Brow of a Thousand Calamities Chapter 40: Heartbroken 06

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Yu Tuan’er listened quietly with her eyes wide open, and Xue Tao burst into tears, “I’m afraid that he will cry. He has always been a strong person since he was a child. When he cries, my heart feels like it is going to break… …I felt soft when he cried, and I didn’t dare to go on a hunger strike or commit suicide… Later… Later…” She took a long breath, and her eyes gradually calmed down, “Then he hugged me and cried, and I also Holding him and crying, he said he wanted to kill me, and he also said he wanted to kill his eldest cousin, but his eldest cousin was already dead, but he felt very hateful in his heart. He hated this world for killing his eldest cousin, so he He wanted to destroy everyone in the world one by one… He also said that he wanted to fight with the Liao Kingdom, he said that he wanted to become an official in the court, he said that he looked down on everyone in the world, except me, and he said that he thought he was a genius …I believe that what he said to me is true, but I only said one thing…I ask him every day why Zhu Yan doesn’t come to save me? He says he will never come to save me, he never will. Let him save me…”

Yu Tuan’er’s eyes began to fill with tears, and Xue Tao looked at her blankly, “Why are you crying?” Yu Tuan’er wiped away her tears, pointed at Wanyu Yuedan, and choked, “He is crying too, I’m not the only one who wants to cry.” Xue Tao looked at Wanyu Yuedan. There were tears in Wanyu Yuedan’s eyes. She thought of something and sighed leisurely.

Xue Tao looked at Lin Bu, whose expression was also very sad. Instead, she smiled faintly, “Then one day, he let me go, but I couldn’t walk anymore. My cousin was in more pain than me, and he wished he could take him His own feet were connected to my body, but of course he had to try to see if it could be done before proving that he could connect them to me. As a result, he captured many young and beautiful women and cut off their hands and feet, intending to install them on me. I killed thousands of people, and I hated him even more since then. I don’t care whether my hands and feet will be fine, and I no longer care whether Zhu Yan will come to save me. I just don’t want to see him, and that’s it. Just die.” Yu Tuan’er held her hand, “You are so pitiful.”

Xue Tao whispered, “Those women who died innocently are even more pitiable. What’s so pitiful about me? I’ve done evil and killed many people. My illness is getting worse and worse, and I can’t help it. I was trembling, so my cousin had no choice but to break my hand and hamstrings. I wanted to die, but it didn’t matter if my muscles and veins were broken, but he tortured himself every day. One day, a man came to the villa. I have never seen him in person, but he gave me a medicine. After taking it, my hands and feet gradually became stronger, and I could stand up little by little. My cousin was ecstatic, but I was heartbroken. I no longer think that Zhu Yan will come to save me. All I can think about is my cousin… I hate him for harming me and causing endless harm, but I am also afraid that he will fail and that he will die… …I am no longer the person I used to be…” she said numbly, “So I want to run away from him, because I am afraid that one day I will stay willingly.”

“So you escaped from the passage of the water prison?” Yu Tuan’er looked at her in surprise. This thin woman had such great perseverance and courage to escape from a place like Wangting Villa. Xue Tao whispered, “He caught me back and was very angry. He hit me and hurt my face. I’m happy that he hurt my face. I think maybe he can stop thinking about me in the future.” , but he was completely crazy. He gave me the skin from other parts of his body, but replaced the scar on my face with his own face… Haha… He wanted to make me look ugly, but ended up looking ugly. Exactly the same as me… He became obsessed with his new look, he wore the skirt I wore, he combed his hair the way I combed my hair, he started applying makeup on his face, hahaha… Others were afraid of him, I But I know that he is in pain. He wants to kill me, but he can’t live without me, so he wants to become me. He thinks that if he becomes me, he will not miss me again after killing me…”

“But he never killed you.” Wan Yuedan said softly, “He loves you.” He can’t love himself without loving me. And I…I can’t love him, he is a bad person…” She trembled, “I don’t want to love him, so I don’t want to see him. He wanted to kill me, but he couldn’t do it. I thought I wouldn’t miss him if I didn’t see him, but I thought… I thought about it day and night…”

“Then today, Zhu Yan suddenly appeared and rescued you.” Wan Yu Yuedan asked softly, “Are you very sad?” Xue Tao said slowly, “I listened to the sound of him breaking in. , one after another, earth-shattering, I heard his footsteps, the familiar momentum and smell… exactly as I imagined before. My cousin hid, he did not stop Zhu Yan from taking me away, and he did not want me to die. …I…I’m very disappointed.” She grabbed the quilt tightly, “I’m very sad that he didn’t stop me or kill me, he just let me go. I don’t know if I let him down or not. He loved me so much that he really let me go. No matter what the reason was, I felt very sad. I loved him. I no longer loved Zhu Yan. I didn’t care whether Zhu Yan came to save me or not. I just wanted to stay with my cousin. “No matter how many bad things he did and how many people he killed, I want to be with him.” She said sadly, “I can’t lie to Zhu Yan. I told him that I didn’t love him anymore, and he gave me a blow.” ”

Yu Tuan’er snorted, “Why is he like this?” I have betrayed him my whole life, and I am sorry for him.” Wan Yu Yuedan sighed, “You didn’t think that telling Zhu Yan you no longer loved him would intensify his hatred of Yu Honghou… He would throw you away. On the ground, where did he go?” Xue Tao’s expression changed, “He will go find his cousin!” Wan Yuedan’s voice was gentle and helpless, “He must have gone back to Wangting Villa now. A war is inevitable, and we can only wait for the outcome.”

