Demon King, Don’t Run Away Chapter 1: I will choose to start as a civilian


The sun shines through the gaps in the leaves in the forest. The player Yang Yu takes his sword and does not follow the avenue, but follows the path to find the lone slime in the bushes.

The scorching sun burns the skin, the cool breeze blows over the face, and the fatigue evoked by running for a long time, all this is like being in reality.

With a wave of his hand, the translucent black panel unfolded, and attributes, props, skills, equipment, tasks, and achievements were lined up in sight.


Name: Yang Yu (ID: Tumbling Potato) Level: LV1 Experience Value: 0/20

Race: Human (poor) HP: 28/28 MP: 30/30 Physical value: 15/20

Main occupation: None

Sub-professional: Herbalist Apprentice (LV1)

Personal attributes: Strength 5, Defense 4, Intelligence 6, Special Defense 2, Agility 12, Charm 3, Endurance 2, Luck 1

Free attribute points: 0

Resistance: None

Evaluation: You are Nobi Nobita among all living beings. You can’t do anything, but you can run pretty fast. 】

[Items: Low-level healing herbs*10. 】


General: attack (unarmed), defense (unarmed), passive – automatic translation (your language is connected to this world.)

Herbalist Apprentice: Passive – Herbalism (identify low-level herbs), Passive – Farming (increase production by 5%)

Skill points: 0]

[Equipment: Rusty Iron Sword: Attack +3. 】


You want to be an adventurer, but your parents strongly oppose it. You need to prove your strength to convince your parents.

Quest requirements: Defeat a slime.

Reward: 2000G start-up capital, 20 low-level healing herbs, 200 experience, three lottery draws (novice benefits: 50% skills, 20% props, 20% garbage, 10% equipment)

Penalty for giving up: -50% experience gain. 】

[Achievements: None. Reputation: 0]

Nothing gives a player more peace of mind than seeing the game board.

If he hadn’t seen the game panel displaying his poor numerical values, Yang Yu would have thought he was in a different world.

One day ago, after a 72-hour sleepless and non-stop battle with a new hell-difficulty game from Company A, he dove into bed.

In his dream, he came to a room of less than ten square meters filled with game consoles from all generations.

Whether it is the vintage Yadali game console or a variety of modern game consoles, you can find traces here.

In the center of the room, a carefree bespectacled girl wearing slippers was sitting around eating potato chips and playing King of Fighters. Seeing Yang Yu coming, she made introductions while kneading the handle and ravaging the boss at the end of the level.

She calls herself a god, named Spades.

As a staunch dialectical materialist, Yang Yu doesn’t believe in God or anything.

Well, I must be dreaming. Sure enough, I can’t stay up all night often. I’m so stunned that I actually had such a strange dream.

Just when Yang Yu was thinking whether to reduce the number of all-nighters a week from four to three or two, Spades handed him the handle.

“Would you like to play a few rounds of King of Fighters?”

Since in the dream, the other party took the initiative to ask for torture, Yang Yu was of course not polite, took over the controller, and chose a character at will.

I don’t know how long it will take…


The flickering light of the TV illuminated Spades’ expressionless profile. Seeing the character she was controlling falling down again, she put down the controller and fell silent. Even though she used the despicable trick of hiding in a corner and making waves, she was still defeated by Yang Yu’s combos, leaving no room for resistance.

The atmosphere dropped to freezing point in an instant.

Yang Yu didn’t know what Spade was thinking. After all, including the time just now, Spade had lost to him a hundred times.

It’s embarrassing to always win against others.

Yang Yu also thought about letting go, but thinking about it, a real player would not let go even if his opponent was a child. Even next time, he would mercilessly press the spades to the ground and rub them.

While Yang Yu was thinking about other ways to relieve the embarrassment, Spades took out a cassette tape from his shorts, “You are so good at playing games, why don’t you play the games I made.”

That cassette was a common game cartridge for red and white machines. To be honest, Yang Yu didn’t expect that a cassette with that capacity could bring a huge game. At most, it would be as big as “The Brave Fighter 2”.

“Okay. Show me.”

