Conquer a Mountain And Become The Great King Chapter 35: Han Dapeng wants to enter the hilltop


   illusion! This must be an illusion!

   What did he just see, a body tempering pill, was actually fed to a dog?

   He only felt his heart twitch fiercely, his breathing became unsmooth, his brain was blank, and he fell directly to the ground.

   Body Tempering Pill, that’s Body Tempering Pill!

  Improve people’s physique, expand their potential, break through the barriers of cultivation, any effect can make people crazy.

   He had been a deacon of the outer door in the Lingyao Pavilion for ten years, and he had only seen the body tempering pill once. The body tempering pill not only disturbed the entire Dongzhou County people, but even the surrounding areas of Dongzhou County. The county town was also alarmed, and countless people came to **** it. He has imagined countless times that he can possess a body tempering pill to help him break through the barriers of martial arts and become a real warrior.

   Now he saw the Body Tempering Pill for the second time. However, he was actually eaten by a dog. If he hadn’t kept a trace of reason, he even wanted to break the dog. Digest, take out and eat by yourself.

   “Deacon Han, why are you here?” Su Yu stepped forward, and unexpectedly saw that Han Dapeng was here after seeing off the Bai family. Is it suitable for a visitor today?

   “Master Su, I just came to visit and disturb Master Su.” Han Dapeng quickly stood up and said respectfully, his eyes drifting over the bottle in Su Yu’s hand, his pupils shrank suddenly, and it was another body strengthening pill. !

   is worthy of being a disciple of Pill Saint. This pill is eaten as jelly beans. He only felt that the pores all over his body were trembling, the blood flow rate more than doubled, and his breathing became heavy and rapid. He just felt , A great opportunity is in front of him.

   calm down, be calm!

   Han Dapeng took a deep breath, forcibly restrained his impulse to worship, smiled at Su Yu, and said flatteringly, “Master Su, when I saw you that day, I felt that you were definitely not a thing in the pool. He has taken the mountain as the king at a young age. It is really a role model for my generation.”

   “Deacon Han praised.” Su Yu and Han Dapeng talked as they walked, and Han Dapeng talked mostly along the way, flattering one after another, making Su Yu happy.

   “This… The house of Lord Su is really extraordinary. Even the building of the Spirit Medicine Pavilion can’t be so magnificent, and only this kind of house can be worthy of the identity of Lord Su…” Han Dapeng was shocked in his heart. , Don’t miss any chance of flattering.

   “Okay, let’s enter the house.” Su Yu opened the door, and the decoration inside once again refreshed Han Dapeng. The whole person was stuck outside the door, afraid to step in.

   poked out his head cautiously and looked in. When he saw Zhao Lao and Mu Xiaoxiao, the whole person was shocked, and he knelt directly at the door with a “puff”, his voice trembled: “Junior Han Dapeng, excuse me Dan…Senior Zhao, really **** it! I wish Senior Zhao Hongfu to have the heavens, and the longevity and the heavens!”

   “Deacon Han, the visitor is a guest, so you don’t have to be too restrictive.” Su Yu is really speechless. This guy’s sloppy character is probably already deeply ingrained, and he just opened his mouth.

   “Master Su, you don’t need to call me Deacon Han in the future. I have quit my job at the Spirit Medicine Pavilion.” Han Dapeng said, then his voice earnestly bowed his head and said, “I want to join Dawang Mountain, so please accept Mr. Su , I promise to live and die with Dawangshan!”

  ”Do you want to join Dawang Mountain?” Su Yu raised his brows and looked at Han Dapeng. To be honest, although Han Dapeng flattered himself very practically, Su Yu didn’t dare to use him like him. , I may betray you when.

   “Pray for Master Su to be fulfilled!” Han Dapeng’s head was firmly on the ground, his tone was filled with anxiety and expectation.

   was able to resign from the post of deacon at the outer gate of the Lingyao Pavilion to join Dawangshan. Although there is a reason for Zhao Lao, it is undeniable that Han Dapeng is still very courageous.

  ”System, see if Han Dapeng can join Dawang Mountain.”


  ”Han Dapeng, with moderate qualifications, likes to shoot horses, likes to rely on a strong backer, dovetailed with others, but works diligently, as long as the backer is strong enough, the possibility of his betrayal is almost zero, and he can earn Dawangshan.”

   Su Yu’s eyes flickered slightly, he pondered for a moment, and said, “Do you know what you need to do to join Dawangshan?”

   “No matter what I do, I will do it!” Han Dapeng was overjoyed, and the ground was red with excitement. These words indicated that he hoped to join Dawang Mountain.

  ”I will give you a one-month trial period. If your performance in this month satisfies me and you feel that you really want to do this job, then you will be officially admitted to Dawangshan!”

   “Thank you Young Master Su! I will definitely not let your expectations down!” Han Yu was ecstatic in his heart, and he could not wait to roar to the sky. For a one-month trial period, even if he puts everything in it, he will pass!

   “Come with me.” Su Yu walked out the door and went straight to his ten acres of fruit land. Five acres of the ten acres of fruit land were planted with various fruits, and the buds were already showing~ IndoMTL. com~ It is very spectacular at a glance.

   “To join Dawang Mountain, the most basic job is to farm.” Su Yu said.

  ”Plant…farm?” Han Dapeng thought he had heard it wrong, and looked at Su Yu in surprise. Of course, the most important thing for a power is to cultivate martial arts. No matter how bad it is, he will gather medicine and make alchemy. What can be cultivated by farming?

   But then he thought of the kind of rice that Su Yu sells, and he was relieved that if it was the kind of rice, it would be understandable.

  Su Yu bought a **** from the miscellaneous items and threw it to Han Dapeng, walked into the vegetable field, “follow my actions.”

   After finishing, his legs were slightly bent, his wrists turned in a spiral shape to hold the hoe, and then he suddenly lifted the **** over his head, his shoulders sank, his back bowed, the **** fell straight, and the dirt on the ground immediately Splashing, if someone observes carefully, they will find that the splashing mud has actually formed a standard pattern.

   The **** up and down seems to contain a certain pattern. It is obviously a hoe, but it looks very pleasing to the eye.

   However, for Su Yu, Han Dapeng couldn’t do the extremely simple movements, and even the posture of holding the **** was incorrect.

  ”Don’t put your hands like that, turn them around a little bit, don’t be so strong, are you nervous?”

   “Bend your foot, yes, bend it down, why do you bend so much, lift it up a little bit…”

   “The power of hoeing should be stronger. Have you not eaten? The strength should be even. Do you understand? Look at what you hoe, one depth and one shallow…”


  Han Dapeng has never been so suffocated before, and his expression is extremely embarrassing. He is sorry for the warrior who is at the pinnacle of outside power. He can’t even **** the ground. Suddenly he felt that how could it be so difficult to **** the ground? He hasn’t felt so difficult even in martial arts…


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