Complete Martial Arts Attributes Chapter 2015: Hidden danger! Unexpected people! Holy Light·Sky Feather Protection…


[Twelve Heavenly Pillars and Panlong Formation] (Holy Level · Incomplete): 2400/6000 (entry-level);

Many insights appeared in Wang Teng’s mind, and strange runes emerged one after another, forming a huge circular formation.

This formation has twelve huge sky pillars erected on the edge of the formation, which looks quite spectacular, and at the core of the formation, there is a phantom of a mountain, which is very similar to that day’s pillar mountain. resemblance.

Countless mysterious runes wrapped around the twelve pillars, spread throughout the formation, and then extended to the core of the formation.

Even on the phantom of the mountain in the center, runes appeared.

However, apart from the fact that most of the runes at the core are lit up, the runes in other areas are extremely dim, even very blurry, with no specific appearance.

“It’s just entry-level, and it’s still incomplete.” Wang Teng’s eyes flashed. Not surprisingly, what he just picked up was just the attribute bubbles at the core, and the attribute bubbles in other areas have not been picked up yet.

Not long after, Wang Teng got rid of his comprehension and looked at the formation in front of him again.


Suddenly, he seemed to have discovered something, and he couldn’t help but sigh in his heart.

He immediately looked at it carefully, the light in his eyes kept flickering.

“There is indeed a problem.”

After just a few glances, Wang Teng discovered that there was a huge hidden danger in the core of the formation that seemed to have no problem.

And this hidden danger is obviously not formed naturally, but man-made.

This hidden danger is very hidden, and it doesn’t even affect the operation of the formation. It seems that there is only a small structural problem, even some holy formation masters may not be able to find it. Not to mention a person who has no understanding of the Twelve Heavenly Pillars and Panlong Formation.

But Wang Teng is not an ordinary holy-level formation mage, and his background in formation is far beyond that of an ordinary holy-level rune formation mage.

Combined with the understanding of the formation just obtained, it can be said that I have a deep understanding of this formation in an instant.

Are there hidden dangers?

Is it artificial?

There is no escape from his eyes.

“You dare to play tricks under my nose, do you think I can’t find out, I want to see who it is?” Wang Teng smiled coldly in his heart. This person really doesn’t take him seriously.

He glanced down and immediately found the person in charge of this area.

“It turned out to be him!”

Wang Teng raised his eyebrows, feeling a little surprised.

The sub-professional grandmaster of the Lizard Scale Clan!

The reason why he paid special attention to the other party before was mainly because the other party was a member of the Lizard Scale Tribe, and the warrior who was solidly infected by darkness was a member of the Lizard Scale Tribe.

“Why did he do this?” Wang Teng was suspicious: “Could it be related to the dark species?”

No wonder he thinks of the dark species, there is already a living example, so he thinks so.

Besides, under such circumstances, the biggest enemy of Tianzhu star is only the dark species.

Wang Teng remained calm, but he was not in a hurry to tell Guan Lao and the others. Now he looked suspicious to everyone. He thought that there should be nothing wrong with the remaining people in Tianzhu Star, but this situation still happened. He had to be careful.

“I’d like to see what you plan to do?” Wang Teng felt a little cold in his heart.

For him, the hidden dangers in the Twelve Heavenly Pillars and Panlong Formation are actually nothing, as long as they are discovered, it is not difficult to solve them. The difficulty lies in whether it can be found.

So he is not in a hurry to expose the other party.

The more important thing is to find out the person behind the opponent and understand his purpose.

Wang Teng took a deep look at the sub-professional master of the Lizard Scale Clan, then stopped paying attention and continued to pick up attribute bubbles.

There are quite a few formation runes on Tianzhu Mountain, but the runes on them are not damaged and are very complete. Probably the dark species don’t want to destroy this strange mountain, so there is no need to repair anything here .

Wang Teng looked around the Tianzhu star, and then said to Guan Lao and others: “Let’s go to other areas to see.”

“Good!” Guan Lao and the others led the way.

The twelve heavenly pillars that make up the formation are all in very special places, so Wang Teng has not set foot in those places before, and now he has just arrived for the first time.

