Brow of a Thousand Calamities Chapter 30: Ming Yue Jin Yi 02

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Dali Temple.

Yang Guihua locked Yu Tuan’er and that one in one cell, and locked Fang Pingzhai in another. To him, Yu Tuan’er and that person had no ability to hurt anyone, but Fang Pingzhai was quite afraid of him. Before the acupuncture points on his body were solved, Yang Guihua locked Fang Pingzhai tightly with a fine steel chain, and then hit him again. Twelve large acupuncture points on the body.

He first spent the night questioning Yu Tuan’er and that person. Early the next morning, Jiao Shiqiao came to Dali Temple. After seeing Yu Tuan’er and that person, he went to interrogate Fang Pingzhai.

Fang Pingzhai had woken up early. Although he was wearing heavy iron shackles and was still unable to move due to the acupuncture points being tapped, Yang Guihua’s acupoint skills were naturally not as good as those of the old monks in Shaolin Temple. He still looked cool and composed, except for The red-feathered feather fan was gone from his hand.

“What was found on him?” Jiao Shiqiao, dressed in official uniform, came to the prison. The guards on both sides immediately brought him chairs and cushions. Someone else laughed and said, “There is nothing on him. , dozens of pieces of silver, a weird fan, and some small blades, but nothing else.” Jiao Shiqiao frowned, “What kind of blade?”

The jailer brought over a red cloth plate, which contained dozens of inch-long curling-edged flying knives. The color was snow-white and the curly flower-like shape was really beautiful. Jiao Shiqiao picked up one. This thing was sharpened with blades on both sides. Unless he was a master, he would never be able to use this kind of hidden weapon. He stared at it for a long time, and then suddenly said, “You are a double-petaled flower…”

Fang Pingzhai sighed, “Who are you?” Jiao Shiqiao said slowly, “I am not a man of the world, but I am familiar with the anecdotes of the world. For a hundred years, I have been able to use this curling-edged flying knife to perform the ‘Wind and Snow Blowing’ The only person who is a “peony” is Qi Hua Yun Xing Ke. Qi Hua Yun Xing Ke has always been mysterious, and no one knows his real name. This must be why no one knows that Fang Pingzhai is a double petal flower.” He looked at her. As sharp as a knife, he said word by word, “Qihuayunxingke is closely related to the recent situation in the world. After the battle between Fengliudian and Zhongyuan Sword Society, he was still alive and dared to distribute the Oranguki Jiuxin Pill in the palace. Since Plum Blossoms Are Countable, Wild Orchids Are Wrong, and One Peach and Three Colors were all ministers of Fengliu Shop. How much do you know about Fengliu Shop? ”

“Me?” Fang Pingzhai said, “I’m just a wanderer who lives a leisurely life, occasionally likes to cause trouble, and occasionally wants to become famous, but I don’t seem to have done anything important to get into the Dali Temple’s heavenly prison. “Jiao Shiqiao said lightly, “Since you are so famous and famous all over the world, why do you need to pursue fame?” Fang Pingzhai laughed, “It’s very boring to always rely on the halo of others. I want to conquer the world on my own. It’s a pity that I have never had the opportunity to become famous.” Jiao Shiqiao asked lightly, “How much do you know about Feng Liu Dian? Why do you go with Liu Yan? What is his intention for Ouchi?”

“I don’t know anything about Fengliu Dian.” Fang Pingzhai’s eyes darkened slightly, “I don’t know why the three of them became ministers of Fengliu Dian, because as early as ten years ago, I had a relationship with Qihua The brothers in Yunxingke parted ways.” Jiao Shiqiao was startled, “Why?” Fang Pingzhai laughed, “Because they are brothers, and I am indifferent.” Jiao Shiqiao frowned, “Why did you go with Liu Yan?” Where are others at this time?”

