Blue and White Society: The seventh thought of the Classic of Mountains and Seas: Gun and Yu’s flood control that cannot be covered up by dust

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Dayu, surnamed Si, is rumored to be a descendant of Zhuanxu and the son of Gun.

Historical records say that Gun was the son of Zhuanxu, and Gun gave birth to Yu.

But we take the Classic of Mountains and Seas as the standard. The Classic of Mountains and Seas says: “The Yellow Emperor begat Luo Ming, Luo Ming begat a white horse, and the white horse was Gun.”

If you regard this ‘birth’ as ​​giving birth to a child, then Gun is one generation older than Zhuan Xu, which is obviously outrageous.

I said that birth does not necessarily mean children, it may also refer to the tribes derived from it. This sentence itself also expresses this meaning.

One of the descendants of the Yellow Emperor gave birth to the Luo Ming clan, and Luo Ming gave birth to the White Horse clan. The white horse may be the totem of that tribe.

I don’t know what it is exactly, but it’s called White Horse. I guess…maybe it’s the Dragonborn totem. In ancient times, the white horse was the incarnation of the dragon. The eight-foot-tall white horse is believed to be the Dragonborn.

In short, Gun is the leader of the White Horse clan.

Translated from the narrator’s perspective, it means ‘the White Horse clan is the current Gun clan’.

I base this on the Classic of Mountains and Seas, so Gun is not Zhuanxu’s son.

However, historical records may not be groundless. There is a saying that one of Zhuanxu’s sons was Gun Zeng.

In this way, Zhuanxu is the sixth ancestor of Yu.

Gun may be a posthumous title, an honorary title or something like that. The leader of the White Horse clan has been called ‘Gun’ for generations.

Since generations are called Gun, how do you differentiate between these generations? So the last generation was called Gun, the previous generation was called Gun’s father, the previous generation was called Gun Zu (grandfather), and the previous generation was called Gun Zeng (great-grandfather).

The son of Zhuan Xu was Gun Zeng. Sima Qian may not have sorted it out clearly and directly recorded it as Gun, so he believed that Yu was Zhuanxu’s grandson.

No matter which theory is used, whether Gun and Yu are a descendant of Huangdi or a descendant of Zhuanxu.

They are all of the Yellow Emperor’s bloodline.

Then the problem came, their surname was not Ji, but Si.

If his surname is not Ji, it is obvious that his ancestor is not the legitimate son and has been sealed outside.

If you have watched my previous episodes, you should understand.

The Yellow Emperor enfeoffed fourteen sons, twelve of whom had surnames: Ji, You, Qi, Ji, Teng, Wei, Ren, Xun, Xi, Ji, Xuan, and Yi.

Ji is undoubtedly a direct descendant, with fourteen sons and twelve surnames, and two more? The other two are also named Ji. Zhuanxu and Emperor Ku succeeded respectively.

So in “Huangdi gave birth to Luo Ming”, the Luo Ming clan should be one of the other twelve surnames, such as Ji (I guess).

Afterwards, the Luo Ming clan enfeoffed a certain **** lineage and spun out another clan, White Horse. It must have another surname after differentiation, so the surname is Si.

After that, the clan was passed down by a single line, the tribe declined, and there was no more land to be divided, so the Baima clan never divided into other clans.

That’s why the Yellow Emperor begat Luo Ming, and Luo Ming begat a white horse. The white horse was directly Gun.

If it refers to an individual, then this generation is ridiculously short.

So this must be tribal differentiation, and differentiation requires new surnames. Gun Yu’s surname was Si, but Si was not one of the twelve surnames entrusted by the Yellow Emperor, so it must have been divided once in the middle.

That time, it was Luo Ming who gave birth to a white horse. So it’s just right.

It was only differentiated once, so the transition from Huangdi to Gun was so short.

You can see it from the lineage.

The Ji surname is extremely powerful and has spread wildly from generation to generation. However, the Baima clan and the Gun clan have always been trapped in a corner. There has been no big shot in the past generations, so that for many generations in a row, they have not expanded their branches. It has always been a single surname of the Zong family.

From the first generation of Gun, the surname has always been Si, and it has always been Gun this and Gun that, until Yu came out, became the emperor, and received the posthumous title of ‘Dayu’.

Dayu is not a name.

His surname is Si and his given name is Si Wenming. There is no other explanation. He has been called Si Wenming since he was a child.

In our opinion, this name is a very good one. Wen Ming, what a beautiful name.

But in fact, it expresses Dayu’s status as a child… A two-character name is a nickname.

Since ancient times, a single word has been regarded as noble, while a double word has been regarded as humble.

This situation was traditional until the Wei, Jin and Five Dynasties disrupted China. The further back in time we go to ancient times, the more so.

For example, Emperor Ku is called “Ku”, Xia Qi is called “Qi”, Dayi is called “Yi”, Hou Ji, the ancestor of the Zhou people, is called “Ji”, and Cheng Tang, the first king of Shang, is called “Ji”. ‘Soup’.

The great ancestor Wang Hai worshiped in the oracle bone inscriptions of the Yin and Shang Dynasties was not called Wang Hai, but “Zhen”.

The Duke of Zhou was named ‘Dan’, Confucius was named ‘Qiu’, the First Emperor of Qin was named ‘Zheng’, the Emperor Gaozu of the Han Dynasty was named ‘Ji’, Emperor Wen of the Han Dynasty was named ‘Heng’, and Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty was named ‘Che’.

You may want to say, wasn’t Emperor Xuan of the Han Dynasty called Liu Bingji?

Yes, his original name is Liu Bingji. When he was still an infant and had no name, he was imprisoned by Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty because he was implicated in the witchcraft disaster. He was pardoned when he was four years old and sent to his grandmother Shi’s family to be raised.

Liu Bing has been living a common life on the streets of Chang’an since he was a child. Originally, the throne had nothing to do with him, so he got a nickname.

Who knew that destiny was in his hands? After the death of Emperor Zhao, Huo Guang supported Liu He to ascend the throne, but it turned out that he was too ignorant. He did 1,127 bad things in the twenty-seven days of his reign…

The ministers couldn’t bear it anymore, so Huo Guang decisively deposed the emperor and made him the Marquis of Haihun.

After much searching, Liu Bingji, who grew up on the streets, was finally brought back to the palace to be raised as emperor.

The first thing Liu Bing did after he ascended the throne… was to change his name to Liu Xun…

You may want to say, isn’t Zhuanxu a two-character character?

Zhuanxu is not the name of the Black Emperor. I have said this. Likewise, Yao and Shun are not names either.

Shun is a posthumous title, Yao is a posthumous title, and Dayu is also a posthumous title.

Note that ‘Dayu’ is a posthumous title, and Yu is just an abbreviation. He was the first person to use two characters to express a posthumous title. The more characters the posthumous title has, the better. In the pre-Qin Dynasty, posthumous titles were basically one character. After the Han Dynasty, there were occasionally two-character posthumous titles. The Tang and Song dynasties began to become shameless, with posthumous titles of seven, eight, or more than ten characters. The Qing Dynasty was the most shameless, with posthumous titles of more than twenty characters…

But before the Jin Dynasty, one word in a name was precious.

I don’t know what Zhuanxu’s name was. After reading my previous interpretation, you should still remember that I refuted the idea that Zhuanxu was called Qianhuang. I would like to add here that I did not mention the double-named meanness at that time. In fact, this was one of the reasons. Zhuanxu’s name was Qianhuang, which was outrageous.

Similarly, Shun’s name is not recorded.

Based on Shun’s humble and humble status when he was a child, I guess he had a particularly mean name, such as Yao Ergouzi or something like that. That’s what it meant, so it wasn’t spread.

As for Yao…according to Shangshu, Yao’s name was “Fangxun”.

‘Fangxun’ may be equivalent to modern names like ‘Daqiang’ and ‘Tiegen’.

It’s just that we modern people can’t get the point of ancient times. If you have to say it has any meaning, it can only be understood literally. The ancient meaning of “fang” means to exile or drive away, and the ancient meaning of “xun” is: to be able to achieve kingly merit.

Taken together as a name, it means ‘to expel merit’.

Typical nickname, Yao actually had a bad childhood.

According to historical records, the eldest son, Emperor Zhi, succeeded Emperor Ku. Yao was just a youngest son. When his elder brother became emperor, he directly granted his younger brother to Tao. After a few years of development, he transferred his title to Tang… so Yao later became Tao Tang.

Unexpectedly, Tang Yao has grown up. He has a charming personality and is capable, and his tribe is well managed.

Yao relied on his own prestige and other means, and his brother Di Zhi was too weak to govern, so the princes from all sides deposed Di Zhi and brought Yao back to inherit the throne.

The fact that he loves building reputation so much probably has something to do with his childhood when he was not taken seriously by his father and brother. (For more information on building reputation, please read the free extra at the end of the first volume)

Back to the topic, before the Wei and Jin Dynasties, children were given single names as much as possible.

