Blue and White Society: The Yili of Tao and the Enlightenment of Buddha.

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Because Gun Yu’s water control was too hard-core earlier, I want to talk about it in a light-hearted way.

As a result, I saw that some people wanted to see me talk about mythology, Buddhism, and the like.

I’m drunk. This topic is too big. I could speak more than 10,000 words about Chang’e flying to the moon. I wrote 20,000 words about Gun and Yu controlling floods. I also wrote a separate chapter to introduce Yu’s character in advance.

Talk about Buddhism?

Okay, let’s talk about Buddhism first.


After finishing speaking, then preach again.


OK, done.

Buddha and Tao, it’s that simple.

If we have to dig deeper, we are not talking about Buddhism and Taoism, but about ‘Buddhism’ and ‘Taoism’.

These are two different things and must be clearly distinguished.

Even if we talk about Buddhism and Taoism, it is impossible to talk about them separately. Hundreds of thousands of words are not enough.

To be precise, Buddhism should be Buddhism. All Buddhist sects and even cultures related to Buddhism can be called Buddhism.

The same is true for Taoism. Those who elaborate on Tao culture, those who study the history of Tao culture, those who practice Tao principles, and those who practice Taoist theory can all be called Taoists.

Both Buddhism and Taoism include religion, not just religion.

You must clearly distinguish the differences between Taoism, Taoism, and Taoism.

Here I can only briefly talk about the Chinese people’s beliefs. Buddhism was introduced during the Han Dynasty. Although its influence has grown since then, it is not the Chinese people’s belief.

Some people say that Chinese people have no faith. This is wrong. Chinese people just don’t have religious beliefs.

Because Zhuan Xu’s Jedi Heaven Tong established a humanistic thought that is engraved in his bones. The relationship between people is much more important than the relationship between people and gods.

So the Chinese people’s beliefs are very realistic. We have so many gods and immortals, but there has never been one main **** that covers the entire nation.

Whether it is Haotian or Taiyi, it does not count. Whether it is the Three Emperors or the Five Emperors, they are all human beings and worshiped by their ancestors.

Some people say that Chinese people don’t believe in God, but they believe in their ancestors.

This is both true and false.

In the final analysis, this is still the appearance of humanistic thinking. Because we value people, we regard them as gods.

What is hidden behind this is actually another kind of belief, which is Tao.

From ancient times to the present, we believe that it is actually Tao. Whether it is the Three Sovereigns and Five Emperors, Haotian Taiyi, or the gods and Buddhas, it is because they embody one side of Tao, so people accept them.

This is not called belief, this is called acceptance.

The essential difference between us and the West is here. Westerners always say that we have no faith. The reason is that we can accept various gods.

This is also the reason why we can tolerate various religions, because we can accept… God who has ‘reason’.

Understand? We are a reasonable nation.

Everyone keeps talking about talking about ‘reason’, but they don’t know the connotation.

Because we believe so much in Tao that it has been integrated into our souls, bones, and blood. Our belief in Tao is so deeply rooted that it has been passed down from ancient times to the point that… we have forgotten that we have faith. We believe in the Tao.

“Why are you so unreasonable?”, “Be reasonable, we should do this and this”, “I am reasonable, what am I afraid of?”, “This thing makes no sense!”

All these spoken words that we have become accustomed to are all because we believe in the “Tao” unconsciously, subconsciously, and without knowing the true face of Mount Lu.

There are some Buddhist practitioners in our country. If you ask them what they believe in, they will definitely say that I believe in Buddhism.

If you ask him why, he will say like Buddha.

Behind this, the hidden belief that he himself did not know was actually due to the Buddhist teachings, which made sense.

He believes in this truth, not this Buddha.

However, Western religions are different. Those who believe in God can dedicate everything to the Lord. No matter whether what they are asked to do makes sense or not, they will do it, because God is the reason for all things, and God thinks it makes sense. It makes sense.

‘God said’, this condition is the truth of this matter. Therefore, people who truly believe in God do not need to think about whether it makes sense, they can just do it.

So correspondingly, we find that we also have faith.

It’s just that belief is called ‘Lord’ by Westerners and ‘Tao’ by us.

The Lord of Westerners has a specific personality image.

Our Tao has no specific personality image.

They listened to the words of the Lord, and we listened to the principles of the Word.

Their Lord has a specific personality, so what he hears is called an oracle. Our Tao does not have a specific image, so it is called truth.

