Bringing The Farm To Live In Another World Chapter 7: Not my rule


The sky slowly darkened. In the entire castle, except for the magic lamp used in Zhao Hai’s bedroom, all other places used torches.

   This kind of magic lamp is made of a kind of magic spar on the Ark continent, and there are only two ways for magic crystal blocks to come. One is the underground magic spar mine. This kind of magic spar has some It’s bad, based on the amount of energy contained in it. Those with more energy can be used as power for magical appliances. Those with less energy can only be used for lighting. The magic spar produced underground is a one-time use. Yes, after running out of magic spar, it will be useless.

   There is also a kind of magic spar, which is produced by monsters. This kind of magic spar is very rare. Ten monsters do not necessarily have one magic spar, and this kind of magic spar is produced by the monster. Although the energy is not very high, it is very stable. It is an auxiliary tool for the magician to cast magic. The most important thing is that this magic spar can be used repeatedly. After his energy is exhausted, as long as After a period of time, he can absorb the magical energy of the same attribute in the natural world by himself, and slowly fill it up, so that he can use it all at once.

   Regardless of which kind of magic spar, they are very expensive. The magic spar produced in the magic crystal mine is a bit cheaper than the one produced in the monsters, but the price is not affordable for ordinary people. .

   The Buda family is in a very period of time. Although Green bought a few magic spar, each one is precious and can’t be used indiscriminately. So at night, except for Zhao Hai’s room, everything else is lit. Torch.

   At this time, the slaves had finished their meal and slept, but Merlin had just finished the meal and was asking Meg to call Zhao Hai.

   Zhao Hai slept very well. Although he was in another world, he now has a space farm. At the very least, he doesn’t have to worry about his livelihood. Moreover, because he has been fainted these days, Merlin has been using magic. To treat him, there are still a lot of water elements in his body. The water element has the effect of calming the nerves. In addition, he has let go of his mind now, so he sleeps particularly soundly.

   Meg arrived outside Zhao Hai’s room and first listened to the sound in the room. The room was quiet and there was no sound. Merlin immediately knocked on the door and said: “Master, it’s time to get up, it’s time for dinner. “

   There was still no sound in the room, Meg called twice, but there was still no sound in the room, so Meg had to push the door and enter Zhao Hai’s room.

   As soon as he entered Zhao Hai’s room, Meg heard a sound of even breathing. She walked gently to Zhao Hai’s bed and saw that Zhao Hai was sleeping Zhengxiang, but she didn’t even hear them shouting. Voice.

   Meg sighed, and I don’t know if Zhao Hai is big-hearted or stupid. At this point, he can still sleep so soundly.

   Meg stood by Zhao Hai’s bed and gently pushed Zhao Hai said, “Master, it’s time to get up and have dinner.”

   Zhao Hai woke up in a daze, and muttered: “What time is it?”

   Meg hurriedly said: “Master, it’s seven o’clock in the evening. It’s time for dinner.”

   Zhao Hai opened his eyes, turned his head and glanced at Meg who was standing next to the bed, then turned his head and looked out the window, and found that it was dark now, so he sat up slowly. Shaking his head, which was a little dizzy in sleep, only then became a little more sober. He turned his head and said to Meg; “Meg, what’s the date today?”

   Meg lowered her head and said: “Master, today is April 6th.”

   Zhao Hai nodded, and calculated it in his head. He was in a coma on February 17, 1637, and it is already April 6, which means he was in a coma. For more than a month, after being in a coma, he could still go down to the ground so freely. If this were on the earth, Jian Zhen would be a miracle.

   But Zhao Hai didn’t ask what happened to Meg, because from Adam’s memory, he knew that the healing magic of the magician on this continent was amazing, let alone more than a month, even if you fainted. One year, after you wake up, you can walk on the ground naturally as if you have slept, and there will be no signs of muscle atrophy.

  As soon as Zhao Hai sat down on the bed, Meg immediately took Zhao Hai’s boots and wanted to wear Zhao Hai. Zhao Hai immediately said: “Meg, put it down, I can do it myself.”

   Meg was taken aback, but still said: “Master, let me come, I was what I should do.”

   Zhao Hai is not used to this. He quickly stopped Meg and said, “Forget it, I can do this small thing myself.” After speaking, he grabbed Meg’s boots and put them on by himself.

   Meg looked at Zhao Hai blankly. She felt that today’s Zhao Hai was very strange. Before Zhao Hai was wearing boots, even if he took off his boots, he wouldn’t do it on his own. Today, she put it on by herself. NS.

   Zhao Hai stood up after putting on his boots, turned his head and said to Meg: “Let’s go, go to dinner first, I have something to discuss with Grandpa Green.”

