Brow of a Thousand Calamities Chapter 36: White Horse Prison 03

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“Hey, it’s you…” Someone said weakly in mid-air, his tone was light, but there was a cold and sarcastic tone. Tang Lici sighed, “You really sound like him. I heard that someone took off all his clothes. How could there be a shadowless needle left in his hand to kill people?” The corpses on the ground were all killed by Shen Langhun. The “Shadowless Needle” was injected from the center of the eyebrow, killing him before he even noticed.

“My shadowless needle has always been inserted in my hair. I heard that hidden weapon masters can carry dozens of hidden weapons in their arms. I don’t have that ability. I don’t want to be inexplicably attacked by the poisonous needle in my arms. Life.” The man in the cage coughed twice and said hoarsely, “I heard… Chi Yun is dead?”

“I killed him.” Tang Lici said softly, “Are you afraid?” Shen Langhun seemed to laugh, “Killing…isn’t just killing…ahem, when will you get me out of here? “Get it out of this cage?” Tang Lici picked up a long knife from the ground, jumped up and started slashing. The poisonous snakes outside the iron cage fell one by one, and finally saw Shen Langhun’s appearance. He was indeed naked. But at least he was wearing some pants. But seeing him sitting against the cage, motionless, with blood all over his body, and no one knew how many injuries he had sustained, Tang Lici held the knife in his hand, performed a knife technique, and said with a smile, “Look at the scars, he was cut into pieces by a thousand cuts. “Shen Langhun laughed, “I took thirty-eight stabs…but I’m not dead yet…”

“Thirty-eight swords, what do they want to get out of you?” Tang Lici sighed, still holding the sword technique, the blade seemed to come out but not come out, “What is the reason for leaving you alive?” ?” Shen Langhun smiled bitterly, “Of course you persuade me to give you a knife when you are not prepared.” Tang Lici sighed, “Where are the dozens of useless dead people on the ground? Right?” Shen Langhun said hoarsely, “Bai Suche went out. There were two people in the yard, but now they are not there. I listened to you and that **** girl Guan’er talking in front, so I shot these people to death. You idiot. That little girl knew that there was no manpower in the backyard, so she wanted to play games with you to delay time, ahem…”

“You robbed Liu Yan. When you see me again, aren’t you afraid that I will kill you?” Tang Lici’s voice was slightly low. A gust of wind blew by, and he had a smile on his face. He held the sword very lightly, as if he was completely No intention of drawing a knife. Shen Langhun was quiet for a while, “I said a long time ago that I will kill him before he kills you.” His tone was light, “I haven’t killed him yet, do I still want to ask him? You apologize?”

With a crisp sound of “dang”, Tang Lici swung his knife to cut off the prison, and the iron cage hanging in the air opened in response. “When you curse, you really look like him…” Before he could finish his sentence, he lay on the bed Shen Langhun, who was half-dead in the iron prison, raised his right hand and inserted a short blade that had been pressed under him into Tang Lici’s belly.

With a “pop” sound, the long knife fell to the ground. Tang Lici stood motionless, but Shen Langhun’s face was full of shock. He stared at his hand holding the short blade. Blood spattered slightly from the wound and sprayed on the back of his hand. His eyes widened. Looking at Tang Lici, “You——”

He thought that this stab would never hit, so he was relieved. He stabbed hard and powerfully.

There was no expression on Tang Lizi’s face for a moment, and Shen Langhun asked in a low voice, “How could you – you can’t avoid -“

Many figures suddenly appeared in the courtyard, including Fu Cui, Bai Su Che, and the mysterious man in black. Shen Langhun looked at Tang Lici angrily, “Why the **** could you not avoid it? You were obviously suspicious! You clearly wanted to ask me why they didn’t kill me and why they only cut me thirty-eight times. I told you clearly How could you not understand that they wanted me to stab you when you were not prepared? How could you not avoid it?”

“Pa, pa” applause twice, and Bai Suche applauded coldly. Fucui bit a chicken leg and looked at Shen Langhun with a smile, “As expected of a gold medal killer, this stab was fast and accurate. Even a pig was stabbed to death by you. Your wife’s body is in the guest room on the left. Take it for burial.”

Shen Langhun gritted his teeth and looked at Tang Lizi. Tang Lizi smiled at him, reached into his arms and took out something, pressed it into his hand, and whispered, “Go.” Shen Langhun’s whole body trembled. There was a convulsion, “You – you – you are a **** idiot!” He shouted and drew his sword, blood spurted out and splashed on the wounds all over his body, which was horrible and tragic. Tang Lici fell to the ground following the force of the knife. She pressed her hand on the wound and coughed twice. She was slightly dizzy. Blood dripped from her body and splashed on the sandy ground.

Shen Langhun lowered his head and looked at the thing that Tang Lici pressed into his hand. The thing was studded with green gems and had a gold base. It was actually a gorgeous hairpin. “Ah——” he screamed at the top of his lungs. , trembling all over, this is Chunshan Beauty Hairpin! This is the treasure that can bring He Niang’s body back from the miserable thirteenth floor! Holding the Chunshan beauty hairpin tightly, he broke into the guest room on the left. He heard a “crash” sound, smashed a window, and entered through the window. Fucui laughed loudly, and heard a shrill roar from inside the room. The body of a sow flew out of the room. Before it hit the ground, it was cut into rotten flesh and blood and scattered all over the place. Shen Langhun held the Chunshan beauty hairpin in his hand, his eyes were blood red, and he walked out of the house step by step. He was covered in blood, and he couldn’t tell whether it was human blood or pig blood. He walked out stiffly like a ghost.

“Princess Dong.” Bai Suche said calmly, “Kill him to avoid future troubles.” Fu Cui spat out the chicken bones with a sound, raised a single palm, and slashed at Shen Langhun’s head. Bai Suche pulled out the Broken Ring Knife and slashed at Tang Lici on the ground.

With a bang, white mist filled the air, and everyone suddenly lost sight of the target. Fearing that it was a thunder and fire bomb, they all pulled back. A string of red flames shot up into the sky. Fu Cui shouted loudly and used several palm strikes to push away the thick fog. However, he saw that the courtyard was empty. Shen Langhun could not hold his breath and did not rush over to fight. Instead, he knocked Tang Li on the ground. Resigned and left! She was quite surprised and sighed angrily, “I didn’t expect that the person named Shen escaped so quickly and was actually affectionate and kind to Tang Lici.” Bai Suche shouted, “They have injuries on their bodies and are chasing the enemy in four directions. !” The demon dead soldiers jumped out of the wall and chased in four directions.

The man in black shook his head and said in a low voice, “Shen Langhun is the number one killer in the world. His ability to hide his whereabouts is rare in the world. It is difficult to let him escape today. It is very difficult to find him. Fortunately… …” He said coldly, “The knife he stabbed was really hard. Even if Tang Lici doesn’t die, she will never be able to move in the short term.”

“It was my subordinate who neglected his duty and failed to kill this person with one blow.” Bai Suche said solemnly, Fucui looked at her sideways, “Susu, that blow you just made was very suspected of claiming credit…” Bai Suche lowered his head, neither admitting nor denying, his eyes were indifferent.


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