Debuting After Eight Years of Time Travel: 563. The twin stars who want to be the first! Everyone, go home! (Please subscribe)

Published:, the fastest update to the latest chapter that took eight years to debut!

In fact.

As soon as Wang Qian got off the plane, someone from the government came to lead the way.

A middle-aged woman in formal clothes led the way and said to Wang Qian: “Professor Wang, do you want to meet and chat with fans here, or go back to rest directly? We will be responsible for sending you home. In the meantime, you can freely arrange some activities. Of course, it is best to keep things low-key and not cause too much commotion.’

Wang Qian listened and nodded gently: “Okay, I’m sorry to bother you. How many people are gathered here?”

The middle-aged woman thought for a moment and replied: “From the airport all the way to the city, there may be more than three or four hundred thousand people! With so many people gathered together, if it weren’t for your face, Professor Wang, the official Disperse the crowd.”

In a previous New Year event, tens of thousands of people gathered somewhere in the Magic City, but the event was directly banned by the officials, fearing that accidents would occur if so many people gathered together.

If Wang Qian’s return to China had not been such a sensation, Wang Qian had so many shining points, and most importantly, the government was interested in supporting and building up Wang Qian’s imagination, they would not have allowed so many people to gather here.

Now that so many people are coming, the officials are taking advantage of the situation to continue to promote Wang Qian’s achievements in the world, and further build the national and cultural confidence of the Chinese people

Wang Qian thought for a while and said: “With so many people coming to see me, I can’t just leave without saying a word or showing up. That way everyone will be disappointed.”

The middle-aged woman nodded: “That’s right. It’s best to wait and say a few words to the TV station. If you want to meet everyone, I’ll tell them to clear an open space outside the door.’

Wang Qian smiled, knowing that the other party might have arranged a series of itineraries.

But he himself does not reject it.

So many fans gathered from the Magic City and surrounding areas. If he left without showing up without saying a word, everyone would definitely be disappointed.

Wang Qian can’t do such a thing either.

Qin Xuerong helped Wang Qian tidy up his clothes and hair, and said softly: “Be careful when you speak later, it may be on the news.

Qin Xuehong warned: “It’s not impossible, it’s definitely the big news at seven o’clock! Be careful what you say

Qin Xuehong knew more about this aspect and his tone was very firm.

Wang Qian hummed, his eyes still a little tired

Everyone outside has been notified that Wang Qian is about to come out to speak to everyone, and there are cheers.

“Professor Wang

At this time, the thousands of college representatives gathered inside waved to Wang Qian. Several middle-aged men came over, as well as Li Huangjiang and Su Jiangsheng, two twin-star vice principals whom Wang Qian knew. director.

Wang Qian stepped forward to shake hands with a few people and exchanged a few words. Representatives from several other colleges said goodbye and left. They just showed their faces and completed the task. They did not expect to get anything from Wang Qian at this time. What, with their status and qualifications, they can’t be ranked at all. There are countless top domestic schools lining up in front of them.


Seeing people from several other schools leaving, Li Huangjiang immediately grabbed Wang Qian’s hand and said enthusiastically: “Professor Wang, when will you come to Shuangxing to give another class? I think you will gain so much from going abroad this time. Teachers and students in our school really want to hear Professor Wang talk to us.

Su Jiangsheng also smiled and said: “Yes, the video of Professor Wang’s lecture at our Double Star last time is still the most played video on the campus network, and a large number of teachers and students watch it repeatedly every day. On other video websites It is also a popular video, and everyone of us is looking forward to Professor Wang’s lectures.’

After hearing this, several people around them smiled bitterly. Shuangxing really wanted to get closer to the water first!

If you want to get ahead of Yangyin, Mizuki, Beijing University and other Beijing cultural circles, inviting Wang Qian to give lectures at Shuangxing will definitely increase Shuangxing’s reputation and qualifications tremendously.

Facing the earnest eyes of Shuangxing and others, Wang Qian thought for a moment and shook his head apologetically: “Principal Li, Director Su is really sorry. I just returned to China, and first I want to go home and rest for a few days before I go. Prepare well for the Yangyin lecture. You should know how important it is to go to the Yangyin lecture this time.

When Su Jiangsheng heard this, he immediately smiled and said: “Understood, we understand. Then we won’t force Professor Wang, we are just a suggestion. Of course, Professor Wang’s own arrangements will be the priority, and you can go to Yangyin to give lectures first. Anyway , our Double Star is in my hometown. Whenever Professor Wang wants to go back to his hometown to give lectures, he can come at any time. Double Star is your home.”

