Demon King, Don’t Run Away Chapter 839: The actors gather


Marzik, the negotiating team of the Luoze Empire has been waiting for a long time.

Their negotiating team also consists of a chief negotiator and 16 negotiators, and they are also intensively preparing for the next negotiations.

After receiving a report from a guard, a tall and slender general stepped on the thin ice on the street and came to a red-haired girl and reported:

“Your Highness Ladis, the negotiation team from Wansheng Kingdom has arrived.”

Looking away from the document, with light red hair, the third princess of the Luo Ze Empire, Ladis Chimiya Luo Ze, handed the document in her hand to the staff on the side.

“Is it finally here…”

Ladis originally studied magic in the Library of All Things to help the country access the information it needed. After the war situation changed, she returned to the country under the order of Emperor Luo Hui.

Back in the country, before her **** was warmed up, Ladis was assigned by her father to Malzik to participate in the negotiation.

To be honest, Ladis is not good at negotiating.

She didn’t think she could achieve impressive results in this kind of intrigue and smokeless war of words.

What’s more, this negotiation was passive from the beginning.

For negotiation, her handsome second brother should be invited. Ladis believes that the second prince is a hundred times better than her in negotiation.

Ladis doesn’t know why his father chose her.

Could it be that you are deliberately cultivating me?

But even if you want to train, you should still train your big brother…

In fact, my father has been working hard to train his eldest brother to become a qualified heir. Unfortunately, his eldest brother does not appreciate it. He just wants to be a quiet fish and live in peace with Miss Rosalind.

It is precisely because the eldest brother is so virtuous that his father assigned him to fight in Yenodore, hoping that he can improve.

Don’t choose the eldest brother, but choose her…

Did the eldest brother say something he shouldn’t have said to his father after returning to the palace?

When I first saw my father, he had a sad face. I originally thought that he was just worried about the war, but now it seems that it is more than that.

As for why the second brother was not chosen… The second brother once said that he was a neutral faction. When he was young, the second brother foolishly asked his father why he wanted to go to war with the orcs…

You can’t entrust such an important matter to someone with an ambiguous attitude, so you used the elimination method and finally chose me?

No matter the reason, since she represented the royal family, Ladis decided to do her best to do her part.

Only in this way can the name of Luo Ze Empire be lived up to.

Seeing Ladis’s delay in taking action, a woman in exquisite clothes beside her said, “Your Highness Ladis, on behalf of the Luoze Empire, I will come out to greet you.”

Ladis declined and said: “No, I’ll go out to greet you personally. Ms. Liuqi will continue to prepare here. If I don’t do a good enough job by then, please help me.”

“Since Your Highness Ladis is so insistent, I understand.”

Liu Qi didn’t say anything else, just watched Ladis go away with the attendant.

Soon, Ladis arrived at the center of the city.

A white line runs through Malzik’s central square, dividing the city into two.

The architectural styles on the north and south sides of the border are completely different, but very similar.

The areas built by orcs have many wooden attics, while the areas built by humans are mainly made of gravel and bricks.

In the central square of this city, there was originally a magnificent sculpture, which served as the dividing point between the two countries, pressing on the white line.

After that sculpture was split in two by a fox orc, a second sculpture was never erected.

No need to look for it, Ladis saw from a distance the Wansheng Country negotiating team approaching, surrounded by elite soldiers.

The carriage slowly stopped. Someone kicked open the door of the carriage. A suitcase was roughly thrown out of the carriage. A man with colorful hair and a mask jumped up from the carriage, elegant and elegant. Falling steadily to the ground.

He straightened up and raised his chin slightly.

At that moment, he seemed to be the focus of the crowd.

Ladis had also heard a little about the demonic behavior of the man with colorful hair and mask. It was he who burned down their troops without changing his expression and with a clear conscience, causing Luo Ze’s soldiers to lose their will to fight and eventually leading to the collapse of the battle line.

Ladis has also seen the scenes recorded in the memory crystal.

When talking about it, when they met for the first time, she had a surge of stomach acid and almost couldn’t control herself.

The advanced memory crystal can not only record the picture, but also the sound at that time.

Looking at the memory crystal alone is like being there.

After seeing the things in the memory crystal, Ladis couldn’t sleep well for several days, and it took her a long time to adapt.

Before the negotiations officially began, the top brass of the Luo Ze Empire predicted that the Wansheng Congress would send men with colorful hair and masks to attack.

Ladis had also imagined what kind of expression she would show when facing the man with colorful hair and mask. Hatred, fear, and rage were all possible, but after she actually saw the man with colorful hair and mask, But all I felt was surprise.

Look carefully at the man with colorful hair and mask in front of you again.

Besides the accident, Ladis still had no second emotion.

The man in front of her did not give Ladis any feeling of being a devil. He only gave her the feeling of a playboy: “I am the only one in heaven and on earth. All you have to do is look at me.”

The Wanshengguo negotiators on other carriages came down one after another.

As a royal daughter, Ladis pulled up her skirt slightly and performed the court ceremony.

“I am the third princess of the Luoze Empire. My name is Ladis. Chimiya. Luoze. On behalf of the Luoze Empire, I would like to welcome all the envoys of the negotiation team.”

After adjusting his collar, the man with colorful hair and mask said naturally:

“It’s an honor to meet you, Her Royal Highness the Third Princess. I am the chief negotiator of Wansheng Kingdom, named Potato Thorns.”

As soon as the man with colorful hair and mask opened his mouth, Ladis felt that the voice was somewhat familiar, as if she had heard it somewhere.

Before Ladis could think about it, the man with colored hair and mask in front of her continued:

“I’ve kept you waiting for a long time, I guess you can’t wait to start the meeting.

I think so too.

I was on the carriage, and I already had a lot of things I wanted to say.

But all of this has to wait until the afternoon before we can tell it all.

I hope you, when the time comes, don’t say anything to me, you have nothing to say.

The man with colorful hair and mask immediately showed his sharpness after saying hello, and an invisible pressure suddenly pressed on Ladis, causing her to throw away what she was thinking about.

If you ask a question like “Have we met somewhere before?” now, he might think that he is trying to get close to him, thinking that the Luoze Empire wants to gain benefits by trying to please him.

If the other party didn’t look good on her, Ladis would naturally not ask for trouble. She just said out of etiquette:

“Then let me wait and see. We have finished preparations here. Seeing that you have been tired from traveling, you can go to your base and take a good rest, so as not to say some questions that should not be said later.”


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