Bringing The Farm To Live In Another World Chapter 1098: Upgrade (3)


As soon as he noticed the situation of Xuanwu’s brain, Zhao Hai realized why he had so much difficulty in commanding Xuanwu before, because Xuanwu’s brain could not be used,

His brain can’t be used, and there is no way to command his body. Of course, Zhao Hai wants to control Xuanwu. Of course, it is very difficult. This is a machine. If you control it manually, /

What would that be like,

What would be the result if the control was fully automatic? Full manual control,

That’s exhausting, but if it’s fully automatic, maybe all you have to do is push the buttons.

Zhao Hai really didn’t pay attention to this matter before, because he didn’t really need to control Xuanwu a lot before. He didn’t pay attention to the situation of Xuanwu’s brain, now he finally knows the situation of Xuanwu’s brain, but this also makes Zhao Hai a little worried, because the situation of Xuanwu’s brain is actually abnormal, his brain looks very healthy, why not way to use it?

Although he thought so, Zhao Hai did not stop in his hands, but kept refining Xuanwu’s brain. He refining was very careful,

However, this is not difficult, so it only took him about four hours to completely refine Xuanwu’s brain. This is already slow, because it is Xuanwu’s brain. It is very fragile, so he was very careful, and it took so long to completely refine Xuanwu’s brain.

After refining Xuanya’s brain, Zhao Hai immediately focused his attention on Xuanwu’s brain. He wanted to know why Xuanwu’s brain was useless. He carefully looked at the situation of Xuanwu’s brain. It was only later that he discovered that Xuanwu’s brain is useless because the nerves connected to the brain are not connected now, but the blood vessels that provide nutrition to the brain,

But it is connected to the brain.

That means,

Although the basalt brain is now well nourished,

There is no problem, but the channel he controls the outside world is disconnected, so he has no way to use it. Zhao Hai paid attention to Xuanwu’s brain again. He found that in Xuanwu’s brain, the nerves connected to the outside world are also It is only intact, but it is disconnected now. It can be used as long as it is connected. This is really too simple for Zhao Hai. Now Xuanwu’s body has been upgraded and has the ability to grow infinitely. Nerves connect, isn’t that easy? However, Zhao Hai did not immediately connect Xuanwu’s brain nerves. He would first fuse his biological brain with Xuanwu’s brain, and then connect the nerves, so that his biological brain could completely control Xuanwu. body.

As soon as he thought of this, he immediately started to do it. With his hand, the skin and flesh on Xuanwu’s head were all cracked, and then the skull seemed to melt, and a hole appeared. Then Zhao Hai waved his hand, A biological brain fell directly into the hole and encountered Xuanwu’s brain. Xuanwu’s brain had the ability to absorb it, but now it was Zhao Hai’s biological brain. Zhao Hai immediately controlled Xuanwu’s brain, slowly. Slowly fuse the biological brain, and save all the things in the biological brain.

It is precisely because of this that Zhao Hai found out that the fusion of biological brains requires great care. If it is, then nothing in his biological brain will be left, and all the things in the biological brain will disappear, just like the hard disk of a computer has been formatted.

Zhao Hai let out a sigh of relief. No matter what, the result is good, but there is one thing. When he evolves and integrates, he must be careful, and he must use his divine power to control the strength. The things in the biological brain will really disappear.

Zhao Hai immediately took out another biological brain and slowly melted it into Xuanwu’s brain. He has a total of eight biological brains. This is because he feels that his biological brain is enough. There is no need to make it, otherwise he can make more biological brains. Now he needs to integrate these eight biological brains into Xuanwu’s brain. Fortunately, Xuanwu’s brain has swallowed up. The ability to absorb, otherwise, there is really no way to integrate.

Because Zhao Hai had to be careful not to damage the biological brain, the fusion of the biological brains was not going fast. When Zhao Hai completed the fusion of the eight biological brains, seven days had passed, and Zhao Hai had completed the fusion of the eight biological brains. Hai also felt very tired. He had to be careful every step of the way. Otherwise, the things in the creature’s brain might be gone, so he didn’t dare to relax for a moment, which also made him feel very tired. Zhao Hai heaved a sigh of relief, and then he let Xuanwu’s brain return to its original state, the bones and flesh and blood were all restored, and then he did not immediately take the last step, but sat there quietly and began to rest, he had to let After you have completely recovered to the best state, you can proceed to the last step. The last step is to connect the nerves of the biological brain, and then connect the rune space to the brain of Xuanwu. Even if you have completed the overall upgrade of Xuanwu, But this step must also be very careful, because there are many nerves in Xuanwu’s brain, he must be careful to connect, none of them can be wrongly connected, if he is wrong, the consequences will be disastrous, so Zhao Hai must The last step can be taken until you have returned yourself to the best possible condition.