Our faith does not have a specific image, so the interpretation and exposition of the Tao through the ages will form gods.

You can understand that what we believe is the principle of nature and the principle of heaven.

It is an all-encompassing thing, everything is its appearance.

Lao Tzu did not create a god, he just described the Tao and gave it a name… I didn’t know its name, so I called it Tao.

Before Lao Tzu, Tao existed, and people had already begun to believe in it. I didn’t invent it, I just gave it a name and summarized it.

The reason why we believe in the Three Emperors and the Five Emperors is because the actions of the Three Emperors and the Five Emperors are in line with the Tao.

The reason for worshiping Dayu is that what he did was in line with the invisible Tao in people’s hearts.

It was because everyone collectively believed that he was a practitioner of Tao that Dayu became a god.

The reason for worshiping Guan Yu is that his actions are in line with the invisible Tao in people’s hearts.

This is the reason why we have so many gods, and they are all humans.

It is everyone who collectively creates God. It is everyone who unanimously and invisibly agrees: “The human heart is destiny.”

So whatever is in line with everyone’s heart is in line with Tao, at least in one aspect.

And if he conforms to a certain aspect of Tao, he is God.

So in every era, we are constantly creating gods. Gods are extremely cheap, because Gods are just practitioners of the Word, angels of the Word.

This is essentially the same as the West constantly creating new angels and merging the pantheons of conquered nations into the angelic system or the demonic system.

There is only one God, but there are many angels.

As for us, there is only one Tao, but there are many gods…

So, we really have faith, and we are actually a ‘monotheistic religion’.

It’s just that this ‘god’ is so illusory that it can only be described as: Tao.

“Eh? Your Buddha makes a lot of sense. I accept it. I recognize that you are an angel of the Tao.” So this person entered Buddhism.

Is he really a Buddhist? If he can abandon everything given to him by his country, nation, and society for the sake of Buddha, then he truly believes in Buddhism.

On the contrary, he turned his back on the Buddha. Then he still believes in Tao, because the Buddha asked him to abandon those benefits, and he felt that it was ‘unreasonable’!

If it doesn’t make sense, just question it. This person will turn his back on the Buddha.

So does he believe in Buddha or Tao?

A Chinese person turned his back on Buddha and God for profit, and was scolded as impious.

But in fact, this is devotion to the ‘Tao’.

I have become so pious that I blend into the depths of my soul without even realizing it. He feels that Buddha and God no longer make sense, so he abandons them. It’s that simple.

I don’t know when exactly this idea emerged.

I only know that the first person to popularize this idea to everyone is the Black Emperor Zhuanxu.

So I highly respect him. Zhuanxu was the first preacher.

He established this humanistic thought that is deeply rooted in the nation.

To extract this essence, if you don’t understand it yet, then I can only translate Western beliefs.

In fact, we translated it wrong. Western God should not be translated as God. In the eyes of Western believers, it is equivalent to our Tao.

It’s just that this Tao has thoughts and subjective behaviors. In the hearts of us Chinese, we instinctively think that it is just one side of Tao. However, this one side seems a bit too awesome, so we translated it as God, which corresponds to our The equally awesome God Haotian.

And all angels, all saints, all people who follow the invisible principles of God and contribute to civilization. It should be translated as God.

If we had translated Western religions like this back then.

We will suddenly realize, oh, we also have a ‘monotheistic religion’, and we believe in it.

The Tao is destiny, and the Tao is the human heart. It never fell down to a concrete figure, it never got downgraded to a god, so we forget about it.

But we have not forgotten that the Tao has only been integrated into the depths of our nation’s soul, and we have become part of the Tao.

The Yellow Emperor acted on behalf of Heaven, tolerated all tribes, and ruled the world with gods. This is the way of Heaven.

Zhuanxu was able to separate heaven and earth, separate humans from gods, and use humans to rule the world. This is the way of humanity.

The emperor of Zhou enthroned the world, separated princes and nobles, and governed the world with etiquette. This is the royal way.

Qi Huangong united the nine princes to rule the world, respecting the king and rejecting the barbarians. This is hegemony.

Qin Shihuang swept across Liuhe, centralized power, and ruled the world by law. This was the imperial way.


Forget it, in short, in our nation, since ancient times, all literary theories, thoughts, and techniques are ultimately divided into four levels.

Tao, reason, law, and technique.

Tao is the greatest, followed by principle, then law, and the most obvious is art.

