Brow of a Thousand Calamities Chapter 36: Prison of the White Horse 02

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The man pulled off the silver hairpin from his bun and looked at Tang Lici’s back silently.


But Tang Lici’s favor was sometimes light, sometimes heavy, sometimes real, sometimes fake… and sometimes… harmful.

That silver hairpin was not something she was wearing, keeping, or abandoning. Holding it in her hand made her fingers ache. She suddenly realized that in fact, what Tang Lici wanted was for her to suffer for him. .

He likes her and Fengfeng to suffer for him, to be sad for him, and preferably to die for him.

Tang Lizi arrived at the door of Wangting Villa, picked up the door knocker and knocked a few times. Not long after, a little girl with hair in a bun opened the door and looked at Tang Lizi curiously, “You are… “Tang Lici’s eyes looked very gentle, and she bent down and said softly, “I’m here to find someone. Is there an uncle in your family who has a red snake tattooed on his face? I’m his friend.”

The little girl Mo, who was only thirteen or fourteen years old, nodded when she heard this, “Uncle is sleeping in the cage, but my sister said no one can come in to see him.” Tang Lici said softly, “What should I do? How can I go in to see him?” The little girl smiled innocently and romantically, “My sister said that she wants to play a game with me. If you win, I will let you in to see him.”

“Playing a game? What game?” Tang Lici smiled. The little girl in front of her, with almond-shaped eyes and black hair, was really cute. “What’s your name?” The little girl pointed at her nose, “I “Guan’er, what’s your name?” Tang Lici raised her eyebrows, “My surname is Tang, and my name is Tang Lici.”

“Brother Tang,” Guan’er opened the door a crack and waved, “Come in.” Tang Lici raised her eyes and saw that there was no garden behind the door. Behind the innocent and romantic little girl, there was a shallow layer of The water in the pool was not deep, but it was filled with a pungent smell. A thin rope hung on the water, leading directly to the opposite roof. Needless to say, the water in this pool must not be touched, but the house opposite is simple, elegant, and peaceful, as if there is no one in it.

Guan’er jumped onto the rope, took out something from his arms and held it in his hand, “Let’s roll the dice. If the number you throw is higher than mine, you go forward. If my number is higher than If you are older, just step back.” She said seriously, “If you step back to where there is no rope, jump into the pool; if I let you go to the other side, I will jump into the pool.” Tang Lici said. He clapped his hands and said, “It’s a deal.”

Guan’er retreated to the other end of the rope, and Tang Lici jumped onto the rope. They were two feet apart. The rope swayed slightly under their feet, and the shadow reflected in the pool also swayed.

“Start!” Guan’er raised her right hand high, and when she let go, the two dice fell into the pool. Their eyes glanced at the same time, and she rolled a “six point” and a “one point”. But it was just a flash, and a layer of white bubbles appeared in the pool, covering up the points, as if they were about to dissolve. Guan’er clapped his hands and shouted, “Hurry up, or we won’t be able to play the game if the dice are gone.” Tang Lici smiled slightly, flicked his sleeves, and the two-point dice suddenly shot out of the water, before they fell into his In their hands, they both turned over in the air and fell into the pool together. The two of them glanced at the same time, one was “six o’clock” and the other was “three o’clock”. Tang Lici took two steps forward, raised her hand and smiled, “It’s your turn.”

Guan’er rolled his eyes twice, “Hey, why don’t you reach out and get it?” Tang Lici said softly, “I’m afraid of pain.” Guan’er shook his head and took out two more Throw the dice into the water. The two dice that originally fell into the pool have been half corroded by the water, and the numbers are completely unclear. The dice entered the water and floated in the water. When they fell, there was a “three o’clock” and a “five o’clock”. Tang Lici fluttered her sleeves and put her hands behind her hands. The water in the pool stirred up a layer of water, and the two-point dice jumped into the air with a “pop” sound, shaking out dozens of water stains and splashing them on Guan’er. Guan’er was startled and jumped up to avoid the water. He was startled when he saw that the two-point dice turned over and showed two six-points. Just as she was jumping up, Tang Lici had already taken four steps forward, with a gentle smile on her face, “Sorry, I won again.”