For example, the two celestial pillars are located in a different place covered with ice, where the ice attribute is very strong, only ice-type warriors will set foot here, and ordinary warriors will not come here.

Several sub-professionals chipped away at the thick layer of ice, and engraved formation runes under the ground, so that the pillars here could re-operate.

Wang Teng picked up the attribute bubble and turned to other places.

Twelve heavenly pillars.

Twelve directions.

Under the leadership of Guan Lao and others, he observed them one by one.

Since the high-level officials of Tianzhu Star want to give him the Twelve Heavenly Pillars and Panlong Formation as a gift, they naturally want him to observe it carefully.

However, they don’t think Wang Teng can completely master this formation in a short period of time.

Take him around, just let him familiarize himself with it first, and then Wang Teng can study this formation by himself.

[Twelve Heavenly Pillars and Panlong Formation] (Holy Level): 6800/15000 (proficient);

Wang Teng glanced at the attribute panel, and couldn’t help smiling.

The word incomplete has disappeared.

And the mastery level has also reached the proficient level from the entry level, which has been improved a lot.

So far, Wang Teng has completely mastered this holy formation.

Sure enough, as Guan Lao and others said, this formation has helped him a lot, and the mystery in it is by no means comparable to that of ordinary formations below the Saint-level Four Tribulations.

“It’s different from the hands of the rune formation mage who came from the Holy Seven Tribulations.” Wang Teng said with emotion in his heart.

“Your Excellency Wang Teng, are you satisfied with this formation? Qiu Rong asked with a voice transmission with a smile.

“Very good.” Wang Teng nodded frankly, without denying it.

“That’s good.” Qiu Rong smiled even more happily. Although this beautiful woman is a bit older, she really has a unique charm, and her smile is very touching.

“Cough cough.” Wang Teng coughed dryly, thinking that there should be nothing wrong with his interests. After all, beautiful people and things are regardless of age. Is Master Tuo the master cultivated by your Tianzhu star?”

Qiu Rong and the others didn’t know why he asked such a question. They froze for a moment, nodded and said, “Yes, Grandmaster Yituo is indeed a grandmaster cultivated by our Tianzhu star. He knows the basics, otherwise he would not be allowed to participate in the ten Restoration of the Ertianzhu Panlong Formation.”

“Grandmaster Yituo should be a member of the lizard scale clan. Are there many people in their clan on Tianzhu?” Wang Teng asked again.

“There are some, but not too much.” Qiu Rong said.

Wang Teng nodded thoughtfully and stopped asking. “Your Excellency Wang Teng, but what’s wrong with this Grandmaster Yituo?” Qiu Rong glanced at Grandmaster Yituo below, and suddenly asked via voice transmission.

At this time, they have returned to Tianzhu Mountain, and they can see Master Yituo who is busy below.

Wang Teng glanced at her, it seems that this Elder Qiu Rong is not big-chested and brainless, just from his questioning, he sensed a problem.

However, it may also be caused by their current situation. Everyone is frightened, and everyone is suspicious when they see it. Wang Teng has enjoyed such treatment before.

Originally, he planned not to talk about it, and he checked it by himself.

Now that Qiu Rong has asked, he no longer intends to hide it.

But Wang Teng just smiled at this time, and did not rush to answer, but asked again: “When Tianzhu Star was occupied by the dark species before, what happened to the twelve Tianzhu Panlong Formation?”

Qiu Rong’s expression became more and more uncertain, she thought for a while, and said hesitantly: “There seems to be nothing wrong.”

“Guan Lao, Shi Lao, didn’t you find any problems?” Wang Teng looked at Guan Lao and the others, glanced over their faces, and asked indifferently.

He actually believes in Guan

Lao and Shi Lao, after all, these two almost fell into the hands of the dark species, so it is unlikely that they have anything to do with the dark species.

As for the fox-human elder and Qiu Rong, they are still under suspicion for the time being.

“Indeed not.” Guan Lao and the others shook their heads.

“No.” The eyes of the fox-human elder flickered, his complexion changed slightly, and there was a trace of solemnity in his eyes, and he said suddenly: “Have you forgotten? At the last moment, the twelve pillars and dragon formation suddenly Collapse, otherwise we would not have been defeated so thoroughly.”

