Debuting After Eight Years of Time Travel: 600. The World Music and Art Center will be moved because of him! (Please subscribe)

Published:, the fastest update to the latest chapter that took eight years to debut!

Yangyin’s course was postponed by another week than Wang Qian’s initial schedule!

The reason is simple.

It just takes more time to practice the symphony.

It is already crazy to have a brand new symphony played in front of the whole world in just over a week.

No famous band in history has dared to do such a thing.

The growth of every famous top orchestra requires successful performances time and time again to build up its foundation and eventually become a world-renowned orchestra.

However, no matter how profound the historical background is, we dare not make a mistake in front of the whole world.

Once a performance goes wrong, most of the reputation built up over the years will be destroyed, and it may even come to nothing.

There are many such examples in the history of European music.

When every orchestra wants to perform in front of the whole world, it has to go through a long preparation time. Even if every piece of music is already familiar, it still needs to go through months of rehearsal and practice.

If it is a brand new song, it may take half a year or even a year to prepare for a small-scale public performance, and then gradually perform it on a large scale around the world to ensure that the performance ends successfully and their fame can continue. and heritage, to the next level.

Like Wang Qian, it is unique in history that he only rehearsed for less than ten days before performing in front of the whole world.

And this matter has long been no secret.

It has been spread all over the world.

Wang Qian composed a symphony, which was not a big shock to them. After all, Wang Qian has been proving what an incredible musical genius he is. Composing a symphony is a matter of time, but the time is a little early. That’s all.


Many people in Europe and the United States are disgusted by this. Some people have spread that Wang Qian wants to use this symphony to vindicate the music giant and launch an attack on the musician Gumpis, the first giant in the history of European and American music.

In the eyes of many of their musical artists, this is extremely overestimating their own capabilities and is also rebellious.

Wang Qian wants to surpass Gan Feisi, doesn’t it mean that the Chinese music and art world will surpass their European and American music and art fields?

Then how can they have enough sense of superiority when facing Chinese music artists in the future?

This is the core reason why many European and American music artists dislike Wang Qian!

Early in the morning!

Hundreds of mainstream media from all over China and around the world gathered at the entrance of Yangyin.

This place is controlled. Every media that comes here has been reviewed. Those without certain qualifications cannot get in. Therefore, those who can get in are basically mainstream media with some reputation and background.

If left unchecked, I am afraid that the media alone will not be able to stand on the path of Central Sound. It is not surprising at all to have tens of thousands of media.

All the hotels near Yangyin were full as early as a week ago, and then hotels within a radius of dozens of kilometers were also full.

Even several colleges and universities near Yangyin have been temporarily requisitioned, leaving some student dormitories and staff apartments for those in need to stay temporarily.

For a while

The capital city seems to have returned to the time when the World Olympics was held in 2008. It became the focus of the world’s attention and attracted many people from all over the world to travel. The entire capital city was almost full.

And now, just because Wang Qian wants to give a music lesson here and play a symphony here!

A car drove into the Yangyin Gate from outside. The media from all walks of life just squatted at the gate to take pictures, not daring to stop the car and force interviews.

This is China and the capital.

In Europe and the United States, when faced with the media that dares to act arbitrarily with politicians and big-name celebrities from all walks of life, here they are all quiet and very well-behaved.


They won’t let go of people who walk over.

After all, there are many people who are qualified to attend classes at Central Music University staying in nearby hotels. Some are big-name musicians, some are teachers and students from prestigious European and American music schools, some are world-famous rich people, etc.!

Diana also brought an interview team to personally record what happened outside. At the same time, there were two shooting teams inside that were simultaneously filming scenes that happened inside the Yangyin campus. When the time comes, they will all be entered into the material library. As Wang Material for Qian’s documentary.

Of course, it will be released simultaneously in a few days to continue building momentum for this documentary series.

Diana saw a middle-aged man with a serious face and strictly dressed, and came forward to interview: “Hello, you look like an artist at first glance. Can I ask you a few questions?”

The middle-aged man did not stop and said calmly: “Ask me.”

Diana heard that the other party was German and immediately asked: “Where are you from? Are you a music artist?”