“This game took me a lot of effort! Don’t be intimidated. The world view of this game is huge, and the stage of the story is…” He took out the cassette and inserted it into the red and white machine, and fiddled with the lines. Spades enthusiastically introduced the game.

To sum up, this game is an RPG with the theme of “Devils and Heroes”.

The game has a total of three starts, namely brave men, civilians and demon soldiers.

Each start represents a different level of difficulty, with brave men being the lowest, demon soldiers second, and civilians being the hardest.

At this point, Yang Yu can probably guess what plots the three routes correspond to.

The hero corresponds to the royal plot of defeating the devil; the demon soldier corresponds to the evil plot of becoming the devil and conquering the world; the commoner corresponds to the background plot of struggling in troubled times.

Can this cassette really hold so many things? If it can really be pretended, it will either be a masterpiece or a complete bad work.

Yawning, Yang Yu held the controller and waited for loading.

“This game cannot be saved and only has one life. You are very good at playing games. If you have the ability, you can choose the most difficult start and show me how to clear the level in one life!” Spades smiled even more on his face, as if he was still complaining about losing. I am still worried about something I have done a hundred times.

Yang Yu raised his eyebrows. Once upon a time, he was a novice who couldn’t even pass a level of Super Mario.

But after so many years and countless games, he has already completed his transformation and grown into a real high-level player.

Whether it’s the Dark God of Persecution series or the “Sir, times have changed” Zhilang, he is good at them all.

As an anchor who specializes in difficult games, for the sake of program effectiveness, he often sets small goals for himself to make the game more difficult, thereby harvesting fish **** and becoming rich overnight. It is a common occurrence to pass the level of life.

Cowardly? Doesn’t exist!

“Easy, civilians will be civilians. Let me tell you, if there are brave men in this game, I will definitely make the brave men the combat power measurement unit.”

The selection interface appeared. Turn the button to point the arrow to the civilian option. Yang Yu pressed the button without hesitation. Suddenly, his eyes went dark and he came to this world.

He was at a loss at first, but soon accepted the fact.

“Everything that girl with glasses said is true! This is my own Sword Art Online!”

Yang Yu’s heart was pounding, and he opened the door to the room with joy. Reality slapped him in the face.

He was born in a family that deals in medicinal herbs. He is the only son of this family. His father, Cary, and his mother, Lisa, love him very much.

Because they often received injured adventurers, his parents knew the dangers of becoming an adventurer and tried their best to prevent Yang Yu from embarking on adventures.

What can I do?

[Life is always faced with various choices. Perhaps your inadvertent choice is like a butterfly in Florida flapping its wings gently, setting off a hurricane in the Atlantic Ocean. Completely change your life, or completely change the world.

Now you are facing the first choice in your life. You have your own lofty dreams, but your parents think that being ordinary is the real thing. What do you think is the best thing to do now:

1. Convince parents.

2. Listen to your mother and don’t let her get hurt.

3. Immediately jump on the table and perform a sand sculpture dance.

Select a time limit: five minutes. 】

Oh, this game also has a text adventure.

The first two options are quite satisfactory. They are a choice between going or staying, but what the **** is the last one…jumping on the table immediately and doing a sand sculpture dance?

Isn’t this a joke? Are you sure you won’t have your legs broken by your parents if you are so skinny?

However, I really care, if I choose this, what kind of plot will happen later, and maybe I will get some weird props that will help me pass the level.

Yang Yu was greedy for the third option, but for the sake of stability, he chose to convince his parents, and as a result, he received the task of defeating slimes.

It takes some time to get used to the operating feel that is no different from reality. Slime happened to be the best training object. He started the mission without saying a word.

We continued to search under the scorching sun. Suddenly, the grass not far away made a sparse sound, and a flash of blue flashed through the grass.

Looking closer, you can see that it is a round creature the size of a basketball. Its jelly-like body is as blue as the sky in the sun.

That was the slime that Yang Yu was looking for. When he opened the panel, the attributes of the slime were clearly visible.


Level: LV5HP: 190/190MP: 60/60

Attributes: Strength 37, Defense 146, Intelligence 36, Special Defense 176, Agility 17, Stamina 20

Resistance: Physical 50%



Excuse me, farewell!


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