Death Reincarnation Game Chapter 768: Guardian


bsp;Fu Ziyi slowly opened his eyes and looked at Su Peng in front of him. He couldn’t help but feel confused for a while. He said: “Am I dead? Or is this an illusion… Why did what appeared in front of me? You?”

“Brother Fu, you are not dead and it is not an illusion. It is me, Su Peng.”

Su Peng stepped forward, held Fu Ziyi’s hand, and said to him.

After hearing this, Fu Ziyi became more awake. He looked around and said, “I’m not dead yet? Shouldn’t I be next to the underground lake? And, Brother Su, why are you here?”

Seeing that Fu Ziyi seemed to have regained some consciousness, Su Peng didn’t hide anything and quickly told what happened.

“Brother Fu, were you also swallowed by the sea monster and brought here?” Su Peng asked Fu Ziyi.

After listening to Su Peng’s logical words, Fu Ziyi seemed to be a little more sober. He nodded and said: “I really didn’t expect… Brother Su, you, like me, came here to find the temple, and you encountered all kinds of things. So similar… Yes, I was swallowed here by a huge sea monster, but in addition to me, the sea monster also swallowed many people from the Hengshan Sect.”

“What? People from the Hengshan Sect are also looking for the Holy Mountain Temple?”

Su Peng was slightly surprised when he heard this.

He suddenly remembered that he met Huo Sixian and others in Shanchaoju in Shancheng. Su Peng remembered that at that time, Huo Sixian and an old man who seemed to be an elder of the Hengshan sect met Su Peng. Could it be that The people who were swallowed by the sea monster together with Fu Ziyi, and Huo Sixian and the others?

Su Peng also guessed that there might be more than one sea monster. After all, even a sea monster must have a tribe to survive. Otherwise, could the sea monster be created out of thin air?

Since a sea monster swallowed Su Peng and Yang Xi, it is normal for other sea monsters to swallow Fu Ziyi.

Su Peng had told people in the village that the sea monster was very smart. Su Peng can also understand this by only swallowing some people who seem to be practicing martial arts. Perhaps this has something to do with the energy radiated from the human body.

In fact, everyone’s body radiates energy all the time. It’s just that everyone’s biological radiation frequency is different, but it is also regular. For example, people with strong bodies produce relatively high-frequency biological radiation, and those with weak bodies produce higher frequencies. Biological radiation is relatively low.

Perhaps those sea monsters can sense the biological radiation of the human body, and Su Peng cultivates the internal power of Nine Suns. The biological radiation in the body is more than ten times stronger than that of ordinary people, and Yang Xi has also practiced magic, and the biological radiation is different from ordinary people, so the sea monster swallowed two people instead of the ordinary crew members.

Fu Ziyi may be the same way. Fu Ziyi got the information from nowhere and came to pursue the temple, but was dragged down by the squid sea monster and sank the ship, and was swallowed by the sea monster called “Lua”. Brought here.

What Su Peng didn’t expect was that people from the Hengshan faction were also brought here.

“Brother Fu, why are you looking for the temple this time? Aren’t your martial arts already good, do you want to go further? Also. Those people from the Hengshan Sect, why don’t you see them?”

Su Peng was a little confused and asked Fu Ziyi.

Fu Ziyi couldn’t help but smile bitterly after hearing this. Said: “Where do I have such extravagant hopes? Martial arts is nothing more than a skill to make a living. It’s almost enough. I have no ambition. I want to be the best in the world.”

“Well, Brother Fu, you are here this time…”

Hearing this, Fu Ziyi propped up his body on his elbows and said to Su Peng: “Brother Su, this time I came to look for the temple, not for myself… but for my wife.”

“Huh? What’s wrong, sister-in-law?” Su Peng was a little surprised when he heard this. He didn’t know that Fu Ziyi was already married, and thought he was single.

“It’s a long story… My wife is also considered a martial artist, but due to some accidents, she suffered a lot of physical problems… I have looked for medical experts, and they all said that there is nothing that can be done about my wife’s health. After recovering, I can only live for half a year to a year. I have no choice but to have a little luck. It is the legendary temple… It is said that the temple is very magical. No matter what you ask for, as long as you are sincere. , I will get it. In order to prolong my wife’s life, I got the news about the temple through some means. It happened that I had an…an old acquaintance who also wanted to go to sea to find the temple, so I came with him. “

Fu Ziyi said to Su Peng.

