Complete Martial Arts Attributes Chapter 2016: Work together! Use immortal substance! The forces of all parties are coming!


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In the void, a pair of huge bright wings slowly unfolded behind Wang Teng.

The pair of wings spread out, although they can reach hundreds of feet, but compared with the Tianzhu star in front of them, it is obviously not enough.

“Inject the star power!” Wang Teng shouted suddenly.

Xiguang Slug and Hanguangshu had been waiting for this moment for a long time. When they heard the sound, they immediately burst out their own star force and rushed towards the area where Wang Teng was.


Wang Teng’s face is serious. Both the Xiguang Slug and the Hanguang Tree are at the level of the world master, especially the Xiguang Slug, which is a giant beast in the starry sky of the Light Department. Even he didn’t dare to neglect at this moment.

Bright Eucharist, open!

God-level light talent, open!

A low shout sounded in his heart.

At the same time, Wang Teng activated his strongest light talent. The two talents work at the same time, and the control of the original force of the light and stars has reached an inhuman level.

Although the Holy Physique of Light is indeed only the first level, compared to his current state, it is a bit low after all, but it is enough for controlling the star force of the light system. Remember the URL m.xbequige. com

After all, this is the most top-notch physique of the light system.

And with the support of the Sunlight Slug and the Light Tree, the star power of the light system that they burst out is not so violent and uncontrollable.

Two prongs, more than enough.

“Forward me!”

Wang Teng’s eyes flashed, and he let out a shout, and his mental power suddenly swept out from the center of his brows, helping his own light talent to control the force of the stars of the light department.

Psychic power has no attributes, so it can be used to control the star force of the light system.

Of course. If it is a warrior of other attributes, even if he can forcibly control the star power of the light system with his spiritual power, he probably won’t be able to exert any power.

But Wang Teng is different, he has the top talent in the light department. Naturally, the original force of these stars of the light system can be mobilized.

Although it cannot be incorporated into the body, it can be integrated into one’s own combat skills.


Waves of powerful and majestic spiritual power filled the void. Under his control, it operated in a special way, and then incorporated all the original power of the stars of the light system into the wings of light.

Wang Teng was a little surprised, because he found that after his mental power reached the half-step world master level, he became much more flexible, and his control was at least ten times easier than before. You can understand what he means, and move accordingly.

“Half-step world master level can reach such a point, what if you really advance to the world master level?” Wang Teng’s heart became a little hot, and he looked forward to the spiritual power of the world master level.

But at this time, he didn’t think too much, and continued to control his mental power, and merged the majestic star power of the surrounding light system into his combat skills.

This [Holy Light·Sky Feather Asylum] is an immortal-level combat technique, and the force it needs to consume is terrifying. Only the truly immortal-level powerhouse can fully display its power.

The combination of Wang Teng, Xiguang Slug, and Hanguangshu might not be worth half of the Immortal Rank of a Marquis.

If it weren’t for Xiguang slugs, it would be special. It is said that half of them are worthy of them.

Therefore, these stars of the light system seem to have a lot of original power, but in fact they are not enough to meet the requirements of [Holy Light·Sky Feather Protection]. Wang Teng doesn’t have to worry about this combat skill being unable to hold on.


At the same time, under such crazy pouring, the huge wings became even bigger, spreading towards the surrounding void.

Endless bright and holy light radiated in all directions, causing the surrounding black mist to chirp continuously, as it had been purified away.

The low-level dark species within the black mist are even more corroded, with bursts of black smoke emitting from their bodies, and painful roars are heard crazily

This combat skill has not yet been issued, and it is only a little residual power that makes these black mist and darkness species unable to hold on. If it is really displayed, I don’t know

How far will it go?

At the same time, beams of light passed through the black mist surrounding the planet below, and landed on the ground of Tianzhu Star.

Tianzhu star.

Many Tianzhu star fighters also received the news that Wang Teng had begun to purify the power of darkness, and they all looked up, and immediately saw the rays of light full of holy light, and their faces could not help showing shock and excitement color.

How powerful this force is, it is incredible that it can cover the entire planet.