After hearing this, Li Huangjiang and others gave Su Jiangsheng a thumbs up in their hearts.

Hometown school, Shuangxing is your home

How much closer does this bring us?

Li Huangjiang also immediately said: “Yes, yes, Double Star is Professor Wang’s home. Professor Wang can come home anytime he wants.’

Wang Qian smiled bitterly. Facing such enthusiastic two people, it was hard to speak too harshly. He could only say: “Okay, Principal Li, Director Su, I will make time to go to Double Star later!’

Li Huangjiang immediately held Wang Qian’s hand with great joy and said: “Then we, Shuangxing, will be waiting on the couch. However, Professor Wang needs to rest first. You must be very tired just after getting off the plane. Take the time to rest for two minutes. Continue There’s something else going on outside when you come down

Su Jiangsheng also said goodbye: “Yes, then we won’t disturb Professor Wang’s rest.

After speaking, the two nodded and smiled at Wang Qian, then turned and left.

Wang Qian watched the two people leave.

Qin Xuehong whispered: “They wanted to **** you away first, but unfortunately they didn’t succeed. They must be very disappointed. When you go to the capital, it will be difficult to get out without walking around several famous schools in the capital. By then, the double stars will still be ranked After attending several prestigious schools in Beijing….

Qin Xuerong, Jiang Yu, and Murong Yue also knew the secret behind this.

It’s nothing more than a competition for reputation among famous schools,

Not two minutes later, a middle-aged woman came over and said to Wang Qian with some respect: “Professor Wang, the arrangements have been made, you come with me.”

Wang Qian nodded to Qin Xuerong and Qin Xuehong, and then followed the middle-aged woman out.

A high platform has been set up outside with a microphone placed on it, and the surrounding area is densely packed with fans. Various signs saying they support Wang Qian can be seen everywhere.

There are also many media and self-media people holding cameras, mobile phones, etc. to film Wang Qian.

The moment Wang Qian showed up, there were cheers outside.

“Professor Wang, I love you

“Professor Wang, you are number one in the world.

“Professor Wang, you are the greatest musician.”

“Professor Wang, awesome

“Professor Wang..

All kinds of shouts came.


Wang Qian smiled and waved to everyone gently, and then went to the high platform under the protection of several uniformed personnel. He could see everyone outside clearly. The dense crowds of people stretched all the way to the highway outside the airport. On the way up, you can also see silhouettes of people as far as the eye can see.

No wonder there are hundreds of thousands of people!

Wang Qian sighed in his heart and said into the microphone: “First of all, thank you everyone for liking me.’

Hearing Wang Qian’s voice, the cheers gradually subsided. Everyone still wanted to hear Wang Qian speak.

Wang Qian looked at the excited and expectant eyes and said loudly: “I went abroad this time just to compete and gave two lectures at two colleges. In fact, it is not that great! Everyone still Just listen to my songs and watch my works like before, that’s enough.

“My biggest feeling about going abroad this time is that as long as the work is good enough, all barriers can be broken! Including all cultural barriers and racial barriers…

Everyone applauded vigorously.

A few people smiled bitterly after hearing this.

They all know that no matter what it is, as long as the quality reaches a certain level, it can really break all barriers.


There is really no such thing in the history of ancient and modern times, both at home and abroad.

So far, they have only seen Wang Qian achieve this step alone.

Papa, papa, papa….

The applause lasted for more than a minute before it stopped.

Many news media and Internet celebrity self-media took photos crazily and pointed their cameras at Wang Qian crazily.

Many media and self-media influencers are eager to get in front of Wang Qian to gain some popularity, ask a question or take a photo with him.

Unfortunately, Wang Qian was guarded by several serious uniformed personnel, preventing them from passing by easily. This represents Wang Qian and the official attitude.

Su Feier held up her mobile phone with the live broadcast turned on, the camera was pointed at Wang Qian, and she waved her other hand at Wang Qian, looking at Wang Qian longingly, hoping that Wang Qian could see her and give herself a With a smile in her eyes, she was satisfied. She didn’t expect to go over to talk to Wang Qian and take a photo.

Looking at Wang Qian at this moment, Sophie, who had always been confident and proud, also felt inferior and timid in her heart, and could only bury the thoughts deep in her heart.

