Brow of a Thousand Calamities Chapter 31: Crazy Lan Wu Xing 01

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The clear water flows down into the eternal sky, and the lonely sky becomes red for hundreds of years.

The buildings of Biluo Palace are elegant and clean. Fallen leaves are flying in the Orchid Residence, which makes autumn feel more and more intense. Autumn orchids are in full bloom, and the atmosphere becomes quieter and more elegant. Fu Zhumei washed up and down the Guanlan House again, even wiping away the last trace of dust from the seams of the chairs. There was really nothing to do for Wan Yuedan, so he sat on the chair in the room in a daze.

The poison on his body has been cured. Wanyu Yuedan let him live in his favorite courtyard, gave him a considerate maid, and did not ask him to do anything, but he felt more and more like he was here. Can’t stay any longer. Tang Lizi obtained the green charm and saved his life. He heard news from Bianjing that five people died that night, one of whom was Wei Beiyin, the “Jiumen Dao”.

Ali spent a lot of thought and effort to get that bead, right? He took Green Charm’s powder to cure the poison of Minghuang Bamboo, but he felt uneasy in his heart. Ah Li hated him. Will this incident only make him hate him even more? Although he had practiced martial arts to a high level, he was never the one who could make up his mind. He felt indebted to Wanyu Yuedan and felt sorry for Tang Lici, but he didn’t know what to do to make up for it.

There are very few things he can do, and he can’t come up with any clever ideas. The only skill he can speak of is Yumei Sword, but when it comes to killing people, he seems to be far behind Wan Yu Yuedan and Tang Li. Ci, and wiping the table and sweeping the floor were obviously not what Wan Yuedan and Tang Li Ci needed him to do.

Maybe it’s time for him to leave. Whenever someone recognizes him as the Royal Plum Master, he will fall into such an embarrassing situation. Many people hope that he will make wise decisions and play a decisive role, but he does not know How to do. And every time he hesitates or decides to leave, he always disappoints more people.

He just wants to be a simple person. He doesn’t need any advanced martial arts to survive. He doesn’t hate himself like this, but… he doesn’t find a reason to leave just because he admits that he is useless.

Although he is useless, he never escapes, but he often does wrong things.

“Master Fu.” The person who stepped into the door today was Bi Lianyi, which made Fu Zhumei stunned for a moment, “Xiao Bi.” The last time he came to Biluo Palace, Bi Lianyi was still seventeen or eighteen years old. The young man is now a handsome swordsman and looks to be seven or eight years older than him.

Bi Lianyi saluted him and said, “The palace wants me to tell you a few things.”

“Is Xiaoyue very busy?” Fu Zhumei rubbed his head, “I haven’t seen him for several days.”

“Palace Master is very busy, a lot of things have happened in the past few days.” Bi Lianyi still treated him with the courtesy of an elder, “Palace Master explained a few things, I hope Mr. Fu will not be excited or Leave and wait for him to come back in Biluo Palace.” Fu Zhumei asked, “Xiaoyue went out?” Wanyu Yuedan didn’t know martial arts and just came back from Shaolin Temple. What happened in the past few days that made him go out again?

“Young Master Tang is missing.” Bi Lianyi said in a deep voice.

Fu Zhumei stood up suddenly and sat down with a plop, “How could…what happened? How could A Li disappear? Didn’t he take the Green Charm Pearl and return to the Central Plains Sword Club?”

“In fact, he did not return to the Central Plains Sword Club.” Bi Lianyi said, “Several things happened recently, none of which were too good. The first one was that Young Master Tang took the Green Charm Bead and sent it to After the palace master, his whereabouts are unknown; in the second case, the seventeen Shaolin monks fought with Liu Yan in Xingyang Bookstore. In the chaos, Liu Yan was kidnapped by a mysterious figure, and his whereabouts are also unknown after that; in the third case, Xiangxi Tao left the Zhongyuan Sword Club , and on the fourth day after she left the Zhongyuan Sword Club, Shao Yanping was attacked and died of serious injuries.”

The more Fu Zhumei listened, the more shocked she became. When she heard “Shao Yanping was attacked and died of serious injuries,” she couldn’t help but exclaimed, “Mr. Shao…who…” Bi Lianyi shook her head, “It’s not the West. When Tao and Shao Yanping were attacked, the Western Tao people stayed temporarily in the small pine forest outside the Shaolin Temple in Songshan Mountain to congratulate Master Puzhu on his promotion to the position of abbot of the Shaolin Temple. Previously, both the Prince of Tang and the palace master had become suspicious of the Western Tao lurking in the Central Plains Sword Club. He was the mastermind behind the romantic shop and wanted to kill Shao Yanping to seize the Zhongyuan Sword Club. Now that Shao Yanping is dead, the murderer is not Xingfang Tao.”

“Xiaoyue means…” Fu Zhumei murmured, “It means that the Fengliu shop is hidden deep in the sky, and besides Xingfang Tao, there are other capable people who can become the Yongpao and Yufuren in the Central Plains Sword Club. , Dong Hubi and Meng Qinglei killed Shao Yanping, which not only achieved the goal of removing the thorn in the side, but also eliminated the suspicion of Xingfang Tao.” Bi Lianyi nodded, “Yes, this will eliminate many people’s suspicion of Xingtang Tao.” Fu Zhumei gave a bitter smile, “But he…he is indeed a bad person.” Bi Lianyi shook her head slowly, “Two days after Shao Yanping’s death, Xingfang Tao returned to the Central Plains Sword Society to mourn, and killed Qiu Qiu, the ‘Thirteen Swordsman of Spring and Autumn’, in full view of the public. Down and out.”