Because the mortality rate was high in ancient times, children were basically born without names. When he is a few years old, he will give him a nickname, just to call him. He only needs to know that he is being called and can respond.

Fangxun, Bingji, and Aman are all nicknames like this.

It would be a bit tragic if his father died before he had a famous name, or if his father didn’t pay attention to him and was too lazy to choose another famous name…

Judging from Shun’s living environment since he was a child and the degree to which he was disliked by his parents, I suspect that Shun’s real name is particularly weird…it’s just that we don’t know it.

In short, from Xia, Shang and Zhou to Qin and Han, and even in the early Jin Dynasty, single names were valued.

Only some people in the Yellow Turban Army can be called by their double names. In the Three Kingdoms, the only noble who was born with a double name was Sun Shangxiang… But the official history does not actually record her. She was first recorded in Yuan dramas.

To sum up, Dayu’s name was Si Wenming. It sounded domineering, but in fact it was a cheap name at the time.

The ancient meaning of ‘wen’ is pattern or tattoo, and ‘ming’ means order, but it is more emphasized than order. Later, the destiny (God’s order) was extended. People live to carry out the destiny, and when they die, they have no life (God no longer gives you orders, you don’t need to exist). Then the meaning of life span and life was derived. At the beginning, it meant command.

So Wenming seems to mean that he has a tattoo on his body (I guess), or it may mean that he has a mission engraved on his body.

His father died when he was very young. It is estimated that the elders of the clan gave him such a name. To put it romantically, it was to engrave the mission of revitalizing the family on his body.

Why the elders do not have single names is related to the humble status of the entire family when he was a child.

According to the Zhou Dynasty, Gonggong, Sanmiao, Gun and Huandou were the four sins.

That is, the four major sinful tribes in ancient times. To put it bluntly, they were exiled. The entire tribe was labeled as sinners and was excluded from the edge of the entire Yanhuang cultural circle.

Zuo Zhuan in the Spring and Autumn Period: “Liu Gonggong went to Youzhou, sent irrigation bags to Chongshan, moved three seedlings to Sanwei, and killed Gun in Yushan.” ’

The Gonggong clan was guilty. He once fought with Zhuanxu for the emperor and often broke the embankments to release floods.

The Guandou clan is also guilty. It is said that the Danzhu clan was ousted from the throne by the people. He and his clan members probably disobeyed Shun.

But there is no direct evidence that Guan Dou is Danzhu. This is ridiculous enough, so I won’t discuss it anymore.

As you all know, Sanmiao, the descendants of Jiuli have always been sinners. The emperors of the past dynasties were integrating them. During Shun’s period, there was a major breakthrough and the Sanmiao were pacified. During the Yu period, the Sanmiao were completely integrated into the Yanhuang system.

The last one, the Gun tribe, was accused of leading the tribe to steal the emperor’s soil, and to fill in the flood without waiting for the emperor’s order. As a result, they were directly beheaded and the whole tribe was exiled.

The four sins and four evils are too large to cover. They are also included in the Classic of Mountains and Seas. I will talk about them later.

In short, the Gun clan has been passed down from generation to generation, and the last generation of Gun kings was Yu’s father.

His failure to control floods directly led to Yu being an exile with a lower social status since he was a child. At a young age, Yu was burdened with the fate of the White Horse clan.

Of course, he is much stronger than the real untouchables of that era. He has the noble surname given by his ancestors: Si.

There is also a name given by a very educated clan elder: Wen Ming.

At least in our opinion, it sounds good and is very cultural. Therefore, Yu belongs to a down-and-out aristocratic family, not a true pariah, but has family background.

So what are the achievements of Yu ascending to the throne of God? I don’t think anyone doesn’t know: Dayu controlled floods.

Talking about the old rules and flashbacks before Dayu controlled the floods in the Classic of Mountains and Seas.

This time there are more mistakes, because in modern times, the Yu and Xia dynasties were highly controversial.

Although the general public recognizes the existence of the Xia Dynasty, the ancient skeptics do not think so, and international scholars do not admit it.

In modern times, Gu Jiegang of the Republic of China believed that Dayu was a bug and a cultural symbol on the tripod during the Shang and Zhou dynasties. In fact, this person did not exist.

He believes that Dayu’s flood control is a myth, a **** compiled by the Zhou people, not a human being, and the prototype is the insect-shaped pattern on the tripod of the Shang Dynasty.

Even if Dayu did not exist, the Xia Dynasty would not exist either.

The argument mainly revolves around, “Shuowen”: Yu is a worm.

The later Suspicion School even directly added an extra word, saying that Yu was a worm.

I’m convinced, the pictogram of the word “Yu” is indeed an insect shape. I also said this when I described the ancient Egyptian totem that was Yinglong in the plot of “Inhumans” where the Amun civilization influenced the Egyptian civilization and helped the Yellow Emperor conquer Chiyou.

In addition, there are indeed many insect-shaped patterns on the tripods of the Shang Dynasty.

However, the insect-shaped patterns of the Shang and Zhou dynasties all have legs! And the more legs, the more noble it is.

After all, it is very abstract. You can call it a bug or a dragon.

“Shuowen” only explains the word, not the person “Dayu”. Yu’s posthumous name is Dayu. The word “big” is very important. The ancients liked to shorten it, which really saved trouble.

Big insects are not insects. The length of the scale insect is a dragon.

This is a posthumous title, not Yu’s name. It is completely nonsense to use this to deny the existence of Yu and say that the Zhou people conjectured and deified the pattern of the Shang tripod.

This is like… using Kangxi’s posthumous title, “Emperor Tianhong Yunwen, Wu Ruizhe, courteous, thrifty, wealthy, filial, honest, neutral and meritorious” to deny the existence of Kangxi and think that this emperor was the Republic of China’s edict to the Qing Dynasty. The extension and deification of some virtue texts, it is actually impossible to have such an emperor…Then the Qing Dynasty also did not exist, and the scholars of the Republic of China compiled a feudal dynasty.

I have seen and heard more than once that some people used the opinions of international academic circles and foreign scholars to deny the Xia Dynasty.

I think most people have heard that “in fact, our country only has a history of three thousand years, and there is no archaeological evidence of the Xia Dynasty.”

I am tired of hearing this.

It’s 2020, no one still believes this, right?

First, there is indeed no archaeological evidence for the country ‘Xia’.

But it is wrong to only have a history of three thousand years of civilization. There is no cultural relic of the Xia Dynasty with stone hammers, but there are already countless cultural relics of the “Xia Dynasty” with stone hammers.

That is to say, there was civilization in that era, and both the Erlitou and Liangzhu sites have been successfully applied for World Heritage status. The period of Erlitou’s existence covers the Xia Dynasty period in the literature. Liangzhu existed longer than the Xia Dynasty.

There is no stone hammer because no text carrier has been preserved.

Oracle bone script is a very mature script, with more than 5,000 words in total. Did this come out of nowhere? It must have been preceded by another hieroglyph.

Some people ask, why are there so many oracle bone inscriptions in the Yin Ruins, but none of them mention the Xia Dynasty?

It’s very simple. First of all, at first, I couldn’t even find the word “Xia”, so some people asked why there was no word “Xia” in the oracle bone inscriptions? So there is no Xia Dynasty.

Later I discovered the word “Xia”, which symbolizes a scorching sun and a person kneeling in the sun.

It can be seen that the Suspicion Sect is also being slapped in the face…

However, there is a saying. Because the oracle bone inscriptions only write “Shi Xia”, it cannot be said that Xia is a country.

However, only 30% of the Oracles have been cracked… There are still a large number of Oracles that have not been sorted out and cracked. Thirty percent didn’t mention ‘youxia’, which I think is normal.

Secondly, Yinxu was the capital of the middle and late Shang Dynasty and the seat of Wu Ding and subsequent Shang kings. At that time, it had been a long time since the Xia Dynasty.

In addition, all oracle bone inscriptions are for businessmen to ask gods for divination before doing something, or to pray to their ancestors after completing something.

People offer sacrifices to their ancestors, mainly to the Shang kings of the past dynasties. Why do they mention the Xia Dynasty?

As Erlitou is a Xia Dynasty site, it is a pity that no writing has been found. In fact, the word “文” was found on the bronzes. But there are no more words.

On the contrary, it is the Liangzhu ruins with a history of 7,000 years. It has more characters, including eleven. It is also engraved on oracle bones, but the international community does not recognize it as writing and calls it ‘oracle bone engraved talisman’.

In fact, the so-called engraved symbols are completely consistent with the structure and evolution of hieroglyphs.

At least people who study ancient Chinese can recognize the characters at a glance and decipher the eleven ‘engraved symbols’ in seconds. Because our writing is passed down from generation to generation without interruption.

In fact, during the Republic of China, due to the decline of the country, many people argued that Chinese characters were dregs, too difficult and not conducive to promotion, and denounced them as a tool to fool the people and restrict mass education. It calls for the complete abolition of Chinese characters and the use of alphabetic characters.

