Daily Life at Hogwarts Chapter 1331: Emotional expert Granger


Order of the Phoenix headquarters.烩

In the savior’s dormitory, Harry was preparing for his routine going out to train Fiendfire.

“Will Albert really come to teach us Defense Against the Dark Arts?” Hermione didn’t know how many times she said this in front of her two friends.

“Hermione, I know you are looking forward to meeting Albert again, but you have been nagging several times in recent days.”

Ron, who had just put the cloak on himself, glared at Hermione disapprovingly, protesting that his ears had been repeatedly harassed.

“I, no, I just… This is very unlike Albert’s character.” Hermione said a little flustered.

“Oh, what do you mean?”

Ginny handed Harry the rain cloak in case they got out in the rain later.烩

The UK is still in the rainy season, and it may rain everywhere.

“Thank you, Ginny.”

After arranging the equipment on his body, Harry reached out to take the cloak from Ginny and put it on his body.

“You’re welcome, Harry.”

As Ginny spoke, she leaned forward and suddenly kissed Harry on the cheek, then made a face at the extremely ugly Ron, and then walked away.

“Are you dating?”

Ron’s face seemed to have been severely beaten, and it looked extremely ugly.烩


Harry was very confused, he didn’t expect Ginny to kiss him on his own initiative.


Just as Hermione was about to speak, Ron stopped her with a raised hand.


“Shut up, Ron. You don’t know anything.”

Hermione saw that the whole person had become abnormal, and really wanted to give him a punch to wake him up completely.烩

“What do I not know?”

Ron was taken aback by Hermione’s aggressive aura.

“Ginny likes Harry, don’t you see that at all?” Hermione noticed the embarrassment on Harry’s face and said softly, “Ginny has always liked you, I think you should…”

“I thought she just worshiped this lightning scar on my head.” Harry pushed his hair to reveal the lightning scar on his forehead.

“Don’t be silly Harry, no one will worship you for so long because of a scar.” Hermione felt that Harry was really slow in emotion, or that he was just pretending that he didn’t know anything.

“So, Ginny has always liked Harry?” Ron stared at Hermione dumbfounded, as if he had heard some very shocking news.

“Yes.” Hermione sighed, “You two are really slow in terms of feelings, no wonder you haven’t found a girlfriend until now.” 郩

“Aren’t you the same.” Ron said angrily, “So, Ginny is going to start pursuing Harry now?”

“Can we not talk about this?” Harry tried to interrupt the topic, he always felt awkward talking about relationship issues in front of his friends, especially when the object was Ron’s sister.

Hermione ignored Ron, stared into Harry’s eyes, and said suddenly, “I reminded Ginny not long ago that if she wants to do something, she needs to hurry up.”

Ron was stunned, and looked at Hermione in disbelief, unable to believe what he had just heard.

Hermione ignored Ron, who was like a log, and turned to Harry.

“And you, Harry, do you like Ginny?”

“This…” Harry didn’t expect Hermione to be so straightforward, so he couldn’t help being stunned, and then smiled wryly: “It’s not a matter of liking or not, I can’t involve her, Ginny has a bright future, But I have nothing but to face Fu… I mean the mysterious man.” 郩

“The situation is not as bad as you think.” Hermione comforted softly: “Besides, Ginny is not a fool, of course she knows the current situation, and she didn’t expect you to get married in the end, she just seized the last Opportunity, I don’t want to let myself regret.”

Ron opened his mouth, but found that he couldn’t speak, and couldn’t help turning his head and glaring at Hermione who was holding the wand.

“Didn’t Dumbledore say that you have the power of love that the mysterious man never had.”

Harry looked at Hermione dumbfounded, changed the subject and said, “Okay, it’s time for us to go.”

“Harry, do you like Ginny?” Hermione continued to ask.

“What about you, Hermione, do you like Albert?” Harry asked back, “You have to answer my question first.”

“I like it.” Hermione admitted directly, “Albert was the first friend I made in Hogwarts.”

“Sounds like being perfunctory.”

“I have always admired him, just like other girls, the only difference is that I am his friend.” Hermione said with bitterness that could not be concealed. The other girls like him very much, but it’s a pity that he has a girlfriend, and you don’t know how many girls fell in love after the news spread that he had a girlfriend.”

“Later, his relationship was very stable until they got married not long ago.” Hermione noticed the weird eyes of Harry and Ron, and shrugged: “Of course I know it’s impossible for us, but this It doesn’t prevent me from liking him, I just regret that I didn’t have time to confess to him, although I also know that he just regards me as a friend, how about you Harry.”

