Complete Martial Arts Attributes Chapter 2018: You old 6! Master Yituo doubts life! Huangyan…


The opening of the Twelve Heavenly Pillars Panlong Formation can be regarded as completely bringing the Tianzhu Star into a stable state, and there will be no problems for the time being.

The managers of the various forces were also relieved a lot. They looked at each other and made a decision in their hearts.

Tianzhuxing can continue to invest resources to help them rebuild.

Next, people from various forces entered the stage of negotiation with the top management of Tianzhu Star. Wang Teng did not participate in this aspect and let them handle it by themselves.

Guan Lao, Shi Lao and the others also knew that they could not bother Wang Teng any more, and that all forces could come here because of Wang Teng’s face.

When they entered the negotiation stage, Wang Teng saw Fengjin again, with surprise in his eyes.

“Are you successful?”

“Not bad.” Feng Jin couldn’t help showing a smile on his face, looking at Wang Teng fixedly, and said gratefully: “Thank you very much.”

“Thank you for what I did.” Wang Teng said indifferently: “It is your own understanding that can break through.”

He really didn’t expect that the other party could succeed, which shows that the other party’s understanding is still very high.

This is also good, this fat sheep can be cultivated.

“Without your guidance, I would never be able to succeed. I still have this self-knowledge.” Feng Jin stroked a strand of black hair from his forehead behind his ears, and said with a light smile, “And if it wasn’t for you The means of light have completed the entire purification process in front of me, and I may have failed.”

“Oh?” Wang Teng looked at her in surprise, and said with a smile, “Then I did it unintentionally.”

“Anyway, we don’t know how to repay your kindness. The debt is too heavy.” Feng Jin laughed to himself.

“Hahaha…” Wang Teng didn’t expect that the Tianjiao of Tianzhu Star had such a side, so he couldn’t help laughing.

“What are your plans next?” Feng Jin asked.

“The affairs of Tianzhuxing are about the same. I just appeared here by chance. In fact, I still have important things to do. Now it’s time to leave.” Wang Teng nonsense.

“Yeah.” Feng Jin believed it was true, after all, it made sense, why did Wang Teng appear here suddenly, she nodded, and asked, “Can you tell me where you are going?”

“I’m going to Tianzexing soon, but it’s inconvenient to talk about specific things.” Wang Teng said with a smile.

“When will we leave?” Feng Jin asked.

Wang Teng gave her a strange look. Did he ask too carefully? But he didn’t think much about it, and said: “If there is nothing wrong, let’s do it tomorrow.”

Tianzhu Xing really has nothing worth his nostalgia for him, all the wool that should be squeezed out, and all the benefits that should be obtained have been obtained, so let’s withdraw as soon as possible.

It’s just that people who don’t know about Tianzhu will feel after seeing that space disappear?


Go! go! Can’t stay any longer.

“Tomorrow.” Feng Jin didn’t know what the great benefactor of Tianzhu star was thinking. I will be very disappointed to know that you are leaving.”

“Haha, there is always a banquet in the world. I will not leave the three major territories for the time being. I will see you sooner or later.” Wang Teng said with a smile.

“That’s right.” Feng Jin looked at him with a smile, with inexplicable meaning in his eyes.



The stars other than Tianzhu have resumed normal operation, and the day passes, and the night follows.

Near Tianzhu Mountain, a figure appeared furtively, and moved towards the core of the Twelve Heavenly Pillar Coiling Dragon Formation.

“It really appeared, I want to see what you are going to do?”

Wang Teng’s figure emerged in a dark place. The power of space and the power of shadow surged in his body at the same time, covering his body. trail.

At this time, he looked at the sneaky figure, and a sneer could not help but appear on the corner of his mouth.

The figure appeared at the core, entered it very smoothly, and then the eyes flashed,

Spiritual power surged out, and even began to change the runes of the formation.

However, this change is very subtle, and will not even affect the operation of the formation.

This person is obviously very confident, otherwise now that the formation is open, he would not rashly enter the core of the formation to change it.

