Bringing The Farm To Live In Another World Chapter 281: Sections



Zhao Hai came out of the Fire Phoenix Sect’s teleportation formation and went directly to see the strong wind. When the strong wind heard that Zhao Hai was coming, he was also very happy, and he immediately said to Zhao Hai: “It’s good to be back, this time when I come back, Don’t go back, just practice in the sect after the hard times, and help me too.”

When Zhao Hai heard Lie Feng say this, he also smiled and said, “Elder Brother, I’m about to tell you about this, I have an idea. I discussed it with Brother Yi and Uncle Seventeen before. I think it’s feasible, I’m going to go back to Fengling Island, and let Uncle Seventeen then sit on Lihuo Island, and I have only one purpose for returning to Fengling Island, which is to recruit more people to join us and become ours. People, what do you think?” Zhao Hai still wanted to stay in Jiehai, if he stayed in the sect, it would be meaningless.

When Lie Feng heard what Zhao Hai said, he couldn’t help but be stunned for a moment, then looked at Zhao Hai with some puzzlement and said: “It’s okay to let others go, you don’t need to go? Don’t forget, you are now What is your identity? You are the core disciple of my Fire Phoenix Sect.”

Zhao Hai said with a smile: “It is because of my status that I am going to take a seat at Fengling Island. With people of my status, we will be more confident in Jiehai. There are many I can sit directly on the helm of everything, and with an identity like me, more people will believe what we say, which is still very important to us.”

Geek said in a deep voice, “It’s the same to send an elder over there. You don’t need to go to the town in person, right?”

Zhao Hai shook his head and said, “In the future, Jiehai will be valued more and more, and all sects will want to make Jiehai an outpost, and they will definitely send some worthy people to sit in town. The first point, the second point is that my presence in Jiehai is more beneficial to you, Senior Brother, after this incident, your identity should be stabilized, and no one can Shaking your status is not only known to us, everyone in the sect knows that there will be many people who want to rely on you at this time, and if I stand by your side, it will become a hindrance, so I It’s the best choice to leave at the right time. I’ll go to Jiehai and form a team that belongs to us completely. Even if you become a suzerain in the future, with such a team in your hands, what are you going to do? It will also be easier.”

When Lie Feng heard what Zhao Hai said, he couldn’t help but be stunned for a moment, and then he fell into contemplation. He understood what Zhao Hai meant. He was wondering if what Zhao Hai said would happen, But in the end he had to admit that the situation Zhao Hai said was very likely to happen, because almost everyone would be jealous. If Zhao Hai stood by his side, many people would not be able to stand there. Location, this will make some people’s hearts unbalanced, and Zhao Hai’s words also reminded him that when he is collecting people in the future, he must first think about where to put these people’s positions. , Otherwise, if he doesn’t get it right, someone will treat him as an enemy. After all, the person who will come to rely on him in the future can’t be a nameless person.

Zhao Hai looked at Gale Feng, and then said: “Elder Brother, this time when I was at war with the Shadow Clan people, I didn’t embarrass the Zhou family, and even took care of Zhou Wusing, that’s what I thought. , Senior Brother, you are now the candidate for the next Sect Master. Whether you like it or not, the Zhou family will be your subordinate in the future. You can’t hate the Zhou family because of yourself, or because the Zhou family has done right to you. I have been targeting the Zhou family. In that case, people from other families will have other thoughts, so I also hope that senior brother, you will notice this in the future and have a change in your attitude towards the Zhou family. , what do you think, Big Brother?”

Geez was stunned for a moment, then he nodded, and then he said solemnly: “What about the Dark Moon Tower?”

Zhao Hai understands the meaning of the strong wind. They checked the Zhou family before, and the Zhou family is indeed related to the Dark Moon Tower, so they are so disgusted with the Zhou family, and the meaning of the strong wind is also very obvious. It is related to the Dark Moon Building, so what kind of attitude do they have towards the Zhou family, do they still need to change? After all, an organization like Dark Moon Tower is still very threatening to them.

When Zhao Hai heard Lie Feng say this, he couldn’t help but froze for a moment, and then said: “The more this is the case, the more we have to change our attitude, Senior Brother, if the Zhou family is really colluding with Dark Moon Tower. , then if we always treat them with this attitude, they will not dare to take any action, then it will be even more difficult for us to find out about the dark moon building. On the contrary, our If the attitude is changed, then they may take action. When we want to check them, it will be easier. If the Zhou family just joined the Dark Moon Building, just use the identity of the Dark Moon Building to do some things, There is no defense. If they established the Dark Moon Building, or if they have a special identity in the Dark Moon Building, and have a deep relationship with the Dark Moon Building, then it is not too late for us to clean them up, but In any case, it is necessary to change the attitude of the Zhou family. We must let the Zhou family relax their vigilance. Only in this way will they reveal their flaws. We can also gradually find out the details of the Zhou family, and then divide and pull Cage, and finally wiped out the Zhou family in one fell swoop, what do you think, Senior Brother?” Zhao Hai kept his eyes fixed on Gale Wind when he said this.