Qian Xuantong: “To prevent China from being destroyed and to make the Chinese nation a civilized nation in the twentieth century, the fundamental solution must be to abolish Confucianism and destroy Taoism, and to abolish the Chinese characters that record Confucianism and Taoist myths , especially the fundamental solution.”

***: “Chinese writing is difficult to contain new things and new ideas, and it is also a nest of corrupt ideas. It is not a pity to abolish it.”

Lu Xun: “If Chinese characters are not destroyed, China will perish! Chinese characters will eventually be abolished. If people survive, literature will be abolished, and if literature survives, people will perish. In this era, there is no way to be lucky.”

Qu Qiubai: “Chinese characters are truly the most filthy, bad and bad medieval cesspool in the world!”

Some people claim that they are only abolishing traditional Chinese characters. Sorry, that is not the case. They are completely abolishing them and only using letters. There are magazines and newspapers from 1918 and Lu Xun’s later writings as evidence.

What was done was done. There is nothing to say. At that time, everyone with ambitions was trying to find a way for the country. They were pioneers and were allowed to make mistakes. It is normal for certain propositions to be too radical in our opinion. (Foreshadowing, the same goes for Gun…)

Of course, how can Chinese characters be abolished? South Korea has abolished Chinese characters, and even ancient books are incomprehensible.

In short, there were a large number of people who opposed the abolition of Chinese characters. In the end, they compromised and developed Pinyin in order to popularize it. The pinyin of Chinese characters was promoted in parallel, which is what it is today.

From the perspective of historical materialism, their historical role is positive, and ultimately promotes social progress…

That’s too far.

As for the characters of the Xia Dynasty, I suspect that the writing carriers of the Xia Dynasty are very difficult to preserve… The oracle bone inscriptions can be preserved thanks to the superstition of the Yin and Shang Dynasties. They used tortoise shells and ox bones as carriers for divination and wrote braille.

Xia Chao didn’t have this habit. If it were cloth…sheepskin…it would be really cold. Not to mention that the Yin and Shang dynasties destroyed the Xia capital (a large number of massacred corpses were found in Erlitou, and I guess they even burned the city).

Second, why should foreign scholars make a conclusion?

If we say that the Xia Dynasty is fictitious without written evidence, then under the same standards, Alexander the Great is fictitious, and 80% of the history of ancient Greece is fictitious.

Alexander, all the basis for his existence are documentary records hundreds or even thousands of years later, and they are in the form of legends, similar to King Arthur.

The biggest and biggest piece of evidence for him is that there is a city in Egypt called “Alexandria” named after him.

However, Dayu also had Yu’s Mausoleum, and Huangdi’s capital also had the Yellow Emperor’s Mausoleum. This cannot be counted as evidence.

As for ancient Greece, more than 50% of the documents came from the Renaissance…

There is no cultural relic stone hammer in the classics of various ancient Greek scholars such as Aristotle and Plato. The Renaissance is a revival.

Among the top ten most beautiful physics experiments, one is the story of the ancient Greek scholar Eratosthenes, who used a very simple method to measure the circumference of the earth in 240 BC.

Using mathematical methods, the circumference of the earth was accurately measured. The final calculation results had a very small error compared with modern measurement results.

But that method, I’m afraid everyone who studies mathematics knows, is ridiculous.

But it looks like that. This is a wonderful story, you can check it out if you are interested.

However, the so-called ancient Greek documentation of measuring the circumference of the earth, the outline and some details of the entire process, are very similar to the article in the “Old Book of Tang” recording Zhang Sui’s measurement of the earth’s meridian.

It seems that I also made some mistakes that were most likely caused by not understanding the translation when translating classical Chinese. Do you think Chinese people don’t like to read [Twenty-Four Histories]?

Someone has demonstrated this in detail. I won’t say much more here. If you are interested, we can talk about it later.

Also, the so-called tomb of Aristotle is empty, without a word, and there is a small stone chamber of 1.7×1.3 meters at the bottom. The evidence that this is Aristotle’s tomb is a clue provided by an 11th-century manuscript in the library that Aristotle’s tomb is in that area. This manuscript is a full 1,400 years from Aristotle’s time… Why hasn’t it been dug out earlier?

Forget it, forget it, let’s get down to business.

On the basis of the existence of Dayu, go back.

It is said that Dayu traveled all over the world to control floods, and his skin became tanned and his hands were covered with calluses.

Sima Qian commented: “Yu Qin was wet in the ditch, and his hands and feet were callous. He spoke for four years, and moved for four seasons. He married a wife for a while, and it was not private to cross the family. The nine soils are reasonable, Xuan Gui Xizi”

It is said that Dayu himself dredged ditches, his hands and feet were covered with calluses, and taught people to travel by boat on water, by car on land, by sled on mud, and by chariot on mountain, and he traveled all over the world all year round. As soon as he got married, his wife left, and she didn’t even look back when she passed by the house. This was done until the flood in Kyushu was resolved, and Shun rewarded him heavily with the black jade gui.

What does black Jade Gui mean? Gui with different names is the basis for giving different powers. For example, in the event of a natural disaster, the token held by a minister sent by the emperor to comfort the people is called Zhen Gui. The holder who performs the function of reconciliation or marriage is called Gugui. The holder who performs the function of rewarding is called Wan Gui, and the holder who performs the function of punishing is called Yan Gui.

As for extremely great achievements, it was given to Xuan Gui.

Sima Qian was from the Western Han Dynasty, so even earlier.

“Shangshu”: “Yu Ping’s water and soil are mainly famous for mountains and rivers…”

Earlier, the “Book of Songs” in the Spring and Autumn Period: “The flood was vast, and Yu laid down the earth.”

The Book of Songs is a very, very, very important historical material. When studying pre-Qin history, it is more credible than historical records.

The Book of Songs contains hymns about ancestors’ entrepreneurship, music for worshiping gods and ghosts, banquets and interactions among nobles, resentments about uneven work and rest, and also reflects labor, hunting, and a large number of love affairs, marriages, and social customs. touching chapter.

Let’s put it this way, the Book of Songs was to the Zhou Dynasty what the words written on the oracle bones were to the Yin and Shang dynasties.

However, these are documents after all, not cultural relics.

So are there any written cultural relics recording Dayu’s control of floods?

First of all, there is the Shuyi Bell from the Spring and Autumn Period. There is an inscription on the bell. Because it was dug out by the people of the Song Dynasty and not well kept, it can only be vaguely identified: Cut off the summer sacrifices… There are nine states in Xianzhou, and they are blocked by Yu…

So are there any cultural relics unearthed in modern times?

In 2002, Suigong Yu, a bronze vessel from the Western Zhou Dynasty, was bought from abroad. The inscription reads: God ordered Yu to lay down the earth and dredge the mountains and rivers. He set up levies on the land and sent the people to prison for moral supervision. He made his own arrangements for the villagers and became his parents. . When I was born, I was a king who served as a minister. He was dedicated to virtue, and the people loved virtue. I was widowed… and took care of the world. It is good to use Jue Shao, it will benefit Qian Yi’s virtue, and he will not lose his health. He is a filial friend, pays homage to the Ming Dynasty, and is fond of offering sacrifices to others. If your heart is virtuous, your marriage will only be harmonious. Tianli uses Kao, God uses Zulu again, and he will always be in peace. Sui Gong said: The people only use the virtues of restraint and neglect the teachings.

There is nothing to translate. There are many words in the middle that are unrecognizable. The one I sent is actually missing a lot of words, so you can just have fun reading it.

In short, its history dates back 2,900 years.

But unfortunately, there is still a thousand years until Yu.

It is worth mentioning that Sui State is an ancient country. The Suigongs of all dynasties claimed that they were descendants of Yu and Shun, and it was Shun who they worshiped their ancestors.

In the Xia Dynasty, Yu Sui, a descendant of Yu Shun, was granted the title of Duke, and he passed through the Xia, Shang and Western Zhou dynasties. In the Spring and Autumn Period, Duke Huan of Qi gathered all the princes for the first time and called them all to come for an alliance. Duke Sui did not go, so Duke Huan of Qi destroyed the country of Sui. Later, the Sui people wanted to restore the state, so they pretended to reward the Qi army, got the soldiers drunk with wine, and then took the opportunity to kill all the Qi soldiers.

When Duke Huan of Qi learned about it, he was furious and ordered a massacre of the city, killing all the Dukes of Sui.

As descendants of Shun, they highly praised Yu’s achievements. This shows that Yu never forced Shun, let alone exiled Shun’s son.

At this point, there is no more evidence.

The last one is the Classic of Mountains and Seas.

The Classic of Mountains and Seas was originally a set of pictures, with text on the pictures, so I say that the Xia Dynasty people used text carriers that were not conducive to preservation. Pictures, as a carrier, disappeared within a few hundred years.

In short, according to all subsequent rumors about the Classic of Mountains and Seas, it is said that the Classic of Mountains and Seas is the “Book of Yu”.

Indeed, Dayu was certainly one of the authors of the Classic of Mountains and Seas, and Yu contributed most of its content.

