Complete Martial Arts Attributes Chapter 2356: Looking for the soul body! core zone! 【Heart of Evolution…


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Just when Wang Teng was furious and decided to wait until the end, the situation finally reversed.

To his great surprise, this time the Bone Demon God’s soul scan did not come again. It seemed that he had finally given up!

This made Wang Teng feel even more excited.

But he was quickly suppressed by force.

Hold on! Hold on!

The more times like this, the more important it is to be steady and not to act haphazardly!

Wang Teng waited for a long time again, and only after confirming that the Bone Demon God had completely given up, he decided to take the risk.

After all, waiting forever is not an option.

Gou is not so stubborn.

If possible, he doesn’t want to take risks, but…

Time waits for no one!

He can wait, but those powerful people in the bright universe cannot wait.

If we really fall into the trap of those two demon gods, the consequences will be unimaginable.

He doesn’t know what Bright Universe’s plans are now? How much news have you heard? Are there adequate preparations for this?

But no matter what, who dares to take it lightly in the face of the calculations of the two demon gods?

Wang Teng took a deep breath, controlled the trace of soul power and quietly stuck out his head, and then sneakily moved towards the outside of the Bone Prison.


【Looking into the head】jpg

Fortunately, the worst case did not occur, and the Bone Demon God must have given up.

His soul power completely escaped from the Prison of Bones and gained a certain degree of freedom.

And that rune also stayed in its original position and did not dissipate. It was maintained by a weak soul power, which was regarded as a mine he planted.

“Now we just have to find the soul body of Lord Xingyun!”

Wang Teng breathed a sigh of relief, calmed down for a moment, and then observed the situation around him through that trace of soul power.

The next moment, a hint of horror appeared in his heart.

At this moment, the soul world of Lord Xingyun has completely changed.

The soul world that was originally filled with dazzling golden light, like thousands of stars, was now extremely dim.

The dazzling golden light is like a dark substance stained with spots.

Those stars also disappeared, as if a small universe was about to die, without any vitality at all.

Some places are shrouded in black mist, constantly squirming, as if pregnant with something, full of weirdness.

A sense of darkness and evil permeates this vast world, almost everywhere, giving people a sense of a terrifying and terrifying atmosphere.

It seems that a dark creature may jump out at any time and devour everything.

Wang Teng looked around, his eyes full of disbelief.

The soul world of Lord Xingyun has turned into this ghostly appearance?

Judging from this situation, it seems very suspenseful.

Can the soul body of Lord Xingyun still be able to hold on?

An unknown premonition suddenly came to his mind, making him frown.

But now that the matter has come to this, we can only look for it and not return without success.

After observing for a while, Wang Teng controlled that trace of soul power and galloped towards the area shrouded in black mist in the distance.

Knowing that there are tigers in the mountains, we prefer to travel to the tiger mountains!

You can tell at a glance that these black fog areas are areas hardest hit by darkness and are full of dangers.

But he still chose those areas immediately.

Because he knows very well that the more these places are, the more likely it is that the soul body of Lord Xingyun exists.

He’s probably trapped in it.

After a while, Wang Teng’s trace of soul power came outside the area of ​​​​black mist and stopped slightly.

He did not enter it immediately, but observed carefully.

And releases a trace of dark power, sensing the power in the black mist.

Sense the power of darkness with the power of darkness.

When Wang Teng left the main body of his soul, this trace of his soul power already contained a lot of power and could be used at any time, including the power of darkness.

And this power of darkness is released by top talents such as [Heart of Darkness], which is comparable to the power of extraordinary darkness.

“Is it just an ordinary power of darkness? Or is it hidden deep enough that it can’t be sensed?” Wang Teng frowned, feeling a little suspicious in his heart.

With his dark power, he didn’t even sense the situation inside. This is not martial arts.

The next moment, Wang Teng no longer hesitated and used the derivation ability of [Mysterious Soul Controlling Technique] to devolve the power of his soul into the black mist-like form.

Now he is extremely familiar with this derivation ability. After using it a few times, he has become more comfortable and more aware of its benefits.

