Brow of a Thousand Calamities Chapter 41: Seven Flowers Cloud Journey 01

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The dark tunnel became shorter one by one, and the darkness approached one by one. Yu Honghou didn’t take it seriously, but Yu Qifeng and Qing Xuzi secretly raised their energy and were extremely alert. They had all experienced Tang Lici’s martial arts prowess. Although he was beautiful in appearance and elegant in manners, his moves were so fierce and cruel that no one could match them. If he accidentally fell into one of his moves, he would be in danger of dying.

Suddenly, Yu Honghou said “Hmm”, “No!” Yu Qifeng asked in a deep voice, “What?” Yu Honghou’s sleeves swayed slightly, “It was Brother Six who extinguished six oil lamps.”

Someone laughed in the dark tunnel, “Oh! It turns out that seventh brother and I have a close connection. I didn’t tell you that I was the one who extinguished the six oil lamps. How could you have guessed that it was me?” Yu Honghou smiled brightly. , “Brother Six always likes to be smart, how could I not know? Didn’t you accompany your master Xiaoyao Jianghu, and when you returned to Wangting Villa, did you want to tell me some good news?”

The person who came out of the tunnel with a fan in yellow clothes and red fans, with rosy cheeks, was Fang Pingzhai. “I never have any good news, only bad news. I heard that you recruited the third brother to kill someone for you. Where is he?” “Where?” Yu Honghou smiled more and more, “You are really determined to kill the third brother. If it weren’t for the seventh brother, I would pour cold water on you. With the power of the sixth brother, you can kill most of the world, but it is impossible to kill the third brother. ” Fang Pingzhai waved his red fan, “Yeah, you don’t need to pour cold water on me. I’m very self-aware. I’m not here to kill anyone, but I’m just here to ask if he is here?” Yu Honghou smiled sweetly, “Since I can’t kill anyone. , what’s the use of asking?”

“You made him unconscious. He didn’t kill you but was trapped by you. It must be for Sister Xue.” Fang Pingzhai also said with a smile, “You two have been fighting for Sister Xue for more than ten years. Now, I have been watching dramas for more than ten years, and I have already seen Numbness. If he were here, I would like to invite him to come out and reminisce about the past. Although I want to kill him, it is really too much to poison and drink him for ten years. What a gentleman did, Sixth Brother, I sincerely apologize to Third Brother.”

“Gentleman? Apologize? Who do you think the third brother is? Did you poison him, how did you harm him, and even whether you are the sixth brother or the seventh brother or the eighth brother, he doesn’t care at all.” Jade Honghou He said leisurely, “Except for Xue Tao and people with higher martial arts skills than him, he doesn’t care about anyone in this world. If you want to talk to him, he will just treat you like wind and rain and won’t listen at all.” ” Fang Pingzhai sighed, “I can’t stand this kind of person’s personality more than I can’t stand a mouse, but I will apologize if I do something wrong. This is a matter of personality, not to gain the understanding of the third brother – In fact, I don’t care whether he understands or not, what I care about is my personality.”

“Sixth brother, you——” Yu Honghou shook his head, “Being more and more gentleman will only make you more and more constrained. You have talent and ability. As long as you are willing, you have what big brother and I lack. It’s a pity that you don’t cherish your own abilities and are willing to be a clown. Is that you? Do you really want to live your life in obscurity?”

Fang Pingzhai tilted his head and looked at him. He had black hair in a jade harem reaching his waist and a peach-like robe, making him look like a young girl. “I just want to say – you look much prettier than most young and beautiful girls dressed like this.” . Third brother, is he here? If he is, say he is, if he is not, say he is not. Although I am handsome, I am not interested in beautiful women.”

“Not there.” Yu Honghou turned around, “He took Xue Tao away.” Fang Pingzhai opened his eyes wide, as if he heard some strange and strange thing that was rare in the ages, “What?” Yu Honghou said lightly, ” He took Xue Tao away.” Fang Pingzhai looked at him in surprise, “You just let him go like this?” Yu Honghou raised his head and said in an increasingly indifferent tone, “That’s right,” Fang Pingzhai murmured, “You must have something. We’re in the wrong place…” He patted his head with a red fan, “Since I’m not here, I’m going to leave now. I thank you for saving me.”