Guan’er reached into her arms again and took out a new dice, “I won’t let you win this time!” She let go and let the dice fall into the water. The number that came out was also two sixes, which was the biggest. Tang Lizi smiled slightly, and Guan’er’s eyes were dazzled. Suddenly, Tang Lizi’s face was in front of her, face to face, nose to nose. She was so frightened that she screamed and hid behind. Tang Lizi followed her like a shadow, but she was still there. Face to face with her, she saw that his eyes looked extremely black and huge in front of her, as if a ferocious beast was about to surface in a very deep black pool, and she heard him say softly. , “Guan’er, you can play games, but before cheating, you should make sure that the person you are playing with will not suddenly tell you…’I won’t play anymore.'”

There was a soft “pop” sound, and Guan’er spat out a mouthful of blood into the pool with a “wow” sound. She watched helplessly as a burst of white smoke rose from her own blood in the pool water. Tang Lici gently touched her chest. He patted her lightly, picked her up, placed her at the door of the house behind the rope, touched her head, opened the door and walked in.

She was placed at the door like a broken doll, unable to move, looking up at the blue sky and the sun.

He didn’t throw her into the pool, nor did he kill her.

Although she is only fourteen years old, she has actually killed many people.

Guan’er’s chest was rising and falling, he was panting, looking at the sky, his eyes were wide open, and there was no one there.

There was no one in the room behind Guan’er. Tang Lici pushed the door open and entered. There was a Buddhist hall inside, but there was no Buddha statue on the seat. Deep in the dark curtain, where the Buddha should have been enshrined, there was a portrait of a woman hanging. If it weren’t for Tang Lici’s sharp eyes, , maybe not even noticed. A stick of incense was lit in front of the portrait. Not long after the incense burned out, the entire Buddhist hall was still filled with that faint fragrance.

Tang Lici took a closer look at the portrait. The portrait was very similar, with unusual brushwork. It even mixed some rare pigments, giving it a slight hint of oil painting. In his opinion, it was mostly painted by Liu Yan. The painting depicts a girl wearing a pink dress. The girl’s appearance is very similar to Western peach, but she is not Western peach.

She is slightly younger than Xingfang Tao. She has a fluffy bun with a few strands of black hair floating down on her chest. She is wearing a very familiar peach-colored dress, which is exactly what Xingfang Tao often wears. Exactly the same. This girl has a very pointed chin and a pretty oval-shaped face. Her eyelashes are drooped, as if she is looking at the ground. There is a small black mole on the right side of her neck. As you can see in the picture, she is sitting under a peach blossom tree. The peach blossoms were in bloom, and the ground was covered with petals. Mixed with her peach-colored dress, it looked as gentle as a dream.

But this portrait is not a real scene.

It was made by sketching a portrait of a girl and then adding other backgrounds. Tang Lici looked at the portrait intently. Based on the original basis, the girl was sitting leaning on something with her eyes closed. Her hair was a little disheveled and her posture was very stiff. It was probably… a corpse.

If Liu Yan painted a portrait of a corpse, and then Western Tao hung it here to enshrine it, the girl in the painting must be extraordinary. Judging from the traces around the temple, the painting was hung here to enshrine it. It’s been quite some time. Wangting Villa must have been the stronghold of Fengliu Shop for several years. Is it just to enshrine this portrait?

There was silence everywhere. Tang Lici stood in front of the portrait for a while, then suddenly reached out and took it off, put it in her arms, walked through the back door, and walked out of the Buddhist hall.

Behind the Buddhist hall is a garden. Rockeries, flowing water, exotic flowers, and tall trees create a wonderful scene in the world, as if all the amazing and enviable beauty in the world are integrated into this small garden. among. Tang Lici raised her eyebrows and smiled slightly. The people who built this courtyard are really amazing. However, there is still no one in the fairyland-like courtyard. Everything is like an empty village.

Is Shen Langhun really in this villa? Tang Lici opened the branches of the winter plum tree and saw corpses lying quietly on the ground covered by stones and trees. There were no less than twenty or thirty people, most of whom were dead demon souls wearing black embroidered tights, and Several people, no one knew who they were, were lying on the ground quietly. There seemed to be no injuries on the body, but there was a little red mark in the middle of the eyebrow. Tang Lici raised her head and saw an iron cage hanging in the air in the woods. The outside of the iron cage was densely covered with withered brown poisonous snakes. Therefore, he didn’t see it for a while, but there seemed to be a person in the iron cage.


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