Daily Life at Hogwarts Chapter 1285: Falling into a trap


In the middle of the night, on the rough sea, a ship is breaking through the waves.

The old oil lamp on the bow swayed gently with the waves, still reflecting the front and continuing to guide the ship.

Suddenly, a few strange black shadows passed around the ship, and a thick layer of frost fog was silently frozen on the plywood.

A sorcerer in a thick cloak with an oil lamp in his hand who was in charge of guarding guard couldn’t help shivering, cursing in a low voice, and quickly hung the oil lamp covered with frost on the side , Push the door and walk into the cabin to keep warm, and not all dark wizards can tolerate dementors.

Without the source of happiness that could be sucked, the dementors in charge of escorting the ship began to slide forward, escorting the ship to the sea ahead.

“It’s freezing to death outside, I hate dementors.”


A famous slightly drunk wizard next to him poured him a glass of whiskey, “Today is a good day.”

“Yes, yes.”

“The lunatic is finally dead.”

“It is indeed worth celebrating.”

The black wizard in charge of the sentry took the whiskey, lightly touched the other dark wizards, took a big gulp of the glass of whiskey, and joined in the denunciation of Scrimgeour.

A lot happened tonight.

In particular, the news of Scrimgeour’s death is undoubtedly a good thing for them.

After the collapse and reorganization of the Ministry of Magic, people who used to live in the gray area finally ushered in their own spring, and finally they no longer have to worry about being persecuted by the Scrimgeour government.

This means that the British wizarding world will usher in the era of Voldemort, the most beautiful era for them.

“Cheers to the Dark Lord.”

If they also want to have a share of this era, they need to go one step further, and it is best to be able to become a Death Eater and become a member of their vested interests, just like them.

Several dark wizards secretly cast envious glances at a certain seat in the cabin, especially the youngest man, who seemed to be called Draco Malfoy.

In their opinion, how can such a softie qualify as a Death Eater?

Draco Malfoy, however, was completely oblivious to the gazes of others, still grieving over the loss of his family.

“Lucius is gone, now you need to get back together.”

Alecto looked at the red-eyed and sad Draco, frowned slightly, and said in a low voice, “After this matter is settled, you can go back to Hogwarts.”

“Alecto is right, I also think you should go back to Hogwarts to continue your studies!”

Although Gargson said this, he was very disdainful in his heart. He really looked down on Lucius, let alone the current Draco Malfoy. scum.

“Next, I’m afraid I will go to Hogwarts.” Alecto continued.

“I thought it was Snape.” Gargson looked at Alecto in surprise, “Or the Dark Lord asked you to…”

Alecto gave Gagson a hard look and told him to shut up.

“I’m also going to work there, maybe I can help you. As for your wedding, if the Parkinson family has no objections, I will help you handle it at that time, although Lucius may also ask Sney Snape, but it might be better for me to handle this matter, Snape may not know the trivia of some wizarding families.”

The relationship between the Carlo family and the Malfoy family is actually not as close as imagined, but when Lucius was asked to go to the Burrow to capture Harry Potter, he asked Alecto for help, and she finally agreed Yes, after all, Alecto can also get a lot of benefits from it, although these benefits may not fall into her hands in the end.

Draco Malfoy still didn’t say a word, Lucius’ death dealt him an extremely heavy blow, causing Malfoy to be almost driven crazy.

In just a few months, he lost his parents inexplicably, his originally happy life became fragmented, and he didn’t care about Pansy Parkinson at all.

Looking at the depressed Malfoy, Gagson cursed another trash in his heart, and looked sideways at Alecto.

“What do you teach at Hogwarts?”

“Dark magic.”

“But I heard that class is cursed.”

“It’s black magic, not Defense Against the Dark Arts.” Alecto corrected, “If you’re so free, go check and see if those guys are safe.”

“Are you sure there will be someone to save people?”

Gargson didn’t answer, poured himself a glass of whiskey, looked sideways at the window covered in white mist, and muttered to himself.

“If we summon the Dark Lord, but we don’t see the shadow of the enemy, you should know what will happen to us!”

Jargson hoped that he could be sent to Azkaban smoothly.

It’s not Gargson’s fault.

If only members of the Order of the Phoenix, or Harry Potter, came to save people, there would be no problem, but what if that freak Albert Anderson also came along?

They will all suffer bad luck and even lose their lives.

“After all, someone needs to try. Whether it is to take the opportunity to get rid of Harry Potter or eliminate some members of the Order of the Phoenix, it is a good thing for us.” Alecto reached out and brushed the black on his arm. The magic mark, a look of loyalty to the Dark Lord.

“Still…you are scared, you don’t want to trust the Dark Lord…”

“Of course I believe in the Dark Lord.” Gargson interrupted impatiently, “I just…”

“Just what?”

“I just don’t want to be a bait.”

Gargson didn’t imagine that Lucius’ death would be so tragic.

After all, there are already many ready-made cases in front of them, and they are undoubtedly acting as bait.

“I’m here too,” said Alecto.

“You’re right.” Gagson couldn’t refute, he poured himself another glass of whiskey, took a big gulp in his mouth, walked to the window, wiped off the moisture with his hand, and looked through the glass window Looking out of the cabin.

Suddenly ~Soverse.com~ a blinding white light suddenly lit up in the darkness.

“What happened?”

Gargson covered his eyes with his hand, and quickly drew his wand from his pocket.

“Enemy Attack!”

The cabin suddenly fell into chaos.

Outside the cabin, the dark night was illuminated by the Patronus, and the dementors that were surrounding the ship had been driven away by the Patronus’ spell.

“Are you storming in?”

Sirius is eager to try, ready to take the lead in breaking into the cabin to rescue the people inside.

“No, I have a better way.”

Albert held the broomstick in one hand, pointed his magic wand at the galloping ship in the other, and controlled the ship to fly in the air. Afterwards, he flipped several times in the air like a washing machine. He believed that the guests in the cabin would definitely not have too much Wonderful experience.


The three of them were taken aback by Albert’s operation, and quickly guessed his intentions.

“According to the plan, put everyone down first, and then… let Dobby take you away.” Albert suddenly turned his head to a certain direction, “Remember, don’t delay.”

“What’s wrong?”

“There is an annoying guy coming, your time is limited, it’s best not to exceed five minutes, if not, just retreat, I don’t want to duel with the mysterious man here.”

Speaking, Albert put down the sea boat again and let it sail to Azkaban shrouded in storm.


Moody fell on the splint first, and directly used the bang to open the door and broke in.

Sirius and Kingsley followed closely behind.

Albert turned his gaze to the black shadow flying this way again.

It really is Voldemort.

Did Voldemort sense something, or did he not trust his own people on the ship from the start?

What a wicked guy!


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