The version people in the Jin Dynasty saw was different from ours.

The Jin people mentioned a passage that is not found in the Classic of Mountains and Seas we read.

[Yu said: The famous mountains in the world pass through 5,370 mountains and 64,560 miles away, and they are the place where they live. It is said that there are five Zangs, and there are so many other hills covering them that it is not enough to remember them. The distance between heaven and earth is 28,000 miles from east to west, 26,000 miles from north to south, 8,000 miles from mountains with water, 8,000 miles with water, 467 mountains with copper, 3,690 mountains with iron. ten. This is where the heaven and earth are divided into soil, trees and valleys, where spears and swords are fired, and where swords and swords are struck. There is more for those who are capable, and there is not enough for those who are clumsy. It was granted to Mount Tai, Zen to Liang Fu, seventy-two families, the number of gains and losses is all included here, it is said to be used by the state. 】

This text is said to be at the end of the Jin Dynasty version of “The Classic of Mountains and Seas·Wuzang Mountain Classic”.

Judging from the tone, this was obviously written by someone after Yu’s death. But as for how long Yu died, it is not known.

This is also the reason why I seldom interpret the content of “Shan Jing”. Because the Shan Jing was written by people from the Xia Dynasty.

The content of Shan Jing was summarized by Dayu and Boyi.

As for what I interpret with you, most of them are actually the contents of domestic and foreign scriptures and the Great Wilderness Sutra.

As for the Shanjing, I rarely mention it because it is too rigorous, so rigorous that it is just a data report, and there is nothing to interpret at all.

The Classic of Mountains and Seas is divided into five parts: the Classic of Mountains, the Classic of Seas, the Classic of Overseas, and the Classic of Great Wilderness.

Wuzang Mountain Sutra, one mountain is connected to another, how many miles apart, what products are produced, what animals are there, how the animals taste, where the water comes from, where it flows to…all are recorded in detail.

And for each mountain range, the corresponding mountain **** and the method of sacrifice will be written down at the end. What tribute should be given and what specifications should be used for sacrifice are all recorded in detail.

People always say that the Classic of Mountains and Seas is a geographical map, but what they actually mean is that the Classic of Mountains and Seas·Wuzangshan Jing is a geographical map.

The Book of Mountains is very detailed and rigorous. It is a complete record of geographical data and an encyclopedia of animals. Hai Jing contains many historical events, foreign countries and strange people and objects at home and abroad.

The Classic of Mountains and Seas is the Classic of Mountains and Seas. Taken together, it means: Classic of delicacies from mountains and seas.

No, it’s Shan Bao Hai Hui Jing, which means all-encompassing.

The records in the “Shan Jing”, such a mountain is connected to another mountain, I suspect it is the legendary “Lian Shan Jing” of the Xia Dynasty.

Do you still remember what I said about the Three I Chings?

The Xia Dynasty had the “Lianshan Yi”, the Shang Dynasty had the “Guizang Yi”, and the Zhou Dynasty had the “Zhou Yi”.

The Book of Changes was well preserved by Confucianism and has always been circulated. It was lost in storage but has been excavated by modern archeology.

Only “Lianshan” has never been found. Perhaps, it has not been lost. The “Shan Jing” of “Shan Hai Jing” is Lianshan Jing.

Of course, there is no evidence, just listen for fun.

Having said so much, combined with some characters interpreted by [The Routines of Ancient Emperors] and [Lingzhao Baili’s Light of Wisdom], we can now look at the Classic of Mountains and Seas.

“The Classic of Mountains and Seas”: “The river flows from the northeastern corner to the north, then enters the Bohai Sea from the southwest, and then goes out to the sea, that is, from the west to the north, and enters the Jishi Mountain led by Yu.”

This is a section of the Hai Nei West Meridian describing Kunlun Xu. It introduces that the “river” originates from Kunlun Xu, Gangzhiyan in the northeast.

Before and after this paragraph, water systems such as Chishui, Heishui, Ruoshui, and Yangshui were also introduced.

So what kind of water is ‘river water’? Anyone who knows history knows that in the pre-Qin period, there was only one water system in my country worthy of being called a “river”, and that was the Yellow River.

Yes, “river” does not mean what we mean now. In ancient times, it was a specific noun, a unique name for the Yellow River.

I mentioned before when interpreting Kuafu that when I translated “河,渭” as insufficient, I meant that the water of the Yellow River and the Wei River was not enough to drink.

Similarly, ‘River’ does not refer to anything else, but specifically to the ‘Yangtze River’.

He Bo is not the Shui Bo from other places, but the Shui Bo from the Yellow River.

In our current culture, we write “river” or “river”; in ancient times, we wrote “water” or “water”. The Yellow River is called Heshui, and the Yangtze River is called Jiangshui.

The Classic of Mountains and Seas is written here in a very strange way. It says that the Yellow River originates in the northeast of Kunlun, flows to the north, and then flows to the southwest into the Bohai Sea. Then it goes out to the sea, west and north, and passes through the Jishi Mountain where Dayu passed.

Where is Jishi Mountain?

The original text of the Classic of Mountains and Seas: “The hill of Xuanyuan…three hundred miles to the west is called the mountain of accumulated stones. There is a stone gate under it, and the river flows to the west. It is a mountain, and everything is there.”

The specific research requires a long derivation. I guess you are not interested in geography. In short, I added up the distances mentioned in the Western Mountain Sutra and found out that this mountain is not far from Kunlun, including the detour. Just nineteen hundred miles.

I will tell you the answer directly, because Jishi Mountain has not changed its name, and it is still called Jishi Mountain now.

In Gansu Province, there is a mountain that extends out of the present-day Qilian Mountains. It is indeed covered with rocks. Large boulders are piled all over the place. There is a canyon with obvious traces of excavation and water erosion. It may have been one of the old routes of the Yellow River. Foreign scholars have also verified that there was a major flood in Jishi Mountain.

The Yellow River changed its course many times, twenty-six times in records alone.

So we can no longer verify how the Yellow River moved in ancient times.

This passage may seem strange to you. How does the Yellow River go west and north?

Actually, it’s okay to go north. The upper reaches of the Yellow River originally go north, and there’s no problem going west. The Yellow River as a whole goes east, but some sections of the river go west.

That’s what the Yellow River’s nine meanders mean. It’s not a straight path to the east. If you enlarge and subdivide the river section, you’ll find that it twists and turns, up and down, left and right, and finally flows into the sea.

The Classic of Mountains and Seas is written here, and finally it entered Jishi Mountain guided by Yu.

And Jishi Mountain is in the Qilian Mountains. In other words, this paragraph only describes the short journey of the Yellow River from its origin to its flow through the Qilian Mountains and upstream.

For such a short distance, it is normal for the Yellow River to go west and north.

In fact, the current Yellow River is also like this. It flows out from the Bayan Har Mountains, flows northeast for a distance, suddenly turns northwest, and flows to the south of the Qilian Mountains before continuing eastward.

In addition, the Bohai Sea where mountains and seas meet is not the Bohai Sea we know. In my opinion, it is Qinghai Lake.

Because Qinghai Lake is located in the southern section of the Qilian Mountains, south of Jishi Mountain.

In ancient times, in the time of Yu, in order to control floods, Jishi Mountain was excavated to divert the Yellow River and release floods.

This section of the Classic of Mountains and Seas records the river course at that time.

There are high mountains in all directions of Kunlun. I won’t introduce the details. I will talk about Kunlun later.

So the meaning of this section of Jishi Mountain is: [The Yellow River flows out from the mountain northeast of Kunlun, and flows north for a while until it is blocked by the Qilian Mountains, and then turns back to the southwest. When it turns back, It flows into Qinghai Lake. Then the water level of Qinghai Lake rose and a river formed, that is, the Yellow River flowed into Qinghai Lake and then into Qinghai Lake, continuing west and north until it reached Jishi Mountain carved by Dayu in the Qilian Mountains. 】

After passing Jishi Mountain, I don’t know where to go. I haven’t written it here, but it’s actually not important.

In short, this section introduces a short section of the upper reaches of the Yellow River. By the way, it also introduces how Dayu dug mountain roads, dredged waterways, and tampered with the Yellow River.

The above is a one-sided record of Dayu’s flood control in the Classic of Mountains and Seas.

Another passage in the Classic of Mountains and Seas also supports this point: “In the great wilderness, there is a mountain named Xianjian Da Fengzhi Mountain. The river Ji flows into it, and the sea flows into the north. There is a mountain to the west of it, and its name is the stone accumulated by Yu. .”

This paragraph says that there is a sill, Dafeng Mountain, to the east of Jishi Mountain. The Yellow River and Jishui River flow through it, and Haibei soaks it. This indirectly proves that the ‘sea’ there is Qingdao Lake.

Does the Book of Mountains and Seas still exist about Dayu’s flood control? have.