Yu Qifeng and Qing Xuzi were listening to the conversation between Fang Pingzhai and Yu Honghou. Fang Pingzhai and Yu Qifeng were old acquaintances. They greeted Yu Qifeng with a smile, and Yu Qifeng acted as if he hadn’t seen them. After all, the king of swords in the past and the subordinates of today are completely different. Fang Pingzhai glanced at Qingxuzi for a few times, but didn’t recognize who he was, so he waved his fan and planned to turn around and leave.

He turned around, and a shoe suddenly appeared in the darkness in front of him. It was a white cloud shoe with light blue embroidery thread. Fang Pingzhai coughed and almost choked. Yu Honghou turned around, and a person slowly walked out of the darkness in front of Fang Pingzhai. With long silver-gray hair and a beautiful and elegant face, it was Tang Lici.

Shen Langhun was not by his side, and had sneaked in somewhere. Yu Honghou’s gaze shifted from Fang Pingzhai to Tang Lici, “Sixth brother, are you helping him or me?” Fang Pingzhai waved his red fan, “I’m just passing by, you continue, continue… don’t worry about me. Interested.” He walked around Tang Lizi and walked forward step by step. Suddenly there was a bright light in the passage, and a fire flashed. Yu Honghou and Tang Lizi looked up together, and saw a smile on Fang Pingzhai’s face. He froze – a halberd was pressed against his chest, forcing him to step backwards. The blade of the halberd had been wiped with grease to prevent it from rusting. At this time, it was stimulated by the fierce infuriating energy of the visitor, and it actually burst into flames. , the flames on the blade flickered, the person’s hair was messy, and his momentum was very scary.


Both Tang Lizi and Yu Honghou were a little surprised. According to common sense, he would definitely fly away after taking Xue Tao away. How could he suddenly turn back? Yu Honghou’s expression changed first, “What did you do to her?”

Fang Pingzhai swayed and fled far away from Zhu Yan’s blade. Although he wanted to kill Zhu Yan, he was unable to defeat him at this time. Even two Fang Pingzhai might not be able to block Zhu Yan’s blade, let alone him. No twins yet.

Zhu Yan did not answer Yu Honghou’s question. She waved her halberd, causing a shrill roar, and thrust it into Yu Honghou’s chest like a thunderbolt. Her eyes were ferocious, as if she was in madness. Tang Lici stepped aside in a flash, and Yu Honghou shot like lightning, grabbed the shaft of the halberd, and shouted sternly, “What did you do to her?”

Zhu Yan still didn’t answer. The flames on the halberd slowly burned into the sleeves of the jade hoop. Zhu Yan moved forward with full strength and strength, and the jade hoop was clasped tightly. The two looked at each other, burning with passion. Start a fire. The two stopped talking and suddenly moved their hands like a storm. The halberd shook the sky and the earth, and the sound of the walls collapsing could be heard endlessly. The jade canopy was bare-handed, but the power of the fist, wind and palm was not weaker than that of Zhu Yan. , every move is a fatal move!

Yu Qifeng and Qing Xuzi looked at Tang Lici at the same time. If Tang Lici joined the battle group at this time, Yu Honghou would definitely be at a disadvantage. Tang Lici gave the two of them a toothy smile and raised her palm, with the intention of inserting a kick. Yu Qifeng waved his black long sword, Qingxuzi made a Tai Chi circle with his palm, and the two of them stepped forward together to push Tang Li Ci stopped him. Fang Pingzhai waved his red fan again and again. If he joined the battle, no matter which side he joined, that side would win. But he obviously did not intend to join any side, but he said, “Third brother, I offered you a glass of poisonous wine back then, which caused you to be like this. It’s my fault, I’ll apologize to you.” He saluted Zhu Yan and Yu Honghou, and Shi Shiran planned to leave.

“Sixth brother, you owe me a glass of wine, do you want to leave now?” someone asked in a sinister tone. Fang Pingzhai stopped again before leaving, with a wry smile on his face. He came at a bad time today, he always has to leave. There is always someone blocking the way. When Zhu Yan and Yu Honghou heard the voice of the incoming person, they suddenly separated and each jumped to the side. Yu Honghou breathed out, “Brother!”

The man dragging something slowly in the darkness is wearing black clothes embroidered with peonies, and has a hideous appearance. He is none other than Ghost Peony. At this point, the four people of Qihuayunxingke gathered together. Except for the plum blossoms, all the living people were here. Fang Pingzhai slowly backed up, while Gui Mudan moved forward slowly. He was dragging something in his hand, but it was a dead goat. It was unclear whether he grabbed it from the mountain or from Chengfeng Town.