The middle-aged man said softly: “Professor of Birmingham Conservatorium of Music.”

German, went to work as a professor at the English Conservatory of Music?


This is also more European.

Diana continued to ask: “Are you here to attend the class on behalf of Birmingham Conservatorium of Music?”

The middle-aged man nodded: “Yes, to be honest, I may not be qualified enough to be invited1

Diana: “What do you expect from this class? Do you like Professor Wang’s works?”

The middle-aged man stopped and said seriously: “He is a true musical genius. I have studied every one of his musical works in detail. The Nocturne series is my favorite work. If He continues to focus on the Nocturne series and I think he will achieve great things in the future.”

“However, it is obvious that he may have been dazzled by some flattery recently. He turned to symphony and wanted to challenge Gamfis’ status. This is very stupid1

“He is still young and still has decades to surpass Ganfisi, so there is no need to be in such a hurry. He should develop steadily and try to compose a symphony instead of doing it all at once. Public performances on important occasions 1

“Historically, no one has been able to succeed like this.”

The middle-aged man obviously learned a lot of information recently and was dissatisfied with Wang Qian, so he talked a lot at once and expressed his thoughts.

Diana smiled and said: “Professor, what do you call me? Your interview may be seen by Professor Wang. He may respond to you.”

The middle-aged man frowned slightly, looked at the camera, and said calmly: “Dax, Professor Dax, I teach violin. I like the violin he played in Curtis very much. , I’m really looking forward to him playing this violin piece today, but I’m not really looking forward to the symphony, I just hope it doesn’t turn into a disaster.”

Diana looked at Professor Dax and said, “Okay, thank you for the interview.”

Professor Dax nodded, said nothing more, turned around and left. The media immediately followed him again. After he said everything he wanted to say to Diana, he had no intention of continuing to be interviewed. Interested, he walked into the Yangyin gate in silence.

Diana saw another middle-aged Chinese man walking in front of him. He seemed to have an extraordinary temperament at first glance. She stepped forward again and asked, “Hello, can I interview you?”

Diana spoke in the poorer Chinese she had learned recently.

She just learned a few common expressions.

Fortunately, the crew hired an accompanying translator.

The middle-aged man thought for a while, stopped and said to the camera: “Of course.”

Diana handed the microphone to another Chinese female host and acted as a translator. She asked in English from the side: “Which school are you from? Your temperament shows that you are not an ordinary person.”

The middle-aged man kept smiling and replied in English: “Actually, you can do the interview in English. I am now a piano professor at Yangyin and graduated from the Paris Conservatoire. You can call me Professor Liu.”

Graduated from the Paris Conservatory of Music and served as a piano professor at Yangyin?

This is the right person.

Diana breathed a sigh of relief and asked: “Professor Liu, I interviewed several European and American music artists, and they all were not optimistic about Professor Wang’s rash public performance of the symphony. What do you think of this?”

Professor Liu thought for a while and said: “That’s because they are still looking at Professor Wang with their inherent common sense. We can’t say that they are wrong, we can only say that their thinking is still relatively old! Professor Wang has surpassed Europe The super genius of any music giant in history cannot use any common sense to understand Professor Wang’s behavior.”

“Even if Professor Wang only prepared for less than ten days, it will be performed. He is still taking a huge risk when he releases the final chapter of the Nocturne series.”

“However, as long as it is what Professor Wang wants to do, I think there is a high possibility of success.”

“Furthermore, I was lucky enough to go and watch Professor Wang rehearse the symphony two days ago.”

Diana’s eyes suddenly lit up.

She is naturally qualified to go to the symphony rehearsal site to record material, but she only has about half an hour every day, and it is almost all rest time. She can only occasionally see the end of the rehearsal, but she cannot hear the complete music at all. song, I don’t know how effective it is.

It’s just that the musicians of the national orchestra were very excited.

However, they are not yet qualified to interview the musicians of the national orchestra so as not to disturb their performances. They can only conduct large-scale interviews after the performances are over.


Professor Liu was able to go to watch the performance live. Diana suddenly became interested and asked: “What does Professor Liu think of Professor Wang’s symphony?”

