Complete Martial Arts Attributes Chapter 2359: Is the Bone Demon God taken advantage of? The origin of darkness is complete! …


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Wang Teng suddenly became more interested in crossing the mountain barrier in front of him.

As he galloped towards the depths of the mountains, he absorbed the attribute bubbles that he had not yet finished absorbing.

The first two attribute bubbles surprised him so much that he even forgot about the next two attribute bubbles.

Suddenly, his whole body was shaken, and he felt a special energy pouring into his limbs and bones, and then integrated into his soul body.

The origin of the soul!

This is the original attribute of the soul!

Wang Teng was stunned for a moment, and then absorbed it directly.

The soul origin attribute is good, but his soul power has been consumed a lot recently.

In addition, in order to confuse the Bone Demon God, he had removed his “black water” protection and actively accepted the erosion of the opponent’s black water domain.

This has caused considerable loss and damage to his soul body.

If he were an ordinary warrior, he would probably be extremely anxious now.

He can be so calm naturally because he can pick up the original attributes of the soul.

Now the opportunity has come.

He was not prepared at all, the surprise came so suddenly.


Very cool!

Wang Teng felt as if his soul body was soaked in ice-cold liquid. His whole body was transparent, and most of the damage caused by the darkness had been repaired at this moment.

“I don’t know who dropped these soul origins?”

“Is it Lord Xingyun?”

“Is it still the Bone Demon God?”

He became a little curious. This place had both the barrier set up by Lord Xingyun and the methods left by the Demon God of Bones. It was difficult to determine who had dropped the attributes.

Probably both.

After all, there are indeed a lot of soul origin attributes here. I only picked them up once, and the total adds up to 15,800 points.

It is conceivable that there must be many more behind.

This barrier is only the first layer. I don’t know how many layers there will be next.

Can a single person drop so many soul origin attributes?

So the possibility of Lord Xingyun and Demon God of Bones losing their soul origin attributes at the same time is actually greater.

This is interesting.

If the Bone Demon God knew the original attributes of the soul he had dropped, and Wang Teng became confused, how would he feel?

Depressed is not enough to describe it.

When Wang Teng thought of that scene, his eyes couldn’t help but look a little weird.

When the Bone Demon God was in the Demon God Palace of the Sayanluo Demon God, he was so depressed by the Blood God’s clone that he could only leave in frustration.

Now he is picking up the wool again.

Why do you look so like a victim?

[Soul Origin]: 408500/500000;

Wang Teng glanced at the attribute panel and found that the [Soul Origin] attribute had returned to the 400,000 mark, and he couldn’t help but feel shocked.

Within less than 100,000 points, we can return to 500,000 points and achieve perfection.

This improvement is not slow!

He was so happy that he stopped thinking about it and continued to absorb the last attribute bubbles.

For a moment, strange black runes appeared in his mind, full of dark and evil meaning.

These runes emit a rich black light, making it difficult to look directly at them, but if you look closely, you will find that they seem to be squirming, like living creatures.

Even if you listen carefully, you can hear many low murmurs, which are very vague and unreal, but have a terrifying and indescribable meaning.

If ordinary warriors saw and heard these sights and sounds, they might have been infected.

But as the saying goes, his poison is my nectar.

Wang Teng was completely delighted, immersed in it, and eagerly absorbed the relevant insights.

His perception of [Dark Origin] is rapidly improving, and he is constantly approaching a perfect artistic conception.


At a certain moment, a deafening buzzing sound appeared in the void.



Putting these two words together seems somewhat inconsistent.

But it is a fact.

At this moment, Wang Teng was so shocked that he couldn’t hear any sound, and the void in his entire sea of ​​consciousness also shook, as if it was about to collapse.

Horrifying and abnormal!

“What’s going on?” Wang Teng was horrified.

It’s just that the law of the origin of darkness has been raised to perfection. How could such an uncontrollable situation occur?

Fortunately, at this moment, a strange scene appeared.