“I walked with the master because he is my master. And I was captured by the Shaolin bald monk, and everyone was captured by you. How could I know where the master is? I also want to ask you where the others are. ?” Fang Pingzhai looked calm, “I have different intentions towards him, but I have no intention of harming him.” Jiao Shiqiao closed his eyes and thought for a moment, then stood up, “I will come back tomorrow. If you still have this attitude and talk so glibly, don’t do it. “It’s my fault for being disrespectful to you.” Fang Pingzhai said with a smile, “I really learned a lesson.”

Since this person is so beautiful, he must not be allowed to stay. Jiao Shiqiao had a conversation today and found out that Fang Pingzhai was very strict with his words. Even if he was tortured, he would never be able to find out what he didn’t want to say. Instead of listening to his nonsense and keeping such a dangerous person in prison, it would be better to kill the chicken to scare the monkeys and let the romantic shop know about the palace. Ouchi is by no means an easy place. Murderous intent arose in his heart, and he did not want to keep him until tomorrow, so he immediately ordered Yang Guihua to kill Fang Pingzhai at three o’clock in the night!

Yang Guihua did not expect that Jiao Shiqiao only met Fang Pingzhai once and then issued a killing order. This also shows that Fang Pingzhai was in danger. He killed Fang Pingzhai in the middle of the night. He felt a little regretful in his heart, but he had to do it. Fang Pingzhai is a tiger. If the tiger is not fatal, there will be a risk of counterattack. He understands this very well.

Yu Tuan’er was in the same cell as that one, surrounded by the same female cells. Yu Tuan’er was seriously injured and unconscious, but Yang Guihua kindly sent her medicine and water, and that one was feeding her one bite at a time. Fengfeng was taken away by Yang Guihua and said to be entrusted to the care of the nanny in the mansion. But he believed him. Although Yang Guihua was an officer and soldier, he was also a gentleman.

Time passed quickly, the autumn wind blew through some fallen leaves, the weather became colder, and night came quickly.

Fang Pingzhai was still chained to the stone wall of the prison, and the acupuncture points on his body were still sealed. He had not eaten anything in these twelve hours, not even a sip of water. Yang Guihua’s kindness to Yu Tuan’er and that one does not mean that he also takes Fang Pingzhai lightly.

The second update has just passed, but the third update has not yet arrived. Fang Pingzhai was chained to the wall. Although the situation was unfavorable, he fell asleep peacefully. He suddenly heard the “click” of the cell door and opened his eyes. Most of the guests who came late at night had bad intentions. He smiled at the visitor and said, “At midnight, you didn’t go to bed and came to visit me. I have to doubt your purpose of coming – to kill someone and silence them?” Yang Guihua flipped his wrist and Qinggang The sword was in his hand, but he didn’t even bring it with the scabbard. He kept holding the unsheathed sword, “Actually, I don’t want to kill you. Mr. Fang has extraordinary martial arts skills and is affectionate and righteous. Although he has a unique personality, he is still a man. Unfortunately – You are a double-petaled flower. Since you are a double-petaled flower, you must be killed.”

“Ha! I once thought that my name was very resounding, but it turned out to be a life-threatening charm.” Fang Pingzhai showed no fear, with a smile on his face, “Are you afraid that the romantic shop will break into the prison for me to save people? Don’t worry. , they are not that stupid -” Before he could finish his sentence, two “swish” sounds were suddenly heard, and the two jailors behind Yang Guihua fell to the ground, their life or death unknown. Fang Pingzhai was stunned, and Yang Guihua suddenly turned around and saw someone walking step by step from the entrance of the prison. They were wearing uniforms of officers and soldiers, but no hats.

“Who is it?” Yang Guihua calmed down and shouted.

