Daddy Fantasy World Restaurant Chapter 12: A bit difficult to start


“Mmmm.” Amy nodded obediently, ready to get off Mag’s body, but she stopped soon, looked at him, her eyes slowly opened, “Father, you hug Amy, You can hug Amy!”

As he spoke, tears welled up in his eyes, and his little face was full of excitement.

Aside from being able to snuggle up in her father’s arms when she is on the bed, Amy has never had her father’s embrace in her memory. She knows that his father is because of her body, but she still wants to be held in the arms of her father. Arms, did not expect to achieve today.

Mag smiled and scratched Amy’s nose, nodded and said, “Yeah, I can finally hug Xiaomi, I can hold it high in the future, and I can also hold the princess, as long as it’s what Xiaomi wants to do. , I can do it for you.”

When he held Amy in his arms, his mood was not excited. Sure enough, the body is the most important thing. This task must be completed. He doesn’t want to return to the old way of walking. strenuous state.

“It’s so nice, my father is so nice.” Amy put her face on Mag’s chest, rubbed her like a kitten, and said happily.

After comforting the little guy for a while, Mag confirmed that after releasing the bluish-purple flame, Amy felt no other discomfort, and then he was relieved.

And Amy also demonstrated to Mag. Now she can release that blue-purple fireball at any time. She doesn’t need to chant, just think about it in her heart, absolutely instant.

I don’t know much about the predecessor of the magician, and the things about the mysterious elf princess in my memory are vague. Mag couldn’t even find her appearance, but only vaguely remembered that she seemed to be a Great magician.

“It seems that the magic talent is the instant fireball technique that follows her mother. This talent should be good, right? But I can’t control it very well now.” Mag rubbed his chin and thought. , If the elves know Amy’s identity, what will happen? Whether it’s hurting her or taking her away from him, he can’t accept it.

“Gray Temple still has to think about it. Maybe you should find a more reliable magician. You have to find out the details first.” Have to be thoughtful.

Mag opened the black leather-covered menu on the table, and the leather was delicate and comfortable. When he opened it, he saw a plain light gray background, with black handwriting on the upper left: Yangzhou Fried Rice – 600 copper coins, Simple and clear, without losing style.

“The taste of this system is not bad.” Mag closed the menu with satisfaction.

“Father, is our restaurant really open today?” Amy asked while looking at Mag.

“Yes, open the door, even if it’s open, I hope we can sell a few more rainbow fried rice today.” Mag smiled and touched Amy’s hair, took Amy’s little hand and walked towards the door go.

McGonagall reached for the door handle, took a breath, and pushed it out.

The two bells hanging on the door rang twice, the door was pushed, and the warm sunlight of early autumn sprinkled on the two figures, one big and one small, standing at the door, and stretched out in the restaurant behind them. Two shadows.

“Rebirth, it seems to be pretty good.” Standing at the door, Mag looked at the four large black signboards hanging above: Maimi Restaurant, holding Amy’s small hand, and whispered to himself.

“Father, what are you talking about?” Amy looked up at Mag in confusion.

“I said, Xiaomi, it’s great to have you.” Mag looked down at the little guy who had not yet reached his waist, and smiled dotingly.

“Xiaomi thinks his father is also very good.” Amy happily ran around Mag twice, then put her hands together like a small trumpet in front of her mouth and shouted into the square: “Xiaomi’s restaurant is open. , everyone, come and eat, there is super delicious rainbow fried rice…”

Mag looked at the little guy and smiled helplessly, and was very happy. He looked up and saw that it was early in the morning, and there were not many people in Aden Square.

On the grass not far away, two burly orcs with horns were wrestling with bare upper body. A little further away, two human beings dressed as businessmen were standing under a tree and talking. The tall elf walked hurriedly with a longbow on his back, and the two troll children followed curiously…

Mag looked at this scene with some surprise. Although he had seen the appearance of various races in his predecessor’s memory, the shock he saw with his own eyes was completely different.

Powerful orcs, cunning goblins, long-lived elves… all of this suddenly became so real that he really felt like he was in the world.

Wanting to live a good life with Amy here, living a comfortable and leisurely life, it seems that it is not as simple as imagined, Mag raised his eyebrows, looked back at his restaurant, since the restaurant is open In this chaotic city, the targeted guests are naturally not only human beings, after all, elves, dragons and demons are notoriously fat.

Aden Square is located in the middle of the city of chaos. The original city builders planned the buildings around Aden Square to form a crescent, surrounding the circular Aden Square, and the side facing the south was empty.

Along this crescent moon from beginning to end, there are thousands of shops, restaurants, blacksmith shops, red light districts, arenas, magic shops… Anyway, as long as there are shops on Nolan mainland~IndoMTL. com~ It can be found in this Aden Square, and there are all kinds of people who open shops. If you go into a restaurant, it may be a scones shop opened by Yan Mo, and you can bake it directly in your hands.

The City of Chaos was established after the signing of the peace agreement, and various races were promoted to contact each other. Back then, the entire continent was like a piece of cake. It was cut several times horizontally and vertically, which intersected at one point, and was divided into the territories of various races. The City of Chaos was built on that point where the various races intersected, and it was called the center of the continent. Not too much.

And because it intersects with the territory of each race, there are eight gates open, and people of all races can enter.

In a city, orcs, humans, elves, goblins, trolls, demons, dwarves… and giant dragons coexist from time to time. This chaotic settlement is also the origin of the name of the city of chaos.

However, after the initial chaos, a mysterious organization called Grey Temple appeared in the city of chaos, and began to manage the order of the city of chaos. The man in gray in the dark is the city’s enforcer.

Mag’s restaurant is the last shop on the crescent tail of Aden Square.

Because the entrance to the square is at the other end, few people usually come here. Next to the restaurant is a weapon shop. In McGonagall’s memory, it was opened by a dwarf. There are several stores ahead. The door was closed, and a notice for rent was posted on the door. A little further away, there was a shop selling magic potions. There were two bird cages hanging in front of the shop, and there were two sleeping parrots inside.

Opening a restaurant here is not enough to describe. A guest can come in with interest and order a Yangzhou fried rice of 600 copper coins. Thinking of this probability, Mag suddenly felt that this start seemed a bit difficult.


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