Debuting After Eight Years of Time Travel: 567. With the Three Kingdoms update, will the entertainment industry change? (Please subscribe)

Published:, the fastest update to the latest chapter that took eight years to debut!

Which people were the most excited after Wang Qian returned to China?

In fact, it’s not Wang Qian’s fans and book fans!


Many big shots in the domestic entertainment industry are paying attention to Wang Qian.

Wang Qian made a counterattack all the way from a clean slate to become a unique super literary genius in the world and even in history. During this period, he really touched the cakes of many people.

When Wang Qian participated in the Good Voice competition in China, he had direct conflicts with many domestic entertainment giants. Many giants also spared no effort to suppress Wang Qian in all aspects. If it weren’t for the performance of Wang Qian’s works, It has been very good, and if the TV station had enough support, it might have been suppressed long ago.

There is a life-and-death competitive relationship with Tengfei. Not to mention the conflict between Wang Qian and Tengfei at the beginning, just talk about the relationship between Qian Qianjingting and Tengfei, which is like a life and death situation.

Tengfei also used all its resources and connections to suppress the development of Qianqianjingting.

If Wang Qian’s works had not swept the Chinese music scene and single-handedly attracted hundreds of millions of fans to support, Qianqianjingting would not have been able to develop and grow under the pressure of Ascendas and many entertainment giants

In addition to Qianqianjingting, Qianqian’s collected works also touched the cake of Goose Factory, the giant behind the take-off.

Whether it is Tengfei Music Platform or Goose Factory’s online literature platform, they are one of the most important links in the closed loop of its big entertainment strategy and ecology

These two major platforms are both leaders in the same industry in China, laying the foundation for the success of Echang’s large entertainment ecological strategy. However, Qianqianjingting developed by Wang Qian directly pushed Tengfei into second place, and it was far behind.

At the same time, Wang Qian’s Romance of the Three Kingdoms published on Qianqian Anthology attracted hundreds of millions of paying users. The subscription of this book alone has surpassed all the great masters of Echang Online Literature Platform by several levels. , also made Qianqian Wenji one of the few paid online writing platforms in China, and directly threatened the leading position of Goose Factory’s platform.

The good thing is

Wang Qian’s Romance of the Three Kingdoms was not finished, and then went to the World Championship. The focus of development was also on Qian Qianjing, so he did not fully develop Qian Qian’s collection of works, but just let nature take its course and let Goose Factory’s online literary platform loose. One breath!

However, with the foundation of a large number of paying users attracted by Wang Qian’s Romance of the Three Kingdoms, Qianqian Wenji just followed the natural development and quickly became the second largest paid reading platform after Echang Online Literature Platform, attracting a large number of paying users. Many online authors and physical authors come to publish their works, and several of them have also become gods in Qianqian Anthology, becoming a presence comparable to several top gods under Goose Factory.

This has further improved the status of Qianqian Collected Works a lot.

No matter what, a platform that allows authors to earn more is a good platform.

In this regard, Qianqian Wenji has done no worse than Tengfei’s platform. The only difference is the reputation and work library accumulated in the industry over time.

And this puts great pressure on Goose Factory’s online writing group!

In the past two months, the online literature group under Goose Factory has begun to make frequent efforts. First, it improved the welfare benefits of its authors, and then further diverted traffic from Goose Factory to its paid websites to further increase the authors’ income, and then invited Famous domestic physical writers come to the website to publish books to enhance their literary status and influence.

Some well-known writers in China are not so pleased with Wang Qian. They are very unhappy when they see many self-media online boasting that Wang Qian is already the greatest literary giant of our time.

So, when rivals of Wang Qian’s platform came to invite them, they agreed directly after looking at the numbers and were satisfied, without persisting in their previous boycott of the online writing platform-

After all, Wang Qian’s Three Kingdoms was also published on the Internet.

In the words of Jia Fuqing posted on the Internet: “In the Internet age, we should follow the trend, communicate and integrate more closely with readers, and write in a way that is easier for everyone to see

There is no doubt that the easier way for everyone to see it is through the mobile Internet rather than publishing physical books.


Many physical writers have settled under Goose Factory and launched deeper cooperation.

Qian Qian Wen Ji suddenly became a lot weaker.

This time.

Wang Qian returned to China.

Many people in the domestic entertainment and literary circles have become extremely excited and sensitive, wanting to know what Wang Qian will do next.


