Bringing The Farm To Live In Another World Chapter 1099: Upgrade (4)


The Xuanwu space is the most important to Zhao Hai, because the entire blood killing sect is in the Xuanwu space. It can be said that the foundation of Zhao Hai is in the Xuanwu space, so Xuanwu is responsible for the Xuanwu space, and he wants to protect the Xuanwu space. security,

It is also necessary to ensure the normal operation of the Xuanwu space, so the Xuanwu clone is very important, is it important to protect the foundation?

And the avatar of the dharma is used for fighting. He is Zhao Hai’s dharma avatar, and it is also the avatar specially used by Zhao Hai for fighting, because this avatar is very important, and the power of the dharma is huge. In addition to Zhao Hai’s refining skeleton,

Combining the two,

Then the combat power is stronger, it is suitable to use him to fight, and even if there is something wrong with this clone, it will not affect Zhao Hai.

And Zhao Hai’s body, in fact, the most important thing is to ensure his own safety. This sounds like it is very useless, but it is true. Zhao Hai’s body is also very powerful, even when it comes to combat power. , Zhao Hai’s body combat power may be the strongest, because Zhao Hai’s own body is very strong, so his body is also very strong.

But his body is the root of everything,

If there is no existence of his body, then these two avatars will not exist. As long as there is no problem with his body, the two avatars will not be a problem. This is the most important part of the body, so his body , it is necessary to ensure safety, the body is there, everything is there, if the body is gone, then everything is over.

Zhao Hai let out a long breath, then slowly opened his eyes, and then he glanced at the Xuanwu clone, which was still standing quietly on a mountain without moving, but Zhao Hai was very clear , It is very easy for him to control Xuanwu clone now. It is because of this that Zhao Hai will be very easy to control Xuanwu in the future.

Seeing Xuanwu lying there, Zhao Hai thought,

The next moment, Xuanwu’s body suddenly grew countless big trees. These big trees have grown up in the blink of an eye, and because of their growth, Xuanwu’s body was completely blocked. Now as long as Xuanwu lay there still, no one knew that there was a giant beast there.

After doing this, Zhao Hai moved back to the Xuanwu space. Once he returned to the Xuanwu space, Zhao Hai went directly to Wen Wenhai. Wen Wenhai was still processing the documents, and when he saw Zhao Hai came , he immediately stood up and saluted Zhao Hai, Zhao Hai waved his hand, then sat down with Wen Wenhai, Wen Wenhai immediately made a cup of tea for Zhao Hai, and then Wen Wenhai said to Zhao Hai: “Boss, this time retreat Has everything gone smoothly? Has the Xuanwu space been upgraded? Some time ago, the spiritual energy in our place was more intense, is it because of your upgrade?” Wen Wenhai and the others felt that the spiritual energy in the Xuanwu space was even more intense. It is rich, but because there is no other situation, Wen Wenhai is still a little uncertain, so he will ask Zhao Hai.

Zhao Hai nodded and said: “Yes, now the Xuanwu space has been upgraded, but this time the upgrade is mainly to upgrade the Xuanwu, in order to make the Xuanwu stronger, so that our Xuanwu space can only be upgraded. It will be safer, what’s going on here in the God Realm now?” Zhao Hai is still more concerned about the situation in the God Realm, of course, he is more concerned about whether the passage to the upper realm has been found in the God Realm. It’s the most important thing to him, nothing else.

Wen Wenhai said solemnly: “The reconstruction of the God Realm is almost complete. People who used to live here in the God Realm don’t harm their life now. They live very peacefully and are used to it, but the road to We have not yet found the passage to the upper realm of the gods, we have sent our disciples to look for it, but so far, there is still no clue, boss, what should we do now?”

Zhao Hai thought for a while, and then said solemnly: “I think if you want to find a passage to the upper realm of the gods, there is only one place that is most likely, and that is where the Evil Ghost Abyss, where the Evil Ghost Abyss is located. The root of the mythical beast tree, you should remember that the root of the mythical beast tree stretches out from another dimension, and I suspect that the space where the root of the mythical beast tree stretches out is the upper realm of the gods.”

When Wen Wenhai heard Zhao Hai say this, he couldn’t help but froze for a moment, then he made a fist with one hand, the other into a palm, he hit the palm with one punch, and then said: “Yeah, why did I forget this? , the root of the mythical beast tree stretched out from another dimension, and then in the **** realm, the current mythical beast tree was formed, but because of the leakage of energy, the mythical beast eggs produced in the mythical beast tree here are all It’s not very strong, but the beast tree at the other end of the tree root must be very strong, and the eggs of the beast must be very strong. Before combining some legends about the upper realm in the **** realm, the root of the beast tree stretched out. The place may really be the upper realm of the gods.”

