Bringing The Farm To Live In Another World Chapter 282: Reboot



Zhao Hai returned to Huofeng Island once. Yi Jin and Lie Gang were waiting for him. As soon as they saw him coming back, they immediately led Yi Jin into the room. After Zhao Hai entered the room, The two of them looked at Zhao Hai and didn’t speak. Zhao Hai looked at the two of them and smiled slightly: “It’s done, the sect has agreed to establish the Jiehai branch, the head of this Jiehai branch will be I will take charge, Uncle Seventeen, you can only be wronged a little bit, come to be the deputy head, and the specific job is, Uncle Seventeen, you are responsible for the affairs of Lihuo Island, and the base on Lihuo Island will still be used. , but there are not many people sent by the sect. They will only send about 500 people at a time. These people are to hunt some shadow beasts on a regular basis, but the number of hunters is not very large. Their main task is actually to In order to protect Lihuo Island, I will take people to stay at Windbell Island. Starting today, Windbell Island will also become one of our bases. In addition to some original facilities, other places will be All the people who are recruited by the sect will be transferred to Fengling Island, and I will manage them uniformly. What they want to do is up to me, the main thing is to kill and hunt some. Shadow beasts also have training. We need to take advantage of the opportunity to hunt shadow beasts to train them tactically. Our entire Jiehai branch is a semi-independent existence. Some of the expenses required by the branch are up to us. To solve part of it, the sect will only give us some medicinal pills and magic weapons every year, and the rest will not be given to us. We need to solve it ourselves. Of course, even if it is given to us by the sect, we must hand it over to the sect. Yes, and the name of the Jiehai branch, don’t mention it now, let others before, the Jiehai here is still the same as before, there is no such thing as the Jiehai branch.”

After Liegang heard Zhao Hai’s words, his eyes lit up, and then he looked at Zhao Hai and said, “That means, what happens here in Jiehai in the future will be left to the two of us, right? ? Others have no right to manage?”

Zhao Hai nodded and said: “Yes, no one else has the right to control, we only need to be responsible for two people, one is the suzerain, and the other is Senior Brother Lifeng. If one day Senior Brother Liefeng becomes the suzerain, Then we only need to take charge of him alone. Others have no power to manage us, because strictly speaking, we are now at the same level as the real power elders in the sect, and of course they have no power. Power is on our side.”

Lie Gang laughed loudly and said, “Okay, great, hahahaha, so we can safely develop away from Huo Island.”

Zhao Hai smiled slightly and said: “Actually, after this incident, no one dares to interfere in the affairs of Lihuo Island. Senior Brother’s reputation in the sect is so high, of course it is impossible to be here. In this matter, I did it against the senior brother, so this matter will pass so smoothly. Now I think people from various sects are almost going to Jiehai to clean up their island. Jiehai will soon be here. It will be lively, Uncle Seventeen, let’s go to Lihuo Island. In the future, you can do business well here on Lihuo Island, absorb more loose repairs, and then send these loose repairs to Fengling Island. I We train them on Fengchi Island. Of course, the people we recruit in the future must also be careful. We must ensure that their identities are correct. Then we are accepting them. If there are problems with their identities, then such people are Absolutely unacceptable.”

Lie Gang nodded and answered. He also knew very well that they really had to be careful when they received people in the future. Still have to be careful about this.

Zhao Hai glanced at Yi Jin again, and then said, “Senior Brother Yi, Senior Brother also said that your place is also very important. In the future, we must cooperate well and let our spirit stone storage business , the development is bigger.”

Yi Jin nodded and said, “I’ve thought of this for a long time, so don’t worry.” Yi Jin also thought of this for a long time. Although this spirit stone storage business does not earn spirit stones, this business But it is very important, so they must develop this business, and they will take care of the shop here in the Jingan Defense Line.

Zhao Hai nodded, and then said: “Okay, then this matter is settled, Uncle Seventeen, let’s go too, go back to Lihuo Island, just as the people who managed the island in the past are still there. They are all here, we will take them directly, as for the people sent by Zongmen to the Lihuo Island base, they will only come over after a while, so let’s go to Lihuo Island and wait for them.” Zhao Hai felt that they must I’m going to Lihuo Island. Now all the sects should have taken action. They were originally one step ahead of others, but they couldn’t end up falling behind. Then he was busy working in vain, so Zhao Hai wants to go to Lihuo Island to prepare now.

Lie Gang also nodded and said, “Okay, let’s go, let’s go over now.” After he finished speaking, he stood up, Zhao Hai also stood up, Yi Jin stood up as soon as he saw the two of them , He quickly said: “Don’t, don’t worry, if you are in a hurry, don’t worry at this moment, we have a good gathering, this period of time, so many things happened, so that we did not have a good gathering. Gather, this time we must have a good gathering.” Of course, Yi Jin hoped that the two of them could stay for two more days, his relationship with Zhao Hai was already very good, but everyone hadn’t been together for a long time. Some unfamiliar, he now really wants to get together with Zhao Hai.

