to the negotiation site and not to walk around casually.

Yang Yu did not expect that he would meet Ladis again in this way.

Although they only met a few times, Yang Yu left a deep impression on her.

If while talking, Ladis suddenly remembered that she had seen him before and insisted that he was a human being, it would not end well later.

He is not the only one Ladis has seen.

When trading with Chirom, Yang Yu brought Ias with him, so Ladis also met Ias.

In addition, Lotkar and Yingluo are famous people in the Library of All Things. The news of Silver Wolf leaving Yingluo should spread like wildfire, and Ladis in the Library of All Things should have heard some rumors.

Hearing Lotkar’s name and seeing the huge silver wolf, Ladis would inevitably not become suspicious.

Fortunately, after entering the city, Lotkar canceled the transformation in order to facilitate placement.

Ladis should not be able to recognize Lotkar’s orcish posture.

Before, Yang Yu appeared in that exaggerated manner in order to attract Ladis’s attention as much as possible and prevent her from paying attention to other people in the carriage.

In order for the plan to proceed smoothly, we cannot allow others to associate the two names Potato and Thorns with Yang Yu.

The negotiating parties were getting closer and closer to the negotiation site. The red dragon lowered its eyes and stared directly at Yang Yu.

The dragons are also watching the progress of this negotiation.

“It’s finally about to begin. I don’t know where this meeting will lead the history of the world.” Heiro, the black dragon, said while sitting in the hall full of bubbles.

“No matter where it leads, we can only watch silently.” The pink dragon Merubi said.

“Hehehehehehe.” For some reason, the bronze dragon Owen was in an unprecedented high mood and smiled secretly.

Only Marios remained silent and continued to watch Yang Yu as he walked into the vast conference hall.

When everyone entered the conference hall, Marios slipped her consciousness into the hall and began to listen meticulously to every sound and observe everyone’s movements and expressions.

After confirming that everyone was ready, her voice rang out in the conference hall without warning.

“Both sides have settled. Now we invite both sides to elaborate on the terms of the armistice. First, let’s start with the Wansheng Kingdom side.”

Arke stood up on behalf of Wanshengguo and read out Wanshengguo’s demands.

The Luoze Empire unconditionally withdraws all troops stationed in the Wansheng Kingdom, returns all orc captives, apologizes and pays compensation, ensures the circulation and free trade of important supplies, and will not invade the Wansheng Kingdom for the next fifty years.

Taking into account some minor matters, Alke read out all Wanshengguo’s demands for a full five minutes.

Although complex, every requirement is reasonable.

However, the Luoze Empire would not agree to this reasonableness.

“…If your country can agree to our demands, our Wansheng Kingdom is not unwilling to make peace with the Luoze Empire and resume normal trade.”

Before Alke finished speaking, a disdainful click of tongue sounded in the spacious hall.

“Rebuilding it again? I’m talking nonsense.” The voice came from a curly-haired general from the Luoze Empire. It seemed like he was muttering, but everyone present could hear what he said.

Many of the orcs sitting in the seats suddenly changed their expressions.

“You are not qualified to negotiate terms here.”

An orc negotiator stood up and slapped the case. Everyone present looked at him. It wasn’t until Yang Yu’s eyes were fixed on him that the negotiator bowed his head and apologized, said “I’m sorry”, and returned angrily. In his original seat.

Ladis, who was facing Yang Yu, coughed slightly. The curly-haired general curled his lips and glanced to the side.

The clowns on both sides have already taken the field, and now it depends on how the enemy will attack.

Ladis looked at the Intelligence Minister Liu Qi next to her. Liu Qi stood up with understanding and said:

“We have indeed received your country’s request. In fact, you have made so many reasonable requests, some of which are beyond our expectations, and some of which have already met our acceptable standards.

However, there are also a few unreasonable aspects in your requests.

We will put forward corresponding modification suggestions for those unreasonable places, and we hope you can accept them. ”

It seemed like he was speaking normally, but Liuqi was using his own magnetic voice to lighten the atmosphere of the scene.

After confirming that there were no other sounds at the scene, Liuqi was just about to speak.

At this time, a braided General Luo Ze hammered the round table hard, and the majestic sound echoed in the conference room. He suddenly stood up, startling Ladis, and stood up on his own. , raised his voice, and took the lead in launching an attack:

“Unacceptable, I will never accept this result.

We have been preparing for this winter’s battle for so long!

This winter, on the frontal battlefield, we can exert our original strength and we will never lose to you orcs.

If you hadn’t used that despicable and despicable method, we would be sure to capture the Serovo Gate Plains. ”

As soon as General Braid finished speaking, other Luo Ze negotiators present echoed:

“In order to avoid a large number of dead in this war, the use of super-large magic was prohibited.

I don’t know how you bypassed the judgment, but your approach obviously goes against the original intention of the dragon in formulating the rules. I will never accept the situation of the war and fall to the orcs because of your despicability and cruelty.

On behalf of the Luoze Empire and the soldiers who died in the fire, I strongly condemn you. We will protest to the dragon. ”

“We can accept a truce in this war, provided that you, Wansheng State, pay a corresponding price for what you have done!”


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