Bringing The Farm To Live In Another World Chapter 1: Arrived


Zhao Hai felt as if he was in an energy flow. This energy flow was very powerful. Although it would not pose any threat to him, the energy contained in this energy flow was to More than the energy in his body, but fortunately he will not be identified as an enemy by this energy flow, otherwise it would be really troublesome.

Zhao Hai was supposed to go upstream, so that he could pass through the root of the beast tree and enter the upper realm of the gods, but he did not do so. On the contrary, he followed the energy flow all the way down. , because he is very clear that the energy flow in the root of the divine beast is actually a cycle, that is to say, instead of going up against the current here, it is better for him to follow the energy flow down, and then when it reaches a cycle, The energy flow will naturally bring him to the upper realm of the gods, and there is no need for him to go upstream. The energy flow is so strong, if he goes upstream, it will not only be dangerous, if it is wrong, it will also be affected by this The energy flow is regarded as an enemy. Even if he is not regarded as an enemy, it will take a long time for him, so he simply follows the energy flow, which may be faster.

Because Zhao Hai has used the power of thinking to communicate with the roots of the beast tree for a long time, he still has a good understanding of energy flow. The cycle of energy flow is not just a simple big cycle, but also It is a cycle composed of countless small cycles. Now he is going to follow this small cycle, then enter a large cycle, and finally enter the God Realm.

Zhao Hai followed this energy flow all the way down, and not long after that, he felt that this energy flow had turned, and he followed the turn, and at this turn, Zhao Hai immediately followed the power of this turn, Directly let himself rush out of this energy flow, enter another larger energy flow, and then follow that energy flow into a larger energy flow, if after a few times, he Finally, he entered the largest energy flow, and he was still heading towards the upper realm of the gods.

In this energy flow, you can’t prepare to feel the time. Zhao Hai moved forward along the energy flow. I don’t know how long it took, he suddenly felt that the pressure outside the energy flow seemed to be great. This made Zhao Hai’s heart uncontrollably move. He knew that he should have come to the upper realm of the gods. He immediately used his mental power to explore outside, and soon he was drilling from that energy stream. When he came out, Zhao Hai soon felt the outside world, and he came out immediately.

When he came out, he realized that he was in a small cave. This cave was only about 100 square meters, and this cave was still a completely closed cave, with an area of ​​only 100 meters. , the height is only about ten meters, and in this cave, there is nothing else, only a small tree, this small tree is only about three meters high, there are not many branches on the small tree, There are some white leaves, some branches, and a nest grows. In this nest, there is a divine beast egg, but this divine beast egg is smaller than those divine beast eggs that Zhao Hai has seen. Eggs are about two feet in height, and their largest diameter is almost one foot, which is actually quite large.

But the egg of the divine beast that Zhao Hai has seen now is not very big, and it looks like the size of an ostrich. Zhao Hai already knows through the thinking of the root of the divine beast tree. The egg has been here for a long time, because the divine beast tree has no concept of time, so he doesn’t know how long it is. It is already mature, and it is impossible for a mature mythical beast egg to be so big, but the fact is that this mythical beast egg is indeed mature, but it is a little malnourished because it has not absorbed enough energy.

Zhao Hai didn’t move the divine beast egg. He looked around and probed around with his mental power. He was sure that this place was underground, and it was still deep underground, because he could feel it. It can be concluded that the surrounding of the cave is full of dirt, and it is very thick, and the surrounding area is very thick, so he must be underground.

Zhao Hai thought about it and decided to go out to have a look. He followed the direction of the top of the tree and flew directly, then merged into the soil on the top of the cave, and kept swimming forward. Judging from the divine beast tree, that direction is up, because even in such a dark environment, the divine beast tree cannot grow upside down under the influence of gravity, so the direction of the tree top must be up, So Zhao Hai went upstream. He believed that no matter if he was underground or somewhere else, if he went upstream, he would be able to reach the ground at the fastest speed, and then he would know that the Upper Realm is here in the God Realm. What is the situation? He must first understand the situation in the upper realm, and then he can take the next step. If he does not understand the upper realm, he will not let the disciples of the Blood Killing Sect enter the upper realm. It’s too dangerous to come from the world. Of course, in order to ensure his own safety, Zhao Hai is also very careful when going upstream. He knows that the people here in the upper realm will definitely be stronger than the lower realm. People from the God Realm are stronger. If he is not careful, he may be discovered by people from the God Realm in the upper realm. At that time, it will be really dangerous.