Whether Wang Qian releases a new album first or continues to write the Romance of the Three Kingdoms in Qianqian Anthology, it will affect the development direction of these two fields.

Following the trend and imitating Wang Qian is already the secret to success in the pop music circle

In terms of literature, under the influence of Wang Qian, everyone has begun to pay attention to Chinese studies and physical novels, which has also brought many benefits to many practitioners.

Many people in the industry naturally set their sights on Wang Qian.

At this time.

Wang Qian opened the backend of Qianqian Collected Works and updated three new chapters of the Romance of the Three Kingdoms at once.

Many readers who like the Romance of the Three Kingdoms and have never forgotten it have set update notification reminders on Qianqian Wenji… So, when Wang Qian updated it.

Millions of book fans in China saw the reminder message that suddenly popped up on their mobile phones.

“Hello dear readers, the Romance of the Three Kingdoms you are following has been updated with the latest chapter

Many people looked at the news in surprise, many shouted excitedly, and then quickly clicked to enter the latest chapter to subscribe and read

Many discussion messages immediately appeared on several major domestic social platforms.

“My God, what did I see? The Romance of the Three Kingdoms has been updated? I can actually see the new chapters of the Romance of the Three Kingdoms in my lifetime?’

“Wow, wow, wow, I was so excited that I almost screamed. I quickly subscribed to all of them. Professor Wang is so helpful.”

“Professor Wang will update the Three Kingdoms as soon as he returns to China? I am very excited and happy. However, I hope that Professor Wang will act within his ability. Before that, Professor Wang was busy with music in North America for two months. I hope that Professor Wang will Sort out your thoughts first and maintain your previous writing style and standards. Don’t lower your standards. That would be a pity. ‘

“That’s right, it looks like it’s almost over. Professor Wang, don’t let everyone down at the end and let this magical book become a mess…” I’ll take a look first

“I’ve been watching it for a while, and it seems to be still at a good level so far, which is very pleasant.”

“In the past two months, I have watched Three Kingdoms over and over again every day. It is my favorite. I just hope that Professor Wang will continue writing and not end it.

Northwest, in a villa.

Jia Fuqing is standing in front of his desk writing calligraphy seriously, and the calligraphy font he writes is Wang Qian’s thin gold font. The writing is already in shape. It seems that he has practiced for a lot of time. .

Next to him, Zhang Yue was slowly polishing the ink for Jia Fuqing. His eyes carefully looked at every stroke written by Jia Fuqing. He felt that although he was old, his talent and strength in Chinese studies were still far ahead of him. superior.


Zhang Yue heard his cell phone ringing, but didn’t pay attention. He still concentrated on sharpening ink for the teacher and watching the teacher write thin gold calligraphy. Jia Fuqing finished it in one go, writing exactly what Wang Qian wrote at the Juilliard School in New York. After writing the last word, he slowly put down the brush, stared at the words he had written, and said softly: “Written with Wang Qian, There are still some gaps. I went to the capital last month and saw Wang Qian’s calligraphy written by Li Xiyan and Tao Zhishan. It was already very good, but I was still a little behind.”

Zhang Yue said softly: “It is said that Mr. Li and the others went to the magic city to consult Wang Qian in person. They practiced a lot longer than you, the teacher. It is not surprising that they have a deeper attainment in this calligraphy than the teacher.”

Nowadays, Wang Qian is officially recognized by China as a contemporary litterateur and calligrapher, and his thin gold calligraphy has even been included in the official recommended catalog.

In the news network, calligraphy written by leaders during inspections frequently appears.

With such a general trend, many literary masters of the older generation will naturally follow the trend. It is impossible to boycott and discredit Wang Qian and his calligraphy works forcefully and without brains.

So, if you can’t beat it, you have no choice but to join.

Many contemporary calligraphy masters have begun to study Wang Qian’s calligraphy fonts.

Although Jia Fuqing does not specialize in calligraphy, his calligraphy skills are not weak. Recently, he has also begun to practice and study Wang Qian’s calligraphy fonts.

Otherwise, next time he communicates with other literary masters, he will have no common language in calligraphy.

After hearing Zhang Yue’s words, Jia Fuqing said with admiration: “Wang Qian’s calligraphy does have a unique spirit. The more you write, the more you can feel the essence of it. In the past, we were really interested in his calligraphy. It’s too biased. Moreover, his ancient poems are really unique. This poem “Wang Yue” reads magnificently.