“But the formation collapsed in the end, isn’t it because of the attack of the dark species?” Guan Lao and others frowned.

The reason why they didn’t find the problem was because the scene was chaotic at that time, and the formation was all handled by sub-professionals, so they didn’t pay too much attention, and they didn’t know the specific reason why the formation collapsed in the end.

In addition, the dark species was attacking the formation frantically at that time, even using extremely powerful warships, and the formation was defeated in the end, which made sense.

“Don’t you think it’s too coincidental?” The fox-human elder took a deep breath and said, “The formation was not broken sooner or later, but it happened to be broken when the immortal ancestors were fighting fiercely with the dark species. , so that the attention of the three immortal ancestors was attracted, and there were flaws, which were broken one by one by the dark species.”

“This!!!” The complexions of Guan Lao and the others changed drastically, with incredible expressions in their eyes.

It’s scary to think carefully!

If you don’t say it, it’s fine, but if you say it like this, it makes people feel extremely strange.

“Your Excellency, Wang Teng, have you discovered any problems with the formation?” Qiu Rong forced herself to calm down, looked at Wang Teng, and asked.

“I did find a small situation, but you don’t have to worry too much. Since I have discovered it, I won’t let it cause problems again.” Wang Teng said calmly.

I can’t see anything wrong with these high-level officials for the time being, and we need to continue to observe.

Originally, with his natural eye pupil ability, he was extremely accurate in capturing some subtle expressions, but none of these high-level Tianzhu stars showed any problems, and they seemed to be normal.

Of course, one possibility is not ruled out—they are all old foxes who have already achieved the most exquisite expression management.

But judging from previous contact, they don’t look like that kind of people, unless they pretended at the beginning.

“That’s good! That’s good! With His Excellency Wang Teng, a holy-level existence, we can rest assured.” Guan Lao and the others were slightly relieved. They still trust Wang Teng’s sub-professional ability. After all, he is a Saint of the Seven Paths who rose through the exchange meeting of the sub-professional alliance headquarters, which means that he has been recognized by many saint-level existences and even god-level existences in the sub-professional alliance headquarters. They have no reason not to believe it.

“We originally wanted to send this holy level to His Excellency Wang Teng, but we didn’t expect to make His Excellency Wang Teng work hard instead.” Qiu Rong smiled wryly.

“It’s just a little effort, I like this formation very much.” Wang Teng smiled slightly: “So don’t worry about these details.”

“Your Excellency Wang Teng is indeed a man of temperament.” Guan Lao and the others were stunned for a moment when they heard the words, then they laughed and said, “We won’t say more if we are grateful. We will remember everything we do.”

Wang Teng waved his hand and said, “I think the formation has almost been repaired, so it’s time for me to make a move.”

“Your Excellency Wang Teng is about to purify the power of darkness!!”

Old Guan and the others shook their heads, with surprise on their faces.

It’s finally time to start.

Although none of them urged, their hearts were full of expectations.

Looking forward to the early recovery of Tianzhu.

Now, the recovery of Tianzhu star is coming soon, as Tianzhu star warriors, how can they not be excited in their hearts.

“That’s right.” Wang Teng looked at their excitement, smiled slightly, and said, “Old Guan, please remind everyone not to panic, what I will do next will not affect them, and everything can be done as usual. “

“No problem.” Guan Lao, Shi Lao and the others responded quickly.

And they saw the king

Teng looked confident, and he had more confidence in Wang Teng in his heart.

Wang Teng stopped talking nonsense, and immediately flew towards the starry sky beyond Tianzhu.

His speed was so fast that he turned into a stream of light and rushed out of the range of Tianzhu Star.

The gazes of Guan Lao and the others behind him all closely followed his back, and they couldn’t help but clenched their fists.

In the void beyond the Tianzhu star, Wang Teng slowly stopped and looked down at the Tianzhu star.

At this moment, the entire Tianzhu star has turned into a huge sphere in his eyes, and this sphere is surprisingly surrounded by a large amount of black mist, full of darkness and evil.