The void in his sea of ​​consciousness suddenly became extremely dark, as all the light seemed to have been absorbed, leaving only the purest darkness.

Wang Teng was shocked and knew that this was not an illusion. How could an illusion appear in the sea of ​​consciousness, unless someone could affect his sea of ​​consciousness and completely hide it from his soul perception.

Is this possible?

Obviously impossible!

No one is targeting him, how could this happen?

At this time, countless black runes emerged one after another, guarding the dazzling black runes just now in the middle.

But soon, these runes were no different. All the runes emitted a dazzling light, like a gathering of stars.

But they are dark stars!

Dark yet dazzling.

From the outside, you can’t tell the difference between these runes at all.

As these endless runes emerged, a large number of them were entangled with each other and connected together.

Then it turned into chains and shuttled through the void.



The vibration of the chain suddenly resounded through the void and echoed endlessly.

In less than a moment, the chains were intertwined, like a waterfall of stars, and the endless runes turned into a sea of ​​runes.

It’s vast and majestic!

No boundaries!

It’s so shocking.

The place of origin of darkness is coming!

At this moment, the mysterious place of darkness that had appeared before came directly into the void of his mind.

Wang Teng couldn’t help but widen his eyes, feeling unbelievable, as if something extraordinary had happened in front of him.

He was no stranger to the place of origin of darkness, but now he had a different feeling.

This land of darkness seems more…real!

It is also more profound.

Although he still couldn’t see through it, for some reason, it gave him a feeling that was countless times deeper.

The ocean of original laws that emerged in his mind seemed bottomless, making it impossible to fathom.

Wang Teng was deeply shocked.

This… is really surprising!

But he likes it!

Immediately, Wang Teng’s eyes involuntarily glowed with a strange light, reflecting the endless runes.

My attention was completely focused on this ocean gathered by the laws of darkness, and I was immersed in it selflessly.

I don’t know how much time passed before the ocean where the laws of darkness gathered finally slowly dispersed. Wang Teng broke away from it, feeling filled with emotion.

[Dark Origin]: 90000/90000 (ninth level);

On the attribute panel, the attribute value of [Dark Origin] quietly changed.

“It’s complete!”

His eyes were slightly closed, but he did not open them. He seemed to be still immersed in the vanished realization, and he was still thinking about something in his heart.

This is the first time that the original law has been perfected.

It feels really different.

It is a feeling that is completely consistent with the place of original law.

A sense of ultimate smoothness emerges, allowing the original law to be used at will.

It seems that he is part of the original law, and the original law is him.

There are no longer any barriers or boundaries between the two parties.

Although in the past, when using the original law, it was smooth and there was no obstacle.

But only when you reach Consummation can you truly appreciate the difference.

Completely different!

Really completely different!

If it is said that before perfection, the time for him to use the original law is one second.

So now that he uses the original law after reaching perfection, it may not even take one hundredth of a second.

Of course this is just a metaphor.

But it also shows how far Wang Teng has controlled the power of the original law after reaching perfection.

And this is just one of the benefits.

The biggest benefit is undoubtedly the increase in power.

The original law is there, neither increasing nor decreasing. How much power it can exert depends entirely on the cultivator himself.

Now that Wang Teng has realized this original law to perfection, the power he can unleash has naturally been greatly enhanced, reaching an inhuman level.

It can be said that even most of the low-level demon-level dark species nowadays are probably unable to compare with him in terms of the power of the original law.

Its blessing of various means has far exceeded those who have never realized the original law to perfection.

Of course, this is limited to the original law of darkness, and he has not yet reached perfection in the power of other original laws.

But now that he feels the benefits brought by the perfection of the Dark Origin Law, he is looking forward to the perfection of the Origin Law of other attributes.

Unfortunately it’s not that easy.

After all, it is too difficult to find a demon-level or god-level being to pluck wool.

At this moment, Wang Teng was extremely satisfied. He opened his eyes, let the realization sink in completely, and then slowly exhaled a breath of filthy air.

