Bringing The Farm To Live In Another World Chapter 9: There will be 1 day sooner or later


Walking around in the space again, it seems that nothing happened, Zhao Hai came out of the space, lying on the bed quietly, thinking about what happened since waking up to the present. matter.

   Since knowing that he wears a super, Zhao Hai not only has no fear, but a little bit of joy in his heart. When he was on earth, Zhao Hai was an otaku, and he took a small amount of manuscript fees every month. To live, life is very stressful.

   But it’s different here. Here he is a nobleman. Although he is excluded, he has his own fief. Although it is a dead land, he still has a few loyal subordinates, and he can decide in a word. One hundred slaves of their lives and deaths, their own castle, was served by someone, and the most important thing was that he had a space farm.

   Although I don’t know how this spatial farm came, as long as this spatial farm is there, he will not have to worry about eating and drinking for the rest of his life, and it would be nice to live a happy life.

  While thinking about this, I kept thinking about the future development of the farm, but now I think about everything for nothing, only waiting for the further development of the farm.

   But the farm has obviously mutated now. It’s really bad whether this is a good thing or a bad thing. So as long as there is a chance tomorrow, we must put the black soil outside in the space to see if it works. Use space soil and space water for transformation, and accumulate funds as soon as possible, buy more seeds from the space, and it is best to get the space water outside, so that even if the space farm disappears in the future, he will also There will be a piece of land of its own, but that is the foundation of life.

   I was thinking about unknowingly that he fell asleep again. In his dream, he built a big manor, became the owner of the manor, and lived his own little life. That is beautiful.

  While he was sitting in his dream, a voice suddenly came out: “The radish is ripe, please collect it as soon as possible.”

   Zhao Hai woke up cleverly and quickly entered the space, and found that the radishes had matured. One by one, the large white radishes squeezed the ground to crack.

   Zhao Hai didn’t care about that much anymore. He quickly ran to the side of the space and dug out a large white radish in twos or twos. He wiped the soil on it with his hand, and no matter whether it was dirty or not, he bit it when he went up. A bite.

   Sweet radish drops filled his mouth, Zhao Hai couldn’t help sighing, the taste was really good. When Zhao Hai was on earth, he especially liked eating white radish. White radish tasted sweet, unlike green radish, which always tasted spicy. And the white radish that grew out of space, tasted much better than that on earth.

   Zhao Hai chewed the white radish in his mouth while looking at the white radish on his hand. This radish weighs at least three kilograms, which is not small in the white radish, and it is long and straight, white and fat. If you are fat, you have an appetite when you look at it.

   Zhao Hai laughed happily. He took the radish and walked to the window of the thatched house. He picked up the basket with the word “closed” on it, and said loudly to the soil: “Close!” The radish in the ground was like this. Just like being dug out from the ground by big hands, one by one flew out from the ground and fell into the basket, but the basket was not full of it. Zhao Hai looked down and found that the radishes had entered the basket. , Disappeared immediately.

   After a while, the entire plot was completely harvested. Zhao Hai inspected the warehouse. Sure enough, all the radishes were stored in the warehouse, and there were radish pits on the ground.

   Zhao Hai did not sell these radishes, but bought another bag of seeds, and at the same time ordered the small shovel to start plowing the ground, and then planted the bag of seeds in the ground. Just after planting this bag of seeds, he heard a “ding” sound, and then a voice came: “Congratulations on your promotion to the second level. The system will give you two bags of cabbage seeds, each bag can be planted, one acre .”

  Zhao Hai glanced at his mouth and said: “It’s really stingy, the seeds you send can only grow one acre of land.”

   After finishing his work, Zhao Hai came out of the space. He looked at the sky outside and found that it was still early, and Dongfang had just turned white.

   At this time, it’s impossible for Green and the others to get up. Even the slaves are still asleep, but Zhao Hai can’t fall asleep in excitement. Sitting alone in the room, holding the white radish dug out of the space, The smell really makes him want to stop.

   It’s impossible for Zhao Hai to finish eating a three-jin-heavy Rob. He can’t eat half of it. But something strange happened. Zhao Hai felt a warm current in his stomach. His body seemed to be full of strength at once, and there was no sleepiness at all.

   Zhao Hai was stunned. This has never happened before. What he eats seems to be radish, but it is not a stimulant. How could this happen? Isn’t this radish or ginseng?

   When thinking of this, Zhao Hai couldn’t help but touch his nose. He was afraid that he would have a nosebleed, but he found that his nose was still clean and there was no nosebleed.