“The Classic of Mountains and Seas”: “In the great wilderness, there is a mountain named Ruitu Mountain, with no clear water. There is a mountain with clouds and rain, and a tree named Luan. Yu attacked Yunyu.”

The meaning is very simple. There is a mountain called Ruitu, and the green water flows to it and disappears. There is also Yunyu Mountain, with Luan trees on the mountain. Dayu attacked Yunyu Mountain.

This attack is very interesting.

There are similar records.

“The Classic of Mountains and Seas”: “Beyond the northwest sea, in the corner of the wilderness, there is a mountain that does not meet. It is called Buzhou Fuzi, and there are two yellow beasts guarding it. There is water called the water of Hanzhu. There is a wet mountain to the west of the water. To the east of Shuidong was Mount Mu, and Yu attacked Mount Gonggong.”

This paragraph involves many things, including Buzhou Mountain and the Communist Party of China. I will write a separate chapter to explain it later, but I will just translate it here.

The meaning is also very simple: outside the northwest sea, in the wilderness, there is a broken mountain called Buzhou Fuzi. There are two yellow beasts guarding it. There is also a river called Hanshu Water. There is a Shishan Mountain to the west of this river and a Mushan Mountain to the east. Yu the Great conquered these mountains of the Gonggong Kingdom.

Two pieces of information are revealed here. One is the Buzhou Mountain area, both of which belong to the Communist State. The other is that Yu conquered the mountain here.

Whether it is ‘Yu attacked Yunyu Mountain’ or ‘Yu attacked Gonggongguo Mountain’, they actually have the same meaning as the previous ‘Yu led Jishi Mountain’.

It describes Dayu digging mountains and digging roads to dredge the Yellow River.

The Classic of Mountains and Seas describes how Gun stole the emperor’s soil to quell the floods.

The description of Yu is that he “attacked” mountains one after another.

That is to say: “Gun was impenetrable and blocked the water. He wanted to stop the flood, but how could manpower resist nature? In the end, it failed. However, Dayu knew well that blockage is worse than dredging, so he adopted the method of diversion through mountains. , vented the Yellow River and controlled the floods, and succeeded. ”

The above is the familiar story of Dayu’s flood control.

But is it really that simple? There are more details in Shan Hai Jing.

It’s not that Gun didn’t know that blocking is worse than sparing. “The Classic of Mountains and Seas: Great Wilderness Northern Classic” says: “There is Yushan. There is Gun who attacks the mountains of Chengzhou.”

It is clearly written here that Gun also ‘conquered’ some mountains.

Gun also knew how to dig roads through mountains and dredge floods. So why did he fail? But Yu succeeded?

Let me tell you three reasons.

First, lack of experience and limited ability.

Although Gun also carved mountains and roads, he was a pioneer. Perhaps no one had done this before him. The most difficult thing was the first person.

Just like the abolition of Chinese characters, those who advocate it are all pioneers of new culture. In order to find a way out for the country, they opened up a way out of the situation amid confusion, chaos and external impact.

It is very normal to have many mistakes and mistakes.

There are so many mountain ranges and river systems recorded in the Classic of Mountains. Were they all compiled by Yu? Not necessarily, but rather the experience accumulated by his family over the generations.

Qin Shihuang unified the six kingdoms and was also a survivor of the sixth generation. After six successive generations of wise kings, Ying Zheng finally received the great credit. But 80% of this credit must be counted starting from Qin Xiaogong and accumulated from generation to generation.

Every generation has its contribution to water control, and Yu was just the last person to complete the puzzle.

This is also the reason why Shun trusted Yu and left the water control to his family. Their family had been doing water control for generations and they were a well-known family in water control.

Even though Gun was a big failure, Shun probably knew that Gun’s death was a bit unfair.

Gun failed to control the Yellow River due to various reasons. Gun himself knew it, and he knew it well, so he ‘stealed the emperor to restore the soil and annihilate the flood’.

This word “stealing” is very essence. It was premeditated. If the flood had already arrived, he would not have time to steal.

In other words, after Gun Yitong’s operation, he could see that the Yellow River was about to break its banks due to heavy rains during the flood season. Of course, it’s not too early, about one to half a day ahead of schedule.

He knew that his operation of digging mountains and roads to release floods would fail. He knew that a big flood was coming soon. He had no choice but to steal soil to block it in a last-ditch effort. It was too late.

“The Classic of Mountains and Seas”: “The floods were monstrous, and Gun stole the emperor’s land and mounded the floods without waiting for the emperor’s orders. The emperor ordered Zhu Rong to kill Gun in the suburbs of Yu. Gun resurrected Yu, and the emperor ordered Yu to spread the soil to conquer Jiuzhou. ”

So what exactly is Xi soil?

Legend has it that resting soil is soil that can grow on its own. Gao Yu’s annotation of the Eastern Han Dynasty said: “The resting soil is not consumed or reduced, and the benefits are more when dug, so it is used to fill floods.”

This annotation has misled people for nearly two thousand years, directly adding a mythical color to Gun and Yu’s flood control. It also adds a great innate spiritual treasure to the modern prehistoric novels.

I don’t know if you still remember this person, this Gao Yuan, who also annotated ‘Chang’e, Yi’s wife’ and issued marriage certificates to two ancient figures.

In other words, of his two annotations, one sets up the mythical object such as Xirang, and the other opens up the love story of Chang’e and Houyi.


So, in the Jin Dynasty, Guo Pu wrote annotations: “Those who rest on the soil say that the soil will grow and rest indefinitely, so it can stop floods.”

Do they really not know what Xi soil is? Maybe they were just trying to uncanny the ancient figures.

“Shuowen”: soil is soft soil.

“Lun Heng · Su Xing”: Plow deeply and **** carefully, and add manure thickly.

“Shi Ming·Shi Di” written by Liu Xi of the Eastern Han Dynasty said: Soil means soil, and it is fat and moist.

In the Southern Liang Dynasty, King Gu Ye’s “Yupian” said: The slow fertilization of the earth is called soil.

In other words, fertile and gentle land is called ‘soil’.

You should have heard of Zheng Xuan during the Three Kingdoms period. He was a great scholar of Confucian classics. He commented on Zhou Li: “Soil is also soil, and it changes to the ear. When all things grow by themselves, it is soil. Earth is just like spit. It is cultivated by people. If you are good at planting trees, you can talk about the gentle appearance of the soil.”

I won’t translate it and tell you directly that soil is the name of a specific kind of soil.

The land where grass and flowers grow in the wild is called soil. The soil that can be used to cultivate crops is called soil.

It just means arable land. Crops grow on the soil, and the areas divided into pieces are called fields.

Then what is interest?

There’s nothing much to say about this. Breathing is the incoming and outgoing breath.

So the meaning of “xi soil” in Gun and Yu’s control of water has been extended to the breathing soil. It is alive and can grow, which is the so-called “soil grows and breathes infinitely”.

So, what does Xi soil mean?

The Western Han Dynasty’s “Huainanzi Terrain Training” records: “Each land is born according to its kind… Light soil is more beneficial, heavy soil is more late… Therefore, people with strong soil are strong, and people with weak soil are weak. People with strong soil are big, and people with sandy soil are strong. Fine. People who live in the soil are beautiful, and people who consume the soil are ugly.”

To put it superficially, it means that the soil and water support the people. People on light soil are agile, people on heavy soil are slow, people on solid soil are strong, people on weak soil are weak, people on rough soil are tall, people on sandy soil are short, people on restful soil are beautiful, and they consume soil. The people on there are ugly.

I won’t translate them all for you, because comparing them two by two, they are actually the difference between hardness and softness, and strength.

Heavy soil, hard soil, loin soil, and waste soil respectively refer to heavy, hard, black, and cracked soil.

And light soil, weak soil, sandy soil, and resting soil refer to light, loose, gravel, and fertile soil respectively.

Xi soil is excellent soil.

In the “Nine Chapters of Arithmetic” in the early Eastern Han Dynasty, a question was written: “Today there is a ground with an area of ​​10,000 feet. What is the geometry of the solid soil?”

A very simple application question, “The answer is: seven thousand five hundred feet for solidity, twelve thousand five hundred feet for soil.”

Why? “The technique says: penetrate the ground four times, make five soils, make three strong parts, and make four ruins.”

Because the volume of ordinary land is four, then the volume of soil is five, the volume of compacted soil is three, and the volume of soil in Qiuxi is also four.

Penetrating ground is an ordinary ground, and any piece of land in the wild is basically passing through ground. As the name suggests, Xutu is the soil of Qiuxi. In fact, it is ordinary soil because it has not been plowed and irrigated.

“Nine Chapters on Arithmetic Notes”, “Soil refers to resting soil, and solid refers to building soil.”

Building earth is rammed earth, used to build earth and build embankments and the like.

This is to introduce a ratio. With the same mass, the volume of compacted soil is three-fifths of soil. The volume of ordinary soil and ruins soil is four-fifths of soil.

Soil is very soft soil with very low density, which is cultivated and irrigated by humans.

In other words, the soil is the softest, most fertile and sweetest land.

