Blue and White Society Chapter 979: Mr. Lan Da

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Mo Qiong asked: “The Qingfeng you said changed the birth conditions of the containment into the Blue and White Society in order to cover the original settings of the Supreme Heavenly Ghost?”

Shangqing said: “It is true that there is no perfect method in the world. This is the darkness of logic, so the best way Qingfeng can think of is to let himself decide the existence of the containment object.”

“Then isn’t she the same as the Supreme Heavenly Ghost? Why not just delete that characteristic?” Mo Qiong said.

Shangqing said: “The Supreme Heavenly Ghost, there is no known way to destroy him. Qingfeng cannot actually destroy the characteristics of Heavenly Ghost. The reason why he did it is because of the face of her teacher, the Heavenly Ghost retreated One step, a compromise.”

“As long as Tian Gui wants to, he can set up various reasons for the birth of contained objects. ‘Information openness perception’ is just one kind, and ‘Blue and White Club members exist’ is just another kind.”

“Even if Qingfeng doesn’t do this, the Heavenly Ghost will still let the contained object appear in the universe where it should appear. Without the ‘Blue and White Society’, the Heavenly Ghost will have other characteristics that make the contained object exist.”

“That’s why Qingfeng came up with the idea of ​​containing objects and twins from the Blue and White Society.”

“This is actually a compromise between Tiangui and Qingfeng, each taking a step back and making each other.”

Mo Qiong is clear, he understands the helplessness and purpose of this ultimate containment measure.

Qingfeng has reached the realm of Heavenly Ghost, and should be the Heavenly Ghost second only to the level of Observer of the Origin of the Interface.

But it’s not as good as it is. The ghost just wants to create a containment object. If one reason is blocked, he will create another reason.

Qingfeng deleted all the contained objects, and the ghost was able to make them appear again.

If there is a stalemate between the two, there will be no end.

As for Qingfeng, as a member of the Blue and White Club, since she cannot eliminate the opponent, the only thing she can do is to make it controllable!

This is a typical containment idea, and it is also the simplest one.

It cannot be destroyed, so it is controllable.

Does it have to be a container? Well, then let the containment object be born because of the Blue and White Society!

The two complement each other and contradict each other!

Even if the Supreme Heavenly Ghost bypasses Qingfeng’s settings, creates individual characteristics in a hidden universe, and inspires contained objects, it will also lead to the birth of the Blue and White Society.

Wherever there are contained objects, there must be a Blue and White Society.

But the existence of the Blue and White Society is to destroy contained objects. What if a contained object like the Queen appears and the Blue and White Society is destroyed?

It doesn’t matter. When the Blue and White Society is alive, it can fight against it. Even if it is defeated, this feature will delete all the contained objects in the universe, and the contained objects will also be destroyed.

As long as the ultimate containment measures exist, there will be no universe where contained objects appear without anyone taking care of them, and the Blue and White Society will also ‘win’ in the end.

Although it was a sure win at the same death, at least the goal was achieved.

“I see…” Mo Qiong’s eyes sparkled.

The highest sky ghost represents the contained object, and Qingfeng represents the Blue and White Society.

Both of them took a step back, and then such a weird and ultimate containment measure emerged.

It may seem imperfect, but in fact it is already the most perfect measure.

“Why does the Heavenly Ghost have to derive a containment object?” Mo Qiong asked.

Shangqing said without hesitation: “Fun.”

“Fuck!” Mo Qiong couldn’t help but curse.

Is it because of fun? It’s because of fun!

Is this the ghost? Subjectivity determines the rise and fall of all these things, and is truly the source of all evil.

The ghosts will not die, and they will not stop being contained!

“You mentioned Qingfeng’s teacher before? Who is he? Why are the ghosts afraid of him? What level has he reached?” Mo Qiong asked.

“I don’t know.” Shangqing sighed.

Mo Qian is speechless, this is the fourth time, this is the fourth time I don’t know the answer!

Seemingly aware of Mo Qiong’s speechlessness, Shangqing continued: “I can’t tell you his name, so you can call him ‘Mr. Lan Da’.”

“Is this person you are talking about strong?” Mo Qiong asked.

Shangqing said: “It’s not a matter of whether he is strong or not… He is the kind of existence that… I can’t describe to you.”

“Forget it… Anyway, according to the Heavenly Ghost, Mr. Lan Da has surpassed the Supreme Heavenly Ghost. How much he has surpassed, the Supreme Heavenly Ghost has become ignorant, unconscious and indescribable.”

“You don’t have to ask why he still allowed the Supreme Heavenly Ghost to do what he did. It’s just because Mr. Lan Da’s heart is no longer with the Heavenly Ghost. What Mr. Lan Da thinks is beyond our imagination. The Darkness of Logic.”

Mo Qiong asked: “What is the darkness of logic?”

Shangqing smiled and said: “Insects and ants have the logic of insects and ants, and humans have the logic of humans. All living beings have the logic of all living beings, and the universe has the logic of the universe. The logic itself is actually infinite.”

“There must be logic in the world that humans can’t think of. What can be thought of is called logic, and going against it is called anti-logic. If it is confused and deliberately does not correspond to reality, it is called illogical. In addition to the above, I can’t think of it anyway. Even if the existing logic is reversed, even if the logic is deliberately confused, the logic that is impossible to think of is called dark logic.”

“The so-called information depth has already been defined by someone. This is one of the [logics] that the information has been [identified] and [temporarily exists], not the [information] itself.”

“It originates from the logic of the Supreme Heavenly Ghost. If the Supreme Heavenly Ghost had not determined this, there might not be a ‘law’ such as information depth.”

Mo Qiong is clear, this is easy to understand.

Everything that humans can think of is in line with human logic. And other fantasies, that is, things that no one can imagine, all conform to some kind of dark logic.

