Bringing The Farm To Live In Another World Chapter 1100: Channel


Everyone laughed. Most of them are old people who have been with Zhao Hai for a long time, so they have less scruples when they talk to Zhao Hai. Those who joined, all understood how Zhao Hai and the others usually got along, and all of them laughed along with them.

Everyone laughed for a while, then Zhao Hai waved his hand, Zhang Hongliang also sat down, Zhao Hai then said: “This kid Hongliang never tells lies, he is so confident now, I will Don’t worry, then let’s talk about the second thing. This time you heard that you have made a lot of activated puppets. The combat effectiveness is still very good, and it can also activate all the disciples’ armors. Come here? In this way, all the disciples can use the power of the law, right?”

Wen Yuming hurriedly responded, this matter has always been his responsibility, so now it is natural for him to come forward to deal with it, Zhao Hai nodded and said: “This method is very good, no matter when it is. , the lives of the disciples are the most important, if those activated puppets really open their spiritual wisdom one day, let them directly become disciples of the sect, Lao Wen, what are you busy with recently?”

Wen Yuming immediately said: “Master, we are studying Mantianhuo, which was discovered by Lao Ding and the others during the battle. They found that there are still some problems in our attacking methods. The power is still a little small, so I want us to re-study a kind of law-level fire, and we are currently studying this.”

Zhao Hai nodded and said: “Yes, this path should be on the right track, the fire in the sky is very good, I am reminding you, you can see if you can conflict with the energy of the law, Use it in Mantian Fire to increase the power of Mantian Fire? You have to test this yourself, I’m afraid I don’t have time to test it yourself.” Zhao Hai put forward his own idea, and Yu Ming listened to Zhao Hai’s words , but was stunned for a moment, then his eyes lit up, and then he immediately clasped his fists at Zhao Hai and said, “Yes, please rest assured, young master, I will keep an eye on this matter, and promise to make new fire , the power has become greater, please wait for our good news, young master.”

Zhao Hai nodded, then he glanced at everyone, and then said: “Okay, now we can say that we are all ready, although the number of alien beasts in the sect is not enough, we can’t give all the disciples all of them. Sending one out will give those disciples an extra life, but if it is only used by some of the disciples, there is no problem. When we go to the upper realm this time, we don’t need to go to all of them. The disciples who go to the upper realm of the gods must have There are alien beasts, I will tell Laura and the others about this, you don’t have to worry.”

Everyone agreed, and Zhao Hai continued: “Then there is only one thing left, go to the upper realm, okay, the meeting will end here, we have talked too much here, and we will Why don’t you go to the scene to see what it looks like, let’s go and find a solution together.” Everyone responded, then all stood up, and the next moment everyone disappeared into the conference room, and by the time they appeared, they were already there. We arrived at the base of Evil Ghost Abyss. The base of Evil Ghost Abyss is very large, and some disciples are stationed there, but there are not many people. The place where Zhao Hai and the others appeared is in the spherical base. From the spherical base, directly to the root of the beast tree, and finally to the place where the root extends into the world of gods.

Everyone looked at the root of the beast tree. The root was directly extending from the other side of the space, and the space barrier seemed to be completely integrated with the beast tree. There seemed to be no place there. What gap, this made everyone frown.

Zhao Hai looked at the place, then he looked at the root of the beast tree under his feet, and then put his hand gently on the root of the beast tree, and slowly felt the root of the beast tree. Looking at Zhao Hai, he didn’t dare to disturb him, and Zhao Hai sat so quietly, after a while he opened his eyes, and then said: “I thought of a way in the past, that is, through this god. The root of the tree cover, the root of this mythical beast tree, has very strong energy, and most of you can’t get through it, but I can, I’m going to go there first, and then look at the situation there, wait until I find out the situation there, I’m looking for it. A safe place, build a teleportation formation, and then you will go there, but after the past, you must also make some preparations. People from the upper realm who come to us from here, we must be able to lock them up here, only in this way can we ensure the safety of our place and the safety of the **** realm, understand?”

Zhang Hongliang responded quickly, Zhao Hai nodded, and then said: “Go, strengthen the defensive circle here, when will your defensive circle finish strengthening, and when will I be in the past? Retreat here, go get busy.” Zhang Hongliang responded, Zhao Hai turned to look at the others, and then said solemnly: “You guys also go, get ready, and after I pass, you can always do it at any time. Wait for my notice, I will let you go over, you will go over immediately, understand?” Everyone responded quickly.

Zhao Hai waved his hand, and then everyone bowed to Zhao Hai, then turned around and left. After they left, Zhao Hai directly wrote to Laura and the others, and told Laura and the others about the alien beast. After listening to Zhao Hai’s words, Laura and the others also said that there is no problem. They have already stored a lot of alien beast eggs, which is enough for them. As long as they don’t use alien beasts for all their disciples, they can supply them. Come here, after all, they have nearly 100 million in stock now, which is enough.