Geofeng nodded, then he glanced at Zhao Hai and said: “Yes, this method is good, I will pay attention to this point, then let’s talk about the things in Jiehai, you come back now, yes Isn’t it already done from Fire Island?”

Zhao Hai nodded and said: “Yes, now Lihuo Island has been rebuilt, and the teleportation formation has been restored. My idea is to let Uncle Seventeen continue to take care of Lihuo Island, and then leave Huo Island in the future. Business is the main place there, which is a window for us to conduct external transactions. At Fengling Island, I plan to build it into one of our bases. I sit there and train those people specially. Those people are all from loose cultivators. You can let them not come to the sect, but you must give them the status of a sect disciple and give them corresponding benefits, they are equivalent to a permanent army that the sect places in the sea, if possible, I hope to set up a branch in Jihai, and I will be the head of this branch. Those people will be managed by me. When the sect needs us, we will return to the sect, or listen to the orders of the sect. When it comes to doing things, they usually stay in the sea and hunt shadow beasts. My idea is to make them a pure team, a power that no one dares to underestimate. What do you think about the big brother? “

When Lie Feng heard Zhao Hai say this, he couldn’t help but be stunned for a moment, then he thought about it, and then he said solemnly: “Are you sure? If you really do what you said, then this A team alone can become a powerful force in our hands.”

Zhao Hai smiled slightly, and then he said: “This needs the support of the senior brother, the talents of those loose cultivators are not bad, as long as you give them enough support, there should be no problem in growing up, the senior brother does not need to Worry about it, and we can take them to hunt shadow beasts and solve some of the financial pressure by ourselves, please rest assured, senior brother.”

George nodded, then he said, “Okay, then it’s up to you. You came back this time to tell me about this matter?” Liefeng was a little curious. If Zhao Hai came back this time, he would really The one who told him about this matter, is it a bit too much? In fact, Zhao Hai doesn’t seem to have to come back at all, so he will ask this.

Zhao Hai shook his head and said, “No, this time when I came back, I actually wanted to ask the sect master. I have to report this matter to the sect master, and I have to set up the Jiehai branch. Without the consent of the suzerain, we can’t do it. After all, the establishment of a branch is not a simple matter, and I think it is best not to let too many people know about it. We set up a branch there. If you let other sects know the news, they will do the same right away, so we won’t be able to take advantage of this.”

Lie Feng nodded and said, “Okay, then come with me, we will go to see Master right away.” Zhao Hai responded, and followed Li Feng to meet Liu Yi, and told Liu Yi about the establishment of the branch hall. Now, Liu Yi thought about it, and agreed with Zhao Hai’s plan, and he also gave Zhao Hai a convenience, that is, Zhao Hai’s branch, he can build his own scripture library, in this library library , you can put some middle-level exercises from the sect in Of course not all, you need to select some middle-level exercises, and put the weaker ones there, these exercises can be directly passed on To those scattered practitioners, and from now on, the sect will allocate a certain amount of medicinal pills and magic weapons to them every year to help this branch run, but this branch has to solve some of the funds by itself, and the hall master of this branch, It’s Zhao Hai who has made the reservation now. The branch is entirely up to him, and Liu Yi also said that this matter should be carried out in secret, so don’t let the elders know about it for the time being. This is exactly what Zhao Hai said. One of the results that Hai most hoped for.

The reason why Zhao Hai had to work so hard to create such a branch is to completely cover himself with the coat of the Fire Phoenix Sect, plus he can change all the people in the branch. If he becomes a necromancer, then everything in this Jiehai branch will be up to him. This is exactly what Zhao Hai wants most, which means that he will be in Jiehai in the future. He can take the name of the Fire Phoenix Sect and do his own business, and no one in the sect will doubt him anymore.

It is really important for Zhao Hai to keep the strong wind from targeting him. If the strong wind is targeting him, it is not good news for Zhao Hai, and it may even be bad for his actions. Influence, because no matter what, he is now a member of the Fire Phoenix Sect in name. If Gale Feng really targets him openly, he will be unable to move an inch in the future when he thinks about the Fire Phoenix Sect, let alone in other sects. Now that the relationship with Gale has returned to normal, he will be relieved, and there will be more things he can do.


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