Complete Martial Arts Attributes Chapter 2361: The power of Level 3 Perfect [Body of Time]! Dead silence…


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Wang Teng stared into the black mist with burning eyes.

Just now when it was rolling and squirming, several attribute bubbles were clearly revealed.

And these attribute bubbles are floating around the giant skeletal tiger. Wang Teng has every reason to believe that these attribute bubbles are related to the giant skeletal tiger.

He was slightly excited, and then it disappeared.

Because he found that it was a bit difficult to pick up the attribute bubbles nearby.

Too close!

Those attribute bubbles are too close to the giant skeletal tiger!

What is the difference between picking up those attribute bubbles and approaching the giant skeletal tiger?


Wang Teng’s eyes flickered, but this time he did not give up, but was thinking about the possibility of picking up those attribute bubbles.

“With my current third-level [Time Body] and fifth-level [Space Body], coupled with the shadow talent, I wonder if I can give it a try?”

The first thing he thought of was to hide, and then approach quietly.

This is the most common way.

This is also the method he often used in the past, and it has always been unfavorable.

I just don’t know if it will work this time.

After all, it was the Demon God’s method, and the Demon God’s soul was probably also here, which made him have no confidence at all.

“Forget it! Let’s give it a try.”

“At worst, if you add the power of evolution and continue to disguise yourself, the giant skeletal tiger may not be able to distinguish it.”

Wang Teng’s eyes showed a hint of determination, and he made a decision immediately in his heart without any further hesitation.

Vientiane, evolution!

The power of his soul immediately evolved into the dark power emitted by the Bone Demon God. Even the breath was exactly the same, and no difference could be felt.

In fact, there is indeed no difference. This level of evolution is too easy.

Those dark powers are not considered profound powers to him.

If possible, he would actually like to derive the soul power of the Bone Demon God, but unfortunately he can’t.

The power of the Demon God’s soul is too advanced for him to evolve now, so he can only settle for the next best thing, to evolve the dark power emitted by the Bone Demon God.

He has encountered this kind of dark power too many times along the way. He is familiar with it, and there is really no difficulty in evolving it.

At this moment, the power of the soul was evolved. Wang Teng thought for a while, and then used the hidden abilities of the power of time, the power of space and the power of shadow, and then moved forward.

It is best to use hidden power and not be discovered.

But if he is discovered, his power of evolution is the last guarantee, which can temporarily confuse the opponent and buy time to escape.

It seems that using hidden power will expose oneself and make the other party suspicious, but it has to be done.

Because if it will be discovered, whether it is hidden or not, it actually doesn’t make much difference.

If the other party can discover what he is hiding, they will naturally be able to see through his ability to evolve.

At this time, hiding is no longer just hiding, but to buy time so that the subsequent power of evolution can be discovered later.

Otherwise, if there is only the power of pure evolution, there will be only one barrier, and it will naturally be discovered soon.

The area shrouded in black mist ahead was much closer than he imagined.

This feeling is very strange.

When viewed from a distance, it seems to be quite far away.

Only after you get close will you realize that the distance is actually not that far.

This is a spatial and visual distortion.

Wang Teng suddenly felt like breaking into a cold sweat. If he had been bolder and walked a little further, wouldn’t he have fallen into that dark area?

Will it be discovered next?

Just thinking about it made him a little frightened.

Wang Teng shook his head secretly, stopping himself from thinking too much. He looked solemnly, gradually approached the dark area, and then plunged into it.

Now that we are here, there is no point in hesitating anymore, so we can’t waste any more time.

In an instant, he felt that the darkness and evil around him suddenly became stronger several times. There seemed to be something indescribable in the darkness, peering at him.

Wang Teng’s heart was tense, but he did not stop and continued to move forward.

Nothing unusual appeared in the darkness, everything was as usual, which made him somewhat relieved.

“It seems that my hiding ability is pretty good.”

This thought flashed through his mind, making him a little happy.

The Blood God clone insists on getting it.

Great job!

If the other party hadn’t picked up so many time attributes in the Chaotic Sky Star Territory, his [Body of Time] wouldn’t have been able to reach the third level of perfection so quickly.

This is the third level of perfection!

To be honest, he had never thought that he could reach this level so quickly. After all, the time attribute is indeed too rare.

