Conquer a Mountain And Become The Great King Chapter 25: Rice being scrambled


   This kid is over!

   Almost everyone came up with this idea at the same time. No matter who it was, it was obvious to everyone that Wu Changkong had given out ten percent of his strength this time. Some people were so soft-hearted that they had already covered their eyes and dared not look.

   “Stop me…!”

   Han Dapeng shouted hoarsely, even with a hint of crying in his voice. At his speed, he still couldn’t keep up, and he could only watch Su Yu being beaten.

   It’s over. It seems that this kid’s life cannot be saved. What can I do if Zhao Laoqian is angry with me…


   Wu Changkong’s eyes were filled with excitement, and a bloodthirsty smile appeared on the corner of his mouth. The shame you brought me can only be washed away with your life!

   Su Yu was surprised at first, then he naturally raised his leg and kicked a stone by his foot…

  ”Skills, sow seeds!”


  Everyone only felt that their eyes flashed, and the stone turned into an afterimage and fell on Wu Changkong’s shoulder…


   This stone not only stopped his sprint, but also caused his original sprinting fist to fall directly, and the whole arm was numb, so that he couldn’t get any strength.

   “You…!” Wu Changkong looked surprised. If it was a fluke before, then it is definitely a crushing force now. This hidden weapon is impossible to guard against. Unless he becomes a warrior and spreads his spiritual power all over his body, he will not be able to defend himself. Wan is not an opponent.

   “How… how is it possible?” Everyone was dumbfounded, and each one was going crazy.

  The training of martial artists is extremely difficult. They all call themselves the geniuses of Dongzhou County, but they are still in the realm of foreign skills, and they have not really entered the ranks of martial artists. Wu Changkong’s martial arts are already regarded as the younger generation of Dongzhou County. The top level of, but was completely abused by such a young boy, the key point is that this boy is also looking dazed at this time.

   What kind of expression is this, like saying: You fell down before I could do anything, how can you be so weak?

   Han Dapeng opened his mouth even more, as if he had seen a ghost.

   Yesterday, this guy didn’t even have a teacher. He was obviously just a wild boy. How could he become so powerful overnight? Is it because of Mr. Zhao?

   The more I think about it, the more I think it’s possible. The pill saint can take out a pill to make people reborn. Of course, he can’t be stingy with his apprentice. If he can get a pill, wouldn’t it be developed!

   Fuck up! Must flatter! Han Dapeng’s eyes looking at Su Yu became extremely hot.

   “Who are you?” Wu Changkong’s voice was hoarse, and he looked at Su Yu in disbelief.

   “I’m just a rice seller…” After Su Yu finished speaking, regardless of Wu Changkong who was sluggish on the side, he put the rice on his back on the spot and set the pot up. This time he also prepared A sign was standing aside, and it said: “Ten medium-grade spirit stones per catty of rice, one medium-grade spirit stone for a bowl of porridge, Tongsao is not bullying, and the price is fair.” That’s how the rice was really sold.

  ”Am I wrong, selling…sell rice?”

  ”Ten middle-grade spirit stones per catty? My eyes must be blurred.”

  ”Hehe, he is really a madman who is not a life and death. If he offends Wu Changkong, he still dares to sell rice at such a high price. Does he really think he can sell it?”

   “Damn, this kid is so powerful, is it a mental retardation?”


   It’s not too big to watch the excitement, and everyone’s interest is extremely high.

   “Young Master Wu, just a rice seller, don’t you just look at him so arrogant?” Liu Siyuan curled his mouth and said to Wu Changkong.

   “Huh! Your low-level activating method is useless to me. If you can’t understand it, just let yourself be done!” Wu Changkong snorted coldly. He is not stupid. Naturally, Liu Siyuan wanted to stimulate. He used him to explore Su Yu’s details, but judging from the performance of Han Dapeng and others, Su Yu was obviously not very human, and of course he could not continue to rush forward recklessly.

  Of course, the most important thing is that he can’t beat it!

   Liu Siyuan smiled disapprovingly, watching the development of the situation quietly.

   “Master Su, you don’t need to cook this rice, I bought it all.” As things calmed down, Han Dapeng immediately walked to Su Yu’s side and said, with flattery on his face and the spirit that he had prepared in his hand. stone.

  A dignified deacon from the outer door actually smiled at a rice seller, making everyone awkward, and the two deacons who followed Han Dapeng unconsciously lowered their heads to look at their toes, and they really couldn’t afford this person.

   The children of several other big families looked at each other. It seemed that Su Yu’s identity was not simpler than he thought. Bai Xiaolong’s heart sank. Yesterday, I felt that Han Dapeng’s attitude towards Su Yu was different. Today What’s more, it’s really not ordinary people who can come up with this kind of rice.

   “Wait! I’ll give out twenty middle-grade spirit stones per catty!” Bai Xiaolong said without hesitation, he only has money left when he is poor, and he is not talented in literary and martial arts. What he can enjoy is money. The thrill of smashing people.

  ”Bai Xiaolong! You already bought it yesterday. Would you like to grab it with me today?” Han Dapeng’s complexion flushed and he was aggrieved.

   Have you bought it? Come to buy today?

   Everyone started to look at the rice, what kind of rice can be sold at such a sky-high price, if it is only bought by Han Dapeng, it can be understood as Han Dapeng intending to court Su Yu, but now Bai Jia is also blending in Came in.

  ”The market rules, the higher the price, you are the outside don’t you know?” Bai Xiaolong raised his head triumphantly.


   “Thirty middle-grade spirit stones per catty!” The clear voice sounded like spring water, completely letting Han Dapeng go down, and it was the princess Yang Zhiyun who made the bid.


   Everyone took a breath. If they hadn’t seen it with their own eyes, they wouldn’t believe that the princess of the county went to the streets to buy rice? One by one, his eyes widened, wishing to stare at a flower on the rice.

   Tang Xiao shook his body and almost lay on the ground. He was still thinking about how to excuse Su Yu. This turning point really caught him off guard. He looked at Su Yu in disbelief, as if he had met him for the first time. .

   It turned out that the last time I bought a medium-grade spirit stone, I took a big advantage. I even claimed to think of Su Yu as a brother, but he treated the gentleman’s belly like a villain, and his eyes were full of apologetics. Looking at Su Yu,

   Wu Changkong’s eyes are almost staring out, what did I just do? The rice that refused to buy turned into a sought-after item in an instant, and the price kept doubling. He even began to doubt his life. Is rice already so popular and has always been so expensive?

  ”Forty medium-grade spirit stones per catty!” Bai Xiaoya was bidding this time, and she glanced at Yang Zhiyun without a trace, her brows were slightly clustered, does she also know that this rice is extraordinary?

   is really rice again!

  The hearts of the crowd eating melons are numb.

   The party concerned Su Yu was happy, unable to restrain the smile at the corner of his mouth, his eyes narrowed slightly, and the higher the price, the better. He was already thinking about how to spend the money.

  ”50 medium-grade spirit stones per catty!”

   This time everyone focused their eyes on Liu Siyuan, who was suddenly bidding…


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