Professor Liu’s eyes were also full of excitement, excitement and expectation, and he said with a smile: “My evaluation is that it is unparalleled and surpasses all. The era of Europe and the United States dominating music art is about to end.”

This evaluation is too high.

The interviewers of the program team were a little shocked when they heard this, and other media reporters who were participating in the fun were also shocked, and they also hurriedly recorded it. This is the media’s favorite hype material, and it will be published once it is published. flow.

Diana quickly asked: “Such a high evaluation? Just this symphony can end the era of European and American dominance of music art?”

Professor Liu shook his head: “Just relying on this piece of music is of course not enough. However, this piece of music can represent that Professor Wang has such ability and will be able to do it in his lifetime. I have heard the complete performance twice, It gave me a huge shock. This is the most shocking symphony performance I have ever heard.”

“I have listened to all the famous symphony classics played by all the top orchestras in Europe and the United States, including masterpieces by masters such as Gamfis. However, in my opinion, compared with Professor Wang’s work, they are all One or several grades lower 1

“From this, I can be sure that as long as Professor Wang is willing, he will dominate the center of world music and art.”

“Where he is, the world’s music and art are there1


Dozens of media have gathered around, surrounding Professor Liu, and completely recording what he said. Many media reporters gasped in shock.

A European reporter couldn’t help but raise objections: “Is that just your own feeling? You are a Chinese and a professor at Yangyin University. Your subjective feelings cannot explain anything. 1

Another European reporter also said: “Yes, that’s just your subjective feeling, just like bragging. Ganfis’s work is the greatest work in the history of music, creating the core of music art, and later It is impossible for people to surpass Professor Wang Qian, although he is a genius, but he cannot surpass Ganfis.”

A music artist from Europe said angrily: “Nonsense! Even if he succeeded in this symphony, how could he lead the transfer of world music and art by himself? That is impossible, no one can do it to”

Many other reporters from Europe and the United States have spoken to refute.

Professor Liu shrugged. He had paid attention to foreign public opinion in the past few days, so this was not surprising.

He knew that foreign countries were not very optimistic about Wang Qian’s symphony.

There are some things that rational analysis is not optimistic about. Most of them are just pure boycotts. They don’t want Wang Qian to be too successful all at once, nor do they want Wang Qian to truly become a music master in the Nocturne series and the double symphony series, let alone I hope Wang Qian can surpass Gan Feisi!

Facing the opposition and accusations from many people around him, Professor Liu looked relaxed and indifferent. He smiled and said to Diana: “Then we will wait and see1

After saying that, he squeezed through the crowd and left.

Some surrounding media reporters and several European and American music artists are still refuting and criticizing Professor Liu’s words.

“I am a professor at the Vienna Conservatoire. He does not deserve to graduate from the Paris Conservatoire. He does not understand the greatness of Gamfis at all, otherwise he would not be able to say such nonsense.”

Of course Sophie also came to Yangyin.

However, she did not come in a personal capacity, but came with the delegation of Moyin from Yangyin!

Then, early in the morning.

She came to Wang Qian’s residence to visit him.

Wang Qian also gets up early. He has a very regular schedule recently. He goes to bed early and gets up early, focusing on music. It seems very busy, but for him it is very simple and relaxed.

Of course, the main reason is that both the Butterfly Lovers’ performance team and the symphony performance team are among the best in the country, and their strength and experience are among the best in the world.

So, as long as he controls the general direction, there will basically be no problems.

Everyone who participated put in a lot of energy and concentration to practice their performance.

No one wants to make a mistake in front of the whole world!

I just got up and sat down in the living room. I looked at Qin Xuerong who was making breakfast in the kitchen when there was a knock on the door.

Who is coming so early?

Is it Jiang Yu?

Or Juliet, Murong Yue?

Wang Qian stood up and opened the door.

The figure standing at the door surprised him beyond measure.

Sophie was wearing relatively simple casual clothes, with a hat on her head, and her hair covered half of her face. Seeing Wang Qian’s surprised look, Sophie smiled proudly, stretched out her hand and said, “Hello, Professor Wang, I am Professor of the Magic Piano Department, Sophie 1


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