This time Zhao Hai had a good rest for three days, and during these three days, he also paid attention to the situation of the Blood Killing Sect. Everything is fine now, and the post-war reconstruction here in the God Realm has also It went very smoothly. Many people from the God Realm have also returned to the God Realm to live. Of course, they have all become disciples of the Blood Killing Sect. They just live here in the God Realm. After the God Realm is merged into the Xuanwu space, Alright, but now there is no way for the God Realm to merge into the Xuanwu space, so they can only live in the God Realm first.

The people in the God Realm are not disgusted. They have been living in the God Realm before. Although the Xuanwu space is very good, it is difficult to leave their homeland. They really don’t want to leave the God Realm. Now they can return They are of course happy to live in a place they are familiar with, and in the future, there will be peace in the God Realm. This is a great thing for people in the God Realm.

As soon as Zhao Hai saw this situation, he was relieved. After relaxing for three days and allowing his state to fully recover, Zhao Hai returned directly to the top of Xuan Wu’s head. He crossed his knees once. He sat on top of Xuanwu’s head, and then his divine power slowly penetrated into Xuanwu’s head. Xuanwu’s brain was still functioning normally. It was already Zhao Hai’s biological brain, and he was still helping Zhao Hai. Various calculations are being performed, but because the nerves are not yet connected, this brain is still the same as the previous biological brain. It can only help Zhao Hai to calculate things, and there is no way to help Zhao Hai control Xuanwu.

After Zhao Hai’s jing power entered Xuanwu’s brain, he began to slowly mobilize the nerves in Xuanwu’s brain. These nerves all have their own positions, and the nerves connected to him also have their own position, so he doesn’t have to worry about connecting the wrong nerves, and he doesn’t have to try to connect those nerves one by one, because these nerves are easy to connect, and it is impossible for you to connect other nerves, the position is wrong, How do you connect, so this step of Zhao Hai is very smooth, but because there are too many nerves in Xuanwu’s brain, Zhao Hai wants to connect all these nerves, it will take a long time, so Zhao Hai Hai is not in a hurry, he can only come slowly. Although his nerves will not be wrong, it is better to be careful. If he is really wrong, it will be troublesome.

As the nerves were connected together, Zhao Hai’s heart gradually calmed down. He has no other thoughts now. He only wants to connect those nerves together. It was three days in a row. After three days, when the last nerve connection was completed, Zhao Hai felt a shock in his body, and then he suddenly found that his body seemed to grow bigger at once, and he couldn’t help but close it. Eyes, quietly feeling his body, and soon he found that his body has become really different from before. His current body seems to be divided into three parts, the first part is his body, and the third part is his body. The second part is the skeleton avatar, and the third part is the Xuanwu avatar. He now has a very clear feeling about these three bodies, as if his body was originally like that, and he can command these three bodies at will, Without a little This discovery made Zhao Hai overjoyed, so that his strength will be stronger in the future, because Zhao Hai found that he can now let the energy in these three bodies , the circulation of self-tourism, this is really too important for him, because energy can circulate freely in his three bodies, which means that his body itself has inexhaustible energy, It also means that his body can freely use some of the characteristics of the other two bodies, which is definitely a good thing for Zhao Hai, and Zhao Hai is of course happy.

Zhao Hai sat there and felt it for a while. After he finally confirmed that there was no problem, he relaxed. Then he was about to take the last step, which was to connect the Rune Space with Xuanwu and enter it together. It should also be linked with the skeleton avatar, where it can no longer be called the skeleton avatar, it should be called the dharma avatar, because the skeleton is finally connected to his law, so it is correct to call it the dharma avatar, before the dharma avatar, It has not been connected to the rune space, and this time he is going to connect the avatar of the law to the rune space. I believe that this way, the fighting power of the avatar will be stronger, and the combat power of Zhao Hai’s body will also be stronger.

To connect the rune space with the Xuanwu avatar and the Dharma avatar, this is actually very simple, Zhao Hai can do it very easily, so he directly connects his rune space with his two avatars Being together, he did this because he wanted to make himself a little easier in the future. When he was fighting against people in the future, he would not need to come forward himself. After completing his task, the real body will stay in the space and the Xuanwu space, and control the overall situation.

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