Because if there is any problem, there will be a huge movement from the formation, he will be discovered, and the protection mechanism of the formation will be activated, making it impossible for him to escape.

This is very dangerous.

“It’s interesting!” Wang Teng’s eyes flickered, and he turned on the [Pupil of True Sight], watching this scene from a distance, seeing the opponent’s changes without missing a beat.

This change is undoubtedly very delicate, and it must be someone who is very familiar with the Twelve Heavenly Pillars and Panlong Formation, otherwise it is absolutely impossible to be so easy, and there will inevitably be big problems.

After the figure changed one direction, his figure flashed, then turned to another false direction and began to change.

Wang Teng followed closely behind him, seeing everything in his eyes.

“This is going to change the entire formation to make thousands of holes.”

Wang Teng was speechless, this person is really courageous, he thought it would be a very risky move to change one place, but the other party actually did it again, and changed so many places.

If a big battle breaks out, this formation won’t last long, and it will completely collapse.

Especially at critical moments, it will really cause a huge psychological impact on people.

After all, a Saint-level Four Tribulations formation will be broken as soon as it is broken. For ordinary warriors, it is tantamount to a catastrophe.

“It’s ruthless.” Wang Teng followed behind him, rolling his eyes, as if thinking of something funny.

The method of avatar!

As soon as he thought about it, the original force of the earth stars gushed out from his body, and the spiritual power merged with it, and then a double image appeared on his figure, and he turned into the second Wang Teng in an instant.

This is naturally a clone that he temporarily transformed with the method of clone.

“Go ahead and secretly modify the formation.” Wang Teng himself said with a smile.

“…you’re such a sixth child!” The soil clone looked at him, couldn’t help complaining, and then disappeared in place.

His body has the power of space and the power of shadow left by the deity, so there is no need to worry about hiding himself. Although Master Yi Tuo has a strong mental power, it is still difficult to spy on these two powers. A little bit.

It can be said that the power of space and the power of shadow are the most secretive forces in this universe.

So next, Grandmaster Yituo worked hard to change the formation, and the soil clone quietly changed it back, even the first change was changed back together.

Grandmaster Yituo is only at the master level. Naturally, he must be careful when changing this holy-level formation, for fear of making mistakes, but Wang Teng is a holy-level, so he is much faster than him.

So the speed of the other party’s modification can’t keep up with the speed of his repair.

After a while, the earth-type avatar returned to the deity, complaining: “This guy is too slow, I have repaired it, and he hasn’t finished changing it yet.”

The deity of Wang Teng couldn’t help laughing, and looked at the diligent and hardworking Grandmaster Yituo jokingly, and said, “You said what expression will he have when he finds that the formation has returned to its original state?”

“It must be very exciting.” The soil clone seemed to be able to see the situation, and couldn’t help laughing.

“Hahaha…” Wang Teng himself couldn’t help laughing.

Fortunately, the two of them are sound transmission, otherwise Grandmaster Yi Tuo would have been shocked.

Time passed, and most of the night passed, and Grandmaster Na Yituo also changed the core of the entire formation.

Of course, they are all very subtle changes. To the entire formation, it is like small stains falling on the white paper. It looks like the whole paper is still white, but the stains are really impressive. Extremely uncomfortable.

It’s a pity that he didn’t know that these stains had been quietly erased.


At this time, the master Yituo exhaled lightly, and said with a sneer:

“If you want to rebuild Tianzhu Star, it’s a dream, you just continue to rebuild, sooner or later you will fall into the hands of the dark species again.”

Wang Teng himself looked at the figure of the other party, shook his head, and said lightly: “This guy seems to have a lot of resentment towards Tianzhu Xing.”

“Perhaps he has a lot of resentment towards any force in the bright universe.” The earth clone said.

“Oh? Makes sense.” Wang Teng’s eyes flashed and he nodded.

“My mission is over.” The soil clone smiled and dissipated in place.

At the same time, Grandmaster Na Yituo’s figure suddenly appeared in mid-air, looking down.

Apparently to double check before leaving.