Fu Zhumei opened his eyes wide, “The Thirteen Swords of Spring and Autumn” is a killer as famous as Shen Langhun, “Why did he kill Qiu Luopo?” Bi Lianyi’s face was heavy, “Because Qiu Luopo is the murderer of Shao Yanping.” Fu Zhumei Shaking his head repeatedly, “It is impossible for Qiu Luolu to kill Mr. Shao in the Central Plains Sword Club alone. It is absolutely impossible.” Bi Lianyi said, “The palace master said that Qiu Luolu must not be the only one who killed Shao Yanping. Maybe he is one of the murderers, but his The function is not to kill…but to scapegoat,” he said calmly, “In short, Shao Yanping is dead, Qiu Luopo is the murderer, and Xiangxi Tao saw through the disguise of Qiu Luopo among the Zhongyuan Sword Club. Recruiting enemies eliminated the danger of Qiu Luolu lurking and killing people again in the Central Plains Sword Club.” Fu Zhumei was speechless, “So his prestige is even higher?”

Bi Lianyi nodded, “The Central Plains Sword Society has a good impression of Xingfang Tao. He is a close friend of Abbot Puzhu, and he helped the Sword Society defeat the battle of Haoyun Mountain and saved many people. This time To avenge Shao Yanping, Abbot Puzhu sent a letter to express his gratitude. Western Tao’s reputation for justice and intelligence is known to the world.” Fu Zhumei frowned tightly, “How is this possible… How is this possible… This is completely wrong…” Bi Lianyi continued. Said, “Then Xingfang Tao used Qiu Luopo as a breakthrough, tracked along the route, and found a hidden stronghold in Fengliu shop. The Central Plains Sword Society broke through this stronghold, killed thirty-three enemies, and obtained more than a hundred bottles of Xianggui Jiuxin Pill. Burned to the ground.” Fu Zhumei looked at him in shock. After a while, he took a long breath and said, “Then he…then he is now…”

“He is now the person to replace Shao Yanping in the Central Plains Sword Club. Cheng Yupao, Dong Hubi and others obey his words without any doubts. More and more righteous people are defecting to the Central Plains Sword Club. Now the new swordsmen There are sixty-nine people in the meeting, and there are many experts among them.” Bi Lianyi said, “The palace master is telling you these things. He hopes that you will wait for him to come back in Biluo Palace.”

“I won’t leave.” Fu Zhumei said firmly, “I will never leave.”

There was a little bit of relief in Bi Lianyi’s eyes, almost smiling, but he did not smile, “That’s great.” Fu Zhumei suddenly blushed, and was so ashamed that he could hardly raise his head, “Actually, I…” He She really wanted to say that his stay would not be of much use, but Bi Lianyi smiled slightly and said, “The Lord of Yumei supports Biluo Palace at this time, which will give great support to the palace owner and Mr. Tang. Mr. Fu must not belittle himself. You are the supreme swordsman, how could your fame be in vain?”

Fu Zhumei nodded, but he couldn’t say another word. Bi Lianyi saluted, turned around and was about to leave. Suddenly Fu Zhumei asked, “Where’s Ah Li? He…where has he gone? Is there really no news about him in Biluo Palace? Is he in danger?”

Bi Lianyi turned around, “Young Master Tang…the clues I have obtained can only show that he disappeared after a battle with Wei Beiyin outside the palace city. The rest is really unknown.” Fu Zhumei looked at it blankly. If he goes far away, will Ali be okay?

Where will he go? The situation has become so bad, with Xingfang Tao gaining the upper hand. Shao Yanping’s death must have been a big blow to Ah Li. He couldn’t avoid it at this time. Where would he go? He should do something, but what? Fu Zhumei suddenly stood up and walked to another courtyard outside Lanju. It was Xiuyue Pavilion, the residence of Fengliu Dian Mei Hua Yi Shu and Kuang Lan Wu Xing.

The poison of those two people has also been cured, but they are still unconscious. People said that the poison hurt their heads and they were a little crazy. They should not be easily stimulated, so few people go to Xiuyue Pavilion so far. go.

Fu Zhumei stepped lightly into Xiuyue Pavilion. There was silence in Xiuyue Pavilion. Except for the sound of the two breathing, nothing seemed to exist. Listening to the ears, one can see that the internal skills and mental methods of Meihua Yishu and Kuanglan Wuxing are completely different, and their breathing methods are also fast and slow, making it easy to distinguish.

He stepped into the bedroom. In Xiuyue Pavilion’s bedroom was Kuang Lan Wu Xing, and in the guest room was Plum Blossom Yi Shu. Kuang Lan Wu Xing’s poisonous wounds and stab wounds were several times heavier than Plum Blossom Yi Shu. Shu would occasionally sit up in a daze, but Kuang Lan Wu Xing never woke up from the beginning to the end.

Fu Zhumei pressed Kuanglan Wuxing’s veins. This man had deep internal strength and a profound foundation. His martial arts may not be inferior to his own. Unfortunately, the joints and meridians all over his body were severely damaged by poisonous stings, and he may not be able to walk in the future. If it weren’t for this martial arts, the world-famous Kuang Lan Wu Xing might have been dead for a long time.


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