Daddy Fantasy World Restaurant Chapter 8: My father, I want to


The fried rice that just came out of the pan was still steaming, and the fragrance of eggs mixed with shallots rushed over her face. Amy couldn’t help but took a deep breath and stared at the fried rice in front of her with bright eyes.

Every piece of rice is covered with golden eggs, which seem to glow, and not only gold, but also green, red, white… all kinds of colors are mixed together, and I can’t help swallowing. , looked up at Mag and asked curiously, “Father, did you pick off the rainbow and fry it?”

“Huh?” Mag, who had just sat down opposite, was stunned for a moment. Looking at the colorful fried rice on the plate, it really looked like a fried rainbow. Childlike innocence was the most interesting thing. He smiled and nodded. Said: “Yes, this is Rainbow Fried Rice, how about millet and taste it.”

“No, I want Father to take a bite first, and then the millet.” Amy shook her head, scooped a large spoonful of fried rice with a spoon, and handed it to Mag with some effort.

“Eat the millet first. My father is not hungry. I’ll make one later.” Mag shook his head with a smile.

“No, my father got up so early to make breakfast for Xiaomi, and he must be hungry than Xiaomi.” Amy pouted and said, handing the spoon in the air, because she was too weak and a little swaying, but she didn’t mean to take it back. .

“Okay, then I’ll take a bite first.” Mag smiled and ate the meal on the spoon, swallowed the delicious fried rice, and his heart was full of warmth. The little guy had already swallowed it secretly. He drooled several times, but he still insisted on letting him eat the first bite.

It’s such a good feeling to be cared about.

“Then millet is on.” Amy happily retracted the spoon, scooped another spoonful of fried rice, looked at the rice seriously and said, “I’m sorry, Rainbow, I’m going to eat you.”

Mag couldn’t help but smile. The little girl’s mind was really simple. She held her chin in one hand and looked at Amy with anticipation. She was actually a little nervous.

Although he thinks this Yangzhou fried rice is super delicious, it is food from the earth after all, and it is completely different from the cooking style of this world.

As soon as Amy put the fried rice into her mouth, her eyes suddenly lit up, her little pointed ears half-covered under her silver hair moved, soft rice wrapped in fragrant eggs, fragrant shrimp, and salty ham , sweet and tender tree mushrooms, crispy winter bamboo shoots, all mixed in this fried rice, perfectly blended together, the taste is so delicate, the rich and sweet taste melts in the mouth, I don’t know how to eat it described.

The sweet shortbread that was originally the first in her heart, compared to this fried rice, is like being made of stone.

After taking one bite, I couldn’t help but immediately took the second bite, one bite after another, I couldn’t stop at all, I just felt that now was the happiest moment.

“Rainbow fried rice is delicious, my father is great…” Amy said something vaguely in the interval, but she never took her eyes off the plate from beginning to end. It means to stop and rest for a while.

“Eat slowly.” Mag said, got up and poured a glass of water beside him, watching the little guy’s little pointed ears move cutely, his face full of satisfied smiles. Amy’s performance has said it all. She is very satisfied with this fried rice. The repetitive practice in the kitchen god’s space is boring to the extreme. At this moment, she got the best reward. Just watching her eat, she feels that everything is fine. worth it.

“Probably I will soon fall in love with cooking.” Mag thought silently in his heart, watching the little guy eat is so fulfilling, but the little guy eats so deliciously, he feels Some are hungry.

Until all the fried rice on the plate was eaten, Amy held the plate with both hands and licked it, not even letting go of the remaining shrimp at the bottom of the plate. She put down the plate and said expectantly, “My father, I want it, and Xiaomi also wants to eat rainbow fried rice, rainbow fried rice is super delicious.”

“Do you still want it?” Mag was a little surprised, and glanced at the plate with no grains left. He cooked it according to the amount of an adult, and the little guy had eaten it all, and he still had to eat.

“Hmm, millet still wants to eat.” Amy nodded, blinked her big eyes, and looked at Mag expectantly, but after thinking about it, she looked in the direction of the kitchen for a while. He hesitated and said, “But my father hasn’t eaten it yet. Is there enough rice at home? Millet can also be eaten without it.”

“Of course there is enough rice, and my father ate a big bite of Xiaomi’s fried rice, so I didn’t get enough. Then I’ll fry another portion and eat it with Xiaomi?” Mag smiled and kneaded. After rubbing Xiaomi’s hair, the little guy always thinks of him, so sensible.

Looking at my memory, although Xiaomi is only four years old, he can eat two bowls of rice at a time, which is almost the same as an adult. It is the first time I have eaten such delicious fried rice, and I definitely want to eat another bowl. But this early in the morning, Mag didn’t want the little guy to It would be almost enough to give her a small bowl later.

“Okay, my father is really good at cooking today.” Amy looked at Mag clapping her little hands, her eyes full of admiration.

McGonagall got up and put away the dishes on the table to go into the kitchen.

“The free use of ingredients is over. From now on, all ingredients provided by the system can only be used after the host has purchased them. The following is the price list of ingredients, please check the host.” At this moment, the system’s voice suddenly sounded .

“Buy?” Mag was stunned, and suddenly remembered that when he completed the task at the God of Cooking Proving Ground, the system seemed to mention the permission to purchase ingredients, but all the attention was drawn to Yangzhou Fried Rice. I didn’t take it to heart, the default ingredients are provided by the system for free, but I didn’t expect to buy them.

Looking at the price list, Mag’s eyes suddenly stared, “I’ll go, system, I’m afraid your price is wrong?”

“Everything is normal for the price tag.” The system replied calmly.

“This prawn is worth 50 copper coins each, but you sell green beans for 1 copper coin… This is a rip-off!” Mag raised his eyebrows, and the list said: A Yangzhou Fried Rice Restaurant food required

One prawn 50 copper coins – 2 are required;

Eggs cost 30 copper coins – 2 are required;

40 copper coins for ham;

A tree mushroom 30 copper coins;

Winter bamboo shoots are 30 copper coins;

Rice 30 copper coins a bowl;

Green beans 1 copper coin – need five;

Green onion 1 copper coin – need one;

Total: 296 copper coins.

“The price of ingredients for this Yangzhou fried rice, I can eat 296 sweet shortcakes!” Mag was speechless, this still prevents people from doing business?


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