“Since you have come to Wangting Villa in person, if I can’t keep you, then I will be sorry for my title of ‘One Que Yin and Yang’ Ghost Mudan as the leader of the Seven Flower Cloud Travelers.” Ghost Mudan Yin Test He said thoughtfully, “Since everyone is here today, why don’t I make it clear? Sixth brother, I am going to kill Tang Lici tonight. If you help me, I will still keep the glass of wine you owe me; if you help me, I will keep it.” Stop him, hehe… I will really feed that glass of wine to the dog. From now on, you will get out of the Qihuayunxing. You and I will cut off our robes and sever our ties. When we meet in the future, my men will show no mercy!” He said After saying the next sentence, his body flashed and he rushed straight into the battle between Tang Lici, Yu Qifeng and Qing Xuzi. Yu Honghou looked at Zhu Yan with murderous intent. What had Zhu Yan done to Xue Tao? He was already at the end of his heart. . With his heroic talent, after a period of fright and sadness, he had calmed down slightly. Ghost Mudan rushed towards Tang Li Ci. He glanced at the battle situation. Tang Li Ci was naturally better than Yu Qing Feng Qing Xuzi, but with the ghost After Peony, he was slightly inferior. If he continued to fight like this, he would definitely be defeated after hitting a thousand moves, but Tang Lici obviously would not follow the path he planned.

He knew Tang Lici’s purpose very well. After he saved Shen Langhun, he didn’t leave. He ventured deeper, so he must not have seen that girl. If he came in to find someone, he might not be willing to fight. Although those three people were better than him, they couldn’t stop him. Once Tang Lici left today, it would be difficult to find such an opportunity for him to throw himself into a trap in the future. . Yu Honghou quickly calmed down, observing Zhu Yan’s every move, and also observing the changes in Tang Lici’s figure, ready to kill at any time.

Fang Pingzhai sighed after listening to Gui Mudan’s words. He had abandoned him ten years ago as a brother, but listening to these words, it seemed that Gui Mudan and Yu Honghou still treated him somewhat like brothers. Affection. Although the red fan in his hand was swinging gracefully, he felt a little sad in his heart. His high-spirited days were too far away. Even he himself didn’t quite understand what he wanted now.

The only thing that is clear is to kill Zhu Yan.

He glanced at the stalwart man standing next to him holding a halberd. Before Zhu Yan joined the Qihuayun Travelers, he, his second brother, fourth brother, and fifth brother were known as the “Four Travelers of the Wind and Moon”. The time is truly free and easy, reciting poems and drinking wine. At that time, he was the fourth child, still very young, and not lonely in the world. At that time, he traveled around the world for half a year and would go home to visit his mother in his hometown. As the “Four Travelers” became more and more famous, they gradually included the seventh brother and the eldest brother. There were more and more people and it became more and more lively, and he has been enjoying it.

But the seventh brother brought a beautiful cousin, Xue Tao, who is charming, kind, and gentle. There are few men who would not like such a woman. She attracted Zhu Yan, who was excellent in martial arts and cold and eccentric. Zhu Yan joined Qi Hua Yun Xing Ke, ranking third, and he became the sixth brother. This change did not bring him much displeasure, but he hated Zhu Yan from the bottom of his heart. This arrogant person had his own way of doing things. The weirdo gave him an ominous vibe from the start.

In the year when Qihuayunxingke became famous, seven people agreed to go to his hometown Baiyungou to enjoy flowers. After drinking, everyone fell asleep. He drank easily and woke up early. When he got drunk early, he woke up early. When I woke up, I saw blood dripping from Zhu Yan’s sword blade, standing outside the house with a cold expression, admiring the moon.

He asked him what happened? Back then, Zhu Yan was practicing with an eight-foot long sword, but the sword could not be unsheathed easily. Not only was the sword unsheathed that night, but it was also bleeding profusely, which was very unusual. During the questioning, Fang Pingzhai felt fear for the first time in his life.

Zhu Yan’s answer was very plain, but there was a hint of excitement suppressed in the plainness. He said that he suddenly understood a sword skill while drinking wine and admiring flowers. He didn’t ask him what kind of swordsmanship he had, he just asked “Which family is it?”, Zhu Yan’s sword pointed outside the house – he slaughtered all seven members of his neighbor Mr. Wu’s family, just because he suddenly understood a swordsmanship.

From that night on, he was determined to kill Zhu Yan.


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