Zhao Hai said solemnly: “In the past, there was a record here in the God Realm, once the divine beast eggs formed on the divine beast tree are very strong, then the divine beast may take its master and fly to the upper realm of the gods. Now, the root of the divine beast tree becomes weaker after reaching the God Realm. That is to say, before he becomes weak, the divine beast eggs produced may be very strong, and it is not surprising that divine beasts hatch. That is to say, the divine beasts in the God Realm in the upper realm may all be powerful divine beasts, and all of this is consistent with some conditions of the main root of the divine beast tree, so I think the main root of the divine beast tree is the way to the upper realm. The place in the God Realm may originally be the place where the upper realm can be reached, but it is not there, but now we can’t find such a place at all, there is only a clue there, so let’s try it and see if we can From there, go to the upper realm of the gods, if you go through, then of course it is the best, if you can’t get through, don’t think of a way, what do you think?” Zhao Hai still attaches great importance to Wen Wenhai’s opinion, after all, Wen Wenhai Now he is the big housekeeper of the Blood Killing Sect, so he will ask Wen Wenhai’s opinion. He believes that Wen Wenhai thinks the same way.

Sure enough, Wen Wenhai listened to Zhao Hai’s words for a while, and kept nodding, and finally he said: “Yes, boss, that’s right, we all forgot about it before, and now we go to boss. When you say this, we also think that there is the passage to the upper realm of the gods, and it may be the only clue we can know now, so let’s call everyone over and let’s discuss it together.”

Zhao Hai nodded, Wen Wenhai immediately sent a letter to everyone, telling everyone that Zhao Hai was out of customs, and asked everyone to go to the conference room for a meeting. After the notification, the two went directly to the conference room. When the two arrived at the conference room, some elders had already arrived in the conference room. The two greeted the elder, then sat down and waited for the arrival of others.

After a while, everyone arrived. Everyone who came in would salute Zhao Hai, and Zhao Hai nodded at them. After everyone sat down, Zhao Hai said: ” This time I called everyone here to talk about the matter that we are leading to the upper realm. We have solved the shadow clan people now, but the **** realm and the upper realm are supposed to be one, so if we want to In order to merge the God Realm into the Xuanwu space, we must connect to the upper realm and also into the Xuanwu space, so we must enter the upper realm, and if we want to enter the upper realm In the God Realm, we have to find a passage, I heard that in the past few days, it seems that everyone has not been successful in finding a passage, right?” He glanced at everyone here, and they all bowed their heads and said nothing. Time, has been looking for the passage to the upper realm, but it is indeed not found.

Zhao Hai looked at everyone and couldn’t help but smiled and said: “Don’t be nervous, everyone, I just thought of a way, everyone listen to it and see if it works, it is the main root of the mythical beast tree in Evil Ghost Abyss. , The mythical beast tree here is stretched out from another interface, and the sacred beast tree that stretched over should be stretched out from the upper realm of the gods, so I think there is a ready-made passage, if It should be easier for us to go to the upper realm from there, what do you think?”

When everyone heard what Zhao Hai said, they were all stunned for a moment, and then their eyes showed a look of sudden realization. After Zhao Hai reminded them, they remembered the situation in Evil Guiyuan. At the same time, one by one He also secretly scolded himself for being stupid. These days, they almost turned over the God Realm, and in the end they didn’t find any clues, but Zhao Hai woke them up with just one sentence.

Zhao Hai glanced at everyone, then smiled slightly: “I called everyone here this time to tell everyone about At the same time, there are a few things to confirm. First , Have all the magic circles here in the God Realm have been built? Are they three-dimensional magic circles? If these magic circles are activated, will they be enough to ensure the safety of the God Realm? Whether the magic circle here in the realm can be stopped, we must be sure about this matter, because if we really go to the upper realm through that passage, then our enemy may be the upper realm. The people there, the strength of the people there may be much stronger than here in the realm of the gods, we may face a more powerful enemy, if the enemy discovers that passage, will they attack from that passage, if they Attacking from that channel, then whether we can stop their attack, these are all things we must consider first, is Hongliang in charge of this matter? Hongliang, tell me.”

Zhang Hongliang responded, he immediately stood up and saluted Zhao Hai: “Yes, young master, I am responsible for this matter, please rest assured, young master, we have already dealt with it, and now our law The array is already a whole, and all the arrays are three-dimensional arrays. At the eyes of the array, there are all legal instruments to control them. We can adjust the strength of the entire array to fight against the enemy. It’s the young master, if you want to break our magic formation, it won’t be easy if you rely on strength alone.” Zhang Hongliang is also an old man who has been with Zhao Hai for a long time, so he didn’t speak too politely to Zhao Hai. When Zhao Hai heard his words, he laughed out loud. He pointed at Zhang Hongliang and said, “You are so confident, okay, that’s fine.”

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