In the end, he no longer hesitated and probed his evolved soul power into the black mist.

Soon he discovered that the black mist was not as complicated as the Bone Prison, and the risk factor was greatly reduced.

This is just the most common form of dark power.

This made Wang Teng a little uncomfortable.

It’s like suddenly going from **** difficulty to normal difficulty.

“It seems that the soul body of Lord Xingyun is not here.” Wang Teng guessed in his mind.

With such an ordinary power of darkness, it is difficult to imagine that it can trap an immortal-level venerable like Lord Xingyun. It is too weak.

This is like a hint of dark power at the edge that overflows from the dark power at the core.

It didn’t take long for Wang Teng to completely explore the black fog. In the end, as he guessed, there was nothing here.

He left in disappointment and continued to rush towards the next piece of black mist.

After continuously exploring five areas shrouded in black mist, he was finally able to be absolutely sure that there could not be the soul body of Lord Xingyun in these black mist.

This made him feel more and more uneasy.

The soul body of Lord Xingyun can be divided into thousands, just like the stars in the sky, but now none of them can be found, and they have disappeared without a trace.

In fact, he only needs to find one soul body to find a way to contact Lord Xingyun. There is no need to find all the soul bodies.

But now I can’t find any of them, this is a lie!

“Where are you trapped?”

Wang Teng stopped. He knew that searching aimlessly like this was not an option. Lord Xingyun’s soul world was too big, and searching like this was a complete waste of time.

“Speaking of which, this soul world is located in Lord Xingyun’s [Heart of Evolution].”

“If the Bone Demon God wants to control his body, he must control the [Heart of Evolution].”

“In other words, controlling the [Heart of Evolution] is equivalent to controlling the body and soul of Lord Xingyun at the same time.”

“Therefore, Lord Xingyun’s soul body is most likely trapped in the core of [Heart of Evolution].”

“In this way, we can kill two birds with one stone, and we don’t need to spend more energy to control other places.”

Wang Teng’s eyes flashed as he constantly analyzed the situation at hand, especially conjecturing the power of the Bone Demon God, which was the top priority.

As long as we know the strength of the Bone Demon God, we can naturally guess the most likely behavior of the Bone Demon God.

It’s not hard to guess.

“In that case, let’s go to the core area of ​​[Evolutionary Heart].” A trace of determination suddenly appeared in Wang Teng’s eyes.

It must be very dangerous there, and the soul power of the Bone Demon God may even be located there, but he has to go there, otherwise he will be blind if he can’t find the soul of Lord Xingyun.

However, he did not act rashly, but looked at the attribute panel.

[Heart of Evolution] (Unknown): 42500/50000 (Entry);

“Hey! It’s improved a lot compared to last time!” Wang Teng couldn’t help but a light flashed in his eyes, and he looked at the attribute changes on the attribute panel with some surprise.

The attribute value of [Evolutionary Heart] was only over 30,000 points before, but now it has been quietly increased to over 40,000 points.

But he quickly remembered.

Previously, during the confrontation between Lord Xingyun and the two demon-level beings, many attribute bubbles dropped here, all of which were absorbed by him.

Now it seems that there are many attributes of [Heart of Evolution] in it, but the Bone Demon God suddenly appeared at that time, and then they were defeated and all were trapped.

After this series of changes, he naturally didn’t have much time to check those attribute bubbles.

Now that he saw the attribute changes of [Evolutionary Heart], he immediately became interested and directly checked the insights.

With just a thought, the insights contained in the attributes of the [Evolutionary Heart] he had just absorbed poured directly into his mind.

A dark blue, crystal-clear heart appeared in his mind, beating slowly and lifelike.

The surface of this heart has strange golden lines, exuding extremely special power.

That kind of power seems to be composed of the origin of life, the origin of the soul, even the power of the original law, the power of immortality, etc. It is very magical.

A glimmer of enlightenment came to Wang Teng’s mind, making his understanding of the [Heart of Evolution] more complete and in-depth.


“It seems that’s not enough!” After Wang Teng absorbed all the insights, his frown still did not loosen, feeling helpless.