However, upon seeing this, his eyes suddenly widened, with a ghostly expression on his face.

“How is it possible??”

Then an uncontrollable exclamation came out of his mouth.

How did the formation he changed return to its original state?

【True Doubt Life】jpg


A chuckle suddenly came out in the dark night, causing Grandmaster Yituo to tremble suddenly, his complexion changed drastically, a chill rose from the bottom of his heart, almost without thinking, he immediately fled towards the distance go.

“Damn it, how could it be discovered?”

His heart was filled with disbelief, he didn’t understand anyway, he acted so covertly, and he didn’t even show any flaws on weekdays, how could anyone notice him?

“Can I go?”

The voice came out again, causing Master Yituo to shrink his pupils and look forward.

I saw a slight fluctuation in the void in front of me, and a young figure stepped out of it.

“It’s you!” Grandmaster Yituo lost his voice in shock.

“It’s me, Grandmaster Yituo, are you surprised? Surprised?” Wang Teng looked at him with a smile.

“…” Grandmaster Yi Tuo’s face twitched suddenly. He never expected that the one who appeared in front of him would be the Holy Wang Teng. How did the other party find him?

“I’m curious, why did Grandmaster Yi Tuo do this?” Wang Teng looked at him calmly and asked.

Grandmaster Yituo’s eyes flickered, and instead of answering, he asked, “How did you find me?”

“Do you think your small actions can hide it from me?” Wang Teng was very calm, tilted his head, and said with a smile: “Are you looking down on a holy rune formation mage?”

“You!” Grandmaster Yi Tuo obviously felt the contempt in his tone, his face turned blue and red. He did underestimate the vision and accomplishments of a saint, but he didn’t believe that a new saint-level People can discover the problem of this formation, which is not scientific at all.

There have been holy-level existences before, but they have never discovered the problem with the Twelve Pillars Panlong Formation. Otherwise, when the Tianzhu Star was attacked by the dark species before, the formation would not have collapsed so quickly.

He has already succeeded once, so he is so confident, even conceited.

“Your methods are indeed good, but they are nothing more than that. I can tell at a glance.” Wang Teng continued with shrimp and pig heart.

“Impossible.” Grandmaster Yituo became furious: “I have changed it many times, but no one has ever discovered it. You can’t tell it at a glance.”

“Heh~” Wang Teng chuckled.

He knew that for a sub-professional, the most unbearable thing for them was that others questioned their attainments, especially since Wang Teng was still a holy existence.

This is undoubtedly a complete negation of his sub-professional attainments.

“What do you mean?” Grandmaster Yituo’s eyes were already red, and he stared at Wang Teng coldly.

“It’s fine if you don’t believe me, why should I explain to you?” Wang Teng said indifferently.

“Hmph!” Grandmaster Yituo’s complexion changed, his eyes flashed, and he snorted coldly, “Who else knows about this except you?”

“Why, do you still want to kill someone?” Wang Teng laughed and said, “Can you?”

“Boy, your means are really extraordinary, but the means of light used during the day should consume a lot of you

Well, how much strength can you use now? “Grandmaster Yituo smiled coldly, his figure suddenly moved, and he rushed straight towards Wang Teng: “Die me!”


With a big wave of his hand, streams of earthy yellow light suddenly appeared, as fast as lightning, and they came a thousand meters away in front of Wang Teng in an instant.

“Oh? Psychic master, and the spiritual power has reached the level of the half-step world master. It’s hidden very deep.” Wang Teng’s eyes showed a hint of surprise, a master level has cultivated the spiritual power to the half-step world master One must know that his mental strength has just reached the half-step World Master level.

What’s more, the other party is an extremely rare psychiatrist.

“I don’t have any strength, do you think I dare to change the formation of the Holy Four Tribulations?” Grandmaster Yituo sneered.

Puff! Pooh! Pooh!

Then the words fell, and the khaki streamers came galloping, passing directly through Wang Teng’s body.