“Me? Probably… I like it. If I were just an ordinary wizard, I should accept this relationship, but you should be aware of my current situation. I no longer expect those feelings, and I don’t want to give Jin You’re causing trouble.” Harry added with some embarrassment: “Although I only think of Ginny as Ron’s sister most of the time, I don’t deny that the current Ginny is indeed very likable.”

Hermione seemed to be satisfied with this answer, but Ron beside her was very dissatisfied with it. He didn’t understand why Hermione did that at all.

“When did you start to like to match other people’s feelings.” Ron looked at Harry’s leaving back, and said to Hermione who was also planning to leave, “You shouldn’t…”

“Didn’t you notice that something was wrong with Harry?” Hermione stopped and turned to stare at Ron, “I don’t know how you treat his friend.”

“What do you mean?” Ron was confused.

“I’m sure that the only thing Harry wants to do now is to kill You-Know-Who.” Hermione looked at Ron expressionlessly and said, “That’s very bad. Something bad happened.”

“What’s wrong?” Luo En asked, swallowing.

“Harry will probably die,” said Hermione, moving her lips.

“That’s just…”

“So you are really a fool.” Hermione said impatiently, “Harry is now desperate to kill You-Know-Who, if this continues, he will definitely make a move because he wants to kill You-Know-Who What an extreme thing.”

“But, didn’t we also risk our lives to deal with the mysterious man?” Ron felt that the whole thing was inexplicable.烩

“It’s different.” Hermione felt tired talking to Ron, “Even if something goes wrong, Albert can help us.”

“He is so powerful, and knows almost everything, and is hostile to the mysterious man. Do you really think he hides because he is timid and afraid of the mysterious man?”

“So, why don’t we give him the task?” After Ron noticed Hermione’s idiot-like eyes, he realized that he had said the wrong thing.

They are currently working in a division of labor.

They were responsible for finding the Horcruxes, while Albert was helping Harry gather helpers.

“What does this have to do with you matching him and Ginny?” Ron hurriedly changed the subject.

“Do you think this is bad?” Hermione asked back, “You probably don’t want Harry to die because of this, do you.”

“Of course… I’m not saying it’s bad, but…”

“You should also support Tonks and Lupine together.” Hermione asked again suddenly.

“It shouldn’t matter!”

“Of course it does, I know what you’re worried about.” Hermione took a deep look at Ron and said, “But it’s not bad, Ginny likes Harry, and Harry likes Ginny too , There is nothing wrong with them being together, are you worried that Ginny will be affected because of Harry’s relationship, or do you think Harry will die?”

“I didn’t say that.” Ron was speechless, “Of course I have confidence in Harry.”

“Then why do you object to them being together?” Hermione couldn’t understand Ron’s train of thought, “You must be jealous!”

“I don’t, I just don’t want Ginny to get hurt.”郩

“Do you really think that Ginny will be hurt?” Hermione’s expression was particularly strange, “She not only found a boyfriend at Hogwarts, but why do you think so when she doesn’t even have a girlfriend?”

These words were like a needle ~Soverse.com~ pricking Ron’s heart deeply.

“If there is no shared experience as the basis of the relationship, after Harry defeats the mysterious man and becomes the real savior, the difficulty for Ginny to become Harry’s girlfriend may be several levels higher.” Hermione said meaningfully Said: “This shared experience that belongs to them is the most precious wealth. Ginny knows this very well, but you… really don’t understand at all. We are not just matching Harry and Ginny, but we hope that Harry Lee can continue to live.”

At this moment, Ron once again felt that his IQ was not enough, and he really didn’t understand what this had to do with allowing Harry to continue to live.

“Okay, you fooled me.” Ron took a deep breath and asked his doubts, “What does this have to do with keeping Harry alive?”

Hermione took a deep breath and said, “Harry now wants to drag You-Know-Who to die with him. I don’t know why he has such an idea, but he should be aware of it now that he has become indifferent to many things.” , we need to divert his attention from such stupid thoughts, and finding Harry a girlfriend is undoubtedly the best way.”

“But why didn’t you just go and talk to him?” Ron was even more confused.烩

“If it was really useful, I would have done that.” Hermione just felt tired and didn’t want to talk to Ron about it.

“Okay, I see.” Ron nodded stupidly.

“Hurry up Ron, we’re leaving.” Harry’s voice came from the corridor outside.

“Here we come.”

Actually, what concerned Ron the most was not the relationship between Harry and Ginny, but what Hermione said earlier, which undoubtedly hurt him a lot.


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