After explaining all these things, Zhao Hai sat there quietly, using his own power of thinking, to reach the root of the tree of divine beasts. The power of thinking of the Shengai tree is connected. As long as his power of thinking can be connected with the power of thinking of the tree of gods and beasts, then he can make the tree of gods and beasts think that he is an energy in the tree of gods and beasts, and then he can Use the escape method to enter the root of the sacred beast tree, and then enter the upper realm from the root of the sacred beast tree. This is Zhao Hai’s idea, and he did not lie to Wen Wenhai and the others. It is true that only he can do it, no one else can do it, they don’t have the power of thinking, even if they have the power of thinking, their power of thinking can’t keep up with the power of thinking of the beast tree, even Zhao Hai , his power of thinking is only able to keep up with the power of thinking of the divine beast tree, which shows the power of the divine beast tree.

Zhao Hai had only used his own thinking power to keep up with the thinking power of the Divine Beast Tree, but in the next period of time, he must use his own thinking power and the thinking power of the Divine Beast Tree to achieve a perfect Combined together, only in this way can he truly understand the situation of the Divine Beast Tree, and then he can reach the Upper Realm God Realm through the Divine Beast Tree.

Zhao Hai’s power of thinking was immediately linked to the tree of divine beasts. Just when his power of thinking was linked to that of the tree of divine beasts, Zhao Hai suddenly felt a trace of sadness. This made Zhao Hai stunned for a moment, and then Zhao Hai immediately felt the emotion carefully. He really wanted to know what was going on and why the beast tree had such emotions.

Zhao Hai soon discovered the problem. He found that the root of the divine beast tree that stretched out to the God Realm was not without integrity. He had actually been cut off. The root of the tree, he felt that he was originally a small branch of a huge mythical beast tree. This mythical beast tree is so huge, how big is it, there is no root of this mythical beast tree. concept, and then a huge accident happened in the upper realm of the gods. There was a big battle. After that battle, he was cut off from the beast tree, and he, together with a piece of soil, was completely separated from the beast tree. Yes, but he is the root of the beast tree after all, his vitality is still very strong, he is still alive, and the reason why he reached the beast here is also a coincidence. When he was separated from the beast tree, he happened to fall into a space. In the crack, he was stuck there, so he naturally extended his roots to the God Realm, and where he is now is actually an unknown place, it is a hole in the ground, and there is no sun, but he Although it is only a branch, it still grows a small mythical beast tree, and on this small mythical beast tree, there is also a small mythical beast egg, but it grows in a dark place, and there are some Malnourished, of course no one found him.

Zhao Hai only got this information, but there is one thing that Zhao Hai is very clear about, that is, the location of the root of the tree is indeed the upper realm of the gods. There should be nothing wrong with this, so Zhao Hai Also rest assured.

However, he didn’t get a lot of information from the root of the beast tree, so he didn’t know much about the upper realm of the gods. However, Zhao Haili didn’t think about using the root of the beast to fully understand the upper realm of the gods. The situation He still prepares himself to go there, and then he will have a good understanding of the situation in the upper realm of the gods.

Just when Zhao Hai learned about the God Realm of the Upper Realm, Zhang Hongliang and the others had already built the magic circle. They had completely strengthened the magic circle here in Evil Guiyuan, and everyone else had done it. Ready, then Zhang Hongliang and the others came to Zhao Hai, Zhao Hai also felt Zhang Hongliang and the others, he opened his eyes, looked at Zhang Hongliang and the others, and then said solemnly: “Ready?”

Zhang Hongliang nodded and said, “Yes, young master, you are ready.”

Zhao Hai nodded, and then he used his mental power to feel the situation here, and found that this place was indeed sealed by a magic circle, so he said: “Okay, you wait for my news, and also There is no need for everyone to gather here, just leave people here to guard.” Everyone responded.

Zhao Hai didn’t care about them either, but slowly closed his eyes. Then he used his power of thinking to connect with the power of thinking of the root of the beast tree, and then Zhao Hai’s body shape , actually slowly sank into the roots of the divine beast tree, and finally disappeared completely. Everyone looked at the place where Zhao Hai disappeared, and they were a little worried, but at this time Wen Wenhai said: “Old Ding, Si’er, Yulong, Wanchun, the four of you are here, waiting for the boss’s news, everyone else, do whatever they want, we are waiting for the boss’s news to act.” Everyone responded, and then all directed at Wen Wenhai After bowing, turned around and left, only Ding Chunming and the others remained.


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