Bringing The Farm To Live In Another World Chapter 2: Snoop


“Hey, life is getting worse and worse now. I heard that there are more and more shadow beasts outside. It seems that the people of the shadow family have increased their strength again. If they don’t make it, they will attack again. If they really attack the Jingan defense line, then Wind Chime Island will be in danger, so we should make plans earlier.” In the tavern, a monk who appeared to be in his forties took a sip of wine. Then he sighed, and the person sitting opposite him was a cultivator in his thirties. The breath of this man was very strange. There was a trace of divine beast on his body, but what kind of divine beast was Zhao? The sea did not know.

“I heard that Boss Chen and the others went out to the island to do a mission before, but they were attacked by the shadow beast, and they couldn’t come back. Boss Chen has a low-level divine beast, and even a person like him could not come back. When I came back, I could see how dangerous the outside world was. I had already thought about it. After two days, when a caravan came over, I would leave with them and enter the Jingan defense line, even if it was a bit hard to live there. , is better than losing your life.” The cultivator in his thirties said.

The monk in his forties, after hearing him say this, thought for a while, and said solemnly: “You are right, returning to the Divine Tree Realm, although life may be a little more difficult, it is better than nothing. Life is much stronger, when will the shadow clan be repelled, we are coming out, it is too dangerous to stay outside now.”

The cultivator in his thirties nodded, and then he sighed lightly: “There are many people leaving now. Fengling Island was originally very safe. After all, it is located in a remote place, but this time There are shadow beasts operating outside the island. It can be seen that it is not safe here, so it is better for us to leave as soon as possible, but we still follow the caravan to be safe. Like Boss Chen, people who have their own low-level divine beasts , they can go directly to the Jingan defense line, but now they can’t, it’s too unsafe, we should wait for the caravan, although it will use some more spirit stones, but it’s worth it.”

The monk in his forties said: “Yes, it’s better to follow the caravan to be safe. I heard that there are law masters in the caravan, and we are a little safer with them, but we don’t know about the wind chimes island. I heard that she is also a master of law, but I don’t know if it’s true?” When the monk in his forties mentioned the island owner, a smile appeared on his face, But that smile was a little weird, and it looked a bit like a smirk.

The cultivator in his thirties said, “The island owner has his own divine beast. I heard that it is still a middle-level divine beast. If she wants to leave, she can leave at any time. As long as she is okay, the next time she In Laifengling Island, then this Fengling Island is still hers, and no one dares to come and **** her, but I heard that this island owner seems to have a very background, and I don’t know if it is true or not.”

“It’s true. I heard that the island owner is an outer disciple of Qingfeng Sect. To put it bluntly, this Fengling Island is nothing more than a tentacle that Qingfeng Sect placed here in Jiehai. With Qingfeng Sect as a backer, dare to follow her. There are indeed very few people who have robbed this place, and you also know what Qingfengzong is, so of course no one will rob her.” The cultivator in his forties looked ambiguous to the thirty-something. The multi-year-old cultivator said, his expression made people understand at a glance what he meant. He was obviously saying that the island owner of Fengchi Island is not a serious person. This person is bold enough, and the most important thing is The thing is, the person who heard him said this nodded his head in agreement, which made Zhao Hai, who had been watching the two of them, feel very surprised. , is it enough? Although he thinks so, Zhao Hai at least knows some things now, and these things are quite useful to him, but there is still a little information, and he still needs to collect more information.

The cultivator in his thirties said solemnly: “That’s why we have to make plans early, when the island owner can leave, how can we go? If there are no divine beasts, then if we rashly enter the boundary sea, then It’s just courting death, how far can we go in two hours, after two hours, the shadow beast will appear, how can we fight the shadow beast, so we have to go.”

The monk in his forties nodded, and then he said to the monk in his thirties with an ambiguous expression: “You said, the island owner has been here on Fengling Island for so many years, does she have any strength? Progress? According to the situation of their sect, how can the strength of the island owner improve?”

The cultivator in his thirties glanced around, then lowered his voice and said, “I heard that the island owner will appear on Fengling Island in various appearances, and no one knows about the island’s That woman is her, and she has hooked a lot of people with this method. I heard that those people are dead, but the strength of the island owner is getting stronger and stronger. This is the power of Qingfengzong. At the same time, even if they are not as strong as them, they can improve their own strength by absorbing the strength of those people, so you have to remember that in the future, on this island, never provoke women, any woman will Don’t provoke it, because you don’t know whether the woman you provoke is the island owner. If that woman is really the island owner, then you are dead. I heard that this is already the rule here in Fengchi Island, although there is no such thing as People say it clearly, but everyone who often comes to Fengling Island knows all about it, brother, you have to remember it.”

