Complete Martial Arts Attributes Chapter 2362: Tiger Demon Will! The soul of the tiger demon! Beast soul? Weapon soul?


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Wang Teng was a little confused, but he vaguely felt that it seemed to be related to the place of original laws.

The boundlessness of the land of original law is unquestionable, but he cannot completely make it come now.

This should be the problem.

Since he couldn’t figure it out, he luckily stopped thinking about it and absorbed the last attribute bubble.

The origin of bone!

A large number of insights appeared in Wang Teng’s mind, manifesting visions.

Strange runes emerged one after another, as if imprinted on his mind, emitting dazzling light.

These runes appear in a special gray-black color, exuding a sense of death, which is completely different from the previous dark runes.

Soon, Wang Teng absorbed all these [Origin of Bones] insights, then glanced at the attribute panel, feeling slightly happy.

[Origin of Bones]: 67200/90000 (Level 9);

“Not bad! It seems that the Origin Law of Bones really has a chance to reach the ninth level of perfection this time.” Wang Teng’s eyes flashed with great anticipation.

This time the attribute value of [Origin of Bone] has been increased by a full 4700 points, and it is expected to be no less in the future.

After Wang Teng absorbed the attribute insights, he continued to explore the depths of the black mist, and consciously accelerated his speed.

Then he discovered that the deeper he went into the black mist, the more attribute bubbles appeared.

He picked it up happily, and his heart was filled with joy.

It’s really cool to pick up this attribute bubble.

I thought that the black mist would be very dangerous, but I didn’t expect that the danger hadn’t come yet, and there were many more attribute bubbles.

However, he still did not relax his vigilance. Although his speed was much faster, he still cautiously headed towards the core area.

Not long after, the black mist in front of him squirmed. He finally saw the scene in the black mist, and his pupils suddenly shrank.


Before he could think about it, in an instant, his mind was shaken, and a powerful and terrifying pressure suddenly came and fell on him.

That kind of coercion is full of darkness and death, but it also contains an extremely domineering feeling, which is quite strange.

Skeleton giant tiger!

At this moment, Wang Teng finally came into close contact with the skeletal giant tiger, and the distance between the two sides was less than a hundred meters.

This is amazing!

The distance was so close, and it was really incredible that he didn’t notice it at all just now.

And it was not until he saw the giant skeletal tiger that he felt its pressure, and then he felt nothing at all, which was even more wrong.

It seems that the coercion of this giant skeletal tiger has its own consciousness.

Wang Teng was shocked when he thought of this and froze in place.

Half of the reason was due to the pressure, and the other half was because he… didn’t dare to move!


He was filled with surprise and uncertainty, and through this trace of soul power, he stared at the skeletal giant tiger in front of him.

But he seemed to be overthinking it.

This huge skeletal tiger did not move at all, still lying there.

Wang Teng breathed a sigh of relief, and then quietly activated his power of will.

Level 5 [Supreme Dark Will], open!

He did not use any other power of will, but only activated this [Supreme Dark Will].

There is a special thing about this will.

That is the [Demon Bone Will] that can contain the dark species of the Bone Spirit Tribe.

The [Supreme Dark Will] was born from his fusion of various dark wills.

So using this kind of power of will is the least likely to be discovered.

Actually, other than this, he found that releasing only a trace of his soul power was a wise decision.

Because the activation of will is mainly in the body of his soul, this trace of soul power will not be greatly affected, which further reduces the risk of exposure.

He just discovered this situation and found it very interesting.

The coercion of the giant skeletal tiger can be transmitted to the main body of his soul through this trace of soul power.

But the power of his will, as long as he doesn’t want to, will not pass through that trace of soul power, and it is completely controllable.

At this moment, with the activation of the fifth level [Supreme Dark Will], Wang Teng suddenly felt a lot more relaxed, and the impact of that pressure was minimized.

[Supreme Dark Will] is extraordinary after all, and cannot be compared with ordinary will.

Although the will of this skeletal giant tiger is not weak, it does not exceed it by much, at most it is one or two levels higher.

And it is obviously not as good as [Supreme Dark Will] in terms of position. They cancel each other out, which is almost a gap of about one level, so naturally they cannot suppress him.

“There are indeed many attribute bubbles next to this giant skeletal tiger.” Wang Teng looked forward, his eyes lighting up slightly.

