Complete Martial Arts Attributes Chapter 2017: Wings covering the entire planet! Amazing means! Thoroughly…


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During the space fluctuation, the managers of several major forces appeared in the void almost at the same time. They looked at each other and fell silent.

This scene, even for them, is extremely shocking, and it is extremely rare in normal times.

“Immortal power! This is an immortal combat skill!”

“Could it be an immortal existence of the light system who made the move?” Tie En swallowed and said.

“This is indeed an immortal combat skill of the light system, with the ability to purify.” The manager of the virtual universe company said with his eyes flickering.

“It’s amazing, such a method is rare, not to mention it is a light-type immortal combat skill with the ability to purify.” The old man of the Mobang Chamber of Commerce said in shock.

“I don’t know who made it?”

The managers of several major forces are full of doubts, talking and guessing.

They didn’t think it was Wang Teng’s method.

The managers of several factions have sensed the aura unique to immortal-level combat skills. How could it be Wang Teng?



At the same time, a strange sound resounded in the void, directly transmitted to Tianzhu star, and echoed in the ears of every Tianzhu star warrior.

“What’s that sound?”

The warriors on the Tianzhu star were all in doubt, looking up at the sky with astonishment on their faces.

An amazing scene happened!

A dazzling white light dispelled the black mist in the sky, and the holy and bright power pervaded the entire planet, purifying all the black mist away.

Pillars of black smoke floated into the void, but were soon completely purified by the white light, leaving nothing behind.

The entire Tianzhu star has completely turned from darkness to light, and there is a strong light atmosphere everywhere, making everyone feel extremely comfortable.

Guan Lao, Shi Lao, Qiu Rong, the fox-human elder and others were all very excited.

Wang Teng did it!

He really did it!

Tianzhu Star is finally about to recover!

A thought rose in the hearts of these Tianzhu star warriors, almost bringing tears to their eyes, and they couldn’t calm down no matter what.

The same is true for the other warriors of the Tianzhu star.

On the other side, I was walking around Tianzhu Star, and according to Wang Teng’s guidance, I realized the Fengjin reconstructed by Tianzhu Star. Enlightenment.

She seemed to understand something.


At this moment, the sky seemed to vibrate, and amidst the dazzling white light, a pair of huge bright wings were getting closer and closer, as if descending from the void, causing a wordless shock to people.

“So, what is that…?”

All the Tianzhu star warriors suddenly widened their eyes, looking at this scene in shock.

A pair of pure white wings enough to cover the entire Tianzhu star appeared in the void.

What kind of method is this?

At this moment, everyone understands why Wang Teng doesn’t need to use the holy formation. With such a method, does he still need the holy formation?

“This is unbelievable.” Guan Lao opened his mouth and couldn’t help sighing.

“Your Excellency Wang Teng is able to display such a powerful means of the light system. We have already highly regarded him, but I did not expect to underestimate him.” On Qiu Rong’s beautiful and plump face, she couldn’t help showing a look of astonishment , can no longer hide the shock in his heart.

This is incredible.

A warrior at the peak of the domain master level can actually display such a method.

It seems that in addition to sub-professional means, Wang Teng’s martial arts strength is also amazing, and it cannot be inferred by common sense at all.

“It’s a terrible talent.” The fox-human elder said with emotion.


Following the instigation of the bright wings, countless smooth feathers fell from the void, falling towards the star Tianzhu, as if a light rain covering the entire planet was falling.

Everyone is in a dream.

Countless smooth feathers fell on the earth, whether it was plains, mountains, or river forests, without exception, they were all covered.

Bursts of black mist floated up, and the power of darkness hidden in it was constantly being purified away.

Some of them fell on the warriors of Tianzhu Star, and they couldn’t help but close their eyes. They just felt comfortable all over, and the dark power hidden in some warriors was driven out.

They were ecstatic, they did not expect that the power of darkness, which made them troublesome, would be solved in this rain of light.

