Blue and White Society Chapter 979: The Supreme Ghost

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When Mo Qiong heard the other party say he didn’t know, he was shocked at first, and then relieved.

There is no such thing as omniscience. Everything is actually relative. The only certain truth in the world is that the unknown is infinite.

It seems that this contained object does not know everything. It is just a “knowledgeable” contained object.

“It is quite appropriate to call it the Heavenly Book. Its information does not exist at all in the endless dimensions. I cannot tell you what it is.” Shangqing said.

Mo Qiong didn’t care. It was better to have unknowns, which showed that there were limits to the Sanqing’s contained objects.

So he immediately asked the question he was most concerned about: “What is the method to end all contained objects and make them disappear and cease to exist?”

“I don’t know.” Shangqing said without hesitation.

“…” Mo Qiong was stunned. This was the answer he never expected.

Don’t know? Sanqing actually said he didn’t know? Didn’t Kelon say that the ultimate containment measure would be for the Blue and White Society to disappear? If the Blue and White Society completely disappears, all contained objects will also completely disappear.

Although Kelon has never communicated with Sanqing, this is what the fourth generation president told Kelon.

In order to verify this statement, Kelon did not hesitate to endure hundreds of millions of years of suffering, and realized the same answer with golden apples.

Now, Sanqing actually says he doesn’t know?

“How could you not know? If all members of the Blue and White Society are destroyed and can never be resurrected, what will happen to the contained objects?” Mo Qiong said.

“I don’t know.” Shangqing smiled.

“Why don’t you know all the questions?” Mo Qiong frowned.

He was speechless. Shangqing didn’t even know the answer to three questions in a row!

“My friend, what is your definition of a contained object?” Shangqing said with a smile.

Mo Qiong said: “Things with absolute characteristics include but are not limited to substances, scenes, language, culture, concepts…”

“Everything in the universe, even the laws of nature, are not ‘absolute’. The natural laws of the universe are different at different times and in different regions. But the contained objects are different. Their absolute characteristics are independent and independent. Change, overriding the laws of nature, human beings cannot use certain principles to make them like machines.”

Shangqing smiled and said: “Then what is your definition of ending all contained objects?”

“Let this kind of thing disappear completely and never appear inexplicably again.” Mo Qiong said.

“What’s the limit?” Shangqing said.

Mo Qiong was startled and asked tentatively: “The entire multiverse?”

“In this case, the Blue and White Society in the entire multiverse can disappear. The contained objects in the entire multiverse will also disappear with it.” Shangqing said with a smile.

Mo Qiong was silent. He understood what Shangqing meant. Shangqing was guiding him to realize that information has no limit.

If you make the containment objects in the multiverse disappear, then you can make the Blue and White Society of this multiverse disappear.

This is the limit, simply put it is the range.

If a scope is not finalized, then the so-called ultimate containment measures will probably not exist.

If you think about it carefully, the measure Kelon once mentioned refers to the existence of an absolute characteristic in the universe itself. This characteristic determines that the Blue and White Society and the contained objects are bound to twins, and then only once the Blue and White Society If it is completely destroyed, the contained object will be completely destroyed.

But in fact, if you think about it carefully, isn’t this characteristic itself… also a kind of containment object? A universal characteristic of the universe similar to “those with nine senses can perceive root information in the mother universe”.

In fact, this is also a kind of containment object. According to the definition of Blue and White Society, this is a conceptual containment object!

This absolute characteristic like a universe setting determines that within the boundaries of a certain concept, or within a certain range, all contained objects have a common weakness, a common deletion button, like the “destruction of the Blue and White Society”.

Once it exceeds the jurisdictional limits, another absolute characteristic may emerge, such as tampering with material attributes, tampering with the characteristic of ‘Blue and White Society and Contained Object Twins’.

As a result, this so-called ‘ultimate containment measure’ was destroyed by the containment object.

Therefore, talking about ultimate containment measures without giving a limit is a hooliganism.

Ultimate, how ultimate is it?

“So unless a certain range is defined, there is no way to eliminate all contained objects…” Mo Qiong sighed.

“It’s ignorance, not non-existence.” Shangqing corrected again.

Mo Qiong’s eyes lit up, yes, what Sanqing always said was, I don’t know.

“Why don’t you know? How to know?” Mo Qiong asked.

Shangqing said: “Information is all-encompassing and has no definition. All descriptions of information are only limited descriptions. Information includes but is not limited to everything known and unknown, all fantasy and non-fantasy, everything imaginable and the unimaginable, all existence and non-existence, all possibility and impossibility, all probability and probability, all logic and the darkness of logic.”

“Even this definition is just the tip of the iceberg.”

“Possibility and impossibility are one of the infinite states of information. Theoretically, there is a way to make all contained objects cease to exist, but I don’t know this method.”

“I don’t know… who can know it.”

“This is the limitation of billions of sentient beings and the darkness of logic.”

Mo Qiong understood that information has no boundaries unless a boundary is defined for it. Information has no rules unless a rule is defined for it. And being able to define itself is actually something it allows.

As mentioned earlier, Mo Qiong believed that if the ultimate containment measures were not limited to a certain scope, it would be a hooliganism.

Actually, it’s just a hooliganism for humans.

As for the information itself, it is actually possible. It can be achieved in a certain way. There will really be no contained objects anymore. There are no boundaries and no scope. Contained objects with all ranges and boundaries will be lost. exist.

This method exists. Because information also contains all impossibilities.

And possibility and impossibility are just two states of information. It’s impossible, it doesn’t matter what people say.

