Cosmic Professional Gladiator Chapter 28: The power of the heart



In reality, a planet lair occupied by cosmic star thieves, there is no law here, and the chaos is extremely chaotic.

Inside a bar.

Xu Jingming sat there alone, and no star thief dared to approach him in the surrounding area.

“In the world of generals, I have extremely high authority. I can teleport to a famous general from a long distance, and I can kill more than three million generals in 109 years. However, this number is still not enough. Worth mentioning.”

After all, the world of Fighting Generals is facing players in 34 cosmic domains! Even if part of the eighth-order registers an account, the unit is ‘billion’. Many fighters are eager for the gun demon to find them!

Unfortunately, Xu Jingming is at a loss for doppelgängers.

“After laying the foundation of marksmanship, the next step is the next step.” Xu Jingming thought while holding his wine glass.

Suddenly a group of star thieves walked into the bar, and with a glance, they noticed that Xu Jingming’s surroundings were empty

“Captain, that person occupies an area, and no one dares to approach him, so he must have some background.” The large group of Star Thieves did not rush over directly, but looked at their leader.

“Our thousand-eyed star thief’s headquarters and the 18th branch, I know all the top nine leaders.” The one-eyed leader sneered and led the crowd to walk over. Jingming. Xu Jingming didn’t raise his head, and the star robbers who walked into his area disintegrated one by one silently, turning into fly ash and disappearing.

“It’s still comfortable in the Star Thief’s territory.”

“Occasionally getting out of control these years, it’s just destroying a few star thief planets.” Xu Jingming is still sitting there, and the No. 9 Yuanchu battle suit intelligence has already controlled the intelligence system of this star thief lair. He didn’t even need Xu Jingming to take action, and ordered Xiao Jiu, Xiao Jiu’s own power, he could rub the planet at will.

“Visualize the void.”

Xu Jingming was sitting in the bar, but his figure was visualized in his mind.

He is the end of everything. He is the greatest existence.

His face was blurred, and it was difficult for Xu Jingming to see clearly. What Xu Jingming saw most clearly was the black robe he was wearing, and the endless darkness contained in the black robe.

The ‘darkness’ contained in the black robe is a kind of tolerance, which includes the Yuanchu star, the abyss, and all powers.


Xu Jingming, who was sitting in the bar, suddenly covered his head in pain.


The incomparably terrifying wave erupted centered on Xu Jingming, annihilated the bar in an instant, tore and shattered the entire planet, and still spread in all directions! All space starports outside the planet were destroyed.

With Xu Jingming as the center, the entire range of hundreds of millions of kilometers was shattered under the strange and terrifying fluctuations.


Xu Jingming covered his head, his face twisted.


“The master lost control very seriously this time.” Xiao Jiu was very worried.” It has been more than a hundred years, and the master only lost control slightly before. Why is it so serious this time? “

Xu Jingming has visualized his figure countless times over the years, and every time he visualizes, it is also to explore the path of marksmanship.

But the visualization effect this time is completely different.

After the soul has been condensed and completely transformed, and the foundation has been laid. Xu Jingming is the path that truly fits the “Lord of the Void Abyss”, so after he visualized this time, it immediately caused more high-dimensional information feedback from his figure. Xu Jingming also saw more high-dimensional information’.

Massive, fragmented, and chaotic high-dimensional information is not systematic, impacting Xu Jingming’s consciousness. Usually suppressing chaos requires most of Xu Jingming’s spiritual consciousness. At this moment, with the impact of a large amount of information, Xu Jingming naturally could no longer maintain his sobriety and completely lost control.

After more than half an hour, because the visualization received so much high-dimensional information, after the shock, Xu Jingming gradually regained his sobriety with the help of the ice-cold wine in his body.

“What’s wrong with me?” Xu Jingming looked around, and there was a silent starry sky, only the distant stars were still shining with light. “This star system is missing three planets.” Xu Jingming confirmed instantly.

“Master, you lost control just now and destroyed the star thief planet and the two adjacent barren planets.”

Xiao Jiu reminded. “Oh.”

Xu Jingming didn’t want to let himself stay on a lonely and desolate planet and make himself suffer.

I don’t want to live on a civilian planet, in case the loss of control affects countless civilians.

So the final choice is….

When I got hungry, I went to some living planets, but only for a short stay.

Usually, I live in some star thief lairs, the more sinful star thief lairs, the more Xu Jingming likes them. With Xu Jingming’s influence and his ability to travel through time and space, it is very easy to find some star thief lairs.

“The visualization just now received so much high-dimensional information.” Xu Jingming began to sort out the information he received. Different cognitions, visualizing his figure, will have different gains.

After Xu Jingming’s mind has been condensed and transformed, he has gained new gains in visualization, which is also expected.

“The path of the Lord of the Void Abyss is much more difficult than any of the nine core chapters of the Yuanchu Star Conjecture.” Most of the high-dimensional information Xu Jingming received was related to the path of marksmanship, and he was vaguely spying on it. There are a lot of mysterious marksmanship.

A large amount of high-dimensional information allows him to break through more fog and understand more key points on this road.

“Combined with the high-dimensional information this time, it can be judged.”

“The first step in the path of marksmanship is to refine all impurities and transform the soul. This is just a foundation, which means that I am qualified to practice this path.”