Hearing this, Su Peng still had some doubts in his heart. He didn’t know how Fu Ziyi knew about the temple, and who was his friend? How come it seems that just any person has the financial resources and ability to know the news about the temple and come here?

However, Su Peng was not interrogating Fu Ziyi after all. Seeing that Fu Ziyi didn’t seem to want to talk, Su Peng understood in his heart, so he didn’t continue to ask.

Fu Ziyi also knew that Su Peng was giving him face. He struggled to sit up and said to Su Peng: “Later, during the shipwreck, our ship was dragged to the bottom of the sea, and everyone on the ship fell into the sea. I was killed by a sea monster. Swallowed into the belly… And the sea monster swam around and swallowed the people of the Hengshan Sect on another ship. You probably know what happened next. Last night, we were killed by the sea. The monster spurted out and landed in the underground lake, but we encountered three or four giant crocodiles. We were forced to disperse and escape. I was weak because I had not eaten food or fresh water for several days. I was hit by the giant crocodile and was injured. , I insisted on escaping into a gap in the rock wall, and then I escaped, and then I saw you.”

Su Peng nodded when he heard this. He already had a rough idea.

Su Peng took out another porcelain bottle from the Qiankun bag, handed it to Fu Ziyi and said: “Brother Fu, don’t think too much. Take two pills at noon and evening today, mix them with water, and your injury will be fine.” It’s considered serious, and I’ll almost be cured tonight.”

Fu Ziyi nodded. In fact, his physical injury was not serious. He just didn’t eat or drink for three days, so he was a little weak. He only needed to replenish his body.

Su Peng nodded, then stood up and said to Yang Xi: “Look after Brother Fu for me. I will come back after talking to the village chief.”

Yang Xi nodded, and Su Peng pulled the village chief out of the wooden house.

“Old man, I want to ask you, is it okay to return to China or go to the temple as long as you pass the test of the mountain guardian?”

Su Peng said to the old village chief.

The old village chief nodded and said: “That’s true, but you must pass the test, otherwise even if you look for the lure again now, you won’t be able to return to China, but will be eaten by it for real. ”

“That’s it…” Hearing this, Su Peng touched his chin and started thinking.

“The sea monster is obviously a biological submarine, but there are conditions for giving it away… But as long as it passes the test of the mountain guardian, at worst, you can ride the sea monster back to the mainland of China.”

Su Peng thought in his mind.

He is not worried about the long voyage under the sea, because it takes too long and he can log off.

Some people may not understand that if you log off in the belly of a sea monster, then the next time you go online, if the absolute coordinates of the offline remain unchanged and the sea monster swims away, wouldn’t it mean that you directly entered the sea and drowned?

But in fact, the login system of the Death Reincarnation game is far more intelligent than this absolute online and offline system.

After logging off in the belly of the sea monster, the next time you log in, Su Peng will appear in the same place in the belly of the sea monster, not in the sea water.

This is like, some people say that the universe is infinite, then every place can be counted as the center of the universe. Then according to the law of universal gravitation, if everyone is the center of the universe, then people will be directly affected by the infinite mass. Gravity is tearing apart. Under the endless force, atomic nuclei will be torn apart. But how can people in the universe still be alive?

This involves a piece of common sense in physics, that is, the calculation of gravity is not the calculation of the maximum range, but must be accurate to each relatively stable closed small system.

Only in a specific closed small system can the universal gravitation be calculated, so that people will not be torn apart by the gravity on both sides of the universe, just like common sense.

Just as gravity requires calculation of a closed system, Su Peng offline must also take into account the relative positions of each small closed system.

For example, when logging off in the sea monster’s intestinal cavity, Su Peng and the sea monster are a relatively stable system. The next time he logs in, he will not appear at the absolute coordinates, but will still log in at the position in the sea monster’s intestinal cavity.

Otherwise, don’t play this game. If the world of death and reincarnation were a planet, then the rotation of the planet would allow everyone who goes offline to appear hundreds of thousands of miles away next time. In that way, everyone Just run away and play games.

If the sea monster inhaled an intestine of seawater when Su Peng was offline, Su Peng would really be drowned if he landed again.

But it goes offline normally without any problems.

So, Su Peng knew that as long as he passed the guardian’s test, he could return to China even if he took a sea monster.

“Old man, where is the guardian? Old man, take me there as soon as possible and let me accept the test of this guardian!” Su Peng pulled the old village chief and said to him… (To be continued.) )


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