Xue Tao stared blankly at Wanyu Yuedan. The power given to her by the Purple Golden Pill was disappearing bit by bit. When did Zhu Yan fail to kill someone? There was a penetrating halberd wound on her chest, and blood was slowly oozing out. Yu Tuan’er kept holding the wound medicine in Tang Lizi’s square jade box and applied it on her wound. Xue Tao’s breathing became heavier and heavier. Rapidly, his mind gradually became unclear, and he passed out again.

“Will she die?” Yu Tuan’er looked at Xue Tao and felt sad.

Wanyu Yuedan bit her lip, “Maybe.” Yu Tuan’er whispered, “If she didn’t say so many words, maybe she wouldn’t die.” Wanyu Yuedan shook her head and smiled, “These The words were stuck in her heart, and she would feel even worse if she didn’t say them out. For ten years, no one has spoken to her except Yu Honghou. She is really pitiful.” Yu Tuan’er was wiping her tears again, “I think she is very pitiful. , She was so badly hurt by the **** named Yu, but she still wants to stay with him.” Wan Yu Yuedan shook her head again, “It’s hard to talk about feelings. If they had a choice, I think Yu Honghou and Zhu Yan would rather not. If you love anyone, your feelings will only hinder their martial arts and dominance.” After saying this, he tilted his chin towards Yu Tuan’er and changed the topic, “Miss Yu, you were born in the mountains, do you know who your parents are? ”

Yu Tuan’er imitated him to hold her chin up, because Wanyu Yuedan’s wrists were white and slender, and her chin up was very pretty. “My mother said that she was originally the daughter of Li’s bun shop in the county. When she was a child, she followed the city’s The master of the martial arts school has learned some martial arts and is beautiful. She is a famous beauty in the county. My father… She said that one day my father passed by the county and took a second look at her bun shop, and she fell in love with it. My father, who is handsome, has red lips and white teeth, and has a graceful demeanor, deliberately provoked her by saying that he stole her buns.” She laughed lightly, “Then my dad actually admitted it, and my mother asked him to pay for the buns. My father asked me to invite my mother to drink, and my mother agreed.”

Why does this all sound like a beautiful woman being taken advantage of by a deceitful person? Lin Bu felt funny, but he didn’t dare to laugh out loud. Wan Yu Yuedan listened attentively, “Your mother must have been very happy that day.” Yu Tuan’er smiled, “Of course, that night, my father invited my mother to drink, and the two of them got close. It’s me.” Lin Bu choked, “Ahem…” Wan Yuedan smiled, “Then your father married your mother?” Yu Tuan’er shook his head, “My father left later. He left the next day, and my mother never saw my father again. She gave birth to me before she was married, and my grandfather was very angry. Besides, I was born with a strange disease and looked ugly. My mother couldn’t stay in the county town, so she left. He took me to hide in the mountains and forests for more than ten years.” The smile on Lin Bu’s face had not yet spread, and then it dimmed, “Your father has never found your mother?” “Yutuan? The son shook his head, “My mother said that my father is very good-looking. He must have met many women, and he will probably not remember my mother. But my mother has no regrets at all. She said that after seeing my father, she will not like him anymore. She was in love with another man. If her grandfather forced her to betroth her to another family, she would be sad for the rest of her life, so even though her father left and never came back, she has no regrets at all.”

“What’s your father’s name?” Wan Yu Yuedan asked softly, and Yu Tuan’er shook his head again, “I don’t know. I didn’t even ask my mother. She only knew that his surname was Yu. She said she would have kept her if she had known better. What’s the use of asking for a name? If you have a name, you’ll be looking for someone, and you’ll be even more sad if you find someone.” She shrugged, “No matter what it is, it’s good for my mother anyway, so she keeps it. Sometimes I wear one of my father’s clothes to look like him. I am very happy, and she is also very happy.” Wanyu Yuedan’s eyebrows arched and she smiled very softly, “Your mother has such a good temper. Yu Tuan’er smiled and said, “Of course, my mother is very, very good.”

The sky is getting brighter, Xue Tao’s breathing is getting weaker and weaker, Wan Yuedan closes her eyes and falls asleep, her expression is still very calm, Yu Tuan’er and Lin Bu are worried about Xue Tao’s injury, and worried about the battle situation at Wangting Villa , but couldn’t sleep at all.


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