Merely an entry-level mastery level is not enough for him to easily enter the core of [Evolutionary Heart], or even deal with situations that may arise at any time.

After obtaining the complete attributes of [Heart of Evolution], he knew the structure of [Heart of Evolution] clearly.

Although its appearance is similar to that of a normal human heart, it is not the same on the inside.

[Heart of Evolution] is very complex, but it can be roughly divided into two parts: the outer area and the core area.

The external area is mainly the residence of various energies, such as the Force, the power of immortality, the power of the original law, the origin of life, the origin of the soul, etc.

The core area is the most important place in the entire [Heart of Evolution], where all kinds of energy gather, integrate, and coordinate with each other.

[Evolutionary Heart] is so special. The fusion of various energies can create such a life-like heart.

In other words, this [Heart of Evolution] can accommodate so many kinds of energy, and its core area is undoubtedly the most important.

Therefore, there is absolutely no room for any problems in this core area.

If the outer area of ​​[Evolutionary Heart] is damaged, it can still be used.

Then once something goes wrong in this core area, it will really be doomed.

So when the Machine Tribe cast this [Heart of Evolution], they protected its core area layer by layer, and the periphery was like a layer of barrier.

Previously, Wang Teng used the [Yin Shen Cage] in the soul world of Lord Xingyun to explore the soul power left by the two demon-level dark species. In fact, it did not include the core area. .

That place was heavily protected. Even if Lord Xingyun promised to let him inspect it, that area was not included.

It seems to be ignored by default.

The other party thought that Wang Teng did not know the existence of the core area, but in fact he already knew it.

But he didn’t care.

If it were him, he would not let outsiders inspect such an important place, no matter how good the relationship between the two parties was.

And there was no need for him to check the core area at that time, because the means left by the two demon-level dark species made it almost impossible to enter the core area.

If he enters the core area without being discovered, then Lord Xingyun will really be no different from a dead person.

Later it turned out to be true.

The soul power of the two demon-level dark species is only attached to some tiny soul bodies and does not blatantly enter the core area.

The structure of [Evolutionary Heart] is naturally beneficial to Lord Xingyun.

But for Wang Teng now, that’s not necessarily the case.

Because of this, it would be much more difficult for him to enter the core area, so he felt that the entry-level [Heart of Evolution] was not enough.

If you can reach the proficiency level, it shouldn’t be difficult to pass through the barriers.

“I wonder if there are any related attribute bubbles in this [Evolutionary Heart]?” Wang Teng’s heart moved and he looked around.

This place is so big that even with the power of his soul, he cannot fully see it.

“It would be great if we could use the [Yin Shen Cage].” Wang Teng sighed slightly, feeling constrained everywhere.

This feels very uncomfortable.

Under normal circumstances, there would be no need for such trouble. Yin Shen Cage is open!

The mental power is swept away!

Everything is solved, picking up attributes is not too simple.

But that’s no longer possible. He doesn’t dare to expose his power at will, so he can only find attribute bubbles in stupid ways.

Then he no longer hesitated, identified the direction, and headed directly towards the core area.

As for how to identify the direction, it is not difficult for him.

As long as you look at the changes in the runes here, you can be roughly sure.

And he has the [Eye of True Sight] in his body, and he can see the runes hidden in the dark through the power of his soul, which is quite convenient.

The benefits of having the [Heart of Evolution] attribute are now revealed.

The movement speed of the soul power was not slow. Wang Teng quickly controlled that ray of soul power to span a large area, and he became more and more frightened.

Because the closer you get to the core area, the more terrifying the invasion of the power of darkness becomes. Black mist is everywhere, like a dilapidated and real world infected by darkness.

But it was not without good news. He finally found the attribute bubble he had been longing for.

“Pick it up!”

Wang Teng’s eyes lit up, and his spiritual power swept out silently, picking up all the attribute bubbles.

【Heart of Evolution*1300】

【Heart of Evolution*1600】

【Heart of Evolution*1800】


[Dark Origin*800]

[Dark Origin*1100]

[Dark Origin*1200]


(End of this chapter)

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