It’s not some extremely special place, it’s impossible to pick it up at all.

And now he is trapped in the Bone Demon Prison of the Bone Demon God, and it is impossible to go out to pick up attributes, which has great limitations.

At least within the soul world of Lord Xingyun, it is absolutely impossible for him to pick up the time attribute.

We have to admit that a clone that can move freely in the outside world can sometimes play an unexpected role when necessary.

It was really a wise decision to infiltrate the blood god’s clone into the dark species.

Wang Teng silently gave one hundred and twenty likes to his wit.


“Having said that, the power of time seems to have a better hiding effect than the power of space.”

With a thought in his mind, Wang Teng compared the two and soon discovered the difference.

The power of time can interfere with time. This is the deepest power.

Using his hidden ability is equivalent to hiding the power of his soul in time, which is naturally more hidden than the power of space.

“The power of time is indeed a more mysterious force than the power of space.” Wang Teng couldn’t help but sigh.

Space is king and time is supreme!

This is really not just talk.

“But my use of the power of time is still too “rudimentary” now.”

Wang Teng can feel his own shortcomings. Even though his mastery of the [Time Domain] has reached the sixth level of Fusion, it is still far from enough.

After all, a field is just a field, not a specific method.

Otherwise, what else do you need combat skills for?

The function of combat skills is to bring out specific power more perfectly.

So, what he needs is relevant combat skills!

However, time-based combat skills are really rare, and I have never seen a few of them so far.

This is really not because he is not knowledgeable enough.

Even those immortal-level venerables are probably the same as him.

This thing has nothing to do with knowledge.

Besides, it’s pretty good that he can get a time combat skill [Countercurrent Slash]. It’s better than nothing.

“I don’t know if there are time-based hidden combat skills in this universe?” Wang Teng was suspicious.

The universe is so big that it can’t be empty, right?

It’s just rare at most.

Many thoughts flashed through Wang Teng’s mind, but they all fell silent in the end. Now is not the time to think about all these things. Let’s get through this first.

At this time, he had gone deeper and deeper into the dark area, and was even very close to the surrounding black fog.

Behind the black mist is the skeletal giant tiger.

He kept getting closer, and finally entered the black mist. He suddenly felt that the power of darkness around him became stronger several times in an instant, and at the same time, there was also a sense of death sweeping over him.

“Not good!”

Wang Teng’s expression changed slightly, as if he wanted to exit the black fog area.

Something’s wrong!

The power of darkness here is no longer just the power of pure darkness, but also contains the meaning of death.

This kind of power is not unfamiliar to Wang Teng. It is just like the power possessed by the Dark Species of the Bone Spirit Tribe such as the Bone Demon Lord and other high-level Demon Lords, which combines darkness and death.

Similar to the power of death from the Hades!

Although when he just transformed the power of his soul into the dark power of the Bone Demon God, it actually contained a hint of death, but it was not as strong as it is now.

The power in this black mist is truly the power that perfectly blends darkness and death.

So for Wang Teng, his original evolution is no longer enough.

At this time, he quickly exited the black fog area and was ready to escape. He was not sure whether he had been discovered just now.

Waited for a moment.

The black mist remained relatively “calm” and showed no abnormalities.

Wang Teng breathed a sigh of relief. The hiding effect of the three powers was much better than expected. He was not discovered even in the black mist, which was really impressive.

He became more and more satisfied, and then prepared to evolve the power of his soul again, approaching the dark power in the black mist in front of him.

This still doesn’t bother him.

Isn’t it just the power of death? I’m kidding.

If it were any other warrior, he would definitely be caught blind, but with him, everything is possible.

Those body, open!

A bright purple light flashed in Wang Teng’s eyes, and his soul body also underwent strange changes, and there seemed to be a faint hint of death.

Deathly silence!

The master of death!

This is a power higher than the power of death.

Wang Teng only needs the meaning of death in it. Activating the [Pluto Body] is completely overkill, but it is also safer.

This kind of high-level power is naturally less likely to reveal flaws, leading to eventual discovery.

The next moment, the power of his soul changed instantly, and there was a hint of extremely strong death.

And it is extremely pure, without losing the meaning of death in the black mist. The two are comparable to each other.