The more this is the case, the stronger the reverence these warriors have for Wang Teng.

It is actually the first time they have seen such a powerful means of the light system.

The enlightenment in Fengjin’s heart became stronger and stronger, her body rose slowly, looking up at the sky, and then at the continuously purified earth below, a unique breath rose from her body.


Time passed slowly, and under the purification of the wings of the holy light, the dark power of the entire Tianzhu star was purified at a speed visible to the naked eye.

As soon as strands of black mist floated up, they were directly eroded by the holy light and completely dissipated.

Everyone was waiting, whether it was the warriors above the Tianzhu star or the people from various forces coming from outside the void, they all waited quietly and did not disturb the person who used the means.

For them, being able to witness this scene is already an honor, and a little time is nothing.

One day is fleeting, and the bright wings lasted for a full day before the light gradually weakened, and the black mist no longer floated above the Tianzhu star, it seemed that the power of darkness inside had completely disappeared. was purified.


At a certain moment, the pair of bright wings covering the entire Tianzhu star finally couldn’t hold on, and they spread apart suddenly, turning into light feathers all over the sky and falling downward, leaving it as the last blessing.

These light feathers have been integrated into the depths of Tianzhu Star, and will last for a long time. Even if there is another dark power, it will be difficult to invade the interior of this planet.


Guan Lao, Shi Lao, Qiu Rong, the fox-human elders and others couldn’t help but breathe a sigh of relief. They were more nervous than anyone else. Seeing that the power of darkness on the entire planet has been dispelled, they finally feel relieved.

“Let’s go! Let’s go see Your Excellency Wang Teng.”

Guan Lao moved his body and rushed towards the void.

Seeing this, the others were naturally not far behind, and rushed into the void one after another.


In the void, as the huge bright wings dissipated, Wang Teng’s figure finally appeared. At this time, his complexion looked a little pale, and the original force of the bright stars in his body was completely exhausted. Not left.

Fortunately, he still has other elements of origin force. With the flow of these origin forces, the feeling of weakness dissipated immediately, and his face became ruddy again.

“Wang Teng!!”

At this time, the managers of various forces in the distance finally saw Wang Teng’s figure, their eyes widened suddenly, and their faces were full of disbelief.

They never expected that after the huge bright wings disappeared, it turned out to be Wang Teng’s figure.

It is none other than Wang Teng.

This shows that the immortal-level combat skills were performed by Wang Teng.

It’s unbelievable.

Wang Teng actually exhibited the immortal combat skill with immortal power, how did he do it?

Thoughts exploded in the minds of these managers, making them unable to calm down for a long time.

Wang Teng turned his head to look, a little surprised: “They are?”

However, when he saw the warships and spaceships from different forces, he immediately guessed their identities, smiled slightly, and said, “You guys came here very quickly.”


A loud laugh came from the manager of the virtual universe company. He came back to his senses, walked towards Wang Teng, and said, “If you don’t come quickly, how can you see such an amazing person like Wang Teng?” style.”

“Excellent reputation!” Wang Teng said with a smile.

“I’ve heard of His Excellency Wang Teng’s name before, and I’m lucky to see you today.” The manager of the virtual universe company clasped his fists slightly, and introduced himself: “I’m the Tianzhu star of the virtual universe company. manager named Beavis.”

“It turns out to be the senior of Virtual Universe Company, you are polite.”

Wang Teng suddenly realized, and immediately got a little closer, and returned a salute.

“Senior dare not be, if Your Excellency Wang Teng doesn’t mind, just call me by my name.” Bivis said hastily.

He is a late-stage master of the world master level, powerful, and has a rather good status in the virtual universe company, but he does not dare to be too big in front of this genius who has a true god-level contract.

To be honest, the other party’s future potential is much greater than his.