   Zhao Hai laughed at himself. He is a crazy person, so he often does things that others seem ridiculous.

   But he can be sure that he was definitely not an illusion just now, because now he still feels energetic, his eyes are sharp, and he is not sleepy at all.

   This situation is a bit abnormal. From Adam’s memory, he drank the water of nothingness. Although drinking the water of nothingness has no effect on people who don’t learn magic and vindictiveness, it does It can make people feel very tired, even if you want to become a warrior with the strength of your body alone, how can you have such a feeling of exhaustion? There is only one possibility for this feeling, the reason for the radish just now.

  As soon as he thought of this, Zhao Hai couldn’t help but look forward to the carrot even more, and immediately received the carrot in the spatial warehouse, ready to wait a moment to ask Green, what exactly is this carrot.

   looked at the sky outside, it was beginning to light up, but it was still very early, everyone hadn’t gotten up yet, Zhao Hai was too embarrassed to wake them up, but staying in the room was too boring, so Zhao Hai Walking out slowly, he wanted to take a good look at this castle of his own.

   came out of the inner fort and walked slowly forward. After passing a small square, we arrived at the outer fort. The structure of this outer fort is very simple, with bluestone ground and rows of stone houses. , Behind the stone house is the city wall. The city wall is very high, almost ten meters high. When I walked around the city wall and looked around, I found that the city wall was also very thick, about four meters long. The city gate seemed to be made of pig iron. Meadow is high, with a huge iron bolt inserted in the middle, and there is a shaking device on the city gate, which seems to be used to pull out and insert the iron bolt.

   This device is very cleverly designed. As long as you shake a handle under the city gate, the gear on the top will rotate, which will drive the iron bolt on the city gate to lock the city gate, even when you pull it out.

   Zhao Hai nodded. He did not expect that the machinery in this world is already so sophisticated. He glanced around and found nothing, except for the piles of materials bought by Green in the middle of the square. There is nothing left.

  As soon as he saw the supplies, Zhao Hai couldn’t help but smile. It seems that Green is really not a material for business. He actually replaced all the gold coins in his hands with this kind of thing. Don’t they know that gold coins can be produced? Gold coins, and these things will be used up someday.

   It seems that Green wants to turn this place into an isolated manor, but think about what he did, if it wasn’t for Zhao Hai to wear it, or the original Adam, let him live here, he He may live longer, if he is rich enough to run around, he may die soon.

   turned to the stone ladder next to the city gate and walked slowly towards the city wall. The whole city wall is made of a kind of iron-blue stone, which looks very strong, and the walls are intact. , The battlements are also very neat, there is no need to repair at all, there is an arrow tower on each of the four corners of the city wall, which can protect the castle in all directions.

  Zhao Hai turned his head and glanced at the inner city inner fort’s city wall is higher than the outer fort. There are also several arrow towers built on it. It seems that the defensive ability of this castle is really not covered. of.

   turned around and took a look at the outside of the city wall. Outside the city wall is a moat about five meters wide. There is water in the river, and the water is very clear. It can be seen that there is running water. There is a suspension bridge on the moat. The suspension bridge is about five meters wide. The suspension rope is made of arm-thick iron chains. It is very heavy. The suspension bridge is made of a huge iron frame with wooden boards on it. Those boards are very new. , I know at a glance that it is a new one.

   Opposite the city gate is a straight avenue, which is also paved with stones. I don’t know how far it is, and it seems that it has not been used for a long time, and there are a lot of weeds growing on it.

  Zhao Hai knows that this castle has been abandoned for many years, and that road was once when they came. I believe that no one has ever gone out in the castle for more than a month, so look at that road. It’s like that when you get up.

   Except for this road, the outside of the castle is all black ground. There is no grass on it, it looks so barren, and there is deathly silence.

   At this moment, the sun has already risen, and the golden sunlight is shining on Zhao Hai. Zhao Hai stands on the wall with his hands on his back, looking at the sun that has just risen in the distance, he can’t help but feel proud, haha He laughed and said: “Okay, this castle, everything here is mine. Although it has just started, it is like the sun that has just risen, but sooner or later, I will let the sun shine on the whole earth! “

   Zhao Hai didn’t notice. I don’t know when, Green and the others were already up. They were all standing under the city wall, quietly watching Zhao Hai, who was standing on the castle, wearing golden light, like a god, his eyes flashed with excitement. Tears.



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