“The second step in the path of marksmanship is the tempering of the soul! There is no exact number of times of tempering, thousands of times, tens of thousands of times, or hundreds of millions of times? These are not important. The important thing is countless times of tempering, Make the spiritual power continuously transform until it transforms into the third-level high-dimensional power of the inner world’.”

From the information Xu Jingming received this time, he also understands that if his path reaches a high dimension, it will be the power of the mind. “The power of the heart.”

Xu Jingming secretly sighed, “There are many kinds of high-dimensional powers of the mind, such as the power of nightmares, the paintbrush of the heart, the power of illusion, the world of dreams, etc. But these are all ‘powers of the heart’ branch of .

“In high-dimensional space, there are some special places, such as the abyss, such as the Yuanchu star, such as the mother river, and such as the heart realm.”

“The way of marksmanship I saw on Xu Yuan’s figure is that the heart is sincere in the spear and pure in the spear, so that the mind can be tempered to the extreme with the aid of the spear. The mind can be tempered to the extreme and can directly transform into the power of the high-dimensional power of the heart. “”Using the power of the heart world as the foundation, build a high-dimensional life body! Once you become a high-dimensional life, you can enter the ‘heart world’ in the high-dimensional space when you are born.”

After Xu Jingming came into contact with high-dimensional information integration, he also understood this.

“It is indeed the high-dimensional power that originated from the third realm, and it has walked on the broadest road from the beginning.” Xu Jingming secretly sighed, “Those who cultivate the power of nightmares and other spiritual power paths may reach eternity After the first stage, it is possible to enter the “heart realm” if the accumulation is deep enough. However, it is almost impossible for them to reach the third realm with the “power of nightmare”.

“The power of the heart realm can clearly see the direction of the third realm.”

“Of course…it’s just the direction.”

Xu Jingming is well aware of this.

The five major inheritances cultivated by generations of powerful Void Protoss all point directly to the third realm. Gu Mo, the greatest existence of the Void Protoss, must have reached a very high level of research on the five inheritances.

In a universe, there are so many who have received third-level inheritance.

Looking at the high-dimensional space, there are probably countless people who have obtained the inheritance of the third realm, but who can become a high-dimensional life in the third realm?

“Don’t expect the third realm. What I need to do now is to let myself master the high-dimensional power ‘the power of the heart world’.” Xu Jingming thought, “There are five major inheritances in the Void Protoss, and there are only three. Because of this, it became a legend of the universe.”

“As for me, I have no inheritance! I only have some bits and pieces of information obtained by visualizing his figure.”


The second step on the path of marksmanship is to temper the mind with marksmanship.

Static view of ideas. In the past, I was the first star of visualization! Now you can often visualize Xuyuan! As my mind gradually progresses, every time I visualize, I can occasionally gain something, and I can get some fragmentary high-dimensional information. With more information, the road can be seen clearly

Chu, know how to go. “

Xu Jingming then took half an hour every day to visualize Xu Yuan’s figure.

Yes, only half an hour.

Because I could keep calm at the beginning, it got out of control after a while.

“Second, try to create” Xuyuan marksmanship”. In the endless darkness of his robes, I saw the path of marksmanship, and vaguely saw a move of marksmanship that I could try to imitate.

When you are weak, imitation is a good way.

The mysterious spear technique spied in the endless darkness has a special charm, Xu Jingming plans to imitate, sum up experience, and try to form a set of Xuyuan spear technique’. “Three, dynamic conception! When you are fighting in the general world, you can also visualize his figure. Even if you lose control, you will also lose control in the virtual world.”

“Four, imitate the Lord of the Void Abyss!”

Based on my understanding of the Lord of the Void Abyss, I imitate him in every move and try to understand him.

Wear similar clothes, and use imitated Xuyuan marksmanship to kill a general.

“Five, the dark primordial star spear technique! In the endless darkness of his robe, the dark primordial star is contained, I can try to contain the dark primordial star with the spear method….”

Xu Jingming’s understanding of Yuanchu Star in the past three hundred years has long been distorted into a dark Yuanchu Star’.

At this moment, this distorted understanding is interpreted with marksmanship.

Bi Jing, the figure of the master of Xuyuan is the Yuanchu star who tolerates the darkness. Xu Jingming feels that he is following the traces of the other party.


No is no complete inheritance and that’s it.

The same is true for the dean, who borrowed from the inheritance of the Yuanchu star lineage of other strong people in the early days, but later, the dean was also studying the Yuanchu star and concluded the “Yuanchu star conjecture”.

Xu Jingming is now groping and summing up, maybe some methods are effective, and some methods are not effective. But you can only know by experimenting.

“Temporarily use these five methods to temper, and then make progress, get more high-dimensional information from Xu Yuan’s figure, and add new tempering methods.” Xu Jingming then started the second step of training.

He expected that the difficulty of the second step would be terrifying.

Those tenth-rank Void Protoss powerhouses who have the inheritance of “Xu Yuan” will not be able to bear the torture of their hearts when they are practicing, and finally give up and choose other paths. Not to mention that he has no inheritance but he has no choice! After being polluted, he can only go this way!

Of the three roads he saw when watching Xu Yuan’s figure, he chose the “shooting road” because it was the one he loved the most. The only way he could cope with the “difficulty of the road” was because he loved it the most.

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