Then he quietly approached and picked up the attribute bubbles one by one.

This time he didn’t dare to use his mental power at all. Even if he had evolved it, he still didn’t dare to use it for fear of being discovered.

Anyway, let’s first figure out what this giant skeletal tiger is.

With a way to deal with it, he can naturally act a little bolder. After all, he never does anything uncertain.

Only when you are sure can you be bold.

Nothing wrong!

[Tiger Demon Will*1200]

[Tiger Demon Will*1700]

[Tiger Demon Will*2000]


[Soul Origin*3500]

[Soul Origin*4000]

[Soul Origin*5300]


[Dark Origin*1500]

[Dark Origin*1800]

[Dark Origin*2200]


[Origin of Bone*1500]

【Origin of Bones*1400】

【Origin of Bones*1600】


[Soul of the Tiger Demon*200]

[Soul of the Tiger Demon*300]

[Soul of the Tiger Demon*450]


“Huh? This attribute…” Wang Teng opened his eyes slightly, feeling extremely surprised.

Not to mention anything else, the first attribute bubble alone was enough to surprise him.

Tiger Demon Will!

A special and brand-new will suddenly appeared in Wang Teng’s mind, turning into enlightenment.

In an instant, a vision appeared, and the terrifying will condensed into a huge skeletal giant tiger, filled with a strong sense of darkness and death, but without losing its domineering majesty.


Even with the strength of Wang Teng’s will, when he absorbed this special power of will at this moment, his heart was shaken.

“It turned out not to be [Demon Bone Will], but a new will.”

After Wang Teng absorbed the insights, he became more and more surprised.

Originally, he thought that the skeletal giant tiger was the method of the Bone Demon God, so it should have the same will.

But I didn’t expect that it was not the same thing at all.

“I was wrong. The coercion of this giant skeletal tiger obviously contains a kind of domineering majesty, which is quite different from the majesty of the Bone Demon God.”

Wang Teng’s eyes flickered. After having this relevant realization, he quickly distinguished the difference between the two.

The majesty of the Bone Demon God is more of a kind of darkness and death, and it is the kind of aloof divine power.

Although this skeletal giant tiger also exudes darkness and death, its dominance is quite outstanding.

If you don’t distinguish carefully, it is really difficult to distinguish.

Because the domineering meaning is actually somewhat similar to the superior meaning in divine power.

If the latter is weakened, people will mistake it for the former.

“It’s getting more and more interesting.”

Wang Teng’s eyes became brighter and brighter, and he looked at the attribute panel with excitement.

[Tiger Demon Will]: 4900/60000 (Level 6);

“The sixth level of willpower! It’s a bit strong!” Wang Teng couldn’t help but sigh.

In the past, he felt that the fifth-level will was already very strong, but now the seventh-level will and the sixth-level will were picked up casually, as if they were free of charge.

The contrast between before and after is too strong.

It made him feel unreal.

However, Wang Teng quickly came to his senses and was extremely happy.

Although you have obtained two seventh-level wills, who would dislike a sixth-level will.

This is much more powerful than the fifth level will.

And it also belongs to the dark type of will, and can also be integrated into his [Dark Supreme Will] to enhance its power.

So, of course, you get as much as you want.

What’s more, judging from what I just realized, this [Tiger Demon Will] is also quite special.

This should also be a type of [Demon Bone Will], but it is not quite the same.

To be more precise, it should be the product of the combination of the tiger’s will and the bone spirit’s will, so he found it very interesting.

When I faced the Dragon of Death Bones, I didn’t pick up the power of will like this.

This time when facing this giant skeletal tiger, I was able to pick up the relevant will attribute.

Isn’t this worth looking into?

There must be something special about the giant skeletal tiger in front of you.

Wang Teng temporarily suppressed his thoughts and continued to absorb attribute bubbles.

The next few attributes are nothing special, they are all attributes that have been picked up before.

After he absorbed the insights, he stopped paying too much attention.

At this moment, the last attribute bubble also surged in. After integrating into his body, it actually converged towards his chaotic star field.

“This is…” Wang Teng was extremely surprised and felt it carefully.

This is a force, not an insight.

Soul power!