When Zhao Hai heard him say this, he couldn’t help but smile and said: “Don’t worry, Senior Brother Yi, we still have a chance in the future, you can rest assured, this time we really don’t have time, and now the Shadow Clan people have retreated. , the sects want to restart the islands of the Jiehai again, and all the sects have begun to send people to the Jiehai. We were originally one step ahead of others, but we can’t end up being one step behind the enemy. We will lead people now. Go back and restart Lihuo Island as soon as possible, so that we can always be one step ahead of them. The last time we were one step ahead of them, we made a lot of money, and this time is the same, we must definitely be one step ahead of them.”

After hearing Zhao Hai say this, Yi Jin couldn’t say what he was talking about, he nodded and said, “Okay, let’s do it this time, next time, next time we must have a good gathering, All right, let’s go.” Zhao Hai nodded, then followed Liegang out of the study, Liegang immediately gathered all the people who were originally from Lihuo Island, and these people followed Liegang to Huofeng After the island is here, they are not leaving, so at this time, it is very easy to gather them. After everyone is assembled, Zhao Hai directly takes everyone to Lihuo Island. Now Lihuo Island, There are also some disciples of the Fire Phoenix Sect. Some of these disciples of the Fire Phoenix Sect were sent by the Fire Phoenix Sect to support Zhao Hai, and some were loose cultivators who later joined the Fire Phoenix Sect.

After Zhao Hai and the others arrived, Lie Gang asked the disciples of the Fire Phoenix Sect who later supported Zhao Hai to live at the base. At the same time, he also started to take over Lihuo Island with all his strength, and took over the things that Lihuo Island lacked. , all are replenished, and then Lihuo Island can be reopened. After all, Lihuo Island has not been destroyed. Zhao Hai and the others have also cleaned them up. It is very easy to restart.

And Zhao Hai also led those loose cultivators and went directly to Fengling Island. It didn’t take long for them to reach Fengling Island, and Fengling Island was about to reopen. The people that Fengzong sent to Lihuo Island have also arrived. These people are going to be stationed at the base. The main task is to ensure the safety of Lihuo Island. Once these people arrived at Lihuo Island, they were originally sent to support Zhao Hai. Those people can go back to the sect. When they return to the sect this time, they can be rewarded by the fire phoenix sect. After all, they did a beautiful job this time, but they gave the fire phoenix sect a face. Of course, the fire phoenix sect Reward them well.

In just a few days, the islands of the various sects in the Jiehai were all opened one after another. At the same time, a large number of loose cultivators also began to pour into the Jiehai, and those scattered cultivators were waiting for this day. For a long time, they have wanted to come to Jiehai for a long time. Only when they come to Jiehai can they make money. There are a lot of loose cultivators, but they haven’t bought the divine beast. Of course they want to come earlier. Jiehai came here to make money, but after some loose cultivators came to Jiehai, they were dumbfounded, because some loose cultivators discovered that after they arrived in Jiehai, they owed a lot of spiritual stones to various sects, and even some Some sects directly took back the sacred beasts of the loose cultivators, which poured a big pot of cold water on those loose cultivators who wanted to make money here in the world.

Do those loose cultivators owe those sect spiritual stones? To be really owes it, those loose cultivators all owe the spiritual stones of those sects and the divine beasts they bought, and this time because of the attack of the Shadow Clan, they failed to earn the spiritual stones here in Jiehai , Of course, they don’t have any spirit stones to return to those sects. If some of those sects are not bad, they will be allowed to owe them for a while, but some will come up directly to confiscate their divine beasts. If they do this, The loss of his loose cultivators would be huge, and many of the loose cultivators would become impoverished if they didn’t get it right, which also made those loose cultivators dumbfounded.

But soon a piece of news came out. On Huofeng Island, they didn’t chase those loose cultivators to ask for spirit stones, and they sent an announcement directly. The announcement said that because the Shadow Clan attacked, it was Force majeure factors, so during the Shadow Clan attack, all the loose cultivators who owe the Fire Phoenix Sect money can not worry about returning the spirit stone, because during that period, all of them stopped all business, so the fault is not those loose cultivators, they can From now on, resume business, that is to say, after a month, as long as these loose cultivators hand in a month’s spiritual stones, there will be no problems.

Such a requirement is really too loose, because other sects, even those who did not take back those loose cultivators, still require those cultivators to pay a part of the fine. Although those cultivators feel it is unfair, but There is no other way but to recognize it by pinching the nose, and compared with those sects, the Fire Phoenix Sect is really too good, which also makes more and more loose cultivators choose Lihuo Island to trade.


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