He is expected to advance to the Immortal Rank of Marquis, or even the Immortal Rank of King, but this genius who has a true god-level contract is considered to be expected to be promoted to the true god-level, otherwise he is also an immortal-level venerable, not him at all can be compared.

Just for this point, the opponent’s network background in the virtual universe company is probably far stronger than him.

Because of the other party’s identity, he can enter the core area of ​​the virtual universe company. There are all geniuses like him, or they are truly immortal powerhouses.

Even without mentioning these things, the other party is still a saint of the Seven Paths, a real saint-level figure, plus the immortal-level means just shown,

No matter which point, he must treat it politely.

The man of Ganta heat sees the manager of the virtual baby company

Other hard-working people couldn’t help but be a little surprised to see that the official from the virtual Yuyou company was so polite to Wang Teng, even a little flattering, but they soon came to their senses.

This Tianjiao can’t be judged by common sense. If they don’t correct their mentality, they will only lose face in the end.

So everyone stepped forward one after another, introducing themselves enthusiastically.

They came here for this proud man, but now that they see a real person, how can they not be enthusiastic.

Wang Teng is naturally very polite, — return the gift.

As for the arrival of people from other forces, he was not surprised at all, but he was quite surprised by the arrival of the Mobang Chamber of Commerce, and his eyes could not help but fall on the old man of the Mobang Chamber of Commerce.

“Mobang Chamber of Commerce, Richard!”

When he was on the Jade Star, he had contacted the Mobang Chamber of Commerce, but he did not expect to see him again today.

“Your Excellency Wang Teng seems to be very familiar with our Mobang Chamber of Commerce?” Richard asked involuntarily when he saw his appearance.

“I’ve had contact with you before.” Wang Teng said with a smile.

“That’s not surprising. My Mobang Chamber of Commerce is located in every corner of the universe. As His Excellency Wang Teng, I must have had in-depth cooperation with us.” Richard smiled and praised Wang Teng invisibly.

“Is this deep and serious?” Wang Teng’s eyes were strange, and he suddenly thought of that Clara Mobang in his heart. It is a great blessing for them to be able to come to Tianzhu Star.”

Everyone lifts the sedan chair, and when the other party lifts it, he also lifts it.

“Hahaha…” Richard was undoubtedly very happy when he heard Wang Teng’s words, and laughed loudly: “I have to thank Your Excellency Wang Teng, if you hadn’t used such means to make Tianzhu Star Thoroughly purified, we don’t have such an investment opportunity yet.”

“Indeed, the means of the light system that His Excellency Wang Teng just used really opened our eyes.” Tie En said.

“I didn’t use that method alone.” Wang Teng smiled slightly, and didn’t explain too much. Xiguang Haoyu and Hanguangshu had already returned to his space fragments, so these people didn’t see it, but he Not going to explain.

“Oh?” Everyone was slightly taken aback, but seeing that he didn’t say anything more, they didn’t ask any more questions


“Anyway, judging from the situation just now, it is obvious that His Excellency Wang Teng was the main one in the method, which is unmistakable.” Bivis laughed.

Wang Teng smiled, this Bivis is quite tricky.

“Your Excellency Wang Teng!”

At this time, Guan Lao and others above Tianzhu star also flew over, and they all made a big gift to Wang Teng, and said gratefully:

“Your Excellency Wang Teng, thank you for purifying the star of Tianzhu.”

“You don’t have to be like this.” Wang Teng waved his hands, changed the subject directly, and said, “These are the managers of various forces…”

Then introduce the past one by one.

With the bond of Wang Teng, both parties are very polite, and there is no gap in the communication. It seems that the unhappiness that the various forces have not helped before has never happened at all, and the atmosphere is very harmonious.

“They’re all old foxes.” Wang Teng felt relieved a lot, shaking his head and laughing inwardly.

His worries are completely unnecessary. How could these people be so impulsive? Now is undoubtedly the best result, and they will definitely not be confused.