‘Soil is called resting soil’. The resting soil is already so soft and fertile that it seems like it can breathe. The ancients praised that people who live in the resting soil will be very beautiful.

So how fertile is the combination of the two words “xi” and “soil”?

The three levels of soil, resting soil, and resting soil are actually inferior soil, superior soil, and super experimental field soil.

It can be imagined that it has been specially irrigated and fertilized, plowed repeatedly, filled with nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium, and is full of golden garbage. It is probably the soil of the emperor’s garden, the soil of the emperor’s village. Therefore, it is called the Emperor’s Breathing Land.

After interpreting so much, you can directly think that the soil was the most precious, fertile and top-grade soil at that time.

For a long time, the ancients have known what fertile soil is. It is just the soil of the Emperor’s Garden, the most fertile soil in the world.

In the experimental fields of Professor Yuan, the father of hybrid rice, we use ‘Xi soil’.

It’s just that the name Xi soil has no longer been used since ancient times, and gradually changed to refer specifically to the soil that Gun stole. Later people only regarded Xi soil as the highest level, and there was no such level as Xi soil. divide.

That’s why we can give people like Gao You the space to perform and deify Xi soil.

To sum up, let’s look at the “Book of Mountains and Seas” again: “The floods were raging, and Gun stole the emperor’s land and mounded the floods without waiting for the emperor’s orders. The emperor ordered Zhu Rong to kill Gun in the suburbs of Yu. Gun resurrected Yu, and the emperor ordered Yu to die. Earth determines the nine states.”

We then knew that Gun had stolen the soil from the Emperor’s Garden and used it to block the flood…

This is equivalent to when there was a flood in my house in 1993, I stole the soil from Professor Yuan’s experimental field, packed it in sacks, and threw it into the flood.

The soil must be at a high place, where floods cannot reach it. Otherwise, in that era, it would have been washed away long ago. Even if the flood comes, it will not be used as a crime.

Let’s not talk about right and wrong. In ancient times, the act of digging soil to fill floods must have been a death-defying act.

This is indeed the case. Gun was detained to the outskirts of Yushan and then executed by Zhu Rongming Zhengdian, sent by the emperor.

So who is this emperor? Why did Gun seek death so much that he went to fill up the flood with soil? Don’t you know you will die if you do this? Why not wait for the emperor’s order?

Except for the Classic of Mountains and Seas, the earliest record of Gun was the Shangshu of the Eastern Zhou Dynasty, compiled by Confucius.

It takes up too many words and is very obscure, so I won’t post the original text. This content is also recorded in “Historical Records”, which is a complete inheritance of Yao Canon and some additions. The organizer is Sima Qian.

I will integrate Shangshu and Shiji and directly translate the Confucian saying.

The main idea is: The flood is raging, and the people are calling for a solution. Emperor Yao asks everyone who should be sent to control the flood and hold the position of ‘engineer’.

The master craftsman is the leader of all craftsmen. You can understand him as the highest officer of the craftsmen. Flood control must be the task of craftsmen, so the engineer was appointed as the governor of flood control.

The Hudou clan recommended the Gonggong clan for the job. At this time, the Hudou clan was not yet a member of the Four Sins. But I’m not sure whether they are from the lineage of Yao’s son Danzhu, so let’s just regard them as Yao’s closest people.

As for recommending Gonggong, Yao directly said no.

Emperor Yao commented that Gonggong’s rhetoric was both flattering and disrespectful. He appeared to be respectful, but in fact he was disrespectful to God. Original text (Quiet words are mediocre, Xiang Gong is overwhelming).

But Hu Dou said to give it a try, there was no other choice.

So Emperor Yao asked Gonggong to try it, and the result was that ‘it failed to work, so the people were inconvenienced’.

Then Emperor Yao asked the four mountains again. The four mountains are the military and political ministers of the four regions of southeast, northwest and northwest. Let’s consider them as the four governors. Emperor Yao himself directly governed the central part, which is the “China” region.

All the four mountains recommended Gun to control the floods, but Emperor Yao said no. The reason was that Gun was a member of the Fang Minggu tribe.

Fang Ming means disobeying orders. The meaning of “宮 tribe” is to harm the tribesmen.

Siyue also said that he should try it, and Emperor Yao agreed.

The result of the test is “nine years, the results are useless”, nine years of hard work are in vain.

After that, Sanmiao happened to be rebelling as well, so Liu Gonggong worked in Youling to subvert Beidi. Let Huan travel to Chongshan to transform the southern barbarians. Move Sanmiao to Sanwei to transform Xirong. Kill Gun in Yushan to convert Dongyi. ’

In Confucianism, the four sins are formed. Note that this is the reason for the four sins in historical records, not reality.

I wonder, isn’t this a passing of the blame? Gonggong was charged with four crimes because he failed to control floods? Huandou was charged with four crimes because he recommended and guaranteed Gonggong. Is he guilty of the same crime? Needless to say, the three seedlings, the descendants of Chi You, have never been fully integrated and often make troubles. Gun was convicted four times, and according to historical records, it was only because he had failed to do anything for nine years.

Sima Qian, a senior black man, isn’t this incompetent and furious…

Above, there are many classical Chinese texts that I have not posted. They come from “Shangshu” and “Historical Records”.

In this regard, my evaluation is… without a doubt, made up.

The dialogue between ancient people, later people knew it was a hammer!

But we can work backwards. Sima Qian basically copied the Shangshu, but in the Shangshu compiled by Confucius, there were no specific reasons for the four sins of exile. They only talked about recommendations, giving it a try, and it was all in vain.

Among them, the evaluation of Emperor Yao and Gun was the earliest evaluation of Gun.

“Fang Mingguo tribe”, this evaluation is very interesting, disobeying orders and endangering the tribe.

This just confirms the saying in the Classic of Mountains and Seas, “Don’t wait for the emperor’s order.”

So for any other dialogue, just listen to it for fun, it is for reference only. But we can agree with the evaluation of ‘Fang Ming’, because it is also written in the Classic of Mountains and Seas.

In other words, in the eyes of people in the Spring and Autumn Period, Emperor Yao disliked Gun very much and thought that Gun was a person who liked and disobeyed his orders.

If you don’t obey the leadership’s orders, how can the leader entrust you with important responsibilities? Therefore, Emperor Yao did not want Gun to control the floods.

But the four mountains all recommended Gun and asked him to try it, so Emperor Yao reluctantly asked Gun to control the flood. After all, the flood was raging.

We can imagine that how could Emperor Yao fully support a candidate he did not want?

As for how Gun died, Qu Yuan mentioned it in “Li Sao”: “Gun was dying, but he finally died in the wilderness of feathers.”

Nu, stubborn and stubborn, disobeying.

Sure, this doesn’t need to be translated, right? It means not bent, and by extension means straight.

I am a straight-tempered person, I just do whatever I think I should do. I don’t want what you think, I want what I think.

Being straight means stubbornly contradicting, being tactless, being strong and forthright, and not turning around.

The meaning of Qu Yuan’s words is very clear: Gun died because of his “uprightness”, and his body was eventually buried in the wilderness of Yushan.

This also corresponds to what is said in “The Classic of Mountains and Seas”: “Don’t wait for the emperor’s order. The emperor ordered Zhu Rong to kill Gun in Yujiao.”

Again, we take the Classic of Mountains and Seas as the standard. Although “Shangshu” and “Lisao” are documents from the Eastern Zhou Dynasty, since there is no difference between this evaluation and the Classic of Mountains and Seas, it means that Gun in the pre-Qin period, everyone also Everyone knows what kind of person he is.

Confucius had political goals, so he wrote that Gun ‘disobeyed orders’, and more than that, he added ‘endangering his tribe’. As expected, the entire clan was exiled later, which shows that Emperor Yao knew people well. Confucius wanted to set off Emperor Yao.

Qu Yuan did not have this position. He was the one who wrote “Tianwen”, and he had a lot of confusion and even doubts about some mysterious and suspicious ancient times.

Qu Yuan did not question Gun’s character directly, directly commenting that he died because he was upright and refused to turn around.

We can think that this has high credibility, especially when it corresponds to the Classic of Mountains and Seas.

So, seeing this, I think you have sorted out the original history.

Combining all the clues I interpreted above, I already understand how Gun died.

He has an upright temperament and is stubborn. Emperor Yao disliked him very much because Gun was always stubborn and would not obey his orders.

The whole world belongs to Emperor Yao. He opened up a wide range of channels and everyone can make recommendations and suggestions. However, the person who ultimately gives the order must be Emperor Yao.

And what about Gun? Without any brains, as long as his suggestion was not accepted by Emperor Yao, Gun would do it directly without waiting for Emperor Yao’s order.

It’s strange that Emperor Yao was willing to let him lead hundreds of workers for this kind of person. His emotional intelligence is too low and his political consciousness is zero.

It can be imagined that Gun’s flood control was very difficult, and it was impossible for Emperor Yao to fully support him.

Without the support of leaders and superiors, without the green light from all aspects, there may even be obstruction.