After sensing the essence of this power, the surprise in his eyes became more intense, and he couldn’t help but cast his gaze on his own chaotic star field.

After this soul power entered his chaotic star field, it turned into a ball of light, and then rushed away in a certain direction without any pause.

“That seems to be…the residence of the soul of the artifact!” Wang Teng was suddenly startled and was about to stop him when he suddenly thought of something and stopped abruptly.

Ever since he obtained the [Artifact Soul], he has been placing it in the deepest part of his Chaos Star Territory,

And there is not only a ray of his soul power to protect it, but also other means of protection.

Shadow Sword!

It is this semi-artifact.

But it was not arranged by him, but Shadow Sword wanted to stay there.

This kind of behavior is completely protective.

For the Shadow Sword, the [Artifact Soul] is obviously its food, so it has to guard there like a miser every day.

If Wang Teng hadn’t suppressed it, this greedy sword would have wiped out all of his [Artifact Soul].

[Soul of Artifact]: 42;

At this moment, Wang Teng couldn’t help but glance at the attribute panel and twitched the corner of his mouth.

I haven’t noticed for a while, but there are only 42 points left. It was 51 points before.

The hemp eggs are consumed too quickly.

He suddenly felt a little lucky.

This attribute is so rare that it can only be obtained by harvesting wool from artifacts.

If all these are used up, it may not be as easy as before to use the Shadow Sword.

Not to mention whether the Shadow Sword will be willing to be driven by him, but every time it withstands an overly powerful force such as the power of time, the Shadow Sword will be greatly damaged.

Without the nourishment of [Artifact Soul], even a semi-artifact like the Shadow Sword would probably be in trouble.

I can’t bear his troubles.

Wang Teng is a little helpless. Weapons that can withstand the power of time are very special, and their rarity is probably not weaker than time-based combat skills.

Finding a weapon that can withstand the power of time is almost like a dream.

But using the Shadow Sword all the time is not the answer.

“Forget it, we’ll figure it out later, we can only settle for now.” Wang Teng shook his head, unable to think about it at all.

At this time, the light group finally arrived at the residence of [Artifact Soul] and slowly stopped, but did not get closer.


The Shadow Sword was floating next to the [Artifact Soul]. Seeing the appearance of the light group, the shadow snake suddenly emerged and hissed at the light group.

Wang Teng finally saw clearly what was inside the light group at this time, with a hint of surprise in his eyes.

There is actually a tiger inside!

But it’s not a giant tiger with bones, but a tiger with flesh and blood.

Its whole body is dark in color, with purple markings all over it. It has two wings on its back and looks ferocious, giving people a full sense of oppression.

What’s even more amazing is that it has six eyes, which are arranged on the cheek. If you don’t look carefully, they look like a few purple spots, adding a touch of evil.

However, all six of its eyes were closed at this time, not opened, as if it had fallen into a deep sleep.

“Could this be the original appearance of the giant skeletal tiger?” Wang Teng was surprised. At this moment, he has also understood clearly that this is a special kind of soul power between the beast soul and the weapon soul.

It is not a pure weapon soul, nor is it a pure beast soul.

It seems to be a fusion of the two.

Wang Teng looked at the illusory tiger in the light ball in front of him, and unconsciously touched his chin. How did this thing come about?

With his knowledge as a holy blacksmith, he couldn’t figure out why.

What the hell!

The information is obviously not enough. Although we know that this is a special soul power that combines the soul of an animal with the soul of a weapon, that’s all. We don’t know much more.

Wang Teng was about to continue to see if he could pick up this attribute, but at this moment, he suddenly stopped.

“Wait, weapon soul!”

A dazzling light suddenly burst out from his eyes.

“Regardless of the beast soul, since this is a weapon soul, does that mean that the giant skeletal tiger may be a weapon?!!”

This idea is a bit surprising.

But it’s not impossible.

The more Wang Teng thought about it, the more it made sense. He suddenly thought of a rumor.

It is said that some blacksmiths can fuse the souls of star beasts with weapons through secret methods, thus giving birth to a very special weapon soul.

However, few people know this secret method, and the success rate is not high. Sometimes several beast souls may not be able to fuse into one weapon soul, and the cost is not small.

After all, the beast souls that can be used for fusion are not too weak, and they must be at least above the level of respect. (End of chapter)

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