Zhang Yue smiled and said: “The teacher is right.

He gently took out his phone and read the message. His pupils shrank for a moment, then he quickly looked up at Jia Fuqing and said: “Teacher, the Three Kingdoms has been updated,”

Jia Fuqing also suddenly looked away from his calligraphy and asked in surprise: “What did you say?”

Zhang Yue said seriously: “I set up an update reminder. Once the Three Kingdoms updates new content, the platform will send me a message reminder. Just now, I received a message reminder….

Zhang Yue knows how much impact this Romance of the Three Kingdoms has had on the domestic literary circle, and it also has an important impact on the field of historical research.

Many people began to be keen on studying the history of the Three Kingdoms, and at the same time they also tried to quote the Romance of the Three Kingdoms written by Wang Qian to fill the gaps in the history of the Three Kingdoms.

It’s just that that’s just a repair method that’s not recognized by the academic community.

After all, the Romance of the Three Kingdoms written by Wang Qian is just a novel without any historical data support, and it cannot really be used to fill the gaps in official history.

However, even so, all historical researchers are paying close attention to this novel.

At the same time, the huge influence of this novel also caused many literary creators to begin to imitate it. Many people read it when it was published on the Internet, and many of them made a lot of money.

Zhang Yue has recently been contemplating writing a similar historical novel. With his fame and strength, he will definitely make a lot of money once he writes it.

Therefore, Zhang Yue paid great attention to the Romance of the Three Kingdoms and wanted to wait until Wang Qian finished writing it before he started writing.

As for Jia Fuqing, he has been reading several chapters of the Three Kingdoms every day recently. Occasionally, he will call the student to read a story of the Three Kingdoms to him on weekends, which is very enjoyable.

So, Jia Fuqing was very excited when he heard about the updated contents of the Three Kingdoms. He didn’t even look at his calligraphy works at the moment. He went directly to the sofa and sat down and said, “How much has been updated? Read it to me first.

Zhang Yue had already clicked and looked at it, and said with a smile: “Wang Qian updated three chapters at once, and the speed is not slow at all. I hope he can maintain his previous level.

Jia Fuqing also nodded: “Yes, this magical book will not disappoint us in the future.”

After discarding some stereotypes about Wang Qian’s origin and age, Jia Fuqing still valued and admired Wang Qian.

Zhang Yue immediately read the content seriously and began to read word for word.

Although it is not as good as that of a professor who specializes in reading aloud, it sounds enough for Jia Fuqing to understand the meaning and artistic conception.

After just reading one paragraph, Jia Fuqing praised: “This guy is really talented. He hasn’t written for so long, and he can still feel exactly the same as before when he continues writing. I really don’t know how his brain has grown.”

Jia Fuqing is already prepared for some disappointment.

After all, he also works with words and knows that creating such things requires plot and continuity.

Even if they create a physical book with hundreds of thousands or millions of words, it takes a year and a half, or even one or two years, or several years, which is much slower than online authors.

However, they will not pause. Even if they do not write for a day, they will continue to read and consult information, ponder in their hearts, and be extremely focused. They cannot completely put it down and do other things for a while and then come back to continue writing. That would be incoherent.

But Wang Qian has been in North America for two months, but he has been focusing on the field of music and created unprecedented achievements.

In this case, you may have forgotten all about the concentration and passionate inspiration when you wrote the Romance of the Three Kingdoms? If you continue to write like this, there may be some gaps and differences with the previous content. feel.

However, when they continue to watch the new content of the Romance of the Three Kingdoms, it has the same continuity as the previous content, without any sense of similarity or discontinuity.


In the eyes of Jia Fuqing and Zhang Yue, it is simply impossible.

But this is what they see before their eyes

Jia Fuqing suppressed the doubts in his heart and continued to listen to Zhang Yue’s reading.

Zhang Yue also read with great concentration, and admired Wang Qian even more in his heart.

At the headquarters of a certain group company in Shanghai.

Chen Yang and Wu Jun also received notifications from Qian Qian Wen Ji in the office at the same time. Romance of the Three Kingdoms has been updated.

The two of them stood up from their chairs at the same time when they saw the news in their respective offices. His face became extremely solemn

They fought hard for two months to suppress the development momentum of Qianqian Wenji.

This time.

As soon as Wang Qian comes back, will he attack their online writing group?

The two of them also subscribed and started watching at the same time.

Put the rest down first.

The two also wanted to see the content first.


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