What achievements can be achieved just by going about it like an orphan?

After nine years, Gun had a theory of using both blocking and combing, but the degree of completion was too low.

The Yellow River is still overflowing. The Yellow River always overflows. Gun has already anticipated the coming floods. The dams will not be able to support them for long. A small burst of water will soon turn into countless large torrents, and the people downstream will be plunged into a torrent. In the flood.

In this regard, he could only keep reinforcing the dikes and filling the water with soil. He was already crazy. He was so crazy that he didn’t care about the soil of the emperor’s garden or the royal estate. The Yellow River was dug and filled in the same way!

In front of the flood, all assets are unimportant, only human life is as important as the sky.

In the end, I don’t know whether he blocked the flood.

Maybe he just delayed for a moment to buy time for everyone to evacuate. Let everyone escape to high places, mountains and hills, to avoid floods.

“Huainanzi”: “The Yangtze and the Huaihe River flow everywhere, and the sea is full of water. The people all go to Qiuling and go to the trees.”

In this regard, Gun was burdened with a huge crime. This crime was not that he failed to control the floods and that his achievements were in vain.

Rather, ‘Gun stole the emperor’s resting soil and flooded it without waiting for the emperor’s order. The emperor ordered Zhurong to kill Gun in Yujiao. ’

Not only was there no merit, but there were faults. He took the Emperor’s Breathing Soil to fill the flood! capital offense!

Kill and exile the entire clan!

Does Gun not know what a sin it is to dig up soil?

If the flood had only flooded houses and fields, Emperor Yao would not have gone hungry. Many people might have died, but it was a natural disaster after all. However, Xirang Manor, which was used for flood control in the highlands, was also destroyed. With so many people still alive, everyone would be hungry! This is a man-made disaster.

During natural disasters, he only failed to control the floods. He spent nine years without success, and at most he was exiled. If a man-made disaster occurs, it is to steal the emperor’s soil and not wait for the emperor’s orders, which is a death penalty.

Gun chose the death penalty and chose to save as many people as possible. Maybe he didn’t save too many people, maybe he really saved a lot of people.

The soil can be regenerated if it is gone, but people will not be resurrected after death.

People have hope while they are alive. Gun could die, but he kept his hope.

He was just a pioneer. He explored ways to conquer the Yellow River. He knew how to use both blocking and dredging. Although he was not supported by Emperor Yao, he tried his best to do it despite the difficulties.

Perhaps he made many mistakes in water control, and even because of his stubbornness and stubbornness, he failed to achieve success for nine years.

But the pioneers fought their way through the thorns and thorns, and found their way out of the wilderness. The most difficult thing is the first person.

All his mistakes have another name: experience.

Gun may have expected that he would fail, so in the end he just wanted to save more people. Life is hope, and this hope will eventually bear fruit, waiting for the person who truly conquers the Yellow River.

He may not have thought that that person was his son.

All the failures of the pioneers are just to put together the jigsaw puzzle that the times have given him, so failure is the mother of success. The latecomers are better than the predecessors, just because they stand on the shoulders of the predecessors, and the times are moving forward.

The wheel of history is rolling forward. The so-called Son of Destiny is nothing more than the final gathering of blood from the sacrifices of countless ancestors. It’s just the puzzle of the times, and the last piece has finally arrived.

Qin Shihuang was like this, and so was Dayu.

The important task of flood control finally fell on Si Wenming.

Just like his name, Wen Ming.

This name was a cheap name at the time, but in our opinion, it is really wonderful.

Maybe it was just because Emperor Yao used tattoos and inscriptions on his young successor Dayu to warn Gun’s descendants that they should obey the emperor’s orders because Gun violated the emperor’s orders!

Because he had such tattoos on his body, Dayu was called “Wen Ming”.

Or perhaps, this is what the elders of the Gun clan carved on Dayu’s body with their own hands, to make him remember: The important task of revitalizing the family rests on you. Named ‘Wen Ming’.

What’s more, Dayu’s real name is not this. Perhaps it was just later generations who thought that Dayu was a man imprinted with the destiny of heaven and was called “Wenming”.

In any case, benevolence sees benevolence and wisdom sees wisdom.

“…Gun resurrected Yu, and the emperor ordered Yu’s soldiers to spread the soil to establish the Jiuzhou.”

生 means derivative. Huangdi begat Luo Ming, Luo Ming begat a white horse, the white horse was Gun, and Gun resurrected Yu.

Baima, a criminal tribe, was driven to the edge of the Yanhuang civilization circle and became a barbarian.

But Yu did not forget the legacy of his fathers, nor did he slack off.

Failure is the mother of success. He worked hard to ponder the information left by his ancestors and perfected the theory of water control using both blocking and dredging.

And in the end, there came Shun who could see into people’s hearts, was extremely knowledgeable, and was good at using people, so much so that future generations suspected that he was a time traveler. (For details, see the previous extra chapter about the routines of ancient emperors)

In the Book of Mountains and Seas, although the emperor who killed Gun and the emperor who used Yu were both written with the word “emperor”, they did not specify who they were.

But I think that if it was Yao who killed Gun, then it could not be Yao who reused Yu.

Exile the entire clan and then slap yourself in the face? Even so, it was Yao who entrusted Shun with the task of controlling floods.

Shun had extremely high emotional intelligence, so he promoted Yu in the name of Emperor Tuo.

I even think that after Shun succeeded to the throne, he activated the grown-up Yu, discerned Yu’s talents and character, made an exception, promoted him, and entrusted him with important tasks.

Shun was such a wise man who had insight into people’s hearts.

He completely understood Yu. Like Gun, he was an extremely pragmatic person.

Yu had been controlling floods for decades and encountered countless difficulties.

And these decades have been during Shun’s term. Without Shun’s full support behind it, it would have been impossible to succeed. Therefore, the person who valued Yu was definitely Shun. Shun also had the ability to recognize and employ people.

The failure of Gun and the success of Yu were not only due to the gap in experience, but also, in my opinion, to whether the emperor fully supported and trusted them.

“Yu led the stone-strewn mountains”, “Yu attacked Yunyu Mountain”, “Yu attacked Gonggongguo Mountain”.

Guidance and attack, just one word difference, may be completely different processes.

Jishishan is also located in a remote area. No one has lived there for a long time, so it is just a ‘guide’.

As for Yunyu Mountain and Gonggongguo Mountain, they are obviously within the actual control of the major clans and are inhabited.

Does the attack here really mean no fighting?

Celling someone else’s mountain on someone else’s chassis, is there no conflict at all?

Flood discharge and diversion will inundate residential areas, which will have to be relocated.

I am afraid it is not that simple to open other people’s mountains and move other people’s people. With modern organization, it is very difficult. In that era, great conflicts and social contradictions will inevitably break out.

It is normal for soldiers to meet each other.

But obviously, Shun supported Yu very much. Only with this man of extremely high emotional intelligence, who rose to prominence from a young age and became an emperor, endorsed Yu, and acted as his solid backing, could Yu succeed.

Gun attacked Yushan and Chengzhou Mountains, but failed in the end.

Then Yu attacked Yunyu Mountain and various mountains in the Gonggong Kingdom. What was the result?

The Book of Mountains and Seas: “The Gong Gong minister is named Xiang Yao, and he has a nine-headed snake body that rings around itself and feeds on the nine soils. The place where he lives is the source of water. If it is not hard, it is bitter, and no beast can live there. Yu destroyed the floods and killed Xiang Yao. The land was so full of water that it was uninhabitable, and the three rivers and rivers were called ponds, and the emperors thought they were in the north of Kunlun. ”

Xiang Yao is a vassal of the Gonggong clan, and his totem is a nine-headed snake body with a self-ring. Wow, this totem is super shocking, much more handsome than the Marvel Hydra icon. Is Xiang Yao an ancient Hydra organization?

Just kidding, in short, this Xiang Yao family is very powerful. It will swallow up a lot of land. Its vomit will turn the land into streams and swamps. The water above is all bitter, probably sewage, and the animals can’t do anything about it. Survive.

Yu blocked the flood and destroyed Xiang Yao. The blood smelled like a wolf, polluting the land and preventing plants from growing.

That area was a swamp with a lot of water and was uninhabitable. Yu filled it with soil and dug away the rotten and contaminated soil, but it was still a swamp, and the good soil he filled in was also contaminated.

Finally, Yu piled the excavated mud into a platform, which is the Qundi Platform, located in the north of Kunlun.

This platform is probably the “Emperor Ku Platform, Emperor Yaotai, Emperor Danzhu Platform, and Emperor Shuntai” written in the Classic of Mountains and Seas.

In fact, Yu still has some emotional intelligence… Although he is as pragmatic as his father, he is not stupid, and his relationship with Shun is very good. The establishment of a purely hereditary dynasty later also demonstrated his political wisdom.

In short, this passage records the troubles Yu encountered during his flood control and dredging of mountains and rivers.