What’s more, these top forces in the universe can’t be offended by a Tianzhu star, even the entire Tianlan Empire treats them politely.

“Everyone has come from afar, let’s enter Tianzhu Star first. We have rebuilt many buildings for you to live in temporarily.” After chatting for a while, Qiu Rong said: “Other cooperation matters can be discussed in detail later.”

“That should be the case.” The managers of the major forces nodded one after another.

Guan Lao and the others guided in front, and the spaceships and warships immediately launched, entered the range of the Tianzhu stars, and landed on the port where the spaceships were parked.

“The array can be activated.” Wang Teng suddenly looked out of the void and said.

Although the black mist in the void has been dispelled a lot, without his combat skills, it will soon sweep back again, and he must rely on defensive formations to resist it.

“Yes.” Guan Lao, Shi Lao and the others nodded seriously.

Bivis, Tie En and others were very surprised when they saw this scene. These Tianzhu people seemed to obey Wang Teng’s words.

But thinking about it makes me feel relieved.

With what Wang Teng has done to Tianzhu star, it is not surprising that people from Tianzhu star will treat him like this.


Not long after Guan Lao and the others informed, there was a roar on Tianzhu Star.

Boom! boom! Boom…

The next moment, dazzling rays of light rose from all over the Tianzhu star. If you count them, you will find that there are a total of twelve beams of light, all of which are earthy yellow in color and extremely dazzling.

Hey! Roar! Roar…

At the same time, strange dragon roars erupted from the beam of light, exuding terrifying coercion.

Wang Teng raised his eyebrows and looked, only to see a phantom of coiling dragons appearing on the beam of light, as if they were coiled on the beam of light, rising into the sky, very miraculous.

“This is the Twelve Heavenly Pillars Panlong Formation of Tianzhu Star!” Bivis looked at the rising light pillar with surprise in his eyes, and said.

“That’s right!” Guan Lao and the others nodded their heads with expressions on their faces.

“Although we know that this formation exists, this is the first time we have seen it open.” Tie En said.

“A very astonishing formation. The power of this formation has at least reached the level of the Holy Four Tribulations.” Richard nodded.

Everyone present has good eyesight, so they can naturally guess the level of this large formation from the power emanating from the beam of light.

“Was Your Excellency Wang Teng involved in the restoration of this formation?” Bivis suddenly turned his head and asked.

“I did not participate.” Wang Teng shook his head.

“That’s a pity.” Bivis said.

“Although His Excellency Wang Teng has not participated in the event, he has given us a lot of suggestions.” Qiu Rong said with a smile.

“Oh?” Everyone’s heart moved, and they immediately understood the meaning of the other party. It seems that the sage Wang Teng has clearly mastered this formation, and it is very likely that it was given by the Tianzhu star.

At this time,

The twelve beams of light have already shot straight into the sky.

At the center of the formation, Tianzhu Mountain also emitted a dazzling light, and the rich power of the earth element exploded, turning into a thicker beam of light.

Subsequently, strange lines emerged in the sky and projected densely packed, almost all over the void, and then connected together, connecting the light pillar at the core and the twelve light pillars around it, transforming A huge circular formation was made, covering the entire Tianzhu star.

Relying on the circular formation, a khaki-colored light curtain rose towards both sides, and finally closed together, like a spherical protective cover.

“It’s done!” Everyone’s hearts moved, and their eyes all shone brightly.

The opening of this defensive formation is the beginning of the complete rebuilding of Tianzhu Star.

Without the defensive formation, Tianzhu star in the starry sky is like a big fat sheep, waiting to be slaughtered at any time.

When the dark species comes, the consequences are even more unimaginable.

“It’s a good method.” Wang Teng’s eyes flashed, and he sneered in his heart. The hidden danger planted by Master Yituo did not affect the operation of the formation at all, but if there was a big war, the hidden danger would definitely destroy the formation. Crash fast.

How can outsiders figure this out?


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