Debuting After Eight Years of Time Travel: 3.This is life!

Published:, the fastest update to the latest chapter that took eight years to debut!

ding ding ding

The guitar sounded crisply.

This familiar guitar music gradually flowed out in my hands.

Wang Qian looked out the window at the beach with confused eyes.

Songs as clear as flowing water spread to the surroundings.

“Prowler’s, on the road.”

“Are you leaving, via, via”

“Fragile, proud.”

“That was also what I looked like”

“Boiling and restless.”

“Where are you going, via, via”

“Mysterious, silent.”

“Are you really listening to the story?”

A voice like a whisper telling a story penetrated everyone’s ears.

The entire audience was so quiet that a pindrop could be heard.

Everyone felt that this was singing about their own life, and something soft in their hearts was awakened.

Wang Qian’s voice suddenly became high-pitched.

“I have crossed mountains and seas.”

“Also passing through the sea of ​​people.”

“I once had it all.”

“In a blink of an eye, everything is gone like smoke”

“I have been disappointed and lost all direction”

“Until you see the ordinary, that’s the only answer”

Liu Lihua and Li Qingyao also stared at Wang Qian who was singing without saying a word.

This song!

The song really touched their hearts, and like everyone else, they were very touched.

Only those who have experienced the vicissitudes of life and experienced the ups and downs can understand the charm of Wang Qian’s singing. The more you recall it, the more flavorful it becomes.

The ups and downs of life experience become clear in my heart.

Even if Liu Lihua didn’t like Wang Qian at all before, listening to this song, she had to admit that Wang Qian was talented.

However, she still believes that Wang Qian is not worthy of Li Qingyao.

“When you are still, still fantasizing.”

“Your tomorrow, via, via”

“Is she going to be better, or worse.”

“For me, it’s another day.”

“I’ve ruined everything.”

“I just want to leave forever!”

“I once fell into boundless darkness.”

“I can’t help myself if I want to struggle”

“I used to be like you, like him, like the wild grass and wild flowers.”

“Despair, longing, suffering and ordinary”

“Somehow, this is the only way I have to go”

“Time is like words, so and so.”

“Tomorrow is already here, via, via”

“The wind blows, but the road is still far”

ding ding ding ding

Wang Qian’s fingers on the guitar slowed down, and his voice became a low whisper, singing softly word by word, as if he was asking in his ear: “Where is your story?”

Wang Qian stood up gently and bowed to everyone with a solemn expression: “Thank you for your appreciation. I call this song Ordinary Road, sorry to bother you!”

After speaking, Wang Qian placed the guitar in its original position, and then walked towards Li Qingyao with ease.


The applause started just then.

All the guests seemed to wake up at this time.

Many people stood up and applauded wildly, staring at Wang Qian who was walking down step by step with red eyes.

The elder brother shouted with a whimpering voice: “Waiter, give me another five hundred roses for this brother. He sang so well”

He wiped his eyes, smiled sheepishly at everyone, and sat down.

But no one laughed at him.

Because many people are wiping away tears.

A well-dressed young beauty stood up boldly and stopped in front of Wang Qian: “Sir, can I add you as a friend? I want to be friends with you!”

Wang Qian smiled politely and said softly: “No, I may not come here again in the future. We should have no chance to meet.”

The young beauty stared at Wang Qian with her eyes full of wanting to dominate Wang Qian, and said quickly: “If you don’t come, then I won’t come either. No matter where you go, I will follow you. You all the way”

Wang Qian still smiled apologetically: “I’m sorry, I’m just a passer-by in your life! If we are destined to meet again next time, we can be ordinary friends.”

The young beauty held the phone tightly and nodded fiercely: “Okay, I remember what you said.”

Wang Qian also nodded seriously, absolutely acknowledging what he said: “Of course, I’m sorry!”

After speaking, Wang Qian passed over the young beauty and walked towards his seat.

Applause broke out again.

Many people expressed their admiration.

“This gentleman is really perfect, so mature.”

“Excellent performance.”

“He is handsome, sings so well, has the talent to write such good works, and is so polite. I really want to add his contact information.”

“Whoever can marry him would be really happy.”

Wang Qian turned around and gave everyone another smile. Then his expression returned to calm in a second. He walked to his seat and sat down. He took a sip of water from his water glass, moistened his throat, and looked at the person in front of him. Li Qingyao said with emotion: “I’m a bit old. I haven’t sung for a while. My performance is not that good. It’s ridiculous!”

Li Qingyao’s eyes were a little red, and she hurriedly lowered her head to hide her emotions, and whispered: “Very good, you are no longer weaker than me, your singing skills are better than before.”

Liu Lihua hurriedly touched Li Qingyao with her arm and showed an awkward but polite smile: “You sang very well. Yaoyao has already signed. Take a look. If there is no problem, you can sign too. We are here today. There are other itineraries”

Liu Lihua saw that Li Qingyao was not in the right mood, and was afraid that she would regret it again. She hurriedly suppressed her feelings of being optimistic about Wang Qian, and wanted to get the matter done first.

Wang Qian nodded, picked up the agreement and looked at it. There was no problem this time. He immediately wrote his name on the two agreements.

Divorce Agreement.

Confidentiality Agreement!

The two have signed a divorce agreement. They only need to go to the Civil Affairs Bureau tomorrow to apply for a divorce certificate, which will officially end the marriage legally.

Wang Qian promised to keep this secret, and there would be no penalty or loss if the secret was leaked.

Of course, Wang Qian would not do such a thing that would harm others and not benefit himself, especially with his ex-wife, it would be even more ugly if she started a fight.

Have a good time, everyone.

Everyone be safe.

It’s not good for anyone to make a fuss.

Wang Qian will not care about Li Qingyao.

As a person in two lifetimes, I take everything very lightly.

That’s why I like the songs “The Past You” and “The Ordinary Road”. They actually sing about his own current state of mind.

Wang Qian put away his own agreement, stood up and stretched out his hand to Li Qingyao: “Then, if there is nothing else, I will leave first. I wish you all the best in the future.”

Li Qingyao took off the mask, revealing a face that was stunning at first glance. This face was rated as one of the pinnacles of Chinese appearance in the entertainment industry. It has a hint of subtle beauty from the East and some grandeur from the West. , a pair of big eyes that were still a little red, stared at Wang Qian, and said softly: “Do you regret it?”

Wang Qian sighed and asked, “What do you regret? Do you regret being with you or divorcing you?”

Li Qingyao bit her lip: “Then what do you regret?”

Wang Qian reached out and hugged Li Qingyao gently. He smelled the unfamiliar scent of expensive perfume on her body, which was no longer the smell that belonged to Li Qingyao. He said softly: “I don’t regret it. I don’t regret divorcing you when I am with you. I once loved you and regarded you as my support and home. Therefore, I sincerely hope that you will live a better and happier life in the future. Stop thinking about it and move forward! This is life.”

Wang Qian let go of Li Qingyao, smiled, then turned and left.


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