Perhaps the information in a certain universe, or even a low-dimensional environment where a virtual character in a computer is located, can make everything above it, everything include it, and everything above it absolute characteristics, and can be eliminated with one click?

As long as the [information] is accepted as a whole, it is determined to be [correct]. Then it is possible to break through the so-called boundaries, and all imaginable and unimaginable places will be uniformly deleted.

Of course, this is just an example, but this is indeed what [information] can do.

So we can only say that we don’t know, but we cannot say that it does not exist.

Even if it does not exist temporarily, it does not exist forever.

For information, there is nothing impossible, only things that humans don’t know.

“So, the so-called ultimate containment measure is only a method under the multiverse. If there are contained objects outside the multiverse, this measure will not be able to control it, right?” Mo Qiong said.

“Of course, the person who set this feature is just to protect the bottom line of the Blue and White Society.” Shangqing said.

“Who?” Mo Qiong asked quickly.

“That little girl is dead. She was the second generation president of the Blue and White Society.” Shangqing said.

Mo Qiong was horrified, was the second generation president so terrifying?

“Don’t get me wrong, I’m referring to the Supreme Blue and White President, Qingfeng.” Shangqing smiled.

Mo Qiong’s pupils shrank, and there were indeed other Blue and White Clubs.

First of all, if the Blue and White Society is destroyed, then the contained objects will be destroyed. This characteristic is too weird.

Secondly, 60 million years ago, there was a member of the Blue and White Club in the mother universe. Although he died due to certain circumstances, he did not die completely, which in turn led to the coming of the era of containment.

All this means that the concept of Blue and White Society and contained objects has long existed.

“In my universe, the era of contained objects appeared because of the ultimate containment measures, right?” Mo Qiong asked.

“It is precisely because of the members of other dimensions who died in this universe that your Blue and White Club came into existence.” Shangqing said.

Mo Qiong sneered, seriously sarcastic.

First there were containment objects, then there was the Blue and White Society, and then a certain being from the Blue and White Society formulated the ultimate containment measures, and this characteristic led to the birth of the containment object in the mother universe where Mo Qiong was located.

Is there anything more ironic than this?

“This is also considered the ultimate containment measure? Why is it set that where there are Blue and White members, there are containment objects? Is this to suppress the containment objects, or to release the containment objects?” Mo Qiong said.

Shangqing said: “There is no need for any reason for the birth of containment objects. In the beginning, as long as a universe suddenly opens up life’s perception of information, then containment objects will be derived.”

Mo Qiong pondered, can life’s perception of information also generate containment objects?

It just so happens that the mother universe is a place where information perception is open, which is a setting that other universes do not have.

In other words, even if there is no Blue and White Society, containment objects will appear in the mother universe sooner or later.

“Who set this up?” Mo Qiong asked.

Shangqing was silent for a rare moment before saying: “Interface Origin Observer.”

“What is the interface?” Mo Qiong felt that he was particularly ignorant.

Shangqing said: “For you, maybe the multiverse is everything. But in fact, the entire multiverse can be regarded as ‘1’. It is just one of the endless dimensions. In the same way, the endless dimensions can Treat it as 1, top to bottom, plus some special areas. In short, everything I know can be regarded as 1. ”

Mo Qiong felt overwhelming pressure, but his firm belief was not shaken by the influence at all.

What Sanqing said may not be true. Even if it is true, so what?

Mo Qiong will not have any thoughts of shrinking back or looking up at the mountains, because he is meant to defeat the impossible enemy. There are mountains beyond the mountains. This is not worth fearing. On the contrary, it gives him hope. More room for thinking and operation.

It turns out that there are concepts such as dimensions and interfaces. Wherever human thinking reaches, there is nothing that cannot be used.

Mo Qiong did not panic but felt at ease, he was not surprised but happy, he was not afraid of challenges.

Shangqing continued: “The first one, who observes our interface and determines its settings, is the observer of the origin of the interface. Don’t ask who he is. He is the source of all evil and the beginning of all good. The first cause and effect.”

“He decided that most of the information in the interface is what it is now.”

Mo Qiong suddenly realized, isn’t this the ‘Tao’?

No, it is not Tao. He has self-awareness and subjective decision-making. This is…

“Heavenly ghost?” Mo Qiong did not expect that Mozi was right.

The Heavenly Ghost really exists, and he is the original cause and effect of the contained objects and the source of all evil.

Use observation to determine information, so that part of the information has an absolute setting, and then all contained objects are derived.

Shangqing smiled and said: “The theory of heavenly ghosts is quite appropriate. Just call it the highest heavenly ghost. According to your understanding of heavenly ghosts, there are many that match it. One universe can have another universe’s heavenly ghosts. , one dimension can also have a dimension of ghosts, and there are also beings who can tamper with information and create information in endless dimensions.”

“Today, the highest heavenly ghost that still exists in this interface is the original observer of the interface.”

Mo Qiong nodded. He originally thought that heavenly ghosts might not exist. Now it seems that the powers of ‘celestial ghosts’ and ‘information controllers’ that everyone from the ancient gods to the Mo family to the Little Brotherhood have been pursuing are actually in fact It exists.

And some people have already achieved it, and there are many of them.

Of course, the concept of a heavenly ghost is very general. If you can tamper with one aspect, you are also a heavenly ghost. If you can tamper with or even create information at will, you are also a heavenly ghost.

Even if a heavenly ghost has the highest control over his own universe, there is still a being above him that transcends dimensions.

And the observer of the origin of the interface is the highest heavenly ghost that surpasses all known frameworks.

All the contained objects, everything, are so unnatural today because he decided to appear.

“The source of all evil…” Mo Qiong realized, isn’t this the biggest enemy of the Blue and White Society?



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