Conquer a Mountain And Become The Great King Chapter 28: Porridge is popular this year


  Dongzhou County, Liu’s family.

   “Siyuan, what you said is true?” a middle-aged man asked eagerly.

   “Father, it is true!” Liu Siyuan nodded solemnly, “This porridge really made more than 20 people break through at the same time!”

   paused, and then said: “Furthermore, he can easily defeat Wu Changkong at this grade, and even Han Dapeng has to flatter him. This person’s master may be a Wu Wang!”


   His words made many elders take a breath. Dongzhou County is independent of the empire, but its strength is far from the empire. It can only be regarded as a general sect, even if it is the three major families, it is lowered. The strength is nothing but King Wu.

   “Siyuan, no matter what, you must remember that we must not offend this person until the situation is unknown! We should try our best to make friends.” The middle-aged man confessed.

  ”Siyuan understands.” Liu Siyuan nodded, and continued: “Also, I have ordered someone to cook the rice. Daddy, you and the elders can taste it.”

   “Okay, let’s taste the peculiarities of that rice…”

  Dongzhou County, Baijia.

   “Father, mother! Look, see how I am different!” Bai Xiaolong’s expression was extremely excited, and he ran into the hall quickly, standing straight in front of his parents, behind him, Bai Xiaoya was weak Sighed.

   “My son has grown taller again?” The beautiful woman smiled, she stretched out her hand and touched Bai Xiaolong’s head, carefully and a lot.

   “No, no, mother, look again!”

   “I think you only know how to eat, drink and have fun all day long… Huh?” The middle-aged man beside him couldn’t help but fix his eyes on Bai Xiaolong, with a hint of surprise and surprise in his tone, “Have you broken through?” “

  Bai Xiaolong pursed his mouth, nodded triumphantly, indescribably excited.

  His martial arts talent is extremely weak. Although the Bai family is rich and powerful, he has been raised to the third level of foreign power with the help of genius and treasures, but the sequelae have also appeared.

   The external power is divided into ten layers, and every three layers is considered a small flyover. Although there is only one difference between the third and fourth layers, there is one sky and one earth.

  ”How did you break through?” The middle-aged man couldn’t help but curiously asked. Bai Xiaolong’s martial arts has always been a thorn in his heart. The Bai family is rich in wealth, but in this world, if there is no strong martial arts, wealth is Like a cloud of smoke, although you can hire martial artists, it is not as good as having insurance from martial arts.

   “Your son, I have a very talented talent, and I have broken through when I practice…” Bai Xiaolong said stupidly.

   “Xiaoya, for you.” Bai Qianshan was too lazy to take care of this tricky son, and turned to Bai Xiaoya.

   “It’s… because of a bowl of porridge…” Bai Xiaoya hesitated for a moment and said in a weird tone. She was really embarrassed to say that it was because she licked the bottom of a pot…

   “Porridge…what are you talking about, porridge?” Bai Qianshan couldn’t believe his ears, looked at Bai Xiaoya, and smiled: “Xiaoya, even you are starting to find your father’s happiness. Up.”

   “Father, it’s true, I told you this porridge is so amazing…” Bai Xiaolong immediately blown Su Yu into the air, and finally concluded: “With such amazing rice, I think his master might be A saint!”

   As everyone knows, his unintentional thought is the closest to the truth.

  ”Hehe, saint? There are so many saints in this world.” Bai Qianshan smiled and shook his head, “But this Su Yu is really not easy, is the porridge really so magical?”

   “It’s true! Dad, wait for you to taste it, I bet you must have never eaten such a delicious thing, this porridge can subvert the so-called delicacies you used to say!” Bai Xiaolong promised.

   Dongzhou County, the prefectural palace.

  ”Zhiyun, why did you think of inviting dad to eat today?” Yang Wu laughed, his body is extremely strong, his eyes are divine, he is not angry, he is the county king of Dongzhou County.