   Although Meg felt that Zhao Hai was strange today, she still responded and led Zhao Hai to the direction of the restaurant. Because Meg knew that Zhao Hai had not been out of the room since he got here, so He couldn’t find this castle there yet, if he let him go by himself, he would not know where the restaurant was.

   As soon as he exited the door of the room, Zhao Hai was taken aback. Then he looked around curiously. The castle was obviously an old castle. It has been built for a few years, but it looks quite sturdy, but the style is very old. The design is not as good as Adam’s original home, which has a gloomy feeling.

   But Zhao Hai didn’t care about this. He liked the castle better. In his impression, the castle should look like this. This is the style of the old castle. Maybe he can still be in this castle. Found the secret room.

   Soon Zhao Hai also noticed the torches on the wall. When he saw these torches and thought of the price of magic spar, Zhao Hai immediately understood why torches were used here.

  Although Adam didn’t know the price of goods before, he still knew the price of things like magic spar, because this kind of thing is a high-end consumer product that can only be bought by people belonging to Adam’s class, so He knows the price.

   Zhao Hai also thought of the magic lamp in his room. It seemed that it was the only magic lamp in the entire castle, and Zhao Hai couldn’t help but feel warm when he thought of it here.

   The dining room is not far from Zhao Hai’s bedroom. Soon the two of them entered the dining room. Green, Merlin, Stone, and Wood were standing in the dining room waiting for Zhao Hai. When Zhao Hai came in, they all bowed. Said: “Good night, Master, please have a meal, Master.”

  Zhao Hai nodded, glanced at the wooden table in the dining room, and found that only his tableware was placed there. Through Adam’s memory, Zhao Hai knew that when the nobles were eating, the servants weren’t Those who can sit together can only stand aside and wait.

   Zhao Hai sat down and took a look at the restaurant. This restaurant is not big, only more than 20 square meters. There is a long dining table in the middle. The table is covered with a white tablecloth, and there are two on the tablecloth. Candlesticks, there are three wax candles on each candlestick.

   There are eight chairs around the dining table. The workmanship of these chairs is very exquisite. It can be seen that they are high-end products. Each corner of the restaurant is turned over with a torch, which brightens the entire restaurant, but except for these Besides, there is nothing else in this restaurant.

   Zhao Hai finished looking at the restaurant, turned his head and said to Green and the others: “Grandpa Green, you guys sit down and eat too, I have something to ask you after the meal.”

   Green immediately bowed to Zhao Hai and said, “Master, this is not good. We can’t sit with you when you are eating. This is the rule of the empire.”

   Zhao Hai snorted: “The rules of the empire are not my rules. Since the empire has abandoned us, why should we abide by the rules of the empire? Don’t talk about it. Go get the tableware. , Let’s sit down and eat together. I’m talking about something while eating. If you don’t come, then I won’t eat anymore.”

   Green saw Zhao Hai’s appearance, and there was nothing he could do, so he turned his head and glanced at Merlin. Merlin glared at him and said: “Look at me, Master hasn’t had a good meal for more than a month, can’t you? I want to make the young master hungry.”

   Sure enough, for Green, Zhao Hai’s body is heavier than anything else. When Merlin said this, he immediately turned around and said: “Then you and Meg will go to the kitchen to get it. I’ll wait for the young master here~ IndoMTL. com~Merlin didn’t say anything this time, and led Meg away. Then Green sat down with wood and stone. Wood and stone were obviously uncomfortable. Sitting there was like a pointy buttocks. And it can be seen that the two of them are a little stupid, and they are not very good at talking. After seeing Zhao Hai, they just said to Green and the others, “Good night, Master, please have a meal, Master. “There is no sound.

   Zhao Hai learned from Adam’s memory that wood and stone were children adopted by his father. They weren’t clever. They were stupid, but they were both talented and stunned. They were born with supernatural powers, plus learning. With the mad dragon fighting spirit, both of them now have almost the strength of a sixth-level warrior, and they are loyal to the Buda family and will never betray.

   When Mei Lin was going to serve food, Zhao Hai turned to Green and said, “Grandpa Green, how many gold coins do we have now?”

   Green was taken aback. He didn’t know what Zhao Hai meant by asking, but he immediately stood up and replied: “Master, we still have 180 gold coins in our hands, but now we don’t lack any supplies. , So these gold coins are all available.”

   Zhao Hai hurriedly asked Green to sit down, and then said: “Then when we came from the imperial capital, did we use a carriage to bring things away? What about the horse that pulled the cart?”

   Green said: “Master, our place is small and there is no output, so in order to save food, we only have five horses, and all the carriages we use when we come are hired.”

   Zhao Hai was taken aback, but he immediately understood what Green meant. Green was trying to save as much as possible. You must know that a good horse is not just to feed grass. You must feed some food, and they simply You can’t produce much grain, so of course you can save as much as you can, and it’s even impossible to raise horses.



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