Wang Teng smiled slightly and waved his hand.

A strange big tree appeared in the void, exuding a strong power of light.


Xiguang Slug and Hanguangshu were slightly taken aback.

Especially the Hanguang tree, this is the first time Wang Teng has called it out, and it has never been used before.

“Wang Teng, what are you going to do again?””Xiguang slug lay on the Hanguang tree and asked.

“Did you see that planet?” Wang Teng said, pointing at the planet in front of him.

“It’s such a strong power of darkness.” The light slug and the light tree followed his fingers, and they couldn’t help being surprised. They felt that the breath here was full of darkness and evil just after they appeared. At this time, I noticed that there is a living planet completely infested by the power of darkness.

“This planet is the planet you got the special space before?” Xiguang Slug asked with a flash of his eyes.

“That’s right.” Wang Teng nodded.

“So, what are you going to do now?” Xiguang Slug asked.

“Restore this planet.” Wang Teng smiled slightly, and his words were surprising.

“…you’re crazy!” Xiguang Slug twitched the corner of his mouth slightly, fell silent for a while, and said, “Do you know how much light force is needed to purify this entire planet? It’s not enough, we must have a powerful light purification method.”

“I know, I have the means. The three of us with the original force of the stars should be about the same.” Wang Teng said: “Even if it is not enough, we can still use the elixir to recover.”

“You are ruthless.” Xiguang Slug said helplessly after being silent.

“Hahaha…don’t worry, I’ll give you some rewards if you make a move this time. The elixir in the space debris, except for those with a higher age, you can choose some at will.” Wang Teng said with a smile.

As soon as Hanguangshu’s eyes lit up, it had already set its sights on those light-type elixir. Unfortunately, without Wang Teng’s approval, it didn’t dare to use it at will.

“The taste is more than 10,000 years old.” Xiguang Slug pouted.

“Just say whether you want it or not.” Wang Teng glanced at it and said lightly.

“Yes, why not, the coolies are all done, so it can’t be done in vain.” Xiguang Slug said.

“What about you?” Wang Teng looked at Hanguangshu again.

“Whatever you want.” The light and shadow of the woman transformed by the Hanguang tree still looked proud, sitting on the trunk, looking down at Wang Teng, and said indifferently with a look of indifference.

“Dead Tsundere.” Wang Teng complained in his heart, without any more nonsense, he directly ordered: “I will perform a combat skill later, you just need to inject the light force into it according to my guidance. “

“Understood.” Xiguang Slug and Hanguangshu nodded.

“Let’s get started.”

Wang Teng took a deep breath, looked at the planet in front of him again, and the light star force in his body suddenly surged out, filling the starry sky.


The roar sounded in the void, deafening.

When the black mist covering the void encountered the star force full of holy light, they all involuntarily receded towards the rear, and the roar of the dark species came from the black mist.

But these dark species are too low-level and dare not show their heads at all.

That is to say, the original force of the bright stars did not go directly to them, otherwise they would have been purified long ago.

Wang Teng’s eyes were fixed, and these stars were operated according to a special operation route

The original force makes it outline a pair of blurred phantoms in the void.

“This is?” Xiguang Slug couldn’t help but widen his eyes, as if he saw something strange.

Sacred Light·Sky Feather Asylum!

At this time, a soft drinking sound suddenly came out, echoing in the void.


When the voice, the original force of the light and stars pervading the void suddenly burst into dazzling light, and then the endless light converged, forming a pair of huge wings of light in the void.

“Sure enough, this guy…”

Xiguang Slug’s eyes shook, and the surprise in his heart was already intense to the extreme.

It knows this combat skill.

The World Master Tianjiao of the Feather Race used this combat skill back then, and the opponent was a warrior of the Light Department, so it would naturally pay attention.

The explosive power of that combat technique is terrifying, it can purify the extremely strong power of darkness, even it is a bit jealous.

Although the Xiguang slugs also possess very powerful light-type combat skills, who would despise many powerful combat skills?

Unexpectedly, at this moment, Wang Teng actually displayed this combat skill.

Suddenly, its gaze became extremely hot, and it looked at Wang Teng, its eyes shining brightly.


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