Bringing The Farm To Live In Another World Chapter 287: Bumo



Bu Mo calmly went to a small island. The island is called Jianfeng Island. It is under the jurisdiction of a sect called Wu-color Jianzong. Door, the swordsmanship in their sect is very characteristic. When used, there will be five-color divine light. Of course, this five-color divine light is not only beautiful, but also has a certain attack effect, but its power can only be regarded as In general, so they are just a small sect, and they have not developed very well.

However, they still have an island in Jiehai. Now Jiehai has long been open, so of course their island is also open. The cleaning of their island is also good. They also bought some eggs and There are also quite a few monks who practice ordinary exercises here, but compared to those big islands, the number of people here is much smaller.

Bu Mo came here because he saw this. Bu Mo is not a cultivator. He came to Jiehai this time to inquire about news. The last time Tian Wu and the others returned to the Shadow Realm After that, they reported the situation of their battle this time, and the Shadow Clan people were also very concerned about this time. After all, this time it appeared, and the monks who dared to fight with them in the sea of ​​​​jie, he can’t ignore it. , Generally, monks like this, they will do everything possible to destroy these people. Only in this way will other monks dare not come to Jihai, but they do not know that the monks are all So they sent a person to inquire about the news, and this person was Bumo.

There is no way for their Shadow Clan people to enter the Jingan defense line, because there is a magic circle there. As long as this person has the power of the Shadow Clan, as soon as they reach the Jingan defense line, they will be discovered immediately. It is because of this that they have no way to go to the Jingan defense line to inquire about the news, but they have no problem to inquire about the news here in Jihai, because there is no magic circle here, they will not ask for news here. It was discovered by the monks, so they sent Bumo here.

Of course, this person is not random. People like Bumo were also carefully cultivated by the Shadow Clan people. They practice pure cultivator exercises, and even the energy used in training is all Reiki, so they have very little Shadow Clan ability. It is because of this that Ying Clan people dare to send him out. Otherwise, if he fights with others, he will be exposed at once, and people like Bu Mo , they can completely say that the exercises they practice are quite special, and they do not use Shadow Clan energy, but Yin Qi, then no one will doubt them. Of course, if they go to the Golden Dry Line, they will still It was discovered, but in Jiehai, it would not be discovered, because the islands here do not have the kind of magic circle that is on the Jingan line of defense.

A small island like Jianfeng Island will not be guarded even at night, so even if someone goes to the island at night, the people on the island will not find out. Bumo took advantage of this. , he directly boarded Jianfeng Island, but after arriving on the island, he was still very careful. First, he lurked outside the taverns and inns on the island for a while to see how they lived. He found an inn, and sat in directly. The next day, he got up with the other loose cultivators in the inn, and went to have breakfast. During breakfast, he kept listening to the restaurant What are people talking about.

The people in the restaurant are mostly talking about divine beasts. This time, after the reopening of various sects and islands, divine beasts have bought more, but most people think that if you want to buy divine beasts, it is better to buy divine beasts. Go to Lihuo Island, because although the divine beasts in Lihuo Island are not cheap, they are the most caring for scattered cultivators. Take this time as an example. This time, each sect has some losses, but Li Huo Island, but did not embarrass those loose cultivators because of this matter, nor did they think about transferring their losses to those loose cultivators, and they even gave those loose cultivators a lot of discounts, It was also under the leadership of Lihuo Island that other sects slowly dared not make trouble for those loose cultivators. Otherwise, this time, I am afraid that this time, it would be enough for those loose cultivators to drink a pot.

Bu Mo has been listening quietly to the words of those people. He also heard some things from the words of those people. For example, it was not so easy for these loose cultivators to buy divine beast eggs. The first to sell the eggs of the divine beast to those loose cultivators in installments. At the same time, Bu Mo actually heard the news that he wanted to know, that is, the person who attacked them was a member of the Fire Phoenix Sect. A core disciple of the Fire Phoenix Sect, the most important thing is that this core disciple of the Fire Phoenix Sect is still here in the sea.

This news is definitely good news for Bumo. Originally, they were worried that if the person who attacked them here in Jihai Hai and hid in the Divine Tree Realm, then they would have no way to deal with that person. People, they have already thought of the follow-up method, that is to send an elite team to suddenly attack the islands here in the realm and destroy the islands in the realm, causing the gods to shake, and the gods will definitely be there. Send people to come to the islands to check the situation, and then they can continue to attack those people until the person who dares to fight them here in the boundary sea is led out, and then eliminated. Now it seems that this is not necessary.