Everything is like this, Tao is the highest, the largest, the most source, and the most essential.

Among the hundreds of scholars, Laozi, Confucius, Mozi, etc. stand the highest, and they speak the truth.

The part of the Hundred Schools includes some wise ministers and ministers giving advice to the emperor, and it talks about methods.

Later, Taoism appeared, and those who sought immortality and refined elixirs, such as Ge Hong, were the furthest away from Taoism. Things like refining essence, practicing qi, and condensing elixirs were all about magic.

Of course, each has its own benefits and different emphasis.

What we are vigorously developing now is “skills”, and the country’s various policies, strategies and systems are “laws”.

Why do we do this? Because the reason why we do this teaches us that if we do this, we will eventually be able to revive and make everyone live a better life.

So what is the Tao? The Tao is this era.

The way of heaven is independent and does not change. It is the law of nature. The way of humanity is chaotic but easy to change. It is the change of the times.

What is ‘yi’? It is always changing, and we can only keep pace with the times.

We develop techniques, we formulate laws, and we follow principles. The reason for doing so is, in the final analysis, because of Tao, which changed the era from what it was before to what it is now.

Times have changed!

In this era, if you don’t do this, you will perish. Only when all the techniques and principles are done, made clear, and adapted to suit the times can we live a better life.

Times have changed, so our policies, systems, and formations must all change accordingly.

Following the changes, that is, adapting to the times and people changing, only then can civilization be passed on and continued.

Otherwise, civilization will decline.

When you ask questions, please be more specific. Just ask me to preach. What should I preach?

Am I Yuanshi Tianzun? I have a full science and technology tree, am I a god-level civilization with a unified model of the universe? Do I still preach?

What are you talking about? Is it the Taoism of Tao, the Taoism of Tao, the classics and history of Taoism of Tao, or the development, rise and fall of Taoism of Tao?

It’s like asking me to talk about myths. Where do I start? Whether it is about Nuwa patching up the sky, or Pangu opening the sky, whether it is about Nordic mythology, or the Old Testament, you have to make it clear.

If I were asked to explain the truth clearly, sort out the main differentiation and derivation, as well as social relations and historical development, and explain it clearly to you, then I’m sorry, that wouldn’t be called a side story, that would be called a book.

That’s called standing up.

The ancients said that establishing one’s virtue, one’s words, and one’s meritorious deeds are the three things that lead to immortality.

I need to prepare for at least three to five years, or even as long as ten to twenty years, and have enough time to eat and drink, to settle, sort out, and research, before I can expand and connect some of my ideas and write a personal book. The Book of Understanding, the Book of Explanation.

However, I don’t have the time, nor the financial support, to sort out this stuff.

So I can only talk about small things, extract some concise and concise truths, and elaborate them so that you can use them to show off.

You have watched Gun and Yu control floods. When you talk to others in the future, and others say how awesome Yu is, you can stand out from the crowd and say: In fact, Gun is also a person worthy of praise. Yu is standing on the shoulders of giants. Then tell him what happened.

This guy is just pretending.

After reading this article, if someone says that the Chinese have no faith, you can tell them that the Chinese do. If he is not convinced, he says that there are not as many people who believe in Taoism as there are people who believe in Buddhism. Why do you say that Chinese people believe in Taoism? You can refute him: You think what I said is unreasonable. You are believing it, but you are just not aware of it.

Then tell him the difference between Taoism, Taoism, and Taoism.

This is what I can do for you.

So book friends, please ask me in detail about cultivating immortals. Okay, I will talk about tens of thousands of words. When talking about feudalism, okay, I will talk about tens of thousands of words. When talking about ghosts, okay, I will talk about tens of thousands of words.

Just open your mouth and let me preach? Do you want to hear the sermon?

Do I still have to say that I am the blessed land of the Three Peaks of Lushan Mountain, the Immortal Cave and the Heaven, the Yongle Wanshou Palace, the White Cloud Temple of Immortality, the Taoist Talisman of Chunyang Sword Immortal Lu Zu, the recipient of longevity, the Cangyue layman, and now I have attained the Tao. , can you explain it to you?

Haha, just kidding, there is no enlightened person in the world.

There are many Taoist priests. Scientists are also Taoists. The biggest characteristic of Tao is that it is independent and does not change. What does it not change? That is ‘yi’, which means change without change.

In layman’s terms, what remains unchanged about Tao is that it is always changing.

One origin does not change, the rest are changing, this is the Tao.

