Daddy Fantasy World Restaurant Chapter 11: Amy’s Wish


A piece of Yangzhou fried rice was eaten, and Mag sat and felt it for a while. The fried rice made by mixing these precious ingredients is not only good in taste.

The most intuitive effect is to relieve fatigue. What kind of fatigue did I get from making two Yangzhou Fried Rice in the morning, it has completely disappeared after eating one Yangzhou Fried Rice, and now I feel warm and refreshed than drinking Red Bull .

“It should be mainly because of the rice. I will eat that rice for three meals a day, and my physical fitness should be able to improve steadily.” Mag thought to himself, among these ingredients, the most precious thing is to use life The spring irrigates the rice grown.

“Xiaomi, do you feel anything after eating Rainbow Fried Rice?” Mag looked at Amy and asked. She has half the blood of the elf on her body. There should be no harm in eating the rice irrigated by the fountain of life. React?

“It’s so delicious!” Amy held the small bowl and put it on the table, stuck out her pink tongue and licked a grain of rice at the corner of her mouth, looking at Mag and nodded seriously.

Mag was stunned for a moment, and couldn’t help but smile. There was nothing wrong with this answer, but he turned to ask: “What about deliciousness and good looks? Is there any discomfort in your body?”

“A body?” Amy thought for a while, shook her head, and nodded again after a while.

“What’s wrong?” Mag suddenly stood up from the chair, leaned forward slightly and looked at Amy, his expression suddenly a little nervous.

“It’s just… it just feels like a fire is burning in my body. I’ve had it before, but it’s not as hot as it is now. It’s a bit uncomfortable. Father, what’s wrong with Xiaomi?” Amy looked at Mag. , The little face has become a little red, and he looks at Mag in a puzzled way, but he looks quite calm.

Mag was a little panicked. He originally thought that Amy had half elf blood, and eating the rice irrigated by the Fountain of Life should have a lot of benefits, but now it seems that this is not the case. Aroused something bad in her body.

Looking at Amy’s red face, McGonagall couldn’t think of the slightest solution. This was not a child’s fever. There was no way to deal with this situation in the memory of the predecessor. Mi’s face became more and more red, suddenly remembered something, reached out and took Amy’s hand and said, “Xiaomi, come with me, let’s go to the Ash Temple…”

“Father, I seem to know what to do.” Amy retracted her hand, shook her head, and raised her small right hand in front of her, palm up, as if she was holding something. .

“Xiaomi, who are you?” Mag looked at Amy in confusion.

Suddenly, a bluish-purple flame rose from her palm, and a tongue of flames half a meter high jumped upwards. The terrifying temperature scorched the air and distorted it.

Mag took two steps back almost subconsciously, and even the chair was brought down to the ground by him, staring at the blue-purple flame that was slowly jumping in Amy’s palm, the flames gradually subsided, and finally It turned into a small blue-purple fireball.

“Xiaomi, are you alright?” Mag looked at Amy quickly and asked, the fireball looked smaller than Amy’s little hand, but the temperature was a bit terrifying, making him feel the danger of danger and worried in his heart Amy, but she couldn’t get close, so she couldn’t help but feel even more anxious.

“Father, I’m fine, look at this fireball, it’s so cute, is this magic?” Amy shook her head, the redness on her face had faded a lot, and she said excitedly looking at the fireball in her hand, It’s like looking at some funny toy.

Mag breathed a sigh of relief and watched Amy slowly return to her normal face. It seemed that the appearance of the fireball had balanced the high temperature and discomfort in her body, but looking at the blue-purple fireball, her eyes narrowed slightly. , he is not sure if this is magic, shouldn’t the flame of normal fireball be fiery red?

Amy looked at Mag, who squinted slightly, but showed a somewhat flustered expression. With a shake of her hand, the fireball in her hand went out, and she immediately retracted her hand and lowered her head like a If something goes wrong, he usually says, “Don’t be angry, Father, Xiaomi knows it’s wrong, and I won’t mention the matter of wanting to learn magic in the future.” After speaking, he secretly glanced at Mag. How aggrieved.

“Huh?” Mag looked at Amy, who suddenly admitted his mistake, and hesitated for a while, and soon found the answer in his predecessor’s memory. It turned out that the predecessor was in order to hide his identity and protect Amy. Very low key.

Amy must wear a hat that covers her ears when she goes out, just to prevent others from finding out that she is a half-elf, and she has shown a strong interest in magic since she was a child, but she is strictly required not to touch any and magic Something about, let alone learning magic.

Mag looked at Amy who was aggrieved and bowed his head, and couldn’t help feeling a little distressed. His predecessor wanted to keep a low profile, let Amy live like an ordinary person, and he could understand her efforts to protect her.

But understanding doesn’t mean agreeing. He won’t do anything like suppressing Amy’s nature. And from his point of view, it is right to be low-key, but the low-key that is willing to be mediocre is just a lie to comfort himself.

In his previous life, he once read a sentence, mediocrity is not scary, what is scary is that mediocrity spent my whole life, and deceived myself that mediocrity is the truth.

Of course, Mag Alex’s life cannot be described as mediocre, but he wants Amy to live a mediocre life, which Mag cannot accept.

The bloodline of the strongest knight and princess of the elf family, who was once the strongest human being, might be a genius?

After all, Amy’s fireball technique just now is a memory of her previous body, which she learned without a teacher. Even in its heyday, he wouldn’t want to hit such a fireball.

Looking at Amy who bowed her head and nodded her index finger, Mag’s heart softened suddenly. What a lovely daughter, of course she can do whatever she wants. Of course, he should take the responsibility of hard work.

“Xiaomi, look up at me.” Mag said with a smile.

“Father, Xiaomi doesn’t learn…” Amy hesitated for a moment, then raised her head to look at Mag. Although today’s father was very kind, she still remembered that the last time she said she wanted to learn magic, her father The adult looks angry, she doesn’t want to make her father angry, she doesn’t want to make him unhappy.

“No, Xiaomi, starting from today, I don’t object to you learning magic. After the restaurant opens and makes money, I will send you to the Ash Temple to learn magic.” Mag interrupted Amy’s words with a smile. , looked into her eyes and said seriously.

“Really?” Amy was stunned for a moment, looking at Mag, with a bit of disbelief in addition to the surprise.

“Of course it’s true.” McGonagall nodded, “but it may take a while, because the restaurant just opened today…”

“Father, you are so kind, Xiaomi loves you!” Before Mag’s words were finished, Amy slipped out of the chair, threw himself into his arms and hugged his He kissed his face, then looked up at Mag, his little face was full of seriousness and said, “Xiaomi will definitely become a very powerful magician and protect his father, this is Xiaomi’s wish.”

“Okay, I believe Amy can do it.” Mag also looked at Xiaomi’s eyes and nodded sincerely, then said with a smile: “Then, let’s open the restaurant first, Maimi Restaurant, Our restaurant.”


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