Zhao Hai has been swimming upstream for about ten miles. Only then did he feel some changes in the soil above his head. The aura in the soil was more abundant. Zhao Hai knew that he was about to reach the ground. He was even more careful. He moved upstream to the ground little by little, daring not to make a sound or to show a little energy fluctuation. He swam forward about twenty feet again, and he finally felt the ground. He was careful. He used his mental power to feel the situation on the ground. This feeling made Zhao Hai a little surprised. He found that he seemed to be in a yard, and there were many people in this yard. You can feel the breath of those people, all of them are cultivators, but some of them have a very strange breath. The breath on their bodies is not only a cultivator, but also a touch of the breath of a divine beast, but the aura of this divine beast The breath is also a bit strange, because he actually felt that the breath of this divine beast seemed to be completely integrated with the breath of those monks, as if it was the power of blood, which made Zhao Hai very curious, to know that even blood The disciples of the killing sect received alien divine beasts and coexisted with alien divine beasts. The aura on their bodies was also different from those of these people. What happened to the aura on these people?

What makes Zhao Hai even more strange is that the energy in these people, although the energy in these people is not bad, it is not as strong as he imagined. As far as he can feel, the people in this yard, The breath on their bodies has also reached the Void Return Realm. Although it is said that the people in the yard do not practice Qi Realm and Spiritual Realm, and the worst is Void Return Realm, but he does not feel that any master of the law Breath, this makes Zhao Hai very curious, so Zhao Hai decides not to show up first, let’s see the situation first.

Zhao Hai can feel that it is daytime outside, and the monks in the courtyard seem to be very anxious. Everyone is passing by in a hurry. Zhao Hai feels that there are too many people here. He didn’t dare to use his mental power at will, so he was going to wait until the night, go out from the underground, and then find someone to look at his memory, so that he could understand the situation here faster, now outside It was still noon, he still had a long time, he was not in a hurry, he could wait slowly.

But something that surprised Zhao Hai happened. It was obvious that Zhao Hai felt that it was noon outside, but after only an hour or so, the sky turned completely dark, and the people on the ground didn’t seem to be surprised at all. They lit the lights, but the hurried footsteps in the past were slowed down at this time, which made Zhao Hai even more surprised. He decided to listen to the situation outside first, and then decided to act, so Zhao Hai He slowly probed his mental power out a little, he wanted to see what these people were doing in this yard, why are there so many people in this yard during the daytime, and they were still so anxious, when it got dark, Instead, he was not in a hurry, and everyone moved slowly and leisurely, which made Zhao Hai very puzzled. He felt that this Upper Realm God Realm was a bit weird.

Zhao Hai moved slowly underground, and soon he figured out where this place was. It looked like an inn. There was a two-story building in front of this inn, which should be a tavern. , there are a lot of people drinking and eating, and there are many courtyards in the back. These courtyards are all places for people to However, in the middle of the backyard, there is a big room. In this room, there are A lot of people are busy there, and they seem to be keeping accounts. In this room, there are also several signs with words written on them, and all those words are actually some tasks, for example, to find some medicinal materials, Or the word **** someone, Zhao Hai is too familiar with such a place, this is basically a mission hall, but how can this be a mission hall? It doesn’t look like a sect here, why is there a mission hall here? And this mission hall is also very strange. It feels like an inn, more like a mission hall. Although the people here are monks, they do not have uniform clothes, and the exercises they practice are also different. It seems that these people are not sect disciples. This is strange. What is this place? Why is there such a place?

Zhao Hai soon turned his attention to the tavern. He was very clear that no matter who these people were, as long as they ate and drank in the tavern, they would definitely speak. , there will be a lot of information, so Zhao Hai can know a lot of things from this information, so Zhao Hai is now focusing on those who eat, this may be the fastest place to inquire about news, Of course, he also has to look at the people in this tavern, the people with strange auras, who are they, and why their auras are so strange, these are things Zhao Hai must understand now.


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