The man slowly walked up to Yang Guihua, and saw that he was wearing a funny mask, which turned out to be Zhong Kui’s face. Yang Guihua was startled, and Luck shouted, “Come here! Someone broke into the sky prison!” Then he stabbed the person with a sword. The man’s sleeves flicked, and Yang Guihua’s long sword with full strength was stabbed on his sleeve. It bent and bounced, and flew out with a clang. Yang Guihua’s thoughts were racing very fast. Seeing that he was no match for the attacker, he turned around and pointed at the fatal point on Fang Pingzhai’s body. Fang Pingzhai couldn’t move, he opened his eyes wide and waited for death, but he heard a muffled “pop” sound. The palm of the visitor was faster than Yang Guihua’s movement, and before his finger touched his fatal point, he patted him lightly on the back of the heart. Palm.

Yang Guihua paused and fell down softly. Fang Pingzhai laughed, “Seventh brother, I really didn’t expect you to save me today.” The man with Zhong Kui’s face took a step forward, put the back of Yang Guihua’s hand under his feet, and slowly took off the mask on his face. The face under the mask is as delicate and beautiful as a flower, and it is none other than Western Peach. She smiled brightly and said, “Brother Six is ​​in trouble, how can I not help my younger brother? Besides, Brother Six has always been loyal and would rather die than reveal the secrets of the romantic shop. How can Brother Six be killed by a little guy like Yang Guihua with one sword?” He’s not even worthy of carrying Sixth Brother’s shoes.” As he spoke, Xingfang Tao had unfastened the iron shackles on Fang Pingzhai’s body and slapped open the acupuncture points in his body. “Let’s go quickly. Although there are no masters in Dali Temple, we are stuck in the sea of ​​people. War is also trouble.”

Fang Pingzhai twisted his wrist that was shackled uncomfortable by the iron shackles, “When Jiao Shiqiao came to see me during the day, you couldn’t have been eavesdropping and decided to save me after knowing that I didn’t say anything, right?” Tao Yingying smiled, “How could it be? Even if you tell the truth to Jiao Shiqiao, since we were brothers by blood, I will not tell anyone.” Fang Pingzhai snorted and looked at the sky, “If you really care about your brothers, how could you Forget it, you don’t have to explain it to me. My choice was made very clear ten years ago. If I don’t know clearly, I’m afraid I will be the same as the third brother and the fourth brother now. , it’s just your puppet.”

“Haha… How can the sixth brother push it all away? Don’t forget who served the two glasses of poisonous wine that the third brother and the fourth brother drank? Who invited and hosted the banquet that day? ?” Dongfang Tao said leisurely, “You have been involved in it from the beginning. Don’t think that you are really innocent. Once Tang Lici gets the Green Charm Pearl, the third brother and the fourth brother wake up and remember. Remembering what happened back then, do you think they will hate you—or me?”

“You——” Fang Pingzhai smiled bitterly, “You dress up as a woman, can you be more vicious than a woman?” Xingfang Tao put his finger on his lips and hissed, “Sixth brother, come back, after ten years of wandering, can you still be more vicious?” Not enough? What have you gained from wandering for ten years? Who recognizes you? Who thinks highly of you? Without money, power and conditions, even if you are the best genius in the world, you can only drown in the rivers and lakes. Show it.” Fang Pingzhai waved his hand, “Yeah – I don’t have any ambitions, I just want to prove that I can become famous without you, but unfortunately -” Xingfang Tao smiled, “It’s a pity that I can’t. “The world looks down on you, but I respect you.” She said softly, “Besides, you owe me two lives – the life of that year and the life of today.”

“This -” Fang Pingzhai patted his head, “This is really difficult to handle, let’s talk about it.” He walked out, “Maybe there will be a chance to get together again in the future, maybe there will never be a chance in the future, I don’t want to at the moment Change.” Xingfang Tao said leisurely, “I don’t want to change anything at the moment. Before you learn Liu Yan’s sound killing, you can do whatever you want. I will never interfere.” Fang Pingzhai said with a smile, “You are really far-sighted. , I want everything…” Before he finished speaking, he swayed, got into the women’s cell, and disappeared in an instant. Xiangfang Tao chuckled. She also wanted to take away the two girls from the women’s prison, but at this moment, it was not appropriate to fall out with Fang Pingzhai.


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