For a while, many people had a glimmer of expectation in their hearts.

At first they heard that Wang Teng did not intend to engrave the holy formation, and they felt somewhat unreliable, but due to Wang Teng’s identity, they didn’t say anything, but now they saw this scene, they believed it .

Although I don’t know what method Wang Teng used, but being able to do this is enough to show the strength of his method.

The rumored Tianjiao is really amazing!

Guan Lao, Shi Lao, Qiu Rong, and the old man of the fox tribe also looked up into the void, with shock on their faces.

At their false level, there were very few things that could make them show such expressions, but the means Wang Teng showed at this time really made them unable to calm down.

“This should be an immortal combat skill!” Shi Lao took a deep breath and said.

“Immortal combat skills of the light department, no wonder he has such confidence.” Guan Lao nodded.

“But can he fully display the power of immortal-level combat skills?” The fox-human elder hesitated.

It’s not that he doesn’t believe in Wang Teng, but that this immortal-level combat skill is really beyond the standard for a domain master-level peak fighter, and it can’t exert its full power at all.

“Didn’t you feel it? There are still two light-type auras in the void. There should be two light-type helpers beside Wang Teng, and their auras are quite powerful. They seem to be world masters.” Layers.” Qiu Rong’s eyes flickered, she looked at the void, and said: “There is an aura in it that is even stronger than you and me.”

The old man of the fox clan was taken aback for a moment, and then he felt it carefully.

Because of the barrier of the black mist, he didn’t feel it carefully just now, and Wang Teng’s three bursts of light and star force at the same time merged together to perform the same combat skill, it is easy to give people the illusion that there is only one person, so he did not Sunlight slugs and hazel trees have not been found.

After careful sensing at this moment, his complexion suddenly changed, and his eyes trembled.

“Really.” Guan Lao and Shi Lao also felt the existence of Xiguang Slug and Hanguang Tree, and said with shocked faces.

There are two light systems at the level of world masters, and one of them is stronger than them. No wonder Wang Teng has such confidence.


How many hole cards does Wang Teng have?


In the void, the wings condensed by Wang Teng are getting bigger and bigger. If compared with Tianzhu star before, it seemed quite small, then at this moment, even in front of a planet like Tianzhu star, this pair of wings is already huge. It cannot be ignored.

And the bright and holy meaning emanating from it is even more shocking. As a result, within tens of thousands of miles, no black mist or low-level dark species can be seen. It’s approaching this void area.

Xiguang Slug and Hanguangshu watched the pair of wings swell to this point, and their hearts were a little shocked.

If they are allowed to perform, they will definitely not reach such a level.

It’s amazing.

Xiguang Slug looked at Wang Teng with complicated eyes.

This guy is really perverted!

When we first met, the other party was not so perverted. When facing it, he seemed quite embarrassed, but now the other party’s strength has already made him feel a little threatened.

It has only been so long, and it has changed so much, it is really unbelievable.

Warrior’s practice is a gradual process, no matter how talented a warrior is, he can’t practice so fast, Wang Teng can no longer be described as a genius, he is really a monster.

“Should be about the same

Yes. “

A thought came to Xiguang Slug’s mind.

Wang Teng is able to display this combat skill to this extent, it should be almost the same.

Although it is not enough to completely eliminate the power of darkness on that planet, it is still terrifying. At worst, if you use it twice, it should be able to completely purify it.


“Not enough!”

Wang Teng narrowed his eyes slightly, but felt that it was not enough.

He didn’t want to waste time casting it again, so this level of [Holy Light·Sky Feather Asylum] was obviously a lot worse.

The fourth-order light field of fusion environment!

The power of the fourth-order source of light!

The next moment, Wang Teng used these two kinds of power at the same time, and strange fluctuations swept out from his body and merged into the pair of huge wings.

Boom! boom!

Stranger lines of light suddenly appeared on the huge wings, attracting the power of heaven and earth.

These lines of light exude light, and more and more, they are connected to each other, and finally turned into chains, which is very miraculous.


The rune chains vibrated, causing the power of the surrounding world to surge in.