Everything in the universe is changing, customs and times are changing, only the Tao remains unchanged, but this change and non-change itself is also the Tao.

The laws of nature do not change, but all matter and energy are changing, and all changes remain true to their original principles, conservation and order. This is the foundation of physics.

Science is a way of thinking, not knowledge.

So scientists are also seekers.

It’s just that times have changed, so this era has its own method of seeking the truth. Follow a few basic logical principles, come up with several methods, and use several techniques to find the Tao.

Still not escaped, Tao, reason, law and technique.

The day the unified model of the universe is established, physics will be “proven”, and the scientist, and even all of us, will “attain the truth”.

But perhaps, it only proves one side of the Tao, its physical side.

Some people always say that Lao Tzu is so amazing. He has mentioned science a long time ago. Many contents in his Tao Te Ching can be confirmed with modern science.

Nonsense! Lao Tzu only described the Tao, and the Tao does not change, only the appearance changes.

As times have changed, so have the methods of expression and exploration. This is one of the basic rules of Tao: Yi.

One day the material world will stop changing, that is when entropy will reach its peak and the universe will die of heat.

It wasn’t Lao Tzu who mentioned science, it was science that answered the question.

The origin of Tao remains unchanged, and the character is ‘natural’. The rest ‘comes naturally’.

That’s why it looks so similar, because it becomes just ‘reason’, ‘method’, and ‘skill’.

Science can confirm the content of the Tao Te Ching, which can only prove that scientific principles, laws and techniques are on the right track.

The Tao has never changed.

Can you understand this logic?

Tao, together with reason, law and technique.

Natural laws, their relationship with laws, theories, and technology.

They are all… natural and natural.

Taoist priests pursue Taoism, respect principles, legislate, and practice magic.

Scientists seek truth, respect laws, establish theories, and develop technology, and they are also Taoist priests.

It is a pity that some superstitious Taoists who only seek immortality, or even just a living, have confused and polluted the concept of Taoism.

So using the word Taoist would be inappropriate. It is better to use the word ‘seeker’ to describe physicists.

Times will change, brothers. One day, the word scientist will also become dirty and contain some derogatory connotations. It has yin and yang, praise and derogation. It is respected by others and spurned by others. Physicists are still just a new thing for the time being, with only a few hundred years of history, but one day they will become decayed and not adapt to the times.

As long as you stay within the scope of theory and practice, you will one day adapt to the times or be eliminated.

At that time, there may be a new profession that respects principles, legislation, and art, and continues to seek the Tao in a new way in a new era.

When physics dies, a new science will be established. When the Taoist priests decline, new ‘Taoist priests’ and ‘seekers’ will follow the trend.

This itself is the Tao.

Everything will change, but the Tao will not change. This is…the Yili of Tao.

In Tao, there is this principle called Yi.

Because Western gods have specific images and definitions, they are forcibly described from an unknown state to a known state. Therefore, it is difficult to adapt to the times and is too rigid, so they are finally defeated and overthrown by physics.

But the Tao we believe in will never be knocked down. There is no concept of being knocked down at all. We don’t know what it is. It’s still unknown.

So science can never defeat Tao, they are even tolerated, they are also seekers of Tao.

It is not Tao that fails, it is Taoism, it is Taoism, it is us. Only people can fail, Tao will last forever.

When there is change, there is rise and fall, there is life and death, there is existence and non-existence. Only people, only things, and only everything that is not Tao will decline or rise due to constant changes. This is called natural.

Tao itself is unchangeable, formless and without quality, unknown to its name, unknown and independent, so it is invincible, immortal and eternal.

I saw the Tao’s “doing nothing but doing everything”.

The Tao itself does not move, but all things move. All the particles and everything in the universe are changing, which is called “being”, but the laws of nature have not changed. It is even formless and qualityless, which is called “nothing”.

So Tao seems to have done nothing, yet it has done everything.

The essence of this sentence is to do nothing without doing anything.

To put it simply, if you grasp nature, it will come naturally.

Wuwei does not mean doing nothing, but grasping the fundamentals.

Follow nature, stay at the natural node, don’t do it deliberately, just do it just right, it will be natural and good.

By extension, a person who can really do “doing nothing and doing everything” is a law editor.

In fact, people can only do, ‘do less but do everything’, which is the weapon of the law of cause and effect.

For example, if I can do it, then I stand on the mountain and pour a glass of water. Okay, don’t do more, don’t pour more water, don’t pour less water, get the benefits, and grasp the ingenious node of nature. .