This is incredible.

Because the meaning of death in the black mist is the power of the Demon God, and everyone knows how powerful and pure the Demon God’s power is.

Now that Wang Teng’s power can actually be compared with him, this is so amazing, it is simply unimaginable.

Wang Teng then used the derivation power of [Mysterious Method of Controlling Souls] to assimilate the breath of his soul power with the breath in the black mist, as if they have the same origin.


After doing all this, a smile appeared on his face, and then he entered the black mist again.

This time, he felt as if he and the black mist around him were integrated into one body. There was a feeling that they were indistinguishable from each other, that there was me in you, and you in me.

Of course, this is his subjective feeling.

Under the hidden effects of the three powers, it is difficult for outsiders to detect his existence.

But this is not bad. The dual means are superimposed, and the protection is greatly improved.

Soon, Wang Teng’s soul power passed through the large black fog smoothly, and then he saw a lot of attribute bubbles.

Pick it up!

His eyes were bright and he picked it up immediately without any hesitation.

【Heart of Evolution*2300】

[Heart of Evolution*2500]

【Heart of Evolution*3200】


[Jinshan Ten Thousand Peaks Soul Locking Formation*1800]

[Jinshan Ten Thousand Peaks Soul Locking Array*2200]

[Jinshan Ten Thousand Peaks Soul Locking Formation*2300]


[Soul Origin*3800]

[Soul Origin*4200]

[Soul Origin*5500]


[Dark Origin*1200]

[Dark Origin*1500]

[Dark Origin*1400]


[Origin of Bone*1300]

【Origin of Bones*1600】

【Origin of Bone*1800】


“Mist grass!”

Wang Teng cursed in his heart and looked at these attribute bubbles in great surprise.

There are a lot of attributes picked up this time.

Although the previous attribute bubbles are all familiar, as they were just picked up, the attribute values ​​seem to be more.

In addition, there is one more attribute at the end – the origin of bone!

He had been thinking about whether he could pick up the power of this original law before, but he didn’t expect that it would come true. Whatever he thought of, he got what he wanted. It was really exciting.

But at this moment, it was too late for him to sigh any more, as a series of insights were already pouring in.

Needless to say, I have learned more about [Heart of Evolution] and [Jinshan Ten Thousand Peaks Soul Locking Formation]. I have absorbed them before, and now I am very experienced. The absorption process was smooth.

Not long after, after absorbing the insights, Wang Teng glanced at the attribute panel.

[Heart of Evolution] (unknown): 31000/100000 (skilled);

[Jinshan Ten Thousand Peaks Soul Locking Array] (Peak Holy Level·Incomplete): 16800/20000 (skilled);

“The attribute value of this [Golden Mountain Ten Thousand Peaks Soul Locking Array] has increased quite quickly!” Wang Teng’s eyes flashed with surprise.

16800 attribute are only 3200 attribute points left before breaking through to mastery level.

Judging from the attribute values ​​contained in the attribute bubbles just absorbed, maybe one attribute bubble can solve it, so don’t be too quick.

It’s a pity that it is still incomplete.

This shows that he still has not reached the core area of ​​this formation and still has to fumble.

Wang Teng found that this was an accurate “radar” that could very clearly detect the distance between him and the core area. It really shouldn’t be too convenient.

The attribute value of [Evolutionary Heart] has also reached over 30,000, which has also improved a lot.

Wang Teng took one look, then stopped paying attention and continued to absorb the attribute bubbles behind him.

[Soul Origin]: 456000/500000;

[Soul Origin] attributes have also been improved a lot, and the attribute value contained in each attribute bubble this time is actually quite huge.

Wang Teng was extremely happy, which meant that he would soon be able to restore his [Soul Origin] to a perfect state.

The next attribute surprised him.

The origin of darkness!

His [Dark Origin] has just reached the perfect level, and now he is still absorbing insights, which is a bit interesting.

A strange color flashed in Wang Teng’s eyes, and he quickly absorbed the insights.

Then he discovered the problem.

“These insights seem to be repeated, but they don’t seem to be. It’s a strange feeling.”

Wang Teng couldn’t help but frowned, wondering in his heart: “What on earth is going on?” (End of Chapter)

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