   “My daughter recently got the same deliciousness, please father to taste it.”

   “Delicious? Hahaha, no wonder I smell a fragrance, you are interested.” Yang Wu looked at the table of dishes in front of him, excited, he picked up his chopsticks and started to eat.

   But, immediately afterwards, he wrinkled his nose, first looked at Hui Xiangji, shook his head, then looked at Zui Xianzhang, and shook his head again: “This smell… strange…”

  The dishes on the table are all treasures, and they are all his favorite dishes, but they are not the source of the aroma. The aroma seems indifferent, but it just overwhelms the taste of all the famous dishes, making it unforgettable .

   Yang Wu frowned and scanned all the dishes in front of him. Finally, he had no choice but to focus on the rice porridge in the middle of the table.

  Although he didn’t want to believe it, he couldn’t help but believe it. The fragrance came out of the white rice porridge. Originally, he was wondering why Yang Zhiyun had to put white rice porridge in so many good food centers. Now it seems that this porridge… … extraordinary!

   “Zhiyun, this porridge…” Yang Wu looked at Yang Zhiyun, shocked that couldn’t be concealed in his eyes.

   is on the other side of the prefectural palace–

   “By the order of the princess of the county, Tang Xiao will be the general manager of the foreign palace and will be responsible for the distribution of personnel in the foreign palace.” A maid said in a loud voice in the handy room, looking at Tang Xiao with a smile, “Manager Tang, I have to take care of my little sister a lot in the future.”

   Tang Xiao has not yet come to life at this time, the whole person is still in a dream, his face is full of confusion, and he looks left and then again, after confirming that he is the only one named Tang Xiao, his voice tremblingly asks Said: “Wh…what…I heard it wrong, I…manager?…”

   “Manager Tang, that’s right, the princess of the county has been promoted exceptionally, and you will be the general manager of the outer door in the future.” The maid said to him kindly.

   “Impossible! How could he be an outside chief, I was the first to refuse, Chen Lang!” Chen Lang’s face was exposed with bruises, his eyes widened and pointed at Tang Xiao, and he roared, “I want to be a foreigner. The manager of the door, at least the strength of the pinnacle of foreign his strength is equal to mine, so why should he be the manager!”

   “Just because he is a friend of Young Master Su Yu, Young Master Su will be a distinguished guest of our Prince’s Mansion in the future.” The maid glanced at Chen Lang with disdain, “What are you? Do you dare to question the decision of the Princess?”

  ”Su…Sister Su Yu?” Chen Lang’s head buzzed, and one stepped back unsteadily, and shook his head unconsciously, “Impossible, Su Yu was originally just a handyman, only a foreigner. , He…”

   is not only him, but everyone else’s expressions are extremely complicated. Who would have thought that a handyman who was ridiculed by martial arts and turned into a hot character now changed hands. No wonder he would remark so decisively at the time. Lost the status of handyman.

   Tang Xiao couldn’t help but think of the figure in the market, calmly selling rice to the children of the major families, no wonder he was so determined that day, it is ridiculous that he persuaded him at that time and prevented him from resigning.

   “In the future, Lord Su will be a distinguished guest of the Prince’s Mansion. The princess doesn’t want to hear any bad remarks about Lord Su in the mansion!” After the maid finished speaking, she bowed to Tang Xiao and left.

   “Manager Tang, I have never slandered Young Master Su before…”

   “Manager Tang, the first time I saw Master Su, I knew he was very human. I hope you can help him with a few words in the future…”

   “Manager Tang, at that time Lord Su resigned, I knew he was going to fly into the sky in the future, and I never laughed at Lord Su…”

  ”Manager Tang, this is my salary last month, please accept it…”


   Almost at the same time, all the big families in Dongzhou County began to know the existence of Su Yu, and, on this day, several big families in Dongzhou County drank rice porridge by appointment. For a while, Dongzhou The county formed a scene of porridge fragrant.


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