There are already millions of people online in the live broadcast room, and the barrage and reward messages are endless, and she doesn’t care about it anymore.

After saying a few words, Wang Qian finally shouted loudly: “Everyone, I’m back. I’ve seen you all. It’s time to go home. Don’t gather too many people here. This will hinder other people. Normal life, thank you all…

After speaking, Wang Qian waved to everyone, ending the brief meeting and speech.

After everyone was stunned for a moment, they started shouting at Wang Qian again.

“Professor Wang, would you like to sing a song?’

“Professor Wang, can you compose a poem on the spot?’

“Professor Wang, now that you have returned to China, can you finish writing the Romance of the Three Kingdoms?’

“Professor Wang, you can write such a wonderful Romance of the Three Kingdoms, should you continue to develop in writing?”

“Professor Wang, when will the new album be released?”

Everyone obviously didn’t want to end their meeting with Wang Qian so quickly, and they all asked the questions they had prepared in their minds.

What a pity

Wang Qian was escorted by several people and walked directly to the parking lot.

Qin Xuerong, Qin Xuehong, Jiang Yu, Murong Yue, Juliet, Zhao Wei, He Fulin and others were already waiting in front of a luxury bus prepared in advance.

Also with Yang Ma’s interview team.

The middle-aged woman said: “Professor Wang, please get in the car first and then accept the interview. We will **** you home.”

Wang Qian nodded and took Qin Xuerong’s hand and got into the car together.

Qin Xuehong and others followed him one after another and took their seats.

Wang Qian sat in the middle booth, next to a camera, and opposite to him sat a young male reporter.

The reporter was obviously prepared in advance. He was very excited when he saw Wang Qian’s eyes, but he suppressed his excitement and asked Wang Qian: “Professor Wang, this time you went abroad and showed our China to the world. The beauty of culture. Do you think people abroad can accept it?’

Wang Qian nodded of course and replied: “Of course, just look at the sales volume. The sales of guzheng music, pipa music, and even suona music are very high, and they have entered the top ten of the weekly list, which shows that everyone likes it very much. Only then will I buy the download and listen to it.”

Reporter: “Professor Wang, will you continue to develop our own folk music in the future?”

Wang Qian still answered affirmatively: “That’s for sure. I still have a deep interest in folk music and will delve into it in the future!” Reporter: “Professor Wang, when will you go to Yangyin to give lectures? I heard that, This time your class at Yangyin has been booked by famous music and art schools and artists around the world?’

Wang Qian smiled and said: “The lecture should last about a week. I heard that many international music artists and art schools have reserved seats with Yangyin. Yangyin had to expand the capacity of the lecture site.

Reporter: “Professor Wang, you are also the best in contemporary Chinese studies such as calligraphy and ancient poetry. What advice do you have for current students?’

Wang Qian: “My advice is, don’t forget your roots.”

It is a very simple four words, but it contains a lot.

Don’t forget your roots!

That is, you must not forget your own nation and culture, your parents, and the teachers who helped you.

Those who can do this will be successful in the future.

The reporter nodded: “Professor Wang, you are studying acting, but your talents in music and literature are unique in history. Many people think that hobbies should be started from an early age. Do you want to teach parents What did you say?”

Now, there has been an upsurge in learning music and Chinese studies in China.

Hobby classes on music and culture and Chinese studies in major cities are already overcrowded.

Wang Qian thought for a while and said: “I think it’s better not to put too much pressure on the child. Let him do what he wants to do based on his own interests. Music and Chinese studies are not suitable. Everyone’s….

The questions asked by the official are indeed purposeful.

Wang Qian continued: “My suggestion is, don’t force it.”

Children today are so involuted that Wang Qian felt scared when he saw several neighbor children. Fortunately, he was not so involuted when he was in school.

Reporter: “Professor Wang, I heard that several prestigious schools in Beijing have already invited you. After you go to give lectures at Yangyin University, will you agree to their invitation to give lectures?”

Wang Qian shrugged and said: “We don’t know yet, it will depend on time and energy.

The reporter stood up: “Okay, thank you Professor Wang for your cooperation. Professor Wang is tired, so let’s stop here.”

Wang Qian stood up and shook hands with the other party: “No trouble.”

The reporter looked and saw that the camera had been turned off. The excitement on his face was immediately released. He quickly put down the microphone, took out the prepared notebook from his pocket, handed it to Wang Qian with both hands, and said with hope. : “Professor Wang, can you sign your name for me?’


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