Even if you deliberately make excuses and think of something that goes against human logic, it is also “anti-logical”. It is also something that humans can think of.

Even if we raise the issue further, deliberately make random thoughts, and make up a set of logic, it is just ‘illogical’. It is also within the realm of imagination.

Only true, completely unexpected logic that is neither logical, counter-logical, nor illogical can be called dark logic.

As we know, all thoughts and wisdom have limitations and hidden logic.

There may be some hidden logic that humans cannot think of, but some other races can think of it.

But even if taken together, there must be logic in the world that no sentient being can think of.

The highest heavenly ghost determines the containment objects and also determines the standard under the absolute contradictory comparison of information depth.

You can imagine how powerful his influence on information is.

And such a powerful ghost also has a dark logic that can never be thought of.

The truly supreme thing is not the ghosts of heaven.

It is [information].

Mo Qiong is not very afraid of ghosts, but he can only look forward to the [information] with excitement.

He stood up from his desk, walked to the window, and looked out the window at the Blue and White Society Headquarters Square.

The wind blows and the clouds move, there are flocks of seabirds, the waves gently lap, and the flowers and plants sway.

All of these are manifestations of infinite information.

Mo Qiong said quietly: “Therefore, it is impossible for human beings to understand the complete [information]. It is impossible for all living beings, not even the highest heavenly ghost. This is a limitation.”

“…Ha!” Shangqing laughed.

“…” Mo Qiong was speechless: “No, no, I was just saying… How can [information] be impossible? There is only the unknown. Impossibility is just what humans think. For information, everything is possible. ”

When asked about the ultimate containment measures earlier, Shangqing said he didn’t know, not that they didn’t exist.

Based on the depth of information, it is impossible to have ultimate containment measures.

But information depth is one-sided information, not [information].

The Supreme Heavenly Ghost himself who decided this point also had dark logic and unimaginable points.

So for [information], there is no impossibility, only ignorance.

Mo Qiong said: “In other words, in theory, there can be life without dark logic, knowledge, insight, control and creation of all information, and all possible and impossible, logic and dark logic, existence and non-existence, fantasy and non-existence The completely infinite body of fantasy [information]?”

Shangqing said: “Yes, this is information that contains everything, and it is destined. But infinity is infinity after all, and it controls a completely infinite body [information], unless there is infinite time…”

“Alas… Only with infinite time, infinite wisdom and infinite perseverance to explore the infinite unknown, can this existence be approximately equal to [information] itself.”

“Even so, the words cannot be said to be absolute. I am afraid that there must be some shortcomings. The shortcomings mean that it is not a full ‘one’, but still lacks the infinitesimal bit of [information].”

“Unless, there is another one to make up for that infinitesimal little bit.”

For the first time, Shangqing expressed emotion, and there seemed to be great awe in his words.

Mo Qiong nodded. If there is such a person, then the difference between him and [Information] is about 0.9999 infinite loop and ‘1’.

Chasing the “infinite unknown” with “infinite capacity” for “infinite time”, expressed in numbers, is an infinite loop of 0.9999.

[Information] itself is the ‘1’.

The two can be equal or not, but this is probably the limit of what life can do…

This is a method that humans can imagine, so this method must have shortcomings. What is missing in the end can only be solved by those who truly embark on this endless journey. It is no longer something that others can think of.

“Mr. Lan Da in your mouth has embarked on this road?”

“Wouldn’t infinite time be fruitless?” Mo Qiong exhaled. Just thinking about such a path makes him suffocate.

Shangqing said: “Not necessarily, everything is possible with [Information]. So there must be a theoretical way to successfully match [Information], but the method may be hidden in our logic.”

“But infinity, at least it contains it, so this endless journey may not always be fruitless. Perhaps during the journey, one day in the future, it will be comparable to [information]. In other words, [information] allows this His life is comparable to his own.”

After hearing this, Mo Qiong said with surprise: “Infinite time seems to have no end, but [information] since there is nothing impossible, then at some moment, maybe the people who take that road will be halfway through At a certain moment, he successfully matched [Information] and became an [Information Controller] at the 0.999 infinite loop level! ”

“This day may be in the very distant future, or it may be in the near future. So there is no real need to chase infinite time!”

Shangqing said: “Having said that, Mo Qiong, you still don’t understand the horror of this road.”

“Huh?” Mo Qiong was stunned.

Shangqing said: “The terrifying thing about the endless pursuit of the unknown is that those who embark on this road will never stop! From the beginning, those who embark on this road have the capacity to , it must be endless exploration itself.”

“Do you understand? There is no such thing as ‘I have surpassed the message itself’ or ‘I can stop’.”

“The goal is not to compete with [information], but to ‘infinite pursuit’.”

“Controlling [Information] itself may, in our opinion, be an end that he can never reach. But for him, it is just a part of the [Endless Pursuit]. Maybe one day, [Information] Let him reach it, but unfortunately, there is no end in the heart of that being, and he will continue to move forward.”

“Whether it is surpassing the highest heavenly ghost, or surpassing the highest heavenly ghost of the highest heavenly ghost, or reaching the 0.999 infinity of [information], or reaching 1 of [information]. These are just the scenery on the way. As for the terminal, It doesn’t exist in his mind.”

Mo Qiong was stunned for a moment and couldn’t help but say: “Fuck you.”

Insight and control of [information] itself.

No hidden logic, tampering with all information, reversing all possible and impossible, and creating all imaginable and unimaginable.

Isn’t this enough to make him stop?

Yes, the unknown is endless. Who can help him prove that he has truly controlled all [information]?

If he believes this, then he has ended his own way, and the end is at his feet. On the contrary, he can only pursue endlessly.

If the end point is at your feet, then don’t start from the beginning. Once you start, you can’t stop.



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