The attack on Gonggong Mountain did not go well. The Gonggong family did not want to move again or the mountain was dug up, so they met Yu directly.

In this regard, “Huainanzi” also has similar records.

“At the time of Shun, Gonggong raised the floods and thinned the sky with mulberries. The Dragon Gate had not been opened, Luliang had not yet emerged, the Yangtze and Huaihe Rivers were flowing everywhere, and the sea was full of water. All the people went to Qiu Ling and went to the trees.”

Yes, according to this meaning, the flood is Gonggong’s fault?

In fact, it is obvious that Gonggong probably just had a conflict with Yu and was unwilling to cooperate. He just had a fight with Yu.

Gonggongshi Let me briefly explain here. The word “Gong” is written in oracle bone inscriptions as carrying a square object with both hands, which means cooperation with both hands. The word “Gong” in Oracle Bone Inscriptions is written with “Gong” at the top and “口” below. The shape of “Gong” is a wood-cutting tool such as an adze, so the word “Gong” in Oracle Bone Inscriptions means using tools such as an adze to repair things, or Craftsmen who carry out such activities. It can be seen that the meaning of the word “Gonggong” is to cooperate to complete a complex thing.

This matter is to build water conservancy. Some people have verified that the Gonggong clan is a tribe good at organizing manpower to control floods. They leveled the highlands and filled the lowlands with higher ones. Build embankments in upstream waters.

Actually, it is a reservoir.

However, their engineering capabilities are obviously limited, and the reservoir cannot be stored forever, so diversion measures must be taken.

Don’t doubt the wisdom of the ancients. We have excavated primitive reservoirs in the ruins of Liangzhu Ancient City seven thousand years ago, which can store floods and waterproof. It is the world’s earliest water conservancy project and has been applied for a world cultural heritage.

Gonggong was good at this. Because he always discharged floods or caused the reservoir to burst due to mistakes, Gonggong was passed down as the water **** by later generations. It was also said that he had a fierce temperament and often used floods to harm people. Here’s why.

Gonggong himself must have been responsible for this, and he probably deliberately exploited people’s fear of floods to threaten surrounding tribes.

Shan Hai Jing: “There is a mountain connected to Kun, and there is a platform of Gonggong. Shooters dare not shoot north, fearing the platform of Gonggong. The platform is to the east. On all sides of the platform, there is a snake in the corner, with a tiger color, and the first shot is South.”

To translate, it means that there is a Gonggong Tower. Others dare not shoot arrows to the north because they are afraid of the Gonggong Tower. The platform is located to the east of Kunshan Mountain and is square in shape. On the south side (painted) is a snake with tiger-colored markings.

I thought that the tiger-colored snake might be a dragon-relief gate in a reservoir, or a decoration on the spillway.

The gate that releases floods is called a gantry.

As a vassal of the Gonggong clan, Xiangyao obviously has a similar reservoir, which is located at a high place. As long as the gate is opened, the sewage will be ‘vomited’, so the good land will turn into a swamp, and it will still smell fishy. It’s just that his totem, or the decoration on the gate, is a self-ringed hydra.

Because Yu wanted to open up mountains and move them, Xiang Yao was very dissatisfied. Gong Gong also wanted to weigh Shun’s ability to see if he was worthy of being emperor. If Shun, like Yao, did not support flood control, then Yu Don’t even think about driving their mountain!

So the two sides clashed and even had a war.

During the war, Xiang Yao directly attacked water and opened reservoirs to release sewage. The sewage was probably long-term domestic sewage and may be rich in minerals. It directly flooded the land in the war area into saline-alkali land, and it was also a severely disaster area. , so grains cannot grow.

Friends who have experienced floods know that floods are very dirty because they turn up all kinds of dirty things in the ground, as well as all kinds of filthy sludge.

If the reservoir is already dirty, has been stagnant water for a long time, and contains all kinds of domestic garbage, then it is completely okay for the flooded land to turn directly into a smelly swamp once the flood is released.

However, although Gonggong could play with water, Yu’s family background was also unusual. Gun and even Gun’s ancestors also passed down a method of controlling water. Moreover, it is an advanced technology that uses both blocking and sparing, which is more powerful than the old-era technology like Gonggong’s.

Coupled with Shun’s strong support, he contained the Gonggong clan and served as a solid backing for Dayu.

So Yu won this battle. Not only that, Shun also successfully pacified the Gonggong clan and solved this long-standing big trouble.

Shang Shu records that Shun’s achievement was to vindicate the four sins. Gonggong is one of the four sins.

Shun defeated Gonggong, and as for the Gun tribe among the four sins, he surrendered with gentle means. After the surrender, he also reused Yu from the Gun tribe and took it for his own use.

So the Zhou Dynasty literature said that Shun was convicted of four crimes, which is probably true. At least the Classic of Mountains and Seas contains clues that two of the crimes were convicted.

To sum up, after taking advantage of the Gonggong clan, Yu and Shun became compatible monarchs and ministers, and the entire Butu and Kyushu flood control plan was implemented more smoothly, and I am afraid there will be no big resistance in the future.

After stumbling and stumbling, two extremely capable men, Yu and Shun, finally accomplished this great feat and conquered the Yellow River.

During this period, Yu traveled around the country, traveled all over the mountains and rivers, and wrote the Lianshan Jing, which is the “Shan Jing” in the “Shan Hai Jing”.

The Shan Jing is rigorous, while the Hai Jing is obviously scattered. It is a collection of sayings from various places. It may be a combination of a few ancient written records guarded by various tribes.

Later, Boyi, an important minister of Yu, followed and added Yu’s own deeds, with pictures and texts, to form the Classic of Mountains and Seas, which served as the inheritance of the Xia Dynasty.

This is the Classic of Mountains and Seas, written into a book for the first time.

This is also the reason why the orderliness of Shan Jing and Hai Jing is very different.

The Book of Mountains was written by Yu, while the Book of Seas was compiled by collecting classics from various countries and tribes.

So the format of the Shan Jing is unified, one mountain after another, rigorous and detailed. Hai Jing is more scattered, and the timeline jumps around a lot, from the Yellow Emperor’s era to the Black Emperor’s era to Shaohao’s side.

The execution ability is also much worse. Yu had to control floods again and was busy everywhere. It was impossible to go overseas. The overseas part was recorded and circulated by people before Zhuanxu Jedi Tiantong.

As for how far overseas it is, what the level of technology was during the ancient Yellow Emperor period, and whether there was a major setback after Jedi Tiantong, I can only talk about it later.

With eloquent words and eighteen thousand words, I barely finished talking about Yu.

To summarize.

The myth of Dayu’s flood control is too biased. Everyone only praises the successful ones, but forgets the failed pioneers.

Before the pre-Qin Dynasty, Gun and Yu were still called to control the floods. After the Wei and Jin Dynasties, they became Dayu to control the floods and were completely deified. Even because Gun died in the end “stealing the emperor’s soil to annihilate the floods”, the content of the legend became Gun only knew how to block, but not how to comb. Dayu knew how to dredge rivers, so he successfully controlled the floods.

So that the original flood control by Gun and Yu became the flood control by Dayu.

Gun, who was originally burdened with charges and died in infamy, became a backdrop for his descendants.

But after reading the Classic of Mountains and Seas, we know that the truth is that Yu stood on the shoulders of his fathers, and Gun already had the theory of blocking and sparing, but the resistance was too great and he failed in the end.

He is a loser and a pioneer. Under historical materialism, Gun completed his mission of the times, and Yu also completed his mission of the times, and that was that.

The ancestors overcame thorns and thorns, just to reproduce for future generations. The essence of the superiority of future generations over their predecessors is the sacrifice and foundation laid by their predecessors.

Without Qin Xiaogong and Shang Yang’s reform, without Qin Huiwen’s alliance to defeat the vertical, without Qin Wu’s alliance with Yue to conquer Chu, without Qin Zhaoxiang’s king whale to eat up, the Changping battle shattered the national destiny of Zhao, and there would be no Qin Shihuang to dominate the world.

Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty attacked the Xiongnu in the north, and his contribution was due to Wenjing. The prosperity of the Tang Dynasty began with the Sui Dynasty. Qingping in Zhao Song Dynasty originated from Guo Chai.

The end of the containment era by Black Emperor is the sacrifice of past presidents, the mission of past containment organizations, the rebellion of past ancestors, and the continuation of past rebels.

Dayu conquered the Yellow River and succeeded Gun. He spread his territory over nine states and relied on Shun for his strength.

Shun started at a young age, and no one showed more kindness than Yao. Yao received Zen from his elder brother, and the destiny revolution came from Zhuanxu. Zhuanxu was extremely powerful, but Nairu and Shaohao abandoned his qin. Shao Hao’s virtue is in Yixia, and his youth is all inherited from Yan and Huang.

One of the five emperors should be Dayu. No matter whether the world can admit their existence or not, the legend of Gun and Yu’s flood control cannot be covered up.

This article has no novel ideas, only rich history.

There are too many words, I hope someone can read this completely.



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