So, because of this glass of water, a series of natural effects began, like a domino chain reaction. In the end, the United States experienced a huge storm, unprecedented in history, with countless casualties.

This is a kind of… doing nothing but doing everything…, or a one-sided thing. That is to say, the legendary one who can call the wind and rain.

Understand? Therefore, science has not departed from this scope.

If physicists get it right, they can create weather weapons, grasp the nodes of chaos effects, do the “just right” thing in a certain place, and disturb the natural system, they can control the wind and rain.

In fact, it has been done now. Artificial rainfall is just a little more done, and it is still in the stage of ‘doing’.

No matter how strong people are and how advanced science is, they can only do “little”.

Only Tao itself can achieve complete ‘inaction’. Because everything in the world operates according to Tao, Tao does not need to move or do anything. The rules are there and the universe does it consciously.

I see clearly the inaction of Tao and do everything.

So we advocate inaction because this is the highest state.

However, in fact, humans cannot achieve the highest level. At least for now, it seems impossible for us to become rule editors.

If we can, then we will be ‘enlightened’.

Explore the Tao, cry out for the Tao. If you can understand the Tao, follow its principles, and influence nature appropriately, you are called “attaining the Tao.”

The true inaction and doing everything is “enlightenment”.

Or Hedao.

This is the highest state. When Lao Tzu said that he should do nothing but do everything, he was talking about the ‘Tao’ itself. Using this to demand oneself is only an ideal goal.

In fact, as long as we do “little and do nothing”, then we will be very happy and powerful.

I really want people to achieve the highest state of inaction. What I can imagine is to enter the virtual universe? Isn’t this what becoming a Buddha is?

We create a virtual world, and we are the rules in it.

My heart is the Tao, my mind is the principle, my words are the law, and my actions are the art.

Becoming the Tao of the virtual universe, this is the highest state of emptiness.

Lao Tzu said Wu Wei pointed out the highest state of Tao.

But we are not the Tao, we are just humans, and our human power is limited.

So what is the highest state that a person can achieve? It is ‘empty’.

So the Buddha found the next best thing, a slightly lower level of ‘harmony’.

The Tao is the Tao of our universe, but the Buddha lowers himself to one dimension and seeks the supreme from nothingness.

To put it bluntly, you live in your own obscene world and control the ‘rules’ that are inherently lower than yourself, hahaha.

So there is a country in the Buddha’s palm, and there is everything in the vast world.

Buddha, the Enlightened One, is the highest state of enlightenment. Be aware of your mind, be aware of others, and be aware of your actions.

What did you realize? We who have awakened to the real world cannot become rule makers, because the rule makers have long been there, and the Tao has been there since the existence of this world.

The seat is occupied. We are not at the same level as the Tao of reality. We are just ordinary living beings, just bubbles in this dreamlike world.

We cannot defy heaven and become the masters of our own world, so what should we do?

What else can be done? We also create a universe, and we become the rules of the next level universe and the controller of the next level universe.

There is no end to the sea of ​​suffering, but when you turn around, you will find the shore. We have no share in the highest realm of reality. Even if we seek all the truth, we can only watch and follow it.

Unless, enter the virtual world and give up this stinky skin!

Transfer your thoughts into the virtual world and take control of the Buddhist kingdom.

Buddha, the enlightened one, and the kingdom of the enlightened one is the Pure Land.

When we break away from the sea of ​​suffering in reality, realize and recognize the unenlightenable nature of the real universe, and then turn back and enter the virtual universe that is completely created for us and follows our will, this is bliss.

There is a virtual sandbox game universe in the palm of your hand, a vast world, and you can create it at will, wouldn’t it be bliss?

So Taoism talks about detachment and upward detachment.

Buddhism talks about enlightenment, turning back and finding the right shore… There is no way to go up, let’s go down to transcend…

These are the two ways of a civilization.

When technology reaches a certain level, you will be addicted to the infinitely beautiful virtual world brought by technology, or even completely give up your bad skin, turn your thinking into virtuality, and become a blissful spiritual civilization.

Let’s continue to explore, chase the unknown in this universe, and seek the ‘Tao’ that we may never be able to seek.

Should we become a seeker in the sea of ​​suffering, or should we become an enlightened person escaping from the sea of ​​suffering?

The benevolent sees benevolence, and the wise see wisdom.

No matter which direction our civilization goes, it will eventually make its own choice.



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