“I didn’t expect that this time I was not sucked into the place of origin of darkness, but directly made it descend. Could this be the perfect effect?”

Wang Teng suddenly thought of the scene that just appeared in his mind, and he felt enlightened.

This is obviously a huge difference.

In the past, he was pulled directly into the place of the origin of darkness. If he was not careful, he would be assimilated, completely out of his control.

If you can’t escape in time, it’s actually very dangerous.

But this time it’s different.

The laws of the origin of darkness gathered into an ocean and descended into his mind. This was his understanding, so it would not have that kind of negative impact.

It is also impossible for him to be assimilated by his own power.

What’s more, he felt that he was completely able to control the ocean where the original laws gathered, as if he had relied on the power of the real place of original laws.

“It is estimated that only by reaching perfection can we draw on the power of the original law and let it come without being affected.”

“This is a threshold.”

Wang Teng’s eyes flashed, and such speculation arose in his heart.

“So, wouldn’t there be other realms after perfection?”

As soon as this idea came up, he was surprised and felt a little incredible.

After the original law is perfected, there are other realms. Is it true or false?

Could he be overthinking it?

But when I think about the scene just now, it is obvious that there is still a huge gap between it and the real place of original laws.

The original laws he masters now are even insignificant compared to them.

It was a vague feeling.

He couldn’t see the size of the land of original laws, because it was boundless, and the same seemed to be true of the ocean of laws that just appeared in his mind.

But just because you can’t see it doesn’t mean you can’t feel it.

After all, that was the power he felt, so he had a feeling in the dark that he could sense the gap between the two.

If you have not entered the land of the original law, you will never be able to sense the difference, but Wang Teng has entered it no less than three times.

This feeling is absolutely unmistakable.

“I wonder how big the ocean of laws can be gathered by the laws of the origin of darkness that I now master?”

Wang Teng was a little regretful. He had just obtained the perfect power of the original law, but he couldn’t display it at all in this place, which was depressing.

He is now eager to know how powerful the power of the original law he masters can be.

You can’t blame him for being ignorant.

In fact, it is the power of the original law of this perfect level that makes him a little unpredictable.

Perfection is perfection, but it cannot be used without restrictions. Who knows how far it can be used.

Furthermore, his realm is too weak after all. He is only at the peak of his domain master level. He may not be able to fully exert the power of this perfect level of dark origin law.

In the end he shook his head and thought no more.

Anyway, you have mastered it, and you will always be able to use it, so there is no need to rush.

“By the way, this Demon God of Bones is a demon-god-level existence of the Bone Spirit Clan. In addition to the Law of Dark Origin, he should also master the Law of Bone Origin, right?”

Wang Teng was about to withdraw his thoughts when suddenly he had an idea and thought of something.

His [Bone Origin] has also reached the ninth and its attribute value has reached more than 60,000 points, which is similar to the previous [Dark Origin].

So is there a chance to achieve perfection this time?

He felt that he could definitely look forward to it.

If the difference was greater, he might not have such an idea.

But it’s really not that bad.

What he thinks is not a fantasy. It has a chance to come true. Isn’t this too much to think about?

Not too much!

Not too much at all!

Wang Teng’s heart became hotter and hotter. Who would have thought that after constantly approaching the core area, he could pick up so many useful attribute bubbles.

It’s really a huge profit.


Wang Teng no longer thought about it and immediately galloped towards the core area.

Now that he has gained the understanding of the [Golden Mountain Ten Thousand Peaks Soul Locking Formation], although it is incomplete, it also allows him to master this barrier to a deeper level.

After crossing this barrier, his confidence is naturally a little greater.

That trace of soul power is currently traveling through these mountains and valleys, feeling as comfortable as a fish in water.

The attribute bubble appeared again, and Wang Teng picked it up without ceremony.

The four attributes he just picked up were not a surprise, but they still made him extremely satisfied.



Keep improving!

Wang Teng was full of energy and rushed towards the core area. People who didn’t know better might have thought that there was some treasure there instead of a demon-level being entrenched there.

(End of this chapter)

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