“With such a little strength, what kind of arrogance, exaggeration…what?” Grandmaster Yi Tuo showed a hint of sarcasm on his face, but soon, the sarcasm froze on his face.

Because in his eyes, Wang Teng’s figure is slowly dissipating away, it is not the real body at all!

“You do have something, but isn’t it a bit too conceited to just kill me like this?” A chuckle came from behind Master Yituo.


His heart skipped a beat, his complexion became extremely ugly, and he hurriedly looked back.


At this moment, a soft drink came from Wang Teng’s mouth.

Before Grandmaster Yituo could react, streaks of golden light pierced through the void and galloped towards him. The ear-piercing whistling sound echoed in the air, like the voice of Hades demanding his life.

Phoenix dancing golden bird feathers!

Wang Teng has not met a Psychic Master of the same level for a long time. This Master Yituo appeared when he had just entered the half-step World Master level, just to verify his strength in Psychic Power.

“You are also a spiritualist?!”

Grandmaster Yituo turned pale with fright, he couldn’t believe his eyes, the sage Wang Teng was actually a spiritual teacher.

And that mental power has obviously reached the half-step world master level.

How is it possible?

Isn’t the opponent a martial artist?

Why is the spiritual power so powerful?

Thoughts of astonishment arose in Grandmaster Yi Tuo’s mind, causing him to fall into a brief absence.

“I’m a sub-professional saint, so it’s not surprising that I have strong mental power.” Wang Teng said with a faint smile.

“…” Grandmaster Yituo was speechless, and suddenly felt that what the other party said made sense, but he always felt that something was weird?

However, it was too late for him to think too much. Seeing the streaks of golden light galloping towards him, he already felt the extreme threat of death.

The mental power of the other party is also at the half-step world master level, not much weaker than him.

Besides, the other party is still a saint-level existence, and his spiritual power must be stronger than him, which makes his face more dignified, and he no longer dares to underestimate the proud man in front of him.

At this moment, he stopped talking nonsense, and immediately drove the khaki streamer to fiercely meet Wang Teng’s phoenix dance golden bird feather.

“It must be done quickly!”

A thought arose in Grandmaster Yituo’s mind.

The longer it drags on, the more dangerous he becomes.

It’s not just because Wang Teng’s mental strength is stronger than him, he is more worried about attracting other people.

Clang! clang! Clang…

The next moment, two streamers of different colors collided together in mid-air, sparks splashed in all directions, and the crisp sound of gold and iron colliding broke out.

At this time, Wang Teng also saw the appearance of the khaki streamer. They turned out to be slender soil cones, forged from some kind of material, so hard that they could stop his golden phoenix dance. sparrow feathers.

You must know that his Fengwu Jinque Ling is forged from phoenix blood red gold. It is extremely sharp and blessed with spiritual power. It is definitely a magic weapon, not at all

Ordinary weapons can block it.

“What kind of weapon are you? You can actually block my Huangyan Sunbreaker!” Master Yi Tuo said in shock, his complexion changed slightly.

“Huangyan Breaks the Sun Cone, what a bad name.” Wang Teng complained helplessly.


Grandmaster Yituo’s complexion is very This guy doesn’t like him at all, it’s really annoying.

“Too much deceit!”

A roar came out, and he frantically mobilized his mental power, controlled the Huangyan Sunbreaker, and kept bombarding towards Wang Teng, trying to break through the blockade of Fengwu Jinque Ling.

Dense khaki-yellow rays of light filled the sky, at least hundreds of them, covering the entire sky.

Such momentum can be described as extremely frightening, and ordinary warriors at the beginning of the realm master level may not be able to stop it.

However, he was facing Wang Teng.

Grandmaster Yi Tuo soon discovered that his attack could not break through the blockade of the opponent’s mind weapon, because the number of golden streamers was also increasing sharply.

His Huangyan sun breaking cones have hundreds of holes, but the number of golden streamers is still increasing, from hundreds to thousands, and even keeps increasing…

“What kind of weapon is this?” Grandmaster Yi Tuo stared at the dense golden streamer, his eyes widened in shock.


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