“Really? Is there such a thing? I have been working on other islands before, but there are too many shadow beasts on other islands recently. I came to Fengling Island, and I heard this. Having said this, I heard that Qingfengzong’s exercises are very powerful. As long as they are interested in people, they will not escape their palms in the end, and they will be harvested and killed, but those who die, But all of them will enjoy the most extreme happiness in this world, and I don’t know if it is true, if this is the case, even if it is dead, it is worth it, of course, it is best if you can not die.” The monk in his forties said with a wretched expression.

When the cultivator in his thirties heard what he said, he couldn’t help but said solemnly: “Actually not, if the Qingfeng Sect is really so domineering, I’m afraid the people from the Divine Tree Realm will not be able to tolerate them. They know how to harvest, but it takes many times to harvest a person to kill a person. However, I heard that there are two types of exercises. One is to harvest people and die at one time. , The disciples of Qingfengzong generally don’t use it, and the other is to harvest and replenish many times before killing people. People of Qingfengzong generally use this kind of exercise. Of course, I have also heard of these, but whether it is true or not, no one knows, and neither do I.”

The forty-year-old monk nodded, then he looked around, then lowered his voice and said, “There are a lot fewer people on the island now, and those who stay here all think they have some skills. , but I think everyone wants to leave. After all, if you are staying, you may not have the chance to leave in the future, so we should leave as soon as possible. If you are leaving late, I am afraid that the caravan will not take us. Now, if that’s the case, it’s going to be troublesome. I’m not going to go out these two days. I’ll pack up my things, sell all the things I have left, and wait for the caravan to arrive. We’ll be right away. Just leave, you can’t wait any longer.”

The cultivator in his thirties said solemnly: “I mean the same thing, but I’m not going to sell things on the island anymore. The things I have sold on the island are not very valuable, especially at this time. At this time, everyone knew that we were leaving. At this time, if we sold things out, it would definitely not be able to sell for a good price, so I had to wait until I followed the caravan and returned to the Divine Tree Realm. I’m looking for a place to sell those things. In that case, it will be a bit more cost-effective than now. If you have spirit stones in your hand, then keep some things and wait for them to go back to the Divine Tree Realm to deal with them. It might make more money that way.”

Hearing what he said, the cultivator in his forties nodded and said, “That makes sense, okay, then I’ll wait until I return to the Divine Tree Realm to deal with those things. Come, let’s have two drinks. , I have been busy these days, and now I can finally relax.” After speaking, he raised his glass, and the cultivator in his thirties also raised the glass, and the two sipped the wine in the glass. done.

After taking a sip of alcohol, the cultivator in his thirties said, “Although the shadow beast is difficult, the shadow beast bone is a good thing, and those big ones are always being charged, and the price is high. It’s not low, but unfortunately, we have no chance. As soon as the shadow beasts appear, it is not easy for us to deal with them in groups. If we can get a few shadow beast bones, that would be great. Now the major sects receive Shadow Beast Bone, but all of them are a good price.”

The monk in his forties said with a relaxed sigh, “Forget it, we’d better be careful. Shadow beasts are easy to deal with, but if he really deals with them, it may be dangerous. Walking by the river, there are people who don’t wet their shoes. Isn’t that the case with Boss Chen before? He used to be just like you and me, but he was just an ordinary loose cultivator. He used these spirit stones to sell a divine beast egg. Although it was only the egg of a low-level divine beast, it was enough. I heard that he had been hunting shadow beasts before and made a lot of money, but so what? Isn’t that what I mean now? If you want to earn more spirit stones, you have to take risks, and then I am afraid that I will earn it with my life, and I will spend it with my life.”

The cultivator in his thirties also nodded, and then sighed lightly: “Unfortunately, we loose cultivators are like this at most, and there is no way to make any progress. Now I heard that in In the Divine Tree Realm, it is not an easy task to buy divine beast eggs, many sects are no longer selling divine beast eggs, and even if we want to do like Boss Chen in the future, we will have no chance.”

The cultivator in his 40s couldn’t help but sighed when he heard what he said: “In this world, there is no room for us loose cultivators, those big sects are really a way to survive. Don’t leave it to us, I don’t know how to live in the future.” After speaking, he drank another sip of wine, but his face was still sad.


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