Thinking of this, Bumo quickly finished eating and then left the tavern. After leaving the tavern, he walked around the island again, and then he carefully left the island, he was not too far from the island , but found a place where no one was around, and then when he moved his hand, a piece of black paper appeared in his hand. This black paper looked very strange, and the black seemed to be glowing. And the light was still flowing on the paper. Bu Mo then took out a pen. This pen was also very strange. He looked like a bone. He carefully used the pen on the paper. He wrote down the information about Zhao Hai, and then folded the piece of paper into a paper crane quickly. Then he released the paper crane directly, and the paper crane flew in the direction of the Shadow Realm. , the speed is very fast.

After doing all this, Bu Mo breathed a sigh of relief, and then he went to the island again. This time, he came not only to inquire about Zhao Hai’s news, but also to collect information from the islands of the Jiehai Sea. Intelligence, after collecting all this information, they can attack the islands. Regardless of whether Zhao Hai is here in Jiehai or not, they have to attack each island here in Jiehai, so they must collect the information of each island. information, and then send the information back to the Shadow Beast, but Bu Mo did not expect that the mission this time would be so smooth. The first time I came here, I collected information about Zhao Hai. This is really a Unexpected joy.

After returning to the island, Bu Mo thought about it and decided to go to Lihuo Island first. Since all the changes in the Jihai Sea were caused by Lihuo Island, he would go to Lihuo Island to have a look. To see what was on Lihuo Island, he decided to go to Lihuo Island, but he needed to think carefully about how to get to Lihuo Island.

He also heard people say before that there are two ways to go to Lihuo Island. One is to go to Lihuo Island through a teleportation array, and the other is to sit on a divine beast to Lihuo Island. Sitting in the teleportation array to Lihuo Island, it was a bit high-profile, sitting in the divine beast to Lihuo Island, but no one would doubt him, Bu Mo finally decided to sit in the divine beast to Lihuo Island, although the movie There is no way for the tribe to use the divine beast, but he can sit on the divine beast now, and the divine beast has not been so easy to find him.

Bumo asked about it on the island. There really is a mythical beast on the island that goes to Lihuo Island, and the fee is very low. How long did it take to set off, but what surprised Bu Mo was that the divine beast did not go directly to Lihuo Island, but went to other islands first, picked up some people from other islands, and finally Only then did he arrive at Lihuo Island. It was already a few hours later when Bumo arrived at Lihuo Island. After arriving on the island, he had to find a place to rest, but he could also see that this distance Huodao is much more lively than Jianfeng Island. Even at night, there are still many people coming in and out. It seems very lively, which also makes Bu Mo very surprised.

He found an inn, and after booking a room, he walked around the island. He found that the biggest difference between Lihuo Island and Jianfeng Island is that on Lihuo Island, there seems to be no night. That said, because here, people come back from outside at any time, and people leave Lihuo Island at any This made Bu Mo very surprised.

Bumo walked around the island. He was specially trained. He quickly noticed the base on the island, but he couldn’t go to the base because it was a forbidden area on the island, so Bomo just Taking a look at the base from a distance, he knew that there were not many people at the base on the island, and Bu Mo didn’t stop there. He just pretended to be on the island for the first time, looked around, and then He just left because he was worried that if he stayed longer, it would attract the attention of those on the island.

Bumo went back to the room and rested for a while. The next day he waited until dawn before he came out of the room, and then went to the pub to eat a little something and drink a little wine while drinking , while listening to the people on the island chatting there, the content of these people’s chats is nothing more than who has paid back all the spiritual stones owed to the Fire Phoenix Sect today, and the divine beast has completely belonged to him. That is, who has bought a divine beast, is recruiting troops, and is ready to fight. They rarely mentioned the situation on the island, which made Bu Mo a little disappointed. After that, he ate and left. When he came out and wandered around the island, he quickly discovered that the defense on the island was not very good. The defense formation on the island was almost nothing, and there were not many people guarding the island. , All of this proves that the defensive power of this island is not as strong as he imagined, which makes Bu Mo a little curious, and he does not quite understand, if the Fire Phoenix Sect really likes this If it was an island, why would the island’s defense be so weak? This is not reasonable.


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