The pair of huge bright wings expanded again, exuding even more terrifying power.

“This guy’s light field and the power of the original law of light have reached this level.” Xi Guanghaoshu and Han Guangshu were even more surprised when they saw this scene.

Wang Teng’s Light Domain and the Law of Light Origin didn’t seem so strong when he fought against the dark genius before, right?

The more you look at the two world master-level creatures, the more frightened you become.

“It’s not enough!” Wang Teng was not satisfied at all.

His field of light and origin of light are still a little weaker after all. If the field of light can reach the eighth level of the fusion environment, and the law of light source can reach the fifth or sixth level, it may be enough.

But it’s still a lot worse now.

Fortunately, he has other means to make up for this shortcoming.

Wang Teng’s gaze immediately locked on a special power in the attribute panel.

Immortal matter!

A third-order immortal substance!

If the immortal-level existence knows that he has mastered the third-order immortal substance, his jaw will drop in shock.

Wang Teng hadn’t used the immortal substance for a long time, mainly because he had no chance at all, and even that bluff was not qualified for him to use the immortal substance.

And now he plans to use the immortal substance.

Speaking of which, an immortal-level combat technique needs to use immortal substances, otherwise, how could it be called an immortal-level combat technique.

Wang Teng did not hesitate, and immediately used a trace of immortal substance, which was at most equivalent to the level of the first order, but it was enough.

The combat power he used is already strong enough, and now with the addition of a first-order level of immortal substance, it is enough to make the power of [Holy Light·Sky Feather Protection] reach the effect of purifying Tianzhu Star.


As wisps of immortal matter melted into the pair of bright wings, a terrifying aura emanated from them.

If the Bright Wings just now had a bright and holy meaning, then now, the pair of Bright Wings exudes an extremely strong coercion.

This kind of coercion can only be possessed by true immortal combat skills.

And now Wang Teng is the power that can only be possessed by giving this [Holy Light·Sky Feather Protection] the immortal combat skill.

The pair of huge bright wings swelled up quickly and radiated in all directions, reaching an extremely terrifying level in an instant.

The star Tianzhu below is completely covered by it.

At the same time, Xiguang Slug and Hanguangshu both felt that the original power of the bright star that they exploded was being crazily drawn away, which made their expressions change drastically, and they couldn’t help shouting: “Wang Teng, stop quickly!” Down.”

Wang Teng immediately disconnected the control, allowing Xiguang and Hanguangshu to be liberated.

He knows that they have reached their limit, if they are drawn again

Go, I’m afraid I’m really going to smoke them dry.


Xiguang Slug and Hanguangshu’s eyes widened, looking at the crazily expanding bright wings with lingering fear.

They never thought that Wang Teng’s immortal combat skills could make them like this.

“This is the power of immortality!”

Xiguang Slug took a deep breath and tried to calm himself down, but the shock in his heart couldn’t be stopped no matter what. Its eyes flickered, and it said with a dry mouth.

Wang Teng glanced at it, but smiled faintly.

“What’s going on here?” Xiguang Slug couldn’t believe that Wang Teng was able to master the power of immortality. He must have mobilized this power of immortality in some special way.

It is a pity that it will not get an answer after all.

At this time, Wang Teng looked at the Tianzhu star below, his expression became serious, and he said softly: “Holy light, Tianyu protects you!


As soon as the voice fell, the pair of huge bright wings behind it burst out with dazzling light, and then stirred up loudly.

There seemed to be a gust of wind blowing in the void, and endless bright and holy power emanated from the pair of wings, and pieces of smooth feathers fell off, fluttering in the void, and fell towards Tianzhu Star.

This scene can be described as extremely spectacular and extremely gorgeous.

The pair of bright wings are like a pair of guardian wings, slowly flapping, and then close together towards the front, enveloping the entire Tianzhu star.


In the distant void.

Warships are coming at a very fast speed.

These battleships come from different forces, some are virtual universe companies, some are the universe mercenary alliance, some are the first bank of the universe, and even big chambers of commerce such as Mobang chamber of commerce…

These are the forces that agreed to come to Tianzhu Star in Wang Teng’s name.

They also lost a lot in the previous battle of the fall of Tianzhu Star, so they have never planned to come to Tianzhu Star again, especially in this situation, who knows whether the dark species will attack Tianzhu Star again in the future .

If they fall again, they will take too much risk.

Moreover, rebuilding the Tianzhu star would require a lot of resources.

No matter how you look at it, it is not worthwhile.

But when they heard that Wang Teng was going to purify Tianzhu, they felt that Tianzhu had a bit of capital worth investing in, so they came here one after another.

And they have already contacted each other before deciding to come together.

After all, the three major territories are not safe now, and dark species may appear everywhere, so it is safer to go together.

At this time, within the battleships of these forces, there is a projection of a light curtain, and there are figures in it.

These figures come from different races, but they all have powerful auras, and they have one thing in common. They are all the management of the major forces, responsible for the upcoming affairs of Tianzhu Star, and have a lot of power.

Tianzhu star is one of the top ten ruling stars in the Tianlan Empire, and its status is not bad. If it can really be rejuvenated, it will be of great benefit to them.

So those who come to help rebuild Tianzhu must have a certain status, enough to mobilize sufficient resources.

“Everyone, Tianzhu is coming soon.”

At this moment, a voice came from the mouth of the manager of Virtual Universe Company.

“Hehe, it seems that we were lucky, and we didn’t encounter any dark species along the way.” The manager of the first bank in the universe chuckled.

“Hmph, that’s their luck, they didn’t meet me.” The manager of the Cosmic Mercenary Alliance snorted coldly.

“Tie En, we are here to help rebuild Tianzhu, not to fight against the dark species.” The manager of the Mobang Chamber of Commerce is an old man, sitting on a luxurious seat, shaking a wine glass in his hand , looking calm and relaxed, said lightly at this time.

“If you encounter a dark species, don’t you have to fight and run away.” Tie En, the manager of the Cosmic Mercenary Alliance, said unhappily.


Everyone is a little speechless,

The guys from the Cosmic Mercenary Alliance are really full of muscles, they only know how to fight and kill.

Although what he said is correct, none of them want to encounter the dark species in this situation, okay?

“Okay, everyone, stop arguing, the star Tianzhu is ahead.” The manager of the virtual universe company shook his head and laughed.

Everyone was shocked when they heard the words.

Because there is a lot of black fog blocking it, even these strong people can hardly see how far away without careful sensing.

Even if there is no powerful detector, it is difficult to penetrate the black fog and detect places that are too far away.

At this moment, they heard the reminder from the manager of the virtual universe company, and their attention was naturally attracted.

Virtual Universe Company has an absolute advantage in this regard, since he said so, there must be nothing wrong.

Everyone fell silent, as if they were waiting.

“Speaking of which, the sage Wang Teng is willing to help Tianzhu star purify the power of darkness, what is he trying to do?” Tie En couldn’t help asking again.

“Maybe Wang Teng is just showing kindness, why are there so many?” The manager of the virtual universe company laughed.

As a member of the virtual universe company, he naturally wants to speak for Wang Teng.

“Uh…” Tie En’s mouth twitched, and he said, “Then I’m really shallow, but I don’t know what method he will use to purify the dark power of Tianzhu Star?”

“I heard that Saint Wang Teng’s martial arts strength is at the peak of the master I think I can only use sub-professional methods…” said the old man of the Mobang Chamber of Commerce with a flicker of eyes.

It’s just that before he finished speaking, he found that everyone’s expressions were a little wrong, and they were staring straight ahead, not knowing what they were looking at.

At this time, a white light appeared in the dark mist ahead, which seemed particularly strange. The old man of the Mobang Chamber of Commerce couldn’t help but look forward, and the expression on his face suddenly became stiff.

“What is that…?”

The several managers present stayed in place, looking at the scene ahead, and fell into shock.

At this time, their warships also completely rushed out of the black fog, enough to see the scene in the void ahead. In the endless white